OpenStack APIs

This project (currently in a POC phase) serves 2 different purposes:

  • stores individual OpenAPI specs for the services (it feels more logical to have a central storage of specs to make it easier for the consumers to find them and to enforce certain spec rules, especially with OpenStack APIs being not very OpenAPI conform)

  • implement a Sphinx extension to render the specs into the HTML. Currently it does so in a style that is a mix of a Swagger style and old os-api-ref style for OpenStack.

OpenAPI specifics

Not all OpenStack APIs are fitting properly into the OpenAPI specification. In order still be able to provide the OpenAPI specs for those services certain decisions (workarounds) have been made


A concept of microversions in OpenStack is allowing using of different operation schema depending on the version header. This is not very well addressed by OpenAPI, but also a workaround for that is existing. Since OpenAPI bases on the JsonSchema 3.1 it is possible to use “oneOf” construct to describe different schemas. In order for the OpenStack tooling to be able to describe and recognize this properly a it is required to mark such schema with custom “x-” extension

        - $ref: #/components/schemas/foo_v1
        - $ref: #/components/schemas/foo_v21
        - $ref: #/components/schemas/foo_v220
        discriminator: microversion
      type: object
        - foo:
            type: string
        min-ver: 2.1
        max-ver: 2.19
      type: object
        - foo:
            type: string
        min-ver: 2.20


min-ver and max-ver properties are having the same meaning as in the services: starting with which microversion the schema has been added and till which microversion it eventually is valid


Minority of OpenStack services (but in the most widely used places) have a concept of actions. This was inspired by RPC where depending on the operation payload different actions are being performed.

OpenAPI is currently strictly requiring that a combination of URL + http method must be unique. Since Actions require quite opposite also here a similar solution like for microversions can be applied.

        - $ref: #/components/schemas/action_foo
        - $ref: #/components/schemas/action_bar
        discriminator: action
      type: object
        - foo:
            type: string
        action-name: foo
        min-ver: 2.1
        max-ver: 2.19
      type: object
        - bar:
            type: integer
        action-name: bar
        min-ver: 2.20


it is possible even to combine those methods when a certain action is also supporting different microversions. For this on a first level there is still an “action” discriminator is being used and the action body schema itself is also an “oneOf” schema setting discriminator to “microversion”.

Flexible HTTP headers

Mostly Swift is allowing custom headers both in request and response. In the current form OpenAPI requires that all headers are explicitly described. In order to deal with this situation a “regexp” form of the headers can be user.

       description: OK
           $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Account-Meta'
        style: regex

Path requirements

For a long time (and still in some places) Services declare their APIs requiring some form of project_id as part of the operation URL. Ohers place version prefix while yet others do not. In order to bring consistency and fit specs into the OpenAPI concept it is required that version prefix IS part of the url. This brings assumption to the tooling relying on the specs that the URL is appended behind the “version discovery” endpoint of the service. The tooling is, however, advised to apply additional logic of avoiding certain path elements duplication when service catalog points to the versioned service endpoint. This requirement helps solving routing issues in the client facing tool with determination of a service “root”.

The spec is also defining the API version (which may look like “2.92” to communicate maximal microversion)

Spec generation

All specs provided here are generated automatically from the source code of the services using openstack-codegenerator project. It is a conscious decision not to deal with specs manually due to their size, complexity and the issues described above.

Development state

At the moment all specs (except object-store) are created automatically. HTML rendering is at a very early stage not properly implementing actions and microversions rendering and instead renders every URL like the Swagger would do. This is going to change once more time is going to be invested on this front.