osc compute quota-set set21
Update the quotas for a project or a project and a user.
Users can force the update even if the quota has already been used and the reserved quota exceeds the new quota. To force the update, specify the "force": True
attribute in the request body, the default value is false
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)
Usage: osc compute quota-set set21 [OPTIONS] <ID>
— id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-sets/{id} API
--user-name <USER_NAME>
— User Name -
--user-id <USER_ID>
— User ID -
— Current authenticated user -
--cores <CORES>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--fixed-ips <FIXED_IPS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--floating-ips <FLOATING_IPS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--force <FORCE>
— You can force the update even if the quota has already been used and the reserved quota exceeds the new quota. To force the update, specify the"force": "True"
. Default isFalse
Possible values:
--injected-file-content-bytes <INJECTED_FILE_CONTENT_BYTES>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--injected-file-path-bytes <INJECTED_FILE_PATH_BYTES>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--injected-files <INJECTED_FILES>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--instances <INSTANCES>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--key-pairs <KEY_PAIRS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--metadata-items <METADATA_ITEMS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--networks <NETWORKS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--ram <RAM>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--security-group-rules <SECURITY_GROUP_RULES>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--server-group-members <SERVER_GROUP_MEMBERS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56
--server-groups <SERVER_GROUPS>
— The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.Available until version 2.56