OpenStack Client Tools

Welcome to the world of next generation OpenStack client tools written in Rust.

As a programming language Rust is getting more and more traction in the low level programming. It has very unique programming safety features what makes it a very good fit in a complex world of OpenStack. As a compiled language it is also a very good fit for the CLI tools allowing users to escape the python dependency issues. In the containerization era placing a small size binary is so much easier.

Current focus of the project is at introducing Rust as a programming language into the ecosystem of OpenStack user facing tooling and provides SDK as well as CLI and TUI.

Design principles

After long time maintaining OpenStack client facing tools it became clear that it cannot continue the same way as before. OpenStack services are very different and are not behaving similar to each other. There were multiple attempts to standardize APIs across services, but it didn't worked. Then there were attempts to try to standardize services on the SDK level. This is partially working, but require a very high implementation effort and permanent maintenance. Reverse-engineering service API by looking at the API-REF documentation is very time consuming. A huge issue is also that API-REF is being a human-written document that very often diverges from the code what leads to the issues when covering those resources in SDK/CLI. Tracking the API evolving is another aspect of the maintenance effort.

As a solution a completely different approach has been chosen to reduce maintenance effort while at the same time guaranteeing that API bindings match to what service is supporting in reality. Instead of human reading the API-REF written by another human who maybe was involved in the implementation of the feature OpenAPI specs is being chosen as a source of truth. Since such specs were also not existing and multiple attempts to introduce OpenAPI in OpenStack failed the process was restarted again. Currently there is a lot of work happening in OpenStack to produce specs for majority of the services. Main component responsible for that is codegenerator. Apart of inspecting source code of the selected OpenStack services it is also capable of generating tools in this repository. There is of course a set of the framework code, but the REST API wrapping and commands implementation is fully generated.

At the end of the day it means that there is no need to touch the generated code at all. Once resources available in the OpenAPI spec of the service are being initially integrated into the subprojects here they become maintained by the generator. New features added into the resource by the service would be automatically updated once OpenAPI spec is being updated.

Generating code from the OpenAPI has another logical consequence: generated code is providing the same features as the API itself. So if API is doing thing not very logical the SDK/CLI will do it in the same way. Previously it was always landing on the shoulders of SDK/CLI maintainers to try to cope with it. Now if API is bad - API author is to blame.

  • Code being automatically generated from OpenAPI specs of the service APIs.
  • Unix philosophy: "do one thing well". Every resource/command coverage tries to focus only on the exact API. Combination of API calls is not in scope of the generated code. "Simple is better then complex" (The Zen of Python).
  • SDK/CLI bindings are wrapping the API with no additional guessing or normalization.
  • User is in full control of input and output. Microversion X.Y has a concrete body schema and with no faulty merges between different versions.


  • openstack_sdk - SDK
  • openstack_cli - The new and shiny CLI for OpenStack
  • openstack_tui - Text (Terminal) User Interface
  • structable_derive - Helper crate for having Output in some way similar to old OpenStackClient

Trying out

Install binary

It is possible to install compiled version from the GitHub releases. It comes with a dedicated installer in every release and can be retrieved with the following command:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

TUI can be installed similarly:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Build locally

Alternatively it is possible to compile project from sources. Since the project is a pure Rust it requires having a Rust compile suite.

cargo b


Once the binary is available just start playing with it. If you already have your clouds.yaml config file from python-openstackclient you are free to go:

osc --help
osc --os-cloud devstack compute flavor list

Authentication and authorization

Understanding authentication in OpenStack is far away from being a trivial task. In general authentication and authorization are different things, but they are mixed into 1 API request. When trying to authenticate user is passing identification data (username and password or similar) together with the requested authorization (project scope, domain scope or similar). As a response to this API request a session Token is being returned to the user that needs to be always sent with any following request. When authorization scope need to be changed (i.e. perform API in a scope of a different project) a re-authorization need to be performed. That may be done with the same user identification data or using existing session token.

Existing python based OpenStack tools are keeping only one active session going through re-authorization whenever required. There is a support for the token caching which is bound to the used authorization request. When a new session is requested a search (when enabled) is being performed in the cache and a matching token is being returned which is then retried. When MFA or SSO are being used this process is introducing a very ugly user experience forcing user to re-entrer verification data every time a new scope is being requested with a new session.

In this project authentication and authorization in user facing applications is handled differently. Auth caching to the file system is enabled by default. User identification data (auth_url + user name + user domain name) is combined into the hash which is then used as a 1st level caching key and points to the hashmap of authorization data and corresponding successful authorization response data. A key in the 2nd level is a hash calculated from the scope information and a value is a returned token with catalog and expiration information. This way of handling information allows to immediately retrieve valid auth information for the requested scope if it already exists (which may be even shared between processes) or reuse valid authentication data to get new valid requested authorization saving user from need to re-process MFA or SSO requirements.


Rust based tools support typical clouds.yaml/secure.yaml files for configuration.

Authentication methods

Currently only a subset of all possible authentication methods is covered with the work on adding further method ongoing


A most basic auth method is an API token (X-Auth-Token). In the clouds.yaml this requires setting auth_type to one of the [v3token, token]. The token itself should be specified in the token attribute.


A most common auth method is a username/password. In the clouds.yaml this requires setting auth_type to one of the [v3password, password] or leaving it empty.

Following attributes specify the authentication data:

  • username - The user name
  • user_id - The user ID
  • password - The user password
  • user_domain_name - The name of the domain user belongs to
  • user_domain_id - The ID of the domain user belongs to

It is required to specify username or user_id as well as user_domain_name or user_domain_id.


Once user login is protected with the MFA a OTP token must be specified. It is represented as passcode, but it not intended to be used directly in the clouds.yaml


A better way to handle MFA is by using a v3multifactor auth type. In this case configuration looks a little bit different:

  • auth_type = v3multifactor
  • auth_methods is a list of individual auth_types combined in the authentication flow (i.e ['v3password', 'v3totp'])

When a cloud connection is being established in an interactive mode and server responds that it require additional authentication methods those would be processed based on the available data.


An authentication method that is getting more a more popular is a Single Sign On using remote Identity Data Provider. This flow requires user to authenticate itself in the browser by the IDP directly. It is required to provide following data in the configuration in order for this mode to be used:

  • auth_type = v3websso
  • identity_provider - identity provider as configured in the Keystone
  • protocol - IDP protocol as configured in the Keystone

Note: This authentication type only works in the interactive mode. That means in the case of the CLI that there must be a valid terminal (echo foo | osc identity user create will not work)


Application credentials provide a way to delegate a user’s authorization to an application without sharing the user’s password authentication. This is a useful security measure, especially for situations where the user’s identification is provided by an external source, such as LDAP or a single-sign-on service. Instead of storing user passwords in config files, a user creates an application credential for a specific project, with all or a subset of the role assignments they have on that project, and then stores the application credential identifier and secret in the config file.

Multiple application credentials may be active at once, so you can easily rotate application credentials by creating a second one, converting your applications to use it one by one, and finally deleting the first one.

Application credentials are limited by the lifespan of the user that created them. If the user is deleted, disabled, or loses a role assignment on a project, the application credential is deleted.

Required configuration:

  • auth_type = v3applicationcredential
  • application_credential_secret - a secret part of the application credential
  • application_credential_id - application credential identity
  • application_credential_name - application credential name. Note: It is required to specify user data when using application credential name
  • user_id - user ID when application_credential_name is used
  • user_name - user name when application_credential_name is used
  • user_domain_id - User domain ID when application_credential_name is used
  • user_domain_name - User domain ID when application_credential_name is used

Either application_credential_id is required or application_credential_name in which case additionally the user information is required.


As described above in difference to the Python OpenStack tooling authentication caching is enabled by default. It can be disabled using cache.auth: false in the clouds.yaml.

Data is cached locally in the ~/.osc folder. It is represented by set of files where file name is constructed as a hash of authentication information (discarding sensitive data). Content of the file is a serialized map of authorization data (scope) with the token information (catalog, expiration, etc).

Every time a new connection need to be established first a search in the cache is performed to find an exact match using supplied authentication and authorization information. When there is no usable information (no information at all or cached token is already expired) a search is performed for any valid token ignoring the scope (authz). When a valid token is found in the cache it is used to obtain a new authorization with required scope. Otherwise a new authentication is being performed.

API operation mapping structure

Python based OpenStack API binding tools are structured on a resource base, where every API resource is a class/object having multiple methods for the resource CRUD and other operations. Moreover microversion differences are also being dealt inside this single object. This causes method typing being problematic and not definite (i.e. when create and get operations return different structures or microversions require modified types).

Since Rust is a strongly typed programming language the same approach is not going to work (neither this approach proved to be a good one). Every unique API call (url + method + payload type) is represented by a dedicated module (simple Enum are still mapped into same module). All RPC-like actions of OpenStack services are also represented by a dediated module. Also when the operation supports different request body schemas in different microversions it is also implemented by a dedicated module. This gives user a better control by using an object with definite constraints explicitly declaring support of a certain microversion.

OpenStack API bindings (SDK)

Every platform API requires SDK bindings to various programming languages. OpenStack API bindings for Rust are not an exception. The OpenStack comes with openstack_sdk crate providing an SDK with both synchronous and asynchronous interfaces.

API bindings are generated from the OpenAPI specs of corresponding services. That means that those are only wrapping the API and usually not providing additional convenience features. The major benefit is that no maintenance efforts are required for the code being generated. Once OpenStack service updates OpenAPI spec for the integrated resources the changes would be immediately available on the next regeneration.


  • Sync and Async interface
  • Query, Find and Pagination interfaces implementing basic functionality
  • RawQuery interface providing more control over the API invocation with upload and download capabilities.
  • Every combination of URL + http method + body schema is represented by a dedicated module
  • User is in charge of return data schema.


Every single API call is represented by a dedicated module with a structure implementing REST Endpoint interface. That means that a GET operation is a dedicated implementation compared to a POST operation. Like described in the Structure document every RPC-like action and every microversion is implemented with a single module.


The simplest example demonstrating how to list compute flavors:

fn main() {
use openstack_sdk::api::{paged, Pagination, QueryAsync};
use openstack_sdk::{AsyncOpenStack, config::ConfigFile, OpenStackError};
use openstack_sdk::types::ServiceType;
use openstack_sdk::api::compute::v2::flavor::list;

async fn list_flavors() -> Result<(), OpenStackError> {
    // Get the builder for the listing Flavors Endpoint
    let mut ep_builder = list::Request::builder();
    // Set the `min_disk` query param
    let ep =;

    let cfg = ConfigFile::new().unwrap();
    // Get connection config from clouds.yaml/secure.yaml
    let profile = cfg.get_cloud_config("devstack").unwrap().unwrap();
    // Establish connection
    let mut session = AsyncOpenStack::new(&profile).await?;

    // Invoke service discovery when desired.

    // Execute the call with pagination limiting maximum amount of entries to 1000
    let data: Vec<serde_json::Value> = paged(ep, Pagination::Limit(1000))

    println!("Data = {:?}", data);


Current crate documentation is known to be very poor. It will be addressed in future, but for now the best way to figure out how it works is to look at openstack_cli and openstack_tui using it.

Crate documentation is published here

Project documentation is available here


osc is a CLI for the OpenStack written in Rust. It is relying on the corresponding openstack_sdk crate (library) and is generated using OpenAPI specifications. That means that the maintenance effort for the tool is much lower compared to the fully human written python-openstackclient. Due to the fact of being auto-generated there are certain differences to the python cli but also an enforced UX consistency.

NOTE: As a new tool it tries to solve some issues with the original python-openstackclient. That means that it can not provide seamless migration from one tool to another.

Commands implementation code is being produced by codegenerator what means there is no maintenance required for that code.


Initially python-openstackclient was using lowest microversion unless additional argument specifying microversion was passed. Later, during switching commands towards using of the OpenStackSDK a highest possible microversion started being used (again unless user explicitly requested microversion with --XXX-api-version Y.Z). One common thing both approaches use is to give user control over the version what is crucial to guarantee stability. The disadvantage of both approaches is that they come with certain opinions that does not necessarily match what user expects and make expectation on what will happen hard. For the end user reading help page of the command is pretty complex and error prone when certain parameters appear, disappear and re-appear with different types between microversion. Implementing (and using) the command is also both complex and error prone in this case.

osc is trying to get the best of 2 approaches and providing dedicated commands for microversions (i.e. create20, create294). Latest microversion command is always having a general alias (create in the above case) to let user explicitly use latest microversion, what, however, does not guarantee it can be invoked with requested parameters. This approach allows user to be very explicit in the requirement and have a guarantee of the expected parameters. When a newer microversion is required user should explicitly to do "migration" step adapting the invocation to a newer set of parameters. Microversion (or functionality) deprecation is also much simpler this way and is handled by marking the whole command deprecated and/or drop it completely.

Request timing

osc supports --timing argument that enables capturing of all HTTP requests and outputs timings grouped by URL (ignoring the query parameters) and method.

Command interface


OpenStack command line interface.


As all OpenStack tools it fully supports clouds.yaml


  • osc api as an API wrapper allowing user to perform any direct API call specifying service type, url, method and payload. This can be used for example when certain resource is not currently implemented natively.

  • osc auth with subcommands for dealing explicitly with authentication (showing current auth info, renewing auth, MFA/SSO support)

  • Every resource is having a service type in the command solving confusions like user groups vs volume groups

  • Every multi-word resource name is "-" separated (i.e. floating-ip, access-rule)


  • osc ... -o json as an explicit machine readable format output. It allows seeing raw resource json representation as send by the API without any processing on the client side.

Note: the result is not the raw json response, but the raw json resource information found underneath expected resource key. This mode can be used i.e. to see fields that are not expected by the osc and allows further easy machine processing with tools like jq

  • osc ... -o wide for list operations to return all known fields. By default list operation will only return a subset of known generic resource fields to prevent multiline tables. This mode (together with not specifying -o parameter at all) is considered as an output for humans. Field names are not generally renamed and are names as the API returns them.

Shell autocompletion

osc supports generation of the completion file for diverse shells. This can be enabled i.e. by executing

bash echo 'source <(osc completion bash)' >>~/.bashrc

Usage: osc [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

  • osc api — Perform direct REST API requests with authorization
  • osc auth — Cloud Authentication operations
  • osc block-storage — Block Storage (Volume) service (Cinder) commands
  • osc catalog — Catalog commands args
  • osc compute — Compute service (Nova) operations
  • osc dns — DNS service (Designate) operations
  • osc identity — Identity (Keystone) commands
  • osc image — Image service operations
  • osc load-balancer — Load Balancer service operations
  • osc network — Network (Neutron) commands
  • osc object-store — Object Store service (Swift) commands
  • osc placement — The placement API service was introduced in the 14.0.0 Newton release within the nova repository and extracted to the placement repository in the 19.0.0 Stein release. This is a REST API stack and data model used to track resource provider inventories and usages, along with different classes of resources. For example, a resource provider can be a compute node, a shared storage pool, or an IP allocation pool. The placement service tracks the inventory and usage of each provider. For example, an instance created on a compute node may be a consumer of resources such as RAM and CPU from a compute node resource provider, disk from an external shared storage pool resource provider and IP addresses from an external IP pool resource provider
  • osc completion — Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash, zsh, fish, or powershell). The shell code must be evaluated to provide interactive completion of osc commands. This can be done by sourcing it from the .bash_profile


  • --os-cloud <OS_CLOUD> — Name reference to the clouds.yaml entry for the cloud configuration

  • --os-project-id <OS_PROJECT_ID> — Project ID to use instead of the one in connection profile

  • --os-project-name <OS_PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name to use instead of the one in the connection profile

  • --os-client-config-file <OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE> — Custom path to the clouds.yaml config file

  • --os-client-secure-file <OS_CLIENT_SECURE_FILE> — Custom path to the secure.yaml config file

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Output format

    Possible values:

    • json: Json output
    • wide: Wide (Human readable table with extra attributes). Note: this has effect only in list operations
  • -f, --fields <FIELDS> — Fields to return in the output (only in normal and wide mode)

  • -p, --pretty — Pretty print the output

  • -v, --verbose — Verbosity level. Repeat to increase level

  • --timing — Record HTTP request timings

osc api

Perform direct REST API requests with authorization

This command enables direct REST API call with the authorization and version discovery handled transparently. This may be used when required operation is not implemented by the osc or some of the parameters require special handling.


console osc --os-cloud devstack api compute flavors/detail | jq

Usage: osc api [OPTIONS] <SERVICE_TYPE> <URL>


  • <SERVICE_TYPE> — Service type as used in the service catalog
  • <URL> — Rest URL (relative to the endpoint information from the service catalog). Do not start URL with the "/" to respect endpoint version information


  • -m, --method <METHOD> — HTTP Method

    Default value: get

    Possible values:

    • head: HEAD
    • get: GET
    • patch: PATCH
    • put: PUT
    • post: POST
    • delete: DELETE
  • -H, --header <key=value> — Additional headers

  • --body <BODY> — Request body to be used

osc auth

Cloud Authentication operations

This command provides various authorization operations (login, show, status, etc)

Usage: osc auth <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

  • osc auth login — Login to the cloud and get a valid authorization token
  • osc auth show — Show current authorization information for the cloud

osc auth login

Fetch a new valid authorization token for the cloud.

This command writes token to the stdout

Usage: osc auth login [OPTIONS]


  • --renew — Require token renewal

osc auth show

Show current authorization information for the cloud

This command returns authentication and authorization information for the currently active connection. It includes issue and expiration information, user data, list of granted roles and project/domain information.

NOTE: The command does not support selecting individual fields in the output, but it supports -o json command and returns full available information in json format what allows further processing with jq

Usage: osc auth show

osc block-storage

Block Storage (Volume) service (Cinder) commands

Usage: osc block-storage <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage attachment

Attachments (attachments)

Lists all, lists all with details, shows details for, creates, and deletes attachment.


Everything except for Complete attachment is new as of the 3.27 microversion. Complete attachment is new as of the 3.44 microversion.

When you create, list, update, or delete attachment, the possible status values are:

  • attached: A volume is attached for the attachment.

  • attaching: A volume is attaching for the attachment.

  • detached: A volume is detached for the attachment.

  • reserved: A volume is reserved for the attachment.

  • error_attaching: A volume is error attaching for the attachment.

  • error_detaching: A volume is error detaching for the attachment.

  • deleted: The attachment is deleted.

Usage: osc block-storage attachment <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage attachment complete

Empty body for os-complete action

Usage: osc block-storage attachment complete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/attachments/{id}/action API

osc block-storage attachment create354

Create an attachment.

This method can be used to create an empty attachment (reserve) or to create and initialize a volume attachment based on the provided input parameters.

If the caller does not yet have the connector information but needs to reserve an attachment for the volume (ie Nova BootFromVolume) the create can be called with just the volume-uuid and the server identifier. This will reserve an attachment, mark the volume as reserved and prevent any new attachment_create calls from being made until the attachment is updated (completed).

The alternative is that the connection can be reserved and initialized all at once with a single call if the caller has all of the required information (connector data) at the time of the call.

NOTE: In Nova terms server == instance, the server_id parameter referenced below is the UUID of the Instance, for non-nova consumers this can be a server UUID or some other arbitrary unique identifier.

Starting from microversion 3.54, we can pass the attach mode as argument in the request body.

Expected format of the input parameter 'body':

{ "attachment": { "volume_uuid": "volume-uuid", "instance_uuid": "null|nova-server-uuid", "connector": "null|<connector-object>", "mode": "null|rw|ro" } }

Example connector:

{ "connector": { "initiator": "", "ip": "", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "tempest-1", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false, "mountpoint": "/dev/vdb", "mode": "null|rw|ro" } }

NOTE all that's required for a reserve is volume_uuid and an instance_uuid.

returns: A summary view of the attachment object

Usage: osc block-storage attachment create354 [OPTIONS] --volume-uuid <VOLUME_UUID>


  • --connector <key=value> — The connector object

  • --instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID> — The UUID of the volume which the attachment belongs to

  • --mode <MODE> — The attach mode of attachment, acceptable values are read-only (‘ro’) and read-and-write (‘rw’).

    New in version 3.54

    Possible values: ro, rw

  • --volume-uuid <VOLUME_UUID> — The UUID of the volume which the attachment belongs to

osc block-storage attachment create327

Create an attachment.

This method can be used to create an empty attachment (reserve) or to create and initialize a volume attachment based on the provided input parameters.

If the caller does not yet have the connector information but needs to reserve an attachment for the volume (ie Nova BootFromVolume) the create can be called with just the volume-uuid and the server identifier. This will reserve an attachment, mark the volume as reserved and prevent any new attachment_create calls from being made until the attachment is updated (completed).

The alternative is that the connection can be reserved and initialized all at once with a single call if the caller has all of the required information (connector data) at the time of the call.

NOTE: In Nova terms server == instance, the server_id parameter referenced below is the UUID of the Instance, for non-nova consumers this can be a server UUID or some other arbitrary unique identifier.

Starting from microversion 3.54, we can pass the attach mode as argument in the request body.

Expected format of the input parameter 'body':

{ "attachment": { "volume_uuid": "volume-uuid", "instance_uuid": "null|nova-server-uuid", "connector": "null|<connector-object>", "mode": "null|rw|ro" } }

Example connector:

{ "connector": { "initiator": "", "ip": "", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "tempest-1", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false, "mountpoint": "/dev/vdb", "mode": "null|rw|ro" } }

NOTE all that's required for a reserve is volume_uuid and an instance_uuid.

returns: A summary view of the attachment object

Usage: osc block-storage attachment create327 [OPTIONS] --volume-uuid <VOLUME_UUID>


  • --connector <key=value> — The connector object
  • --instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID> — The UUID of the volume which the attachment belongs to
  • --volume-uuid <VOLUME_UUID> — The UUID of the volume which the attachment belongs to

osc block-storage attachment delete

Delete an attachment.

Disconnects/Deletes the specified attachment, returns a list of any known shared attachment-id's for the effected backend device.

returns: A summary list of any attachments sharing this connection

Usage: osc block-storage attachment delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/attachments/{id} API

osc block-storage attachment list

Return a detailed list of attachments

Usage: osc block-storage attachment list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage attachment set327

Update an attachment record.

Update a reserved attachment record with connector information and set up the appropriate connection_info from the driver.

Expected format of the input parameter 'body':

{ "attachment": { "connector": { "initiator": "", "ip": "", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "tempest-1", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false, "mountpoint": "/dev/vdb", "mode": "None|rw|ro" } } }

Usage: osc block-storage attachment set327 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/attachments/{id} API


  • --connector <key=value>

osc block-storage attachment show

Return data about the given attachment

Usage: osc block-storage attachment show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/attachments/{id} API

osc block-storage availability-zone

Availability zones

Lists and gets detailed availability zone information.

Usage: osc block-storage availability-zone <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage availability-zone list

Describe all known availability zones

Usage: osc block-storage availability-zone list

osc block-storage backup


A backup is a full copy of a volume stored in an external service. The service can be configured. The only supported service is Object Storage. A backup can subsequently be restored from the external service to either the same volume that the backup was originally taken from or to a new volume.

Usage: osc block-storage backup <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage backup create351

Create a new backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup create351 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The backup availability zone key value pair.

    New in version 3.51

  • --container <CONTAINER> — The container name or null

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The backup description or null

  • --force <FORCE> — Indicates whether to backup, even if the volume is attached. Default is false. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --incremental <INCREMENTAL> — Indicates whether to backup, even if the volume is attached. Default is false. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --metadata <key=value> — The backup metadata key value pairs.

    New in version 3.43

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the Volume Backup

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID of the source snapshot that you want to back up

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume that you want to back up

osc block-storage backup create343

Create a new backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup create343 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>


  • --container <CONTAINER> — The container name or null

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The backup description or null

  • --force <FORCE> — Indicates whether to backup, even if the volume is attached. Default is false. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --incremental <INCREMENTAL> — Indicates whether to backup, even if the volume is attached. Default is false. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --metadata <key=value> — The backup metadata key value pairs.

    New in version 3.43

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the Volume Backup

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID of the source snapshot that you want to back up

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume that you want to back up

osc block-storage backup create30

Create a new backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup create30 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>


  • --container <CONTAINER> — The container name or null

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The backup description or null

  • --force <FORCE> — Indicates whether to backup, even if the volume is attached. Default is false. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --incremental <INCREMENTAL> — Indicates whether to backup, even if the volume is attached. Default is false. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the Volume Backup

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID of the source snapshot that you want to back up

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume that you want to back up

osc block-storage backup delete

Delete a backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/backups/{id} API

osc block-storage backup export

Export a backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup export <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/backups/{id}/export_record API

osc block-storage backup force-delete

Empty body for os-force_delete action

Usage: osc block-storage backup force-delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/backups/{id}/action API

osc block-storage backup import

Import a backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup import --backup-service <BACKUP_SERVICE> --backup-url <BACKUP_URL>


  • --backup-service <BACKUP_SERVICE> — The service used to perform the backup
  • --backup-url <BACKUP_URL> — An identifier string to locate the backup

osc block-storage backup list

Returns a detailed list of backups

Usage: osc block-storage backup list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --with-count <WITH_COUNT> — Whether to show count in API response or not, default is False

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage backup reset-status

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage backup reset-status --status <STATUS> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/backups/{id}/action API


  • --status <STATUS>

osc block-storage backup set343

Update a backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup set343 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/backups/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --metadata <key=value>
  • --name <NAME>

osc block-storage backup set39

Update a backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup set39 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/backups/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --name <NAME>

osc block-storage backup show

Return data about the given backup

Usage: osc block-storage backup show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/backups/{id} API

osc block-storage cluster

Clusters (clusters)

Administrator only. Lists all Cinder clusters, show cluster detail, enable or disable a cluster.

Each cinder service runs on a host computer (possibly multiple services on the same host; it depends how you decide to deploy cinder). In order to support High Availability scenarios, services can be grouped into clusters where the same type of service (for example, cinder-volume) can run on different hosts so that if one host goes down the service is still available on a different host. Since there’s no point having these services sitting around doing nothing while waiting for some other host to go down (which is also known as Active/Passive mode), grouping services into clusters also allows cinder to support Active/Active mode in which all services in a cluster are doing work all the time.

Note: Currently the only service that can be grouped into clusters is cinder-volume.

Clusters are determined by the deployment configuration; that’s why there is no ‘create-cluster’ API call listed below. Once your services are up and running, however, you can use the following API requests to get information about your clusters and to update their status.

Usage: osc block-storage cluster <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage cluster list

Return a detailed list of all existing clusters.

Filter by is_up, disabled, num_hosts, and num_down_hosts.

Usage: osc block-storage cluster list [OPTIONS]


  • --active-backend-id <ACTIVE_BACKEND_ID> — The ID of active storage backend. Only in cinder-volume service

  • --binary <BINARY> — Filter the cluster list result by binary name of the clustered services. One of cinder-api, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume or cinder-backup

    Possible values: cinder-api, cinder-backup, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume

  • --disabled <DISABLED> — Filter the cluster list result by status

    Possible values: true, false

  • --frozen <FROZEN> — Whether the cluster is frozen or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --is-up <IS_UP> — Filter the cluster list result by state

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — Filter the cluster list result by cluster name

  • --num-down-hosts <NUM_DOWN_HOSTS> — Filter the cluster list result by number of down hosts

  • --num-hosts <NUM_HOSTS> — Filter the cluster list result by number of hosts

  • --replication-stats <REPLICATION_STATS> — Filter the cluster list result by replication status

    Possible values: disabled, enabled

osc block-storage cluster set

Enable/Disable scheduling for a cluster

Usage: osc block-storage cluster set [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/clusters/{id} API


  • --binary <BINARY> — The binary name of the services in the cluster
  • --disabled-reason <DISABLED_REASON> — The reason for disabling a resource
  • --name <NAME> — The name to identify the service cluster

osc block-storage cluster show

Return data for a given cluster name with optional binary

Usage: osc block-storage cluster show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/clusters/{id} API

osc block-storage default-type

Default Volume Types (default-types)

Manage a default volume type for individual projects.

By default, a volume-create request that does not specify a volume-type will assign the configured system default volume type to the volume. You can override this behavior on a per-project basis by setting a different default volume type for any project.

Available in microversion 3.62 or higher.

NOTE: The default policy for list API is system admin so you would require a system scoped token to access it.

Usage: osc block-storage default-type <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage default-type delete

Unset a default volume type for a project

Usage: osc block-storage default-type delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/default-types/{id} API

osc block-storage default-type list

Return a list of default types

Usage: osc block-storage default-type list

osc block-storage default-type set362

Set a default volume type for the specified project

Usage: osc block-storage default-type set362 --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/default-types/{id} API


  • --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE>

osc block-storage default-type show

Return detail of a default type

Usage: osc block-storage default-type show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/default-types/{id} API

osc block-storage extension

API extensions (extensions)

Usage: osc block-storage extension <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage extension list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage extension list

osc block-storage group

Generic volume groups (groups)

Generic volume groups enable you to create a group of volumes and manage them together.

How is generic volume groups different from consistency groups? Currently consistency groups in cinder only support consistent group snapshot. It cannot be extended easily to serve other purposes. A project may want to put volumes used in the same application together in a group so that it is easier to manage them together, and this group of volumes may or may not support consistent group snapshot. Generic volume group is introduced to solve this problem. By decoupling the tight relationship between the group construct and the consistency concept, generic volume groups can be extended to support other features in the future.

Usage: osc block-storage group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage group create313

Create a new group

Usage: osc block-storage group create313 [OPTIONS] --group-type <GROUP_TYPE>


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The name of the availability zone
  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The group description
  • --group-type <GROUP_TYPE> — The group type ID
  • --name <NAME> — The group name
  • --volume-types <VOLUME_TYPES> — The list of volume types. In an environment with multiple-storage back ends, the scheduler determines where to send the volume based on the volume type. For information about how to use volume types to create multiple- storage back ends, see Configure multiple-storage back ends

osc block-storage group create-from-src314

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group create-from-src314 [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --group-snapshot-id <GROUP_SNAPSHOT_ID>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --source-group-id <SOURCE_GROUP_ID>

osc block-storage group delete313

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group delete313 [OPTIONS]


  • --delete-volumes <DELETE_VOLUMES>

    Possible values: true, false

osc block-storage group disable-replication338

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group disable-replication338 [OPTIONS]


  • --disable-replication <key=value>

osc block-storage group enable-replication338

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group enable-replication338 [OPTIONS]


  • --enable-replication <key=value>

osc block-storage group failover-replication338

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group failover-replication338 [OPTIONS]


  • --allow-attached-volume <ALLOW_ATTACHED_VOLUME>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --secondary-backend-id <SECONDARY_BACKEND_ID>

osc block-storage group list

Returns a detailed list of groups

Usage: osc block-storage group list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage group list-replication-targets338

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group list-replication-targets338 [OPTIONS]


  • --list-replication-targets <key=value>

osc block-storage group reset-status320

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group reset-status320 --status <STATUS>


  • --status <STATUS>

osc block-storage group set313

Update the group.

Expected format of the input parameter 'body':

{ "group": { "name": "my_group", "description": "My group", "add_volumes": "volume-uuid-1,volume-uuid-2,...", "remove_volumes": "volume-uuid-8,volume-uuid-9,..." } }

Usage: osc block-storage group set313 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/groups/{id} API


  • --add-volumes <ADD_VOLUMES>
  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --remove-volumes <REMOVE_VOLUMES>

osc block-storage group show

Return data about the given group

Usage: osc block-storage group show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/groups/{id} API

osc block-storage group-snapshot

GroupSnapshot snapshots (group_snapshots)

Lists all, lists all with details, shows details for, creates, and deletes group snapshots.

Usage: osc block-storage group-snapshot <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage group-snapshot create314

Create a new group_snapshot

Usage: osc block-storage group-snapshot create314 [OPTIONS] --group-id <GROUP_ID>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The group snapshot description
  • --group-id <GROUP_ID> — The ID of the group
  • --name <NAME> — The group snapshot name

osc block-storage group-snapshot delete

Delete a group_snapshot

Usage: osc block-storage group-snapshot delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_snapshots/{id} API

osc block-storage group-snapshot list

Returns a detailed list of group_snapshots

Usage: osc block-storage group-snapshot list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage group-snapshot reset-status319

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group-snapshot reset-status319 --status <STATUS> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_snapshots/{id}/action API


  • --status <STATUS>

osc block-storage group-snapshot show

Return data about the given group_snapshot

Usage: osc block-storage group-snapshot show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_snapshots/{id} API

osc block-storage group-type

Group types (group_types)

To create a generic volume group, you must specify a group type.

Usage: osc block-storage group-type <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage group-type create311

Creates a new group type

Usage: osc block-storage group-type create311 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The group type description

  • --group-specs <key=value> — A set of key and value pairs that contains the specifications for a group type

  • --is-public <IS_PUBLIC> — Whether the group type is publicly visible. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The group type name

osc block-storage group-type delete

Deletes an existing group type

Usage: osc block-storage group-type delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_types/{id} API

osc block-storage group-type group-spec

Server metadata

Usage: osc block-storage group-type group-spec <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage group-type group-spec create311

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group-type group-spec create311 [OPTIONS] <GROUP_TYPE_ID>


  • <GROUP_TYPE_ID> — group_type_id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API


  • --group-specs <key=value> — A set of key and value pairs that contains the specifications for a group type

osc block-storage group-type group-spec delete

Deletes an existing group spec

Usage: osc block-storage group-type group-spec delete <GROUP_TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_TYPE_ID> — group_type_id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API

osc block-storage group-type group-spec list

Returns the list of group specs for a given group type

Usage: osc block-storage group-type group-spec list <GROUP_TYPE_ID>


  • <GROUP_TYPE_ID> — group_type_id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API

osc block-storage group-type group-spec set311

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group-type group-spec set311 [OPTIONS] <GROUP_TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_TYPE_ID> — group_type_id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API


  • --property <key=value>

osc block-storage group-type group-spec show

Return a single extra spec item

Usage: osc block-storage group-type group-spec show <GROUP_TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_TYPE_ID> — group_type_id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{id} API

osc block-storage group-type list

Returns the list of group types

Usage: osc block-storage group-type list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage group-type set311

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage group-type set311 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_types/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --is-public <IS_PUBLIC>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME>

osc block-storage group-type show

Return a single group type item

Usage: osc block-storage group-type show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/group_types/{id} API

osc block-storage host

Hosts extension (os-hosts)

Administrators only, depending on policy settings.

Lists, shows hosts.

Usage: osc block-storage host <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage host list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage host list

osc block-storage host show

Shows the volume usage info given by hosts.

| | | | --- | --- | | param req: | security context | | param id: | hostname | | returns: | dict -- the host resources dictionary. ex.: {'host': [{'resource': D},..]} D: {'host': 'hostname','project': 'admin', 'volume_count': 1, 'total_volume_gb': 2048} |

Usage: osc block-storage host show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/os-hosts/{id} API

osc block-storage limit

Limits (limits)

An absolute limit value of -1 indicates that the absolute limit for the item is infinite.

Usage: osc block-storage limit <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage limit list

Return all global and rate limit information

Usage: osc block-storage limit list

osc block-storage message

Messages (messages)

Lists all, shows, and deletes messages. These are error messages generated by failed operations as a way to find out what happened when an asynchronous operation failed.

Usage: osc block-storage message <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage message delete

Delete a message

Usage: osc block-storage message delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/messages/{id} API

osc block-storage message list

Returns a list of messages, transformed through view builder

Usage: osc block-storage message list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage message show

Return the given message

Usage: osc block-storage message show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/messages/{id} API

osc block-storage os-volume-transfer

Volume transfers

Transfers a volume from one user to another user.

Usage: osc block-storage os-volume-transfer <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage os-volume-transfer accept

Accept a new volume transfer

Usage: osc block-storage os-volume-transfer accept --auth-key <AUTH_KEY> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/os-volume-transfer/{id}/accept API


  • --auth-key <AUTH_KEY>

osc block-storage os-volume-transfer create

Create a new volume transfer

Usage: osc block-storage os-volume-transfer create [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the object
  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume

osc block-storage os-volume-transfer delete

Delete a transfer

Usage: osc block-storage os-volume-transfer delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/os-volume-transfer/{id} API

osc block-storage os-volume-transfer list

Returns a detailed list of transfers

Usage: osc block-storage os-volume-transfer list

osc block-storage os-volume-transfer show

Return data about active transfers

Usage: osc block-storage os-volume-transfer show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/os-volume-transfer/{id} API

osc block-storage qos-spec

Quality of service (QoS) specifications (qos-specs)

Administrators only, depending on policy settings.

Creates, lists, shows details for, associates, disassociates, sets keys, unsets keys, and deletes quality of service (QoS) specifications.

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage qos-spec association

Qos Spec association

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec association <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage qos-spec association list

List all associations of given qos specs

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec association list <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id}/associations API

osc block-storage qos-spec associate

Associate a qos specs with a volume type

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec associate <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id}/associate API

osc block-storage qos-spec create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec create --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the QoS specification

osc block-storage qos-spec delete

Deletes an existing qos specs

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id} API

osc block-storage qos-spec delete-keys

Deletes specified keys in qos specs

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec delete-keys [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id}/delete_keys API


  • --keys <KEYS>

osc block-storage qos-spec disassociate

Disassociate a qos specs from a volume type

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec disassociate <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id}/disassociate API

osc block-storage qos-spec disassociate-all

Disassociate a qos specs from all volume types

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec disassociate-all <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id}/disassociate_all API

osc block-storage qos-spec list

Returns the list of qos_specs

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage qos-spec set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id} API


  • --qos-specs <key=value>

osc block-storage qos-spec show

Return a single qos spec item

Usage: osc block-storage qos-spec show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/qos-specs/{id} API

osc block-storage service

Services (os-services)

Administrator only. Lists all Cinder services, enables or disables a Cinder service, freeze or thaw the specified cinder-volume host, failover a replicating cinder-volume host.

Usage: osc block-storage service <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage service list

Return a list of all running services.

Filter by host & service name.

Usage: osc block-storage service list

osc block-storage snapshot

Volume snapshots (snapshots)

A snapshot is a point-in-time copy of the data that a volume contains.

When you create, list, or delete snapshots, these status values are possible:

  • creating: The snapshot is being created.

  • available: The snapshot is ready to use.

  • backing-up: The snapshot is being backed up.

  • deleting: The snapshot is being deleted.

  • error: A snapshot creation error occurred.

  • deleted: The snapshot has been deleted.

  • unmanaging: The snapshot is being unmanaged.

  • restoring: The snapshot is being restored to a volume.

  • error_deleting: A snapshot deletion error occurred.

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage snapshot create

Creates a new snapshot

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot create [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A description for the snapshot. Default is None

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME> — The name of the snapshot

  • --force <FORCE> — Indicates whether to snapshot, even if the volume is attached. Default is false. See valid boolean values

    Possible values: true, false

  • --metadata <key=value> — One or more metadata key and value pairs for the snapshot

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the snapshot

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume

osc block-storage snapshot delete

Delete a snapshot

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/snapshots/{id} API

osc block-storage snapshot force-delete

Empty body for os-force_delete action

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot force-delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/snapshots/{id}/action API

osc block-storage snapshot list

Returns a detailed list of snapshots

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --consumes-quota <CONSUMES_QUOTA> — Filters results by consumes_quota field. Resources that don’t use quotas are usually temporary internal resources created to perform an operation. Default is to not filter by it. Filtering by this option may not be always possible in a cloud, see List Resource Filters to determine whether this filter is available in your cloud

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --with-count <WITH_COUNT> — Whether to show count in API response or not, default is False

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage snapshot reset-status

Empty body for os-reset_status action

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot reset-status <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/snapshots/{id}/action API

osc block-storage snapshot set

Update a snapshot

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/snapshots/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>
  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>
  • --name <NAME>

osc block-storage snapshot show

Return data about the given snapshot

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/snapshots/{id} API

osc block-storage snapshot unmanage

Empty body for os-unmanage action

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot unmanage <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/snapshots/{id}/action API

osc block-storage snapshot update-status

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot update-status [OPTIONS] --status <STATUS> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/snapshots/{id}/action API


  • --progress <PROGRESS>
  • --status <STATUS>

osc block-storage snapshot-manage

SnapshotManage manage extension (manageable_snapshots)

Creates or lists snapshots by using existing storage instead of allocating new storage.

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot-manage <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage snapshot-manage create

Instruct Cinder to manage a storage snapshot object.

Manages an existing backend storage snapshot object (e.g. a Linux logical volume or a SAN disk) by creating the Cinder objects required to manage it, and possibly renaming the backend storage snapshot object (driver dependent).

From an API perspective, this operation behaves very much like a snapshot creation operation.

Required HTTP Body:

{ "snapshot": { "volume_id": "<Cinder volume already exists in volume backend>", "ref": "<Driver-specific reference to the existing storage object>" } }

See the appropriate Cinder drivers' implementations of the manage_snapshot method to find out the accepted format of 'ref'. For example,in LVM driver, it will be the logic volume name of snapshot which you want to manage.

This API call will return with an error if any of the above elements are missing from the request, or if the 'volume_id' element refers to a cinder volume that could not be found.

The snapshot will later enter the error state if it is discovered that 'ref' is bad.

Optional elements to 'snapshot' are:

name           A name for the new snapshot. description    A description for the new snapshot. metadata       Key/value pairs to be associated with the new snapshot.

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot-manage create [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --metadata <key=value>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --ref <JSON>
  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>

osc block-storage snapshot-manage list

Returns a detailed list of snapshots available to manage

Usage: osc block-storage snapshot-manage list

osc block-storage resource-filter

Resource filters

Lists all resource filters, available since microversion 3.33.

Usage: osc block-storage resource-filter <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage resource-filter list

Return a list of resource filters

Usage: osc block-storage resource-filter list

osc block-storage type

Block Storage VolumeType type commands

To create an environment with multiple-storage back ends, you must specify a volume type. The API spawns Block Storage volume back ends as children to cinder-volume, and keys them from a unique queue. The API names the back ends cinder-volume.HOST.BACKEND. For example, cinder-volume.ubuntu.lvmdriver. When you create a volume, the scheduler chooses an appropriate back end for the volume type to handle the request.

For information about how to use volume types to create multiple- storage back ends, see Configure multiple-storage back ends.

Usage: osc block-storage type <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage type add-project-access

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage type add-project-access --project <PROJECT> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{id}/action API


  • --project <PROJECT>

osc block-storage type create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage type create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{id}/action API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --extra-specs <key=value>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --os-volume-type-access-is-public <OS_VOLUME_TYPE_ACCESS_IS_PUBLIC>

    Possible values: true, false

osc block-storage type delete

Deletes an existing volume type

Usage: osc block-storage type delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{id} API

osc block-storage type encryption

Volume Type Encryption commands

Block Storage volume type assignment provides scheduling to a specific back-end, and can be used to specify actionable information for a back-end storage device.

Usage: osc block-storage type encryption <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage type encryption create

Create encryption specs for an existing volume type

Usage: osc block-storage type encryption create [OPTIONS] --control-location <CONTROL_LOCATION> --provider <PROVIDER> <TYPE_ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API


  • --cipher <CIPHER>

  • --control-location <CONTROL_LOCATION>

    Possible values: back-end, front-end

  • --key-size <KEY_SIZE>

  • --provider <PROVIDER>

osc block-storage type encryption delete

Delete encryption specs for a given volume type

Usage: osc block-storage type encryption delete <TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API

osc block-storage type encryption list

Returns the encryption specs for a given volume type

Usage: osc block-storage type encryption list <TYPE_ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API

osc block-storage type encryption set

Update encryption specs for a given volume type

Usage: osc block-storage type encryption set [OPTIONS] <TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API


  • --cipher <CIPHER>

  • --control-location <CONTROL_LOCATION>

    Possible values: back-end, front-end

  • --key-size <KEY_SIZE>

  • --provider <PROVIDER>

osc block-storage type encryption show

Return a single encryption item

Usage: osc block-storage type encryption show <TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/encryption/{id} API

osc block-storage type extraspecs

Type extra specs

Usage: osc block-storage type extraspecs <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage type extraspecs create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage type extraspecs create [OPTIONS] <TYPE_ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API


  • --extra-specs <key=value>

osc block-storage type extraspecs delete

Deletes an existing extra spec

Usage: osc block-storage type extraspecs delete <TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API

osc block-storage type extraspecs list

Returns the list of extra specs for a given volume type

Usage: osc block-storage type extraspecs list <TYPE_ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API

osc block-storage type extraspecs show

Return a single extra spec item

Usage: osc block-storage type extraspecs show <TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API

osc block-storage type extraspecs set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage type extraspecs set [OPTIONS] <TYPE_ID> <ID>


  • <TYPE_ID> — type_id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{id} API


  • --property <key=value>

osc block-storage type list

Returns the list of volume types

Usage: osc block-storage type list

osc block-storage type remove-project-access

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage type remove-project-access --project <PROJECT> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{id}/action API


  • --project <PROJECT>

osc block-storage type set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage type set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --is-public <IS_PUBLIC>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME>

osc block-storage type show

Return a single volume type item

Usage: osc block-storage type show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/types/{id} API

osc block-storage volume

Block Storage Volume commands

Usage: osc block-storage volume <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage volume create353

Creates a new volume.

| | | | --- | --- | | param req: | the request | | param body: | the request body | | returns: | dict -- the new volume dictionary | | raises HTTPNotFound, HTTPBadRequest: | | | | |

Usage: osc block-storage volume create353 [OPTIONS]


  • --os-sch-hnt-scheduler-hints <key=value> — The dictionary of data to send to the scheduler

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The name of the availability zone

  • --backup-id <BACKUP_ID> — The UUID of the backup.

    New in version 3.47

  • --consistencygroup-id <CONSISTENCYGROUP_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The volume description

  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>

  • --group-id <GROUP_ID>

  • --image-id <IMAGE_ID>

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image from which you want to create the volume. Required to create a bootable volume

  • --metadata <key=value> — One or more metadata key and value pairs to be associated with the new volume

  • --multiattach <MULTIATTACH>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The volume name

  • --size <SIZE> — The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB)

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --source-volid <SOURCE_VOLID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE> — The volume type (either name or ID). To create an environment with multiple-storage back ends, you must specify a volume type. Block Storage volume back ends are spawned as children to cinder- volume, and they are keyed from a unique queue. They are named cinder- volume.HOST.BACKEND. For example, cinder- volume.ubuntu.lvmdriver. When a volume is created, the scheduler chooses an appropriate back end to handle the request based on the volume type. Default is None. For information about how to use volume types to create multiple- storage back ends, see Configure multiple-storage back ends

osc block-storage volume create347

Creates a new volume.

| | | | --- | --- | | param req: | the request | | param body: | the request body | | returns: | dict -- the new volume dictionary | | raises HTTPNotFound, HTTPBadRequest: | | | | |

Usage: osc block-storage volume create347 [OPTIONS]


  • --os-sch-hnt-scheduler-hints <key=value> — The dictionary of data to send to the scheduler

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The name of the availability zone

  • --backup-id <BACKUP_ID> — The UUID of the backup.

    New in version 3.47

  • --consistencygroup-id <CONSISTENCYGROUP_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The volume description

  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>

  • --group-id <GROUP_ID>

  • --image-id <IMAGE_ID>

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image from which you want to create the volume. Required to create a bootable volume

  • --metadata <key=value> — One or more metadata key and value pairs to be associated with the new volume

  • --multiattach <MULTIATTACH>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The volume name

  • --size <SIZE> — The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB)

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --source-volid <SOURCE_VOLID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE> — The volume type (either name or ID). To create an environment with multiple-storage back ends, you must specify a volume type. Block Storage volume back ends are spawned as children to cinder- volume, and they are keyed from a unique queue. They are named cinder- volume.HOST.BACKEND. For example, cinder- volume.ubuntu.lvmdriver. When a volume is created, the scheduler chooses an appropriate back end to handle the request based on the volume type. Default is None. For information about how to use volume types to create multiple- storage back ends, see Configure multiple-storage back ends

osc block-storage volume create313

Creates a new volume.

| | | | --- | --- | | param req: | the request | | param body: | the request body | | returns: | dict -- the new volume dictionary | | raises HTTPNotFound, HTTPBadRequest: | | | | |

Usage: osc block-storage volume create313 [OPTIONS]


  • --os-sch-hnt-scheduler-hints <key=value> — The dictionary of data to send to the scheduler

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The name of the availability zone

  • --consistencygroup-id <CONSISTENCYGROUP_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The volume description

  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>

  • --group-id <GROUP_ID>

  • --image-id <IMAGE_ID>

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image from which you want to create the volume. Required to create a bootable volume

  • --metadata <key=value> — One or more metadata key and value pairs to be associated with the new volume

  • --multiattach <MULTIATTACH>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The volume name

  • --size <SIZE> — The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB)

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --source-volid <SOURCE_VOLID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE> — The volume type (either name or ID). To create an environment with multiple-storage back ends, you must specify a volume type. Block Storage volume back ends are spawned as children to cinder- volume, and they are keyed from a unique queue. They are named cinder- volume.HOST.BACKEND. For example, cinder- volume.ubuntu.lvmdriver. When a volume is created, the scheduler chooses an appropriate back end to handle the request based on the volume type. Default is None. For information about how to use volume types to create multiple- storage back ends, see Configure multiple-storage back ends

osc block-storage volume create30

Creates a new volume.

| | | | --- | --- | | param req: | the request | | param body: | the request body | | returns: | dict -- the new volume dictionary | | raises HTTPNotFound, HTTPBadRequest: | | | | |

Usage: osc block-storage volume create30 [OPTIONS]


  • --os-sch-hnt-scheduler-hints <key=value> — The dictionary of data to send to the scheduler

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The name of the availability zone

  • --consistencygroup-id <CONSISTENCYGROUP_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The volume description

  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>

  • --image-id <IMAGE_ID>

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image from which you want to create the volume. Required to create a bootable volume

  • --metadata <key=value> — One or more metadata key and value pairs to be associated with the new volume

  • --multiattach <MULTIATTACH>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The volume name

  • --size <SIZE> — The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB)

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --source-volid <SOURCE_VOLID> — The UUID of the consistency group

  • --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE> — The volume type (either name or ID). To create an environment with multiple-storage back ends, you must specify a volume type. Block Storage volume back ends are spawned as children to cinder- volume, and they are keyed from a unique queue. They are named cinder- volume.HOST.BACKEND. For example, cinder- volume.ubuntu.lvmdriver. When a volume is created, the scheduler chooses an appropriate back end to handle the request based on the volume type. Default is None. For information about how to use volume types to create multiple- storage back ends, see Configure multiple-storage back ends

osc block-storage volume delete

Delete a volume

Usage: osc block-storage volume delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{id} API

osc block-storage volume extend

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage volume extend --new-size <NEW_SIZE> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{id}/action API


  • --new-size <NEW_SIZE>

osc block-storage volume list

Returns a detailed list of volumes

Usage: osc block-storage volume list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --consumes-quota <CONSUMES_QUOTA> — Filters results by consumes_quota field. Resources that don’t use quotas are usually temporary internal resources created to perform an operation. Default is to not filter by it. Filtering by this option may not be always possible in a cloud, see List Resource Filters to determine whether this filter is available in your cloud

    Possible values: true, false

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT> — Filters reuslts by a time that resources are created at with time comparison operators: gt/gte/eq/neq/lt/lte

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT> — Filters reuslts by a time that resources are updated at with time comparison operators: gt/gte/eq/neq/lt/lte

  • --with-count <WITH_COUNT> — Whether to show count in API response or not, default is False

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage volume metadata

Volume metadata

Lists metadata, creates or replaces one or more metadata items, and updates one or more metadata items for a volume.

Usage: osc block-storage volume metadata <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage volume metadata create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage volume metadata create [OPTIONS] <VOLUME_ID>


  • <VOLUME_ID> — volume_id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata API


  • --metadata <key=value> — One or more metadata key and value pairs that are associated with the volume

osc block-storage volume metadata delete

Deletes an existing metadata

Usage: osc block-storage volume metadata delete <VOLUME_ID> <ID>


  • <VOLUME_ID> — volume_id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{id} API

osc block-storage volume metadata list

Returns the list of metadata for a given volume

Usage: osc block-storage volume metadata list <VOLUME_ID>


  • <VOLUME_ID> — volume_id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata API

osc block-storage volume metadata replace

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage volume metadata replace [OPTIONS] <VOLUME_ID>


  • <VOLUME_ID> — volume_id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata API


  • --metadata <key=value> — One or more metadata key and value pairs that are associated with the volume

osc block-storage volume metadata set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc block-storage volume metadata set [OPTIONS] <VOLUME_ID> <ID>


  • <VOLUME_ID> — volume_id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{id} API


  • --meta <key=value>

osc block-storage volume metadata show

Return a single metadata item

Usage: osc block-storage volume metadata show <VOLUME_ID> <ID>


  • <VOLUME_ID> — volume_id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{id} API

osc block-storage volume set353

Update a volume

Usage: osc block-storage volume set353 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>
  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>
  • --metadata <key=value>
  • --name <NAME>

osc block-storage volume set30

Update a volume

Usage: osc block-storage volume set30 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>
  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>
  • --metadata <key=value>
  • --name <NAME>

osc block-storage volume show

Return data about the given volume

Usage: osc block-storage volume show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volumes/{id} API

osc block-storage volume-manage

Volume manage extension (manageable_volumes)

Creates or lists volumes by using existing storage instead of allocating new storage.

Usage: osc block-storage volume-manage <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage volume-manage create316

Instruct Cinder to manage a storage object.

Manages an existing backend storage object (e.g. a Linux logical volume or a SAN disk) by creating the Cinder objects required to manage it, and possibly renaming the backend storage object (driver dependent)

From an API perspective, this operation behaves very much like a volume creation operation, except that properties such as image, snapshot and volume references don't make sense, because we are taking an existing storage object into Cinder management.

Required HTTP Body:

{ "volume": { "host": "<Cinder host on which the existing storage resides>", "cluster": "<Cinder cluster on which the storage resides>", "ref": "<Driver-specific reference to existing storage object>" } }

See the appropriate Cinder drivers' implementations of the manage_volume method to find out the accepted format of 'ref'.

This API call will return with an error if any of the above elements are missing from the request, or if the 'host' element refers to a cinder host that is not registered.

The volume will later enter the error state if it is discovered that 'ref' is bad.

Optional elements to 'volume' are:

name               A name for the new volume. description        A description for the new volume. volume_type        ID or name of a volume type to associate with the new Cinder volume. Does not necessarily guarantee that the managed volume will have the properties described in the volume_type. The driver may choose to fail if it identifies that the specified volume_type is not compatible with the backend storage object. metadata           Key/value pairs to be associated with the new volume. availability_zone  The availability zone to associate with the new volume. bootable           If set to True, marks the volume as bootable.

Usage: osc block-storage volume-manage create316 [OPTIONS] --ref <JSON>


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE>

  • --bootable <BOOTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --cluster <CLUSTER>

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --host <HOST>

  • --metadata <key=value>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --ref <JSON>

  • --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE>

osc block-storage volume-manage create30

Instruct Cinder to manage a storage object.

Manages an existing backend storage object (e.g. a Linux logical volume or a SAN disk) by creating the Cinder objects required to manage it, and possibly renaming the backend storage object (driver dependent)

From an API perspective, this operation behaves very much like a volume creation operation, except that properties such as image, snapshot and volume references don't make sense, because we are taking an existing storage object into Cinder management.

Required HTTP Body:

{ "volume": { "host": "<Cinder host on which the existing storage resides>", "cluster": "<Cinder cluster on which the storage resides>", "ref": "<Driver-specific reference to existing storage object>" } }

See the appropriate Cinder drivers' implementations of the manage_volume method to find out the accepted format of 'ref'.

This API call will return with an error if any of the above elements are missing from the request, or if the 'host' element refers to a cinder host that is not registered.

The volume will later enter the error state if it is discovered that 'ref' is bad.

Optional elements to 'volume' are:

name               A name for the new volume. description        A description for the new volume. volume_type        ID or name of a volume type to associate with the new Cinder volume. Does not necessarily guarantee that the managed volume will have the properties described in the volume_type. The driver may choose to fail if it identifies that the specified volume_type is not compatible with the backend storage object. metadata           Key/value pairs to be associated with the new volume. availability_zone  The availability zone to associate with the new volume. bootable           If set to True, marks the volume as bootable.

Usage: osc block-storage volume-manage create30 [OPTIONS] --ref <JSON>


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE>

  • --bootable <BOOTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --host <HOST>

  • --metadata <key=value>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --ref <JSON>

  • --volume-type <VOLUME_TYPE>

osc block-storage volume-manage list

Returns a detailed list of volumes available to manage

Usage: osc block-storage volume-manage list

osc block-storage volume-transfer

Volume transfers (volume-transfers) (3.55 or later)

Transfers a volume from one user to another user. This is the new transfer APIs with microversion 3.55.

Usage: osc block-storage volume-transfer <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc block-storage volume-transfer accept

Accept a new volume transfer

Usage: osc block-storage volume-transfer accept --auth-key <AUTH_KEY> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volume-transfers/{id}/accept API


  • --auth-key <AUTH_KEY>

osc block-storage volume-transfer create355

Create a new volume transfer

Usage: osc block-storage volume-transfer create355 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the object

  • --no-snapshots <NO_SNAPSHOTS> — Transfer volume without snapshots. Defaults to False if not specified.

    New in version 3.55

    Possible values: true, false

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume

osc block-storage volume-transfer delete

Delete a transfer

Usage: osc block-storage volume-transfer delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volume-transfers/{id} API

osc block-storage volume-transfer list

Returns a detailed list of transfers

Usage: osc block-storage volume-transfer list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS> — Shows details for all project. Admin only

    Possible values: true, false

  • --is-public <IS_PUBLIC> — Filter the volume transfer by public visibility

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --offset <OFFSET> — Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. offset is where to start in the list

  • --sort <SORT> — Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort directions in the form of < key > [: < direction > ]. A valid direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction in a set, default is desc. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id, created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key attribute value. Deprecated in favour of the combined sort parameter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc block-storage volume-transfer show

Return data about active transfers

Usage: osc block-storage volume-transfer show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v3/volume-transfers/{id} API

osc catalog

Catalog commands args

Usage: osc catalog <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc catalog list

Shows current catalog information

Usage: osc catalog list

osc compute

Compute service (Nova) operations

Usage: osc compute <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute aggregate

Creates and manages host aggregates. An aggregate assigns metadata to groups of compute nodes.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform operations with aggregates. Cloud providers can change these permissions through policy file configuration.

Usage: osc compute aggregate <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute aggregate add-host

Add Host

Usage: osc compute aggregate add-host --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-aggregates/{id}/action API


  • --host <HOST>

osc compute aggregate create21

Creates an aggregate. If specifying an option availability_zone, the aggregate is created as an availability zone and the availability zone is visible to normal users.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute aggregate create21 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The availability zone of the host aggregate. You should use a custom availability zone rather than the default returned by the os-availability-zone API. The availability zone must not include ‘:’ in its name
  • --name <NAME> — The name of the host aggregate

osc compute aggregate cache-image

Requests that a set of images be pre-cached on compute nodes within the referenced aggregate.

This API is available starting with microversion 2.81.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute aggregate cache-image [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-aggregates/{id}/images API


  • --cache <CACHE> — A list of image objects to cache

osc compute aggregate delete

Deletes an aggregate.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute aggregate delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-aggregates/{id} API

osc compute aggregate list

Lists all aggregates. Includes the ID, name, and availability zone for each aggregate.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute aggregate list

osc compute aggregate remove-host

Remove Host

Usage: osc compute aggregate remove-host --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-aggregates/{id}/action API


  • --host <HOST>

osc compute aggregate show

Shows details for an aggregate. Details include hosts and metadata.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute aggregate show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-aggregates/{id} API

osc compute aggregate set21

Updates either or both the name and availability zone for an aggregate. If the aggregate to be updated has host that already in the given availability zone, the request will fail with 400 error.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute aggregate set21 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-aggregates/{id} API


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — The availability zone of the host aggregate. You should use a custom availability zone rather than the default returned by the os-availability-zone API. The availability zone must not include ‘:’ in its name.


    You should not change or unset the availability zone of an aggregate when that aggregate has hosts which contain servers in it since that may impact the ability for those servers to move to another host.

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the host aggregate

osc compute aggregate set-metadata

Create Or Update Aggregate Metadata

Usage: osc compute aggregate set-metadata [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-aggregates/{id}/action API


  • --metadata <key=value>

osc compute assisted-volume-snapshot

Assisted volume snapshots (os-assisted-volume-snapshots)

Creates and deletes snapshots through an emulator/hypervisor. Only qcow2 file format is supported.

This API is only implemented by the libvirt compute driver.

An internal snapshot that lacks storage such as NFS can use an emulator/hypervisor to add the snapshot feature. This is used to enable snapshot of volumes on backends such as NFS by storing data as qcow2 files on these volumes.

This API is only ever called by Cinder, where it is used to create a snapshot for drivers that extend the remotefs Cinder driver.

Usage: osc compute assisted-volume-snapshot <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute assisted-volume-snapshot create

Creates an assisted volume snapshot.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400),unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute assisted-volume-snapshot create --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> <--id <ID>|--new-file <NEW_FILE>|--snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID>|--type <TYPE>>


  • --id <ID> — Its an arbitrary string that gets passed back to the user

  • --new-file <NEW_FILE> — The name of the qcow2 file that Block Storage creates, which becomes the active image for the VM

  • --snapshot-id <SNAPSHOT_ID> — The UUID for a snapshot

  • --type <TYPE> — The snapshot type. A valid value is qcow2

    Possible values: qcow2

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The source volume ID

osc compute assisted-volume-snapshot delete

Deletes an assisted volume snapshot.

To make this request, add the delete_info query parameter to the URI, as follows:

DELETE /os-assisted-volume-snapshots/421752a6-acf6-4b2d-bc7a-119f9148cd8c?delete_info=’{“volume_id”: “521752a6-acf6-4b2d-bc7a-119f9148cd8c”}’

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute assisted-volume-snapshot delete [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-assisted-volume-snapshots/{id} API


  • --delete-info <DELETE_INFO>

osc compute availability-zone

Availability zones

Lists and gets detailed availability zone information.

An availability zone is created or updated by setting the availability_zone parameter in the create, update, or create or update methods of the Host Aggregates API. See Host Aggregates for more details.

Usage: osc compute availability-zone <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute availability-zone list

Lists availability zone information.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute availability-zone list

osc compute availability-zone list-detail

Gets detailed availability zone information. Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute availability-zone list-detail

osc compute extension

Extension commands

Usage: osc compute extension <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute extension list

Lists all extensions to the API.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401)

Usage: osc compute extension list

osc compute extension show

Shows details for an extension, by alias.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute extension show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/extensions/{id} API

osc compute flavor

Flavor commands

Flavors are a way to describe the basic dimensions of a server to be created including how much cpu, ram, and disk space are allocated to a server built with this flavor.

Usage: osc compute flavor <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute flavor access

Flavor access command

Usage: osc compute flavor access <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute flavor access add

Add Flavor Access To Tenant (addTenantAccess Action)

Usage: osc compute flavor access add --tenant <TENANT> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{id}/action API


  • --tenant <TENANT> — The UUID of the tenant in a multi-tenancy cloud

osc compute flavor access list

List Flavor Access Information For Given Flavor

Usage: osc compute flavor access list <FLAVOR_ID>


  • <FLAVOR_ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-flavor-access API

osc compute flavor access remove

Remove Flavor Access From Tenant (removeTenantAccess Action)

Usage: osc compute flavor access remove --tenant <TENANT> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{id}/action API


  • --tenant <TENANT> — The UUID of the tenant in a multi-tenancy cloud

osc compute flavor create255

Creates a flavor.

Creating a flavor is typically only available to administrators of a cloud because this has implications for scheduling efficiently in the cloud.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute flavor create255 [OPTIONS] --disk <DISK> --name <NAME> --ram <RAM> --vcpus <VCPUS>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the flavor. Limited to 65535 characters in length. Only printable characters are allowed.

    New in version 2.55

  • --disk <DISK> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --id <ID> — Only alphanumeric characters with hyphen ‘-’, underscore ‘_’, spaces and dots ‘.’ are permitted. If an ID is not provided, then a default UUID will be assigned

  • --name <NAME> — The display name of a flavor

  • --os-flavor-access-is-public <OS_FLAVOR_ACCESS_IS_PUBLIC> — Whether the flavor is public (available to all projects) or scoped to a set of projects. Default is True if not specified

    Possible values: true, false

  • --os-flv-ext-data-ephemeral <OS_FLV_EXT_DATA_EPHEMERAL> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --ram <RAM> — The number of virtual CPUs that will be allocated to the server

  • --rxtx-factor <RXTX_FACTOR> — The receive / transmit factor (as a float) that will be set on ports if the network backend supports the QOS extension. Otherwise it will be ignored. It defaults to 1.0

  • --swap <SWAP> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --vcpus <VCPUS> — The number of virtual CPUs that will be allocated to the server

osc compute flavor create21

Creates a flavor.

Creating a flavor is typically only available to administrators of a cloud because this has implications for scheduling efficiently in the cloud.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute flavor create21 [OPTIONS] --disk <DISK> --name <NAME> --ram <RAM> --vcpus <VCPUS>


  • --disk <DISK> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --id <ID> — Only alphanumeric characters with hyphen ‘-’, underscore ‘_’, spaces and dots ‘.’ are permitted. If an ID is not provided, then a default UUID will be assigned

  • --name <NAME> — The display name of a flavor

  • --os-flavor-access-is-public <OS_FLAVOR_ACCESS_IS_PUBLIC> — Whether the flavor is public (available to all projects) or scoped to a set of projects. Default is True if not specified

    Possible values: true, false

  • --os-flv-ext-data-ephemeral <OS_FLV_EXT_DATA_EPHEMERAL> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --ram <RAM> — The number of virtual CPUs that will be allocated to the server

  • --rxtx-factor <RXTX_FACTOR> — The receive / transmit factor (as a float) that will be set on ports if the network backend supports the QOS extension. Otherwise it will be ignored. It defaults to 1.0

  • --swap <SWAP> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --vcpus <VCPUS> — The number of virtual CPUs that will be allocated to the server

osc compute flavor create20

Creates a flavor.

Creating a flavor is typically only available to administrators of a cloud because this has implications for scheduling efficiently in the cloud.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute flavor create20 [OPTIONS] --disk <DISK> --name <NAME> --ram <RAM> --vcpus <VCPUS>


  • --disk <DISK> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --id <ID> — Only alphanumeric characters with hyphen ‘-’, underscore ‘_’, spaces and dots ‘.’ are permitted. If an ID is not provided, then a default UUID will be assigned

  • --name <NAME> — The display name of a flavor

  • --os-flavor-access-is-public <OS_FLAVOR_ACCESS_IS_PUBLIC> — Whether the flavor is public (available to all projects) or scoped to a set of projects. Default is True if not specified

    Possible values: true, false

  • --os-flv-ext-data-ephemeral <OS_FLV_EXT_DATA_EPHEMERAL> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --ram <RAM> — The number of virtual CPUs that will be allocated to the server

  • --rxtx-factor <RXTX_FACTOR> — The receive / transmit factor (as a float) that will be set on ports if the network backend supports the QOS extension. Otherwise it will be ignored. It defaults to 1.0

  • --swap <SWAP> — The size of a dedicated swap disk that will be allocated, in MiB. If 0 (the default), no dedicated swap disk will be created

  • --vcpus <VCPUS> — The number of virtual CPUs that will be allocated to the server

osc compute flavor delete

Deletes a flavor.

This is typically an admin only action. Deleting a flavor that is in use by existing servers is not recommended as it can cause incorrect data to be returned to the user under some operations.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute flavor delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{id} API

osc compute flavor extraspecs

Flavor extra specs

Usage: osc compute flavor extraspecs <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute flavor extraspecs create

Create Extra Specs For A Flavor

Usage: osc compute flavor extraspecs create [OPTIONS] <FLAVOR_ID>


  • <FLAVOR_ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API


  • --extra-specs <key=value> — A dictionary of the flavor’s extra-specs key-and-value pairs. It appears in the os-extra-specs’ “create” REQUEST body, as well as the os-extra-specs’ “create” and “list” RESPONSE body

osc compute flavor extraspecs delete

Delete An Extra Spec For A Flavor

Usage: osc compute flavor extraspecs delete <FLAVOR_ID> <ID>


  • <FLAVOR_ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API

osc compute flavor extraspecs list

List Extra Specs For A Flavor

Usage: osc compute flavor extraspecs list <FLAVOR_ID>


  • <FLAVOR_ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API

osc compute flavor extraspecs show

Show An Extra Spec For A Flavor

Usage: osc compute flavor extraspecs show <FLAVOR_ID> <ID>


  • <FLAVOR_ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API

osc compute flavor extraspecs set

Update An Extra Spec For A Flavor

Usage: osc compute flavor extraspecs set [OPTIONS] <FLAVOR_ID> <ID>


  • <FLAVOR_ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{flavor_id}/os-extra_specs/{id} API


  • --property <key=value>

osc compute flavor list

Lists flavors with details.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute flavor list [OPTIONS]


  • --is-public <IS_PUBLIC>

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER>

  • --min-disk <MIN_DISK>

  • --min-ram <MIN_RAM>

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR>

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY>

    Possible values: created_at, description, disabled, ephemeral_gb, flavorid, id, is_public, memory_mb, name, root_gb, rxtx_factor, swap, updated_at, vcpu_weight, vcpus

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute flavor set255

Updates a flavor description.

This API is available starting with microversion 2.55.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute flavor set255 --description <DESCRIPTION> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the flavor. Limited to 65535 characters in length. Only printable characters are allowed

osc compute flavor show

Shows details for a flavor.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute flavor show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/flavors/{id} API

osc compute hypervisor


Usage: osc compute hypervisor <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute hypervisor list

Lists hypervisors details.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute hypervisor list [OPTIONS]


  • --hypervisor-hostname-pattern <HYPERVISOR_HOSTNAME_PATTERN>

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER>

  • --with-servers <WITH_SERVERS>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute hypervisor show

Shows details for a given hypervisor.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute hypervisor show [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-hypervisors/{id} API


  • --with-servers <WITH_SERVERS>

    Possible values: true, false

osc compute instance-usage-audit-log

Server usage audit log (os-instance-usage-audit-log)

Audit server usage of the cloud. This API is dependent on the instance_usage_audit configuration option being set on all compute hosts where usage auditing is required.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform all os-instance-usage-audit-log related operations. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Usage: osc compute instance-usage-audit-log <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute instance-usage-audit-log list

Lists usage audits for all servers on all compute hosts where usage auditing is configured.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute instance-usage-audit-log list

osc compute instance-usage-audit-log show

Lists usage audits that occurred before a specified time.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute instance-usage-audit-log show <ID>


  • <ID> — Filters the response by the date and time before which to list usage audits

osc compute keypair

Keypairs commands

Generates, imports, and deletes SSH keys.

Usage: osc compute keypair <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute keypair create292

Imports (or generates) a keypair.

Normal response codes: 200, 201

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute keypair create292 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> --public-key <PUBLIC_KEY>


  • --name <NAME> — A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later.


    Since microversion 2.92, allowed characters are ASCII letters [a-zA-Z], digits [0-9] and the following special characters: [@._- ].

  • --public-key <PUBLIC_KEY> — The public ssh key to import. Was optional before microversion 2.92 : if you were omitting this value, a keypair was generated for you

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of the keypair. Allowed values are ssh or x509.

    New in version 2.2

    Possible values: ssh, x509

  • --user-id <USER_ID> — The user_id for a keypair. This allows administrative users to upload keys for other users than themselves.

    New in version 2.10

osc compute keypair create210

Imports (or generates) a keypair.

Normal response codes: 200, 201

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute keypair create210 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later.


    Since microversion 2.92, allowed characters are ASCII letters [a-zA-Z], digits [0-9] and the following special characters: [@._- ].

  • --public-key <PUBLIC_KEY> — The public ssh key to import. Was optional before microversion 2.92 : if you were omitting this value, a keypair was generated for you

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of the keypair. Allowed values are ssh or x509.

    New in version 2.2

    Possible values: ssh, x509

  • --user-id <USER_ID> — The user_id for a keypair. This allows administrative users to upload keys for other users than themselves.

    New in version 2.10

osc compute keypair create22

Imports (or generates) a keypair.

Normal response codes: 200, 201

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute keypair create22 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later.


    Since microversion 2.92, allowed characters are ASCII letters [a-zA-Z], digits [0-9] and the following special characters: [@._- ].

  • --public-key <PUBLIC_KEY> — The public ssh key to import. Was optional before microversion 2.92 : if you were omitting this value, a keypair was generated for you

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of the keypair. Allowed values are ssh or x509.

    New in version 2.2

    Possible values: ssh, x509

osc compute keypair create21

Imports (or generates) a keypair.

Normal response codes: 200, 201

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute keypair create21 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later.


    Since microversion 2.92, allowed characters are ASCII letters [a-zA-Z], digits [0-9] and the following special characters: [@._- ].

  • --public-key <PUBLIC_KEY> — The public ssh key to import. Was optional before microversion 2.92 : if you were omitting this value, a keypair was generated for you

osc compute keypair create20

Imports (or generates) a keypair.

Normal response codes: 200, 201

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute keypair create20 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — A name for the keypair which will be used to reference it later.


    Since microversion 2.92, allowed characters are ASCII letters [a-zA-Z], digits [0-9] and the following special characters: [@._- ].

  • --public-key <PUBLIC_KEY> — The public ssh key to import. Was optional before microversion 2.92 : if you were omitting this value, a keypair was generated for you

osc compute keypair delete

Deletes a keypair.

Normal response codes: 202, 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute keypair delete [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-keypairs/{id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc compute keypair list

Lists keypairs that are associated with the account.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute keypair list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER>

  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name

  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID

  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute keypair show

Shows details for a keypair that is associated with the account.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute keypair show [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-keypairs/{id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc compute limit

Limits (limits)

Shows rate and absolute limits for the project.

Usage: osc compute limit <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute limit list

Shows rate and absolute limits for the project.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute limit list [OPTIONS]


  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

osc compute migration

Migrations (os-migrations)

Shows data on migrations.

Usage: osc compute migration <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute migration get

Lists migrations.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Starting from microversion 2.59, the response is sorted by created_at and id in descending order.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute migration get [OPTIONS]


  • --changes-before <CHANGES_BEFORE>
  • --changes-since <CHANGES_SINCE>
  • --hidden <HIDDEN>
  • --host <HOST>
  • --instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID>
  • --limit <LIMIT>
  • --marker <MARKER>
  • --migration-type <MIGRATION_TYPE>
  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --source-compute <SOURCE_COMPUTE>
  • --status <STATUS>
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc compute quota-class-set

Quota class sets (os-quota-class-sets)

Show, Create or Update the quotas for a Quota Class. Nova supports implicit ‘default’ Quota Class only.


Once a default limit is set via the default quota class via the API, that takes precedence over any changes to that resource limit in the configuration options. In other words, once you’ve changed things via the API, you either have to keep those synchronized with the configuration values or remove the default limit from the database manually as there is no REST API for removing quota class values from the database.

For Example: If you updated default quotas for instances, to 20, but didn’t change quota_instances in your nova.conf, you’d now have default quota for instances as 20 for all projects. If you then change quota_instances=5 in nova.conf, but didn’t update the default quota class via the API, you’ll still have a default quota of 20 for instances regardless of nova.conf. Refer: Quotas for more details.


There is a bug in the v2.1 API until microversion 2.49 and the legacy v2 compatible API which does not return the server_groups and server_group_members quotas in GET and PUT os-quota-class-sets API response, whereas the v2 API used to return those keys in the API response. There is workaround to get the server_groups and server_group_members quotas using “List Default Quotas For Tenant” API in Quota sets (os-quota-sets) but that is per project quota. This issue is fixed in microversion 2.50, here onwards server_groups and server_group_members keys are returned in API response body.

Usage: osc compute quota-class-set <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute quota-class-set set21

Update the quotas for the Quota Class.

If the requested Quota Class is not found in the DB, then the API will create the one. Only ‘default’ quota class is valid and used to set the default quotas, all other quota class would not be used anywhere.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute quota-class-set set21 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-class-sets/{id} API


  • --cores <CORES> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --fixed-ips <FIXED_IPS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --floating-ips <FLOATING_IPS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --injected-file-content-bytes <INJECTED_FILE_CONTENT_BYTES> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --injected-file-path-bytes <INJECTED_FILE_PATH_BYTES> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --injected-files <INJECTED_FILES> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --instances <INSTANCES> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --key-pairs <KEY_PAIRS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --metadata-items <METADATA_ITEMS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --networks <NETWORKS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --ram <RAM> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --security-group-rules <SECURITY_GROUP_RULES> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --server-group-members <SERVER_GROUP_MEMBERS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --server-groups <SERVER_GROUPS> — The number of allowed injected files for the quota class.

    Available until version 2.56

osc compute quota-class-set show

Show the quota for the Quota Class.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute quota-class-set show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-class-sets/{id} API

osc compute quota-set

Quota sets (os-quota-sets)

Permits administrators, depending on policy settings, to view default quotas, view details for quotas, revert quotas to defaults, and update the quotas for a project or a project and user.

Usage: osc compute quota-set <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute quota-set defaults

Lists the default quotas for a project.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badrequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute quota-set defaults <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-sets/{id}/defaults API

osc compute quota-set delete

Reverts the quotas to default values for a project or a project and a user.

To revert quotas for a project and a user, specify the user_id query parameter.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute quota-set delete [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-sets/{id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc compute quota-set details

Show the detail of quota for a project or a project and a user.

To show a quota for a project and a user, specify the user_id query parameter.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badrequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute quota-set details [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-sets/{id}/detail API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc compute quota-set set21

Update the quotas for a project or a project and a user.

Users can force the update even if the quota has already been used and the reserved quota exceeds the new quota. To force the update, specify the "force": True attribute in the request body, the default value is false.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute quota-set set21 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-sets/{id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name

  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID

  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

  • --cores <CORES> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --fixed-ips <FIXED_IPS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --floating-ips <FLOATING_IPS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --force <FORCE> — You can force the update even if the quota has already been used and the reserved quota exceeds the new quota. To force the update, specify the "force": "True". Default is False

    Possible values: true, false

  • --injected-file-content-bytes <INJECTED_FILE_CONTENT_BYTES> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --injected-file-path-bytes <INJECTED_FILE_PATH_BYTES> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --injected-files <INJECTED_FILES> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --instances <INSTANCES> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --key-pairs <KEY_PAIRS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --metadata-items <METADATA_ITEMS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --networks <NETWORKS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --ram <RAM> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --security-group-rules <SECURITY_GROUP_RULES> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --server-group-members <SERVER_GROUP_MEMBERS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --server-groups <SERVER_GROUPS> — The number of allowed injected files for each tenant.

    Available until version 2.56

osc compute quota-set show

Show the quota for a project or a project and a user.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute quota-set show [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-quota-sets/{id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc compute server

Servers (servers)

Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes servers.


When you create a server, you can specify a password through the optional adminPass attribute. The password must meet the complexity requirements set by your OpenStack Compute provider. The server might enter an ERROR state if the complexity requirements are not met. In this case, a client might issue a change password action to reset the server password.

If you do not specify a password, the API generates and assigns a random password that it returns in the response object. This password meets the security requirements set by the compute provider. For security reasons, subsequent GET calls do not require this password.

Server metadata

You can specify custom server metadata at server launch time. The maximum size for each metadata key-value pair is 255 bytes. The compute provider determines the maximum number of key-value pairs for each server. You can query this value through the maxServerMeta absolute limit.

Usage: osc compute server <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server add-fixed-ip21

Adds a fixed IP address to a server instance, which associates that address with the server. The fixed IP address is retrieved from the network that you specify in the request.

Specify the addFixedIp action and the network ID in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server add-fixed-ip21 --network-id <NETWORK_ID> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — The network ID

osc compute server add-floating-ip21

Adds a floating IP address to a server, which associates that address with the server.

A pool of floating IP addresses, configured by the cloud administrator, is available in OpenStack Compute. The project quota defines the maximum number of floating IP addresses that you can allocate to the project. After you create (allocate) a floating IPaddress for a project, you can associate that address with the server. Specify the addFloatingIp action in the request body.

If an instance is connected to multiple networks, you can associate a floating IP address with a specific fixed IP address by using the optional fixed_address parameter.


The server must exist.

You can only add a floating IP address to the server when its status is ACTIVE or STOPPED

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server add-floating-ip21 [OPTIONS] --address <ADDRESS> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --address <ADDRESS> — The fixed IP address with which you want to associate the floating IP address
  • --fixed-address <FIXED_ADDRESS> — The fixed IP address with which you want to associate the floating IP address

osc compute server add-security-group

Adds a security group to a server.

Specify the addSecurityGroup action in the request body.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server add-security-group [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --name <NAME> — The security group name
  • --property <key=value> — Additional properties to be sent with the request

osc compute server change-password

Changes the administrative password for a server.

Specify the changePassword action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server change-password --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password for the server

osc compute server confirm-resize

Confirms a pending resize action for a server.

Specify the confirmResize action in the request body.

After you make this request, you typically must keep polling the server status to determine whether the request succeeded. A successfully confirming resize operation shows a status of ACTIVE or SHUTOFF and a migration status of confirmed. You can also see the resized server in the compute node that OpenStack Compute manages.


You can only confirm the resized server where the status is VERIFY_RESIZE.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to confirm the server.


If the server status remains VERIFY_RESIZE, the request failed. Ensure you meet the preconditions and run the request again. If the request fails again, the server status should be ERROR and a migration status of error. Investigate the compute back end or ask your cloud provider. There are some options for trying to correct the server status:

Note that the cloud provider may still need to cleanup any orphaned resources on the source hypervisor.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server confirm-resize --confirm-resize <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --confirm-resize <JSON>

osc compute server create294

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create294 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --host <HOST> — The hostname of the hypervisor on which the server is to be created. The API will return 400 if no hypervisors are found with the given hostname. By default, it can be specified by administrators only.

    New in version 2.74

  • --hostname <HOSTNAME> — The hostname to configure for the instance in the metadata service.

    Starting with microversion 2.94, this can be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of up to 255 characters in length.


    This information is published via the metadata service and requires application such as cloud-init to propagate it through to the instance.

    New in version 2.90

  • --hypervisor-hostname <HYPERVISOR_HOSTNAME> — The hostname of the hypervisor on which the server is to be created. The API will return 400 if no hypervisors are found with the given hostname. By default, it can be specified by administrators only.

    New in version 2.74

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. Tags have the following restrictions:

    • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters. - Tag is a non-empty string. - ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name - Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags - All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name - Each server can have up to 50 tags.

    New in version 2.52

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server create requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create290

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create290 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --host <HOST> — The hostname of the hypervisor on which the server is to be created. The API will return 400 if no hypervisors are found with the given hostname. By default, it can be specified by administrators only.

    New in version 2.74

  • --hostname <HOSTNAME> — The hostname to configure for the instance in the metadata service.

    Starting with microversion 2.94, this can be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of up to 255 characters in length.


    This information is published via the metadata service and requires application such as cloud-init to propagate it through to the instance.

    New in version 2.90

  • --hypervisor-hostname <HYPERVISOR_HOSTNAME> — The hostname of the hypervisor on which the server is to be created. The API will return 400 if no hypervisors are found with the given hostname. By default, it can be specified by administrators only.

    New in version 2.74

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. Tags have the following restrictions:

    • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters. - Tag is a non-empty string. - ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name - Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags - All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name - Each server can have up to 50 tags.

    New in version 2.52

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server create requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create274

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create274 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --host <HOST> — The hostname of the hypervisor on which the server is to be created. The API will return 400 if no hypervisors are found with the given hostname. By default, it can be specified by administrators only.

    New in version 2.74

  • --hypervisor-hostname <HYPERVISOR_HOSTNAME> — The hostname of the hypervisor on which the server is to be created. The API will return 400 if no hypervisors are found with the given hostname. By default, it can be specified by administrators only.

    New in version 2.74

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. Tags have the following restrictions:

    • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters. - Tag is a non-empty string. - ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name - Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags - All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name - Each server can have up to 50 tags.

    New in version 2.52

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server create requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create267

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create267 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. Tags have the following restrictions:

    • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters. - Tag is a non-empty string. - ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name - Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags - All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name - Each server can have up to 50 tags.

    New in version 2.52

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server create requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create263

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create263 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. Tags have the following restrictions:

    • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters. - Tag is a non-empty string. - ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name - Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags - All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name - Each server can have up to 50 tags.

    New in version 2.52

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server create requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create257

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create257 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. Tags have the following restrictions:

    • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters. - Tag is a non-empty string. - ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name - Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags - All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name - Each server can have up to 50 tags.

    New in version 2.52

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create252

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create252 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. Tags have the following restrictions:

    • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters. - Tag is a non-empty string. - ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name - Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags - All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name - Each server can have up to 50 tags.

    New in version 2.52

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create242

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create242 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create237

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create237 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME> <--auto-networks|--networks <JSON>|--none-networks>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --auto-networks

  • --networks <JSON>

  • --none-networks

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create233

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create233 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --networks <JSON> — A list of network object. Required parameter when there are multiple networks defined for the tenant. When you do not specify the networks parameter, the server attaches to the only network created for the current tenant. Optionally, you can create one or more NICs on the server. To provision the server instance with a NIC for a network, specify the UUID of the network in the uuid attribute in a networks object. To provision the server instance with a NIC for an already existing port, specify the port-id in the port attribute in a networks object.

    If multiple networks are defined, the order in which they appear in the guest operating system will not necessarily reflect the order in which they are given in the server boot request. Guests should therefore not depend on device order to deduce any information about their network devices. Instead, device role tags should be used: introduced in 2.32, broken in 2.37, and re-introduced and fixed in 2.42, the tag is an optional, string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to a virtual network interface. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that network interface, such as bus (ex: PCI), bus address (ex: 0000:00:02.0), and MAC address.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.37. Therefore, network interfaces could only be tagged in versions 2.32 to 2.36 inclusively. Version 2.42 has restored the tag attribute.

    Starting with microversion 2.37, this field is required and the special string values auto and none can be specified for networks. auto tells the Compute service to use a network that is available to the project, if one exists. If one does not exist, the Compute service will attempt to automatically allocate a network for the project (if possible). none tells the Compute service to not allocate a network for the instance. The auto and none values cannot be used with any other network values, including other network uuids, ports, fixed IPs or device tags. These are requested as strings for the networks value, not in a list. See the associated example.

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create232

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create232 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --networks <JSON> — A list of network object. Required parameter when there are multiple networks defined for the tenant. When you do not specify the networks parameter, the server attaches to the only network created for the current tenant. Optionally, you can create one or more NICs on the server. To provision the server instance with a NIC for a network, specify the UUID of the network in the uuid attribute in a networks object. To provision the server instance with a NIC for an already existing port, specify the port-id in the port attribute in a networks object.

    If multiple networks are defined, the order in which they appear in the guest operating system will not necessarily reflect the order in which they are given in the server boot request. Guests should therefore not depend on device order to deduce any information about their network devices. Instead, device role tags should be used: introduced in 2.32, broken in 2.37, and re-introduced and fixed in 2.42, the tag is an optional, string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to a virtual network interface. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that network interface, such as bus (ex: PCI), bus address (ex: 0000:00:02.0), and MAC address.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.37. Therefore, network interfaces could only be tagged in versions 2.32 to 2.36 inclusively. Version 2.42 has restored the tag attribute.

    Starting with microversion 2.37, this field is required and the special string values auto and none can be specified for networks. auto tells the Compute service to use a network that is available to the project, if one exists. If one does not exist, the Compute service will attempt to automatically allocate a network for the project (if possible). none tells the Compute service to not allocate a network for the instance. The auto and none values cannot be used with any other network values, including other network uuids, ports, fixed IPs or device tags. These are requested as strings for the networks value, not in a list. See the associated example.

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create219

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create219 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --networks <JSON> — A list of network object. Required parameter when there are multiple networks defined for the tenant. When you do not specify the networks parameter, the server attaches to the only network created for the current tenant. Optionally, you can create one or more NICs on the server. To provision the server instance with a NIC for a network, specify the UUID of the network in the uuid attribute in a networks object. To provision the server instance with a NIC for an already existing port, specify the port-id in the port attribute in a networks object.

    If multiple networks are defined, the order in which they appear in the guest operating system will not necessarily reflect the order in which they are given in the server boot request. Guests should therefore not depend on device order to deduce any information about their network devices. Instead, device role tags should be used: introduced in 2.32, broken in 2.37, and re-introduced and fixed in 2.42, the tag is an optional, string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to a virtual network interface. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that network interface, such as bus (ex: PCI), bus address (ex: 0000:00:02.0), and MAC address.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.37. Therefore, network interfaces could only be tagged in versions 2.32 to 2.36 inclusively. Version 2.42 has restored the tag attribute.

    Starting with microversion 2.37, this field is required and the special string values auto and none can be specified for networks. auto tells the Compute service to use a network that is available to the project, if one exists. If one does not exist, the Compute service will attempt to automatically allocate a network for the project (if possible). none tells the Compute service to not allocate a network for the instance. The auto and none values cannot be used with any other network values, including other network uuids, ports, fixed IPs or device tags. These are requested as strings for the networks value, not in a list. See the associated example.

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create21

Creates a server.

The progress of this operation depends on the location of the requested image, network I/O, host load, selected flavor, and other factors.

To check the progress of the request, make a GET /servers/{id} request. This call returns a progress attribute, which is a percentage value from 0 to 100.

The Location header returns the full URL to the newly created server and is available as a self and bookmark link in the server representation.

When you create a server, the response shows only the server ID, its links, and the admin password. You can get additional attributes through subsequent GET requests on the server.

Include the block_device_mapping_v2 parameter in the create request body to boot a server from a volume.

Include the key_name parameter in the create request body to add a keypair to the server when you create it. To create a keypair, make a create keypair request.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server create21 [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> --name <NAME>


  • --build-near-host-ip <BUILD_NEAR_HOST_IP> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with this parameter and a cidr (os:scheduler_hints.cidr). It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --cidr <CIDR> — Schedule the server on a host in the network specified with an IP address (os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip) and this parameter. If os:scheduler_hints:build_near_host_ip is specified and this parameter is omitted, /24 is used. It is available when SimpleCIDRAffinityFilter is available on cloud side

  • --different-cell <DIFFERENT_CELL> — A list of cell routes or a cell route (string). Schedule the server in a cell that is not specified. It is available when DifferentCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --different-host <DIFFERENT_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on a different host from a set of servers. It is available when DifferentHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --group <GROUP> — The server group UUID. Schedule the server according to a policy of the server group (anti-affinity, affinity, soft-anti-affinity or soft-affinity). It is available when ServerGroupAffinityFilter, ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter, ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher, ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher are available on cloud side

  • --query <JSON> — Schedule the server by using a custom filter in JSON format. For example:


    It is available when JsonFilter is available on cloud side.

  • --same-host <SAME_HOST> — A list of server UUIDs or a server UUID. Schedule the server on the same host as another server in a set of servers. It is available when SameHostFilter is available on cloud side

  • --target-cell <TARGET_CELL> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --block-device-mapping <JSON>

  • --block-device-mapping-v2 <JSON> — Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes. An example format would look as follows:

    text > "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ > "boot_index": "0", > "uuid": "ac408821-c95a-448f-9292-73986c790911", > "source_type": "image", > "volume_size": "25", > "destination_type": "volume", > "delete_on_termination": true, > "tag": "disk1", > "disk_bus": "scsi"}] > >

    In microversion 2.32, tag is an optional string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to the block device. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that block device, such as bus (ex: SCSI), bus address (ex: 1:0:2:0), and serial.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.33. It has been restored in version 2.42.

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor reference, as an ID (including a UUID) or full URL, for the flavor for your server instance

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to use for your server instance. This is not required in case of boot from volume. In all other cases it is required and must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --max-count <MAX_COUNT>

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --min-count <MIN_COUNT>

  • --name <NAME> — A target cell name. Schedule the server in a host in the cell specified. It is available when TargetCellFilter is available on cloud side that is cell v1 environment

  • --networks <JSON> — A list of network object. Required parameter when there are multiple networks defined for the tenant. When you do not specify the networks parameter, the server attaches to the only network created for the current tenant. Optionally, you can create one or more NICs on the server. To provision the server instance with a NIC for a network, specify the UUID of the network in the uuid attribute in a networks object. To provision the server instance with a NIC for an already existing port, specify the port-id in the port attribute in a networks object.

    If multiple networks are defined, the order in which they appear in the guest operating system will not necessarily reflect the order in which they are given in the server boot request. Guests should therefore not depend on device order to deduce any information about their network devices. Instead, device role tags should be used: introduced in 2.32, broken in 2.37, and re-introduced and fixed in 2.42, the tag is an optional, string attribute that can be used to assign a tag to a virtual network interface. This tag is then exposed to the guest in the metadata API and the config drive and is associated to hardware metadata for that network interface, such as bus (ex: PCI), bus address (ex: 0000:00:02.0), and MAC address.

    A bug has caused the tag attribute to no longer be accepted starting with version 2.37. Therefore, network interfaces could only be tagged in versions 2.32 to 2.36 inclusively. Version 2.42 has restored the tag attribute.

    Starting with microversion 2.37, this field is required and the special string values auto and none can be specified for networks. auto tells the Compute service to use a network that is available to the project, if one exists. If one does not exist, the Compute service will attempt to automatically allocate a network for the project (if possible). none tells the Compute service to not allocate a network for the instance. The auto and none values cannot be used with any other network values, including other network uuids, ports, fixed IPs or device tags. These are requested as strings for the networks value, not in a list. See the associated example.

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --return-reservation-id <RETURN_RESERVATION_ID> — Indicates whether a config drive enables metadata injection. The config_drive setting provides information about a drive that the instance can mount at boot time. The instance reads files from the drive to get information that is normally available through the metadata service. This metadata is different from the user data. Not all cloud providers enable the config_drive. Read more in the OpenStack End User Guide

    Possible values: true, false

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — One or more security groups. Specify the name of the security group in the name attribute. If you omit this attribute, the API creates the server in the default security group. Requested security groups are not applied to pre-existing ports

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes.


    The null value allowed in Nova legacy v2 API, but due to the strict input validation, it isn’t allowed in Nova v2.1 API.

osc compute server create-backup21

Create Server Back Up (createBackup Action) (microversion = 2.1)

Usage: osc compute server create-backup21 [OPTIONS] --backup-type <BACKUP_TYPE> --name <NAME> --rotation <ROTATION> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --backup-type <BACKUP_TYPE> — The type of the backup, for example, daily
  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each
  • --name <NAME> — The name of the image to be backed up
  • --rotation <ROTATION> — The rotation of the back up image, the oldest image will be removed when image count exceed the rotation count

osc compute server create-image21

Create Image (createImage Action) (microversion = 2.1)

Usage: osc compute server create-image21 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs for the image. The maximum size for each metadata key and value pair is 255 bytes
  • --name <NAME> — The display name of an Image

osc compute server delete

Deletes a server.

By default, the instance is going to be (hard) deleted immediately from the system, but you can set reclaim_instance_interval > 0 to make the API soft delete the instance, so that the instance won’t be deleted until the reclaim_instance_interval has expired since the instance was soft deleted. The instance marked as SOFT_DELETED can be recovered via restore action before it’s really deleted from the system.


Asynchronous postconditions


Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id} API

osc compute server diagnostic

Shows basic usage data for a server.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), notfound(404), conflict(409), notimplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server diagnostic <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/diagnostics API

osc compute server evacuate214

Evacuate Server (evacuate Action) (microversion = 2.14)

Usage: osc compute server evacuate214 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — An administrative password to access the evacuated server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password. Up to API version 2.13, if onSharedStorage is set to True and this parameter is specified, an error is raised

  • --host <HOST> — The name or ID of the host to which the server is evacuated. If you omit this parameter, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.29, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually evacuate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.29 and without force=True set.

osc compute server evacuate229

Evacuate Server (evacuate Action) (microversion = 2.29)

Usage: osc compute server evacuate229 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — An administrative password to access the evacuated server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password. Up to API version 2.13, if onSharedStorage is set to True and this parameter is specified, an error is raised

  • --force <FORCE> — Force an evacuation by not verifying the provided destination host by the scheduler.


    This could result in failures to actually evacuate the instance to the specified host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host without force=True set.

    Furthermore, this should not be specified when evacuating instances managed by a clustered hypervisor driver like ironic since you cannot specify a node, so the compute service will pick a node randomly which may not be able to accommodate the instance.

    New in version 2.29

    Available until version 2.67

    Possible values: true, false

  • --host <HOST> — The name or ID of the host to which the server is evacuated. If you omit this parameter, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.29, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually evacuate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.29 and without force=True set.

osc compute server evacuate268

Evacuate Server (evacuate Action) (microversion = 2.68)

Usage: osc compute server evacuate268 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — An administrative password to access the evacuated server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password. Up to API version 2.13, if onSharedStorage is set to True and this parameter is specified, an error is raised

  • --host <HOST> — The name or ID of the host to which the server is evacuated. If you omit this parameter, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.29, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually evacuate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.29 and without force=True set.

osc compute server evacuate295

Evacuate Server (evacuate Action) (microversion = 2.95)

Usage: osc compute server evacuate295 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — An administrative password to access the evacuated server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password. Up to API version 2.13, if onSharedStorage is set to True and this parameter is specified, an error is raised

  • --host <HOST> — The name or ID of the host to which the server is evacuated. If you omit this parameter, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.29, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually evacuate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.29 and without force=True set.

osc compute server force-delete

Force-deletes a server before deferred cleanup.

Specify the forceDelete action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server force-delete --force-delete <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --force-delete <JSON>

osc compute server get-console-output

Shows console output for a server.

This API returns the text of the console since boot. The content returned may be large. Limit the lines of console text, beginning at the tail of the content, by setting the optional length parameter in the request body.

The server to get console log from should set export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 in order to avoid incorrect unicode error.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), notFound(404), conflict(409), methodNotImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server get-console-output [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --length <LENGTH> — The number of lines to fetch from the end of console log. All lines will be returned if this is not specified.


    This parameter can be specified as not only ‘integer’ but also ‘string’.

osc compute server instance-action

Servers actions

List actions and action details for a server.

Usage: osc compute server instance-action <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server instance-action list

Lists actions for a server.

Action information of deleted instances can be returned for requests starting with microversion 2.21.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server instance-action list [OPTIONS] <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-instance-actions/{id} API


  • --changes-before <CHANGES_BEFORE>

  • --changes-since <CHANGES_SINCE>

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute server instance-action show

Shows details for a server action.

Action details of deleted instances can be returned for requests later than microversion 2.21.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server instance-action show <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-instance-actions/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-instance-actions/{id} API

osc compute server interface

Port interfaces (servers, os-interface)

List port interfaces, show port interface details of the given server. Create a port interface and uses it to attach a port to the given server, detach a port interface from the given server.

Usage: osc compute server interface <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server interface create249

Creates a port interface and uses it to attach a port to a server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), computeFault(500), NotImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server interface create249 [OPTIONS] <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-interface/{id} API


  • --fixed-ips <FIXED_IPS> — Fixed IP addresses. If you request a specific fixed IP address without a net_id, the request returns a Bad Request (400) response code

  • --net-id <NET_ID> — The ID of the network for which you want to create a port interface. The net_id and port_id parameters are mutually exclusive. If you do not specify the net_id parameter, the OpenStack Networking API v2.0 uses the network information cache that is associated with the instance

  • --port-id <PORT_ID> — The ID of the port for which you want to create an interface. The net_id and port_id parameters are mutually exclusive. If you do not specify the port_id parameter, the OpenStack Networking API v2.0 allocates a port and creates an interface for it on the network

  • --tag <TAG> — A device role tag that can be applied to a network interface when attaching it to the VM. The guest OS of a server that has devices tagged in this manner can access hardware metadata about the tagged devices from the metadata API and on the config drive, if enabled.

    New in version 2.49

osc compute server interface delete

Detaches a port interface from a server.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), NotImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server interface delete <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-interface/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-interface/{id} API

osc compute server interface list

Lists port interfaces that are attached to a server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), NotImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server interface list <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-interface/{id} API

osc compute server interface show

Shows details for a port interface that is attached to a server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server interface show <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-interface/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-interface/{id} API

osc compute server inject-network-info

Injects network information into a server.

Specify the injectNetworkInfo action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server inject-network-info --inject-network-info <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --inject-network-info <JSON>

osc compute server ip

Servers IPs (servers, ips)

Lists the IP addresses for an instance and shows details for an IP address.

Usage: osc compute server ip <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server ip list

Lists IP addresses that are assigned to an instance.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server ip list <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/ips/{id} API

osc compute server ip show

Shows IP addresses details for a network label of a server instance.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server ip show <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/ips/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/ips/{id} API

osc compute server list

For each server, shows server details including config drive, extended status, and server usage information.

The extended status information appears in the OS-EXT-STS:vm_state, OS-EXT-STS:power_state, and OS-EXT-STS:task_state attributes.

The server usage information appears in the OS-SRV-USG:launched_at and OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at attributes.

HostId is unique per account and is not globally unique.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server list [OPTIONS]


  • --access-ip-v4 <ACCESS_IP_V4>

  • --access-ip-v6 <ACCESS_IP_V6>

  • --all-tenants <ALL_TENANTS>

  • --auto-disk-config <AUTO_DISK_CONFIG>

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE>

  • --block-device-mapping <BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPING>

  • --changes-before <CHANGES_BEFORE>

  • --changes-since <CHANGES_SINCE>

  • --config-drive <CONFIG_DRIVE>

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT>

  • --deleted <DELETED>

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --display-description <DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION>

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>

  • --flavor <FLAVOR>

  • --host <HOST>

  • --hostname <HOSTNAME>

  • --image <IMAGE>

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF>

  • --info-cache <INFO_CACHE>

  • --ip <IP>

  • --ip6 <IP6>

  • --kernel-id <KERNEL_ID>

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME>

  • --launch-index <LAUNCH_INDEX>

  • --launched-at <LAUNCHED_AT>

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --locked <LOCKED>

  • --locked-by <LOCKED_BY>

  • --marker <MARKER>

  • --metadata <METADATA>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --node <NODE>

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS>

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY>

  • --pci-devices <PCI_DEVICES>

  • --power-state <POWER_STATE>

  • --progress <PROGRESS>

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --ramdisk-id <RAMDISK_ID>

  • --reservation-id <RESERVATION_ID>

  • --root-device-name <ROOT_DEVICE_NAME>

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS>

  • --services <SERVICES>

  • --soft-deleted <SOFT_DELETED>

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR>

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY>

    Possible values: access_ip_v4, access_ip_v6, auto_disk_config, availability_zone, config_drive, created_at, display_description, display_name, host, hostname, image_ref, instance_type_id, kernel_id, key_name, launch_index, launched_at, locked, locked_by, node, power_state, progress, project_id, ramdisk_id, root_device_name, task_state, terminated_at, updated_at, user_id, uuid, vm_state

  • --status <STATUS>

  • --system-metadata <SYSTEM_METADATA>

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY>

  • --task-state <TASK_STATE>

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

  • --terminated-at <TERMINATED_AT>

  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name

  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID

  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

  • --uuid <UUID>

  • --vm-state <VM_STATE>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute server live-migrate20

Live-Migrate Server (os-migrateLive Action) (microversion = 2.0)

Usage: osc compute server live-migrate20 --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> --disk-over-commit <DISK_OVER_COMMIT> --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> — Set to True to enable over commit when the destination host is checked for available disk space. Set to False to disable over commit. This setting affects only the libvirt virt driver.

    Available until version 2.25

    Possible values: true, false

  • --disk-over-commit <DISK_OVER_COMMIT> — Set to True to enable over commit when the destination host is checked for available disk space. Set to False to disable over commit. This setting affects only the libvirt virt driver.

    Available until version 2.25

    Possible values: true, false

  • --host <HOST> — The host to which to migrate the server. If this parameter is None, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.30, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually migrate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.30 and without force=True set.

osc compute server live-migrate225

Live-Migrate Server (os-migrateLive Action) (microversion = 2.25)

Usage: osc compute server live-migrate225 --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> — Migrates local disks by using block migration. Set to auto which means nova will detect whether source and destination hosts on shared storage. if they are on shared storage, the live-migration won’t be block migration. Otherwise the block migration will be executed. Set to True, means the request will fail when the source or destination host uses shared storage. Set to False means the request will fail when the source and destination hosts are not on the shared storage.

    New in version 2.25

    Possible values: true, false

  • --host <HOST> — The host to which to migrate the server. If this parameter is None, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.30, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually migrate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.30 and without force=True set.

osc compute server live-migrate230

Live-Migrate Server (os-migrateLive Action) (microversion = 2.30)

Usage: osc compute server live-migrate230 [OPTIONS] --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> — Migrates local disks by using block migration. Set to auto which means nova will detect whether source and destination hosts on shared storage. if they are on shared storage, the live-migration won’t be block migration. Otherwise the block migration will be executed. Set to True, means the request will fail when the source or destination host uses shared storage. Set to False means the request will fail when the source and destination hosts are not on the shared storage.

    New in version 2.25

    Possible values: true, false

  • --force <FORCE> — Force a live-migration by not verifying the provided destination host by the scheduler.


    This could result in failures to actually live migrate the instance to the specified host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host without force=True set.

    New in version 2.30

    Available until version 2.67

    Possible values: true, false

  • --host <HOST> — The host to which to migrate the server. If this parameter is None, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.30, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually migrate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.30 and without force=True set.

osc compute server live-migrate268

Live-Migrate Server (os-migrateLive Action) (microversion = 2.68)

Usage: osc compute server live-migrate268 --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --block-migration <BLOCK_MIGRATION> — Migrates local disks by using block migration. Set to auto which means nova will detect whether source and destination hosts on shared storage. if they are on shared storage, the live-migration won’t be block migration. Otherwise the block migration will be executed. Set to True, means the request will fail when the source or destination host uses shared storage. Set to False means the request will fail when the source and destination hosts are not on the shared storage.

    New in version 2.25

    Possible values: true, false

  • --host <HOST> — The host to which to migrate the server. If this parameter is None, the scheduler chooses a host.


    Prior to microversion 2.30, specifying a host will bypass validation by the scheduler, which could result in failures to actually migrate the instance to the specified host, or over-subscription of the host. It is recommended to either not specify a host so that the scheduler will pick one, or specify a host with microversion >= 2.30 and without force=True set.

osc compute server lock273

Lock Server (lock Action) (microversion = 2.73)

Usage: osc compute server lock273 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --locked-reason <LOCKED_REASON>

osc compute server metadata

Lists metadata, creates or replaces one or more metadata items, and updates one or more metadata items for a server.

Shows details for, creates or replaces, and updates a metadata item, by key, for a server.

Usage: osc compute server metadata <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server metadata create

Create or update one or more metadata items for a server.

Creates any metadata items that do not already exist in the server, replaces exists metadata items that match keys. Does not modify items that are not in the request.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server metadata create [OPTIONS] <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API


  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size for each metadata key and value pair is 255 bytes

osc compute server metadata delete

Deletes a metadata item, by key, from a server.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server metadata delete <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API

osc compute server metadata list

Lists all metadata for a server.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server metadata list <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API

osc compute server metadata replace

Replaces one or more metadata items for a server.

Creates any metadata items that do not already exist in the server. Removes and completely replaces any metadata items that already exist in the server with the metadata items in the request.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server metadata replace [OPTIONS] <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API


  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size for each metadata key and value pair is 255 bytes

osc compute server metadata set

Creates or replaces a metadata item, by key, for a server.

Creates a metadata item that does not already exist in the server. Replaces existing metadata items that match keys with the metadata item in the request.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server metadata set [OPTIONS] <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API


  • --meta <key=value>

osc compute server metadata show

Shows details for a metadata item, by key, for a server.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server metadata show <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/metadata/{id} API

osc compute server migrate256

Migrates a server to a host.

Specify the migrate action in the request body.

Up to microversion 2.55, the scheduler chooses the host. Starting from microversion 2.56, the host parameter is available to specify the destination host. If you specify null or don’t specify this parameter, the scheduler chooses a host.

Asynchronous Postconditions

A successfully migrated server shows a VERIFY_RESIZE status and finished migration status. If the cloud has configured the resize_confirm_window option of the Compute service to a positive value, the Compute service automatically confirms the migrate operation after the configured interval.

There are two different policies for this action, depending on whether the host parameter is set. Both defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403) itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server migrate256 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --host <HOST>

osc compute server migration

Server migrations (servers, migrations)

List, show, perform actions on and delete server migrations.

Usage: osc compute server migration <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server migration delete

Abort an in-progress live migration.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.


The server OS-EXT-STS:task_state value must be migrating.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to force the completion of the server migration.

For microversions from 2.24 to 2.64 the migration status must be running, for microversion 2.65 and greater, the migration status can also be queued and preparing.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you make this request, you typically must keep polling the server status to determine whether the request succeeded. You may also monitor the migration using:


If the server status remains MIGRATING for an inordinate amount of time, the request may have failed. Ensure you meet the preconditions and run the request again. If the request fails again, investigate the compute back end.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server migration delete <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/migrations/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/migrations/{id} API

osc compute server migration force-complete222

Force an in-progress live migration for a given server to complete.

Specify the force_complete action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.


The server OS-EXT-STS:vm_state value must be active and the server OS-EXT-STS:task_state value must be migrating.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to force the completion of the server migration.

The migration status must be running.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you make this request, you typically must keep polling the server status to determine whether the request succeeded.


If the server status remains MIGRATING for an inordinate amount of time, the request may have failed. Ensure you meet the preconditions and run the request again. If the request fails again, investigate the compute back end. More details can be found in the admin guide.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server migration force-complete222 <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/migrations/{id}/action API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/migrations/{id}/action API

osc compute server migration list

Lists in-progress live migrations for a given server.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server migration list <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/migrations/{id} API

osc compute server migration show

Show details for an in-progress live migration for a given server.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server migration show <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/migrations/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/migrations/{id} API

osc compute server password

Servers password

Shows the encrypted administrative password. Also, clears the encrypted administrative password for a server, which removes it from the metadata server.

Usage: osc compute server password <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server password delete

Clears the encrypted administrative password for a server, which removes it from the database.

This action does not actually change the instance server password.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server password delete <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-server-password API

osc compute server password show

Shows the administrative password for a server.

This operation calls the metadata service to query metadata information and does not read password information from the server itself.

The password saved in the metadata service is typically encrypted using the public SSH key injected into this server, so the SSH private key is needed to read the password.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server password show <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-server-password API

osc compute server pause

Pauses a server. Changes its status to PAUSED.

Specify the pause action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server pause --pause <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --pause <JSON>

osc compute server reset-state

Resets the state of a server.

Specify the os-resetState action and the state in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server reset-state --state <STATE> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --state <STATE> — The state of the server to be set, active or error are valid

    Possible values: active, error

osc compute server reboot

Reboots a server.

Specify the reboot action in the request body.


The preconditions for rebooting a server depend on the type of reboot.

You can only SOFT reboot a server when its status is ACTIVE.

You can only HARD reboot a server when its status is one of:

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to reboot the server.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you successfully reboot a server, its status changes to ACTIVE.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server reboot --type <TYPE> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --type <TYPE> — The type of the reboot action. The valid values are HARD and SOFT. A SOFT reboot attempts a graceful shutdown and restart of the server. A HARD reboot attempts a forced shutdown and restart of the server. The HARD reboot corresponds to the power cycles of the server

    Possible values: hard, soft

osc compute server rebuild21

Rebuild Server (rebuild Action) (microversion = 2.1)

Usage: osc compute server rebuild21 [OPTIONS] --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to rebuild for your server instance. It must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400. To rebuild a volume-backed server with a new image, at least microversion 2.93 needs to be provided in the request else the request will fall back to old behaviour i.e. the API will return 400 (for an image different from the image used when creating the volume). For non-volume-backed servers, specifying a new image will result in validating that the image is acceptable for the current compute host on which the server exists. If the new image is not valid, the server will go into ERROR status

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --preserve-ephemeral <PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL> — Indicates whether the server is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition (true).


    This only works with baremetal servers provided by Ironic. Passing it to any other server instance results in a fault and will prevent the rebuild from happening.

    Possible values: true, false

osc compute server rebuild219

Rebuild Server (rebuild Action) (microversion = 2.19)

Usage: osc compute server rebuild219 [OPTIONS] --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to rebuild for your server instance. It must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400. To rebuild a volume-backed server with a new image, at least microversion 2.93 needs to be provided in the request else the request will fall back to old behaviour i.e. the API will return 400 (for an image different from the image used when creating the volume). For non-volume-backed servers, specifying a new image will result in validating that the image is acceptable for the current compute host on which the server exists. If the new image is not valid, the server will go into ERROR status

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --preserve-ephemeral <PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL> — Indicates whether the server is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition (true).


    This only works with baremetal servers provided by Ironic. Passing it to any other server instance results in a fault and will prevent the rebuild from happening.

    Possible values: true, false

osc compute server rebuild254

Rebuild Server (rebuild Action) (microversion = 2.54)

Usage: osc compute server rebuild254 [OPTIONS] --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to rebuild for your server instance. It must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400. To rebuild a volume-backed server with a new image, at least microversion 2.93 needs to be provided in the request else the request will fall back to old behaviour i.e. the API will return 400 (for an image different from the image used when creating the volume). For non-volume-backed servers, specifying a new image will result in validating that the image is acceptable for the current compute host on which the server exists. If the new image is not valid, the server will go into ERROR status

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — Key pair name for rebuild API. If null is specified, the existing keypair is unset.


    Users within the same project are able to rebuild other user’s instances in that project with a new keypair. Keys are owned by users (which is the only resource that’s true of). Servers are owned by projects. Because of this a rebuild with a key_name is looking up the keypair by the user calling rebuild.

    New in version 2.54

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --personality <JSON> — The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes. The maximum limit is the number of allowed bytes in the decoded, rather than encoded, data.

    Available until version 2.56

  • --preserve-ephemeral <PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL> — Indicates whether the server is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition (true).


    This only works with baremetal servers provided by Ironic. Passing it to any other server instance results in a fault and will prevent the rebuild from happening.

    Possible values: true, false

osc compute server rebuild257

Rebuild Server (rebuild Action) (microversion = 2.57)

Usage: osc compute server rebuild257 [OPTIONS] --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to rebuild for your server instance. It must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400. To rebuild a volume-backed server with a new image, at least microversion 2.93 needs to be provided in the request else the request will fall back to old behaviour i.e. the API will return 400 (for an image different from the image used when creating the volume). For non-volume-backed servers, specifying a new image will result in validating that the image is acceptable for the current compute host on which the server exists. If the new image is not valid, the server will go into ERROR status

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — Key pair name for rebuild API. If null is specified, the existing keypair is unset.


    Users within the same project are able to rebuild other user’s instances in that project with a new keypair. Keys are owned by users (which is the only resource that’s true of). Servers are owned by projects. Because of this a rebuild with a key_name is looking up the keypair by the user calling rebuild.

    New in version 2.54

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --preserve-ephemeral <PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL> — Indicates whether the server is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition (true).


    This only works with baremetal servers provided by Ironic. Passing it to any other server instance results in a fault and will prevent the rebuild from happening.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon rebuild. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes. If null is specified, the existing user_data is unset.

    New in version 2.57

osc compute server rebuild263

Rebuild Server (rebuild Action) (microversion = 2.63)

Usage: osc compute server rebuild263 [OPTIONS] --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to rebuild for your server instance. It must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400. To rebuild a volume-backed server with a new image, at least microversion 2.93 needs to be provided in the request else the request will fall back to old behaviour i.e. the API will return 400 (for an image different from the image used when creating the volume). For non-volume-backed servers, specifying a new image will result in validating that the image is acceptable for the current compute host on which the server exists. If the new image is not valid, the server will go into ERROR status

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — Key pair name for rebuild API. If null is specified, the existing keypair is unset.


    Users within the same project are able to rebuild other user’s instances in that project with a new keypair. Keys are owned by users (which is the only resource that’s true of). Servers are owned by projects. Because of this a rebuild with a key_name is looking up the keypair by the user calling rebuild.

    New in version 2.54

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --preserve-ephemeral <PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL> — Indicates whether the server is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition (true).


    This only works with baremetal servers provided by Ironic. Passing it to any other server instance results in a fault and will prevent the rebuild from happening.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server rebuild requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    If null is specified, the existing trusted certificate IDs are either unset or reset to the configured defaults.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon rebuild. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes. If null is specified, the existing user_data is unset.

    New in version 2.57

osc compute server rebuild290

Rebuild Server (rebuild Action) (microversion = 2.90)

Usage: osc compute server rebuild290 [OPTIONS] --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --hostname <HOSTNAME> — The hostname to configure for the instance in the metadata service.

    Starting with microversion 2.94, this can be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of up to 255 characters in length.


    This information is published via the metadata service and requires application such as cloud-init to propagate it through to the instance.

    New in version 2.90

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to rebuild for your server instance. It must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400. To rebuild a volume-backed server with a new image, at least microversion 2.93 needs to be provided in the request else the request will fall back to old behaviour i.e. the API will return 400 (for an image different from the image used when creating the volume). For non-volume-backed servers, specifying a new image will result in validating that the image is acceptable for the current compute host on which the server exists. If the new image is not valid, the server will go into ERROR status

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — Key pair name for rebuild API. If null is specified, the existing keypair is unset.


    Users within the same project are able to rebuild other user’s instances in that project with a new keypair. Keys are owned by users (which is the only resource that’s true of). Servers are owned by projects. Because of this a rebuild with a key_name is looking up the keypair by the user calling rebuild.

    New in version 2.54

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --preserve-ephemeral <PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL> — Indicates whether the server is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition (true).


    This only works with baremetal servers provided by Ironic. Passing it to any other server instance results in a fault and will prevent the rebuild from happening.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server rebuild requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    If null is specified, the existing trusted certificate IDs are either unset or reset to the configured defaults.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon rebuild. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes. If null is specified, the existing user_data is unset.

    New in version 2.57

osc compute server rebuild294

Rebuild Server (rebuild Action) (microversion = 2.94)

Usage: osc compute server rebuild294 [OPTIONS] --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS> — The administrative password of the server. If you omit this parameter, the operation generates a new password

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --hostname <HOSTNAME> — The hostname to configure for the instance in the metadata service.

    Starting with microversion 2.94, this can be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of up to 255 characters in length.


    This information is published via the metadata service and requires application such as cloud-init to propagate it through to the instance.

    New in version 2.90

  • --image-ref <IMAGE_REF> — The UUID of the image to rebuild for your server instance. It must be a valid UUID otherwise API will return 400. To rebuild a volume-backed server with a new image, at least microversion 2.93 needs to be provided in the request else the request will fall back to old behaviour i.e. the API will return 400 (for an image different from the image used when creating the volume). For non-volume-backed servers, specifying a new image will result in validating that the image is acceptable for the current compute host on which the server exists. If the new image is not valid, the server will go into ERROR status

  • --key-name <KEY_NAME> — Key pair name for rebuild API. If null is specified, the existing keypair is unset.


    Users within the same project are able to rebuild other user’s instances in that project with a new keypair. Keys are owned by users (which is the only resource that’s true of). Servers are owned by projects. Because of this a rebuild with a key_name is looking up the keypair by the user calling rebuild.

    New in version 2.54

  • --metadata <key=value> — Metadata key and value pairs. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

  • --preserve-ephemeral <PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL> — Indicates whether the server is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition (true).


    This only works with baremetal servers provided by Ironic. Passing it to any other server instance results in a fault and will prevent the rebuild from happening.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --trusted-image-certificates <TRUSTED_IMAGE_CERTIFICATES> — A list of trusted certificate IDs, which are used during image signature verification to verify the signing certificate. The list is restricted to a maximum of 50 IDs. This parameter is optional in server rebuild requests if allowed by policy, and is not supported for volume-backed instances.

    If null is specified, the existing trusted certificate IDs are either unset or reset to the configured defaults.

    New in version 2.63

  • --user-data <USER_DATA> — Configuration information or scripts to use upon rebuild. Must be Base64 encoded. Restricted to 65535 bytes. If null is specified, the existing user_data is unset.

    New in version 2.57

osc compute server remote-console

Server Consoles

Manage server consoles.

Usage: osc compute server remote-console <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server remote-console create26

The API provides a unified request for creating a remote console. The user can get a URL to connect the console from this API. The URL includes the token which is used to get permission to access the console. Servers may support different console protocols. To return a remote console using a specific protocol, such as VNC, set the protocol parameter to vnc.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server remote-console create26 --protocol <PROTOCOL> --type <TYPE> <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/remote-consoles API


  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The protocol of remote console. The valid values are vnc, spice, serial and mks. The protocol mks is added since Microversion 2.8

    Possible values: serial, spice, vnc

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of remote console. The valid values are novnc, spice-html5, spice-direct, serial, and webmks. The type webmks was added in Microversion 2.8, and the type spice-direct was added in Microversion 2.99

    Possible values: novnc, serial, spice-html5, xvpvnc

osc compute server remote-console create28

The API provides a unified request for creating a remote console. The user can get a URL to connect the console from this API. The URL includes the token which is used to get permission to access the console. Servers may support different console protocols. To return a remote console using a specific protocol, such as VNC, set the protocol parameter to vnc.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server remote-console create28 --protocol <PROTOCOL> --type <TYPE> <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/remote-consoles API


  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The protocol of remote console. The valid values are vnc, spice, serial and mks. The protocol mks is added since Microversion 2.8

    Possible values: mks, serial, spice, vnc

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of remote console. The valid values are novnc, spice-html5, spice-direct, serial, and webmks. The type webmks was added in Microversion 2.8, and the type spice-direct was added in Microversion 2.99

    Possible values: novnc, serial, spice-html5, webmks, xvpvnc

osc compute server remove-fixed-ip21

Removes, or disassociates, a fixed IP address from a server.

Specify the removeFixedIp action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server remove-fixed-ip21 --address <ADDRESS> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --address <ADDRESS> — The IP address

osc compute server remove-floating-ip21

Removes, or disassociates, a floating IP address from a server.

The IP address is returned to the pool of IP addresses that is available for all projects. When you remove a floating IP address and that IP address is still associated with a running instance, it is automatically disassociated from that instance.

Specify the removeFloatingIp action in the request body.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server remove-floating-ip21 --address <ADDRESS> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --address <ADDRESS> — The floating IP address

osc compute server remove-security-group

Removes a security group from a server.

Specify the removeSecurityGroup action in the request body.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server remove-security-group [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --name <NAME> — The security group name
  • --property <key=value> — Additional properties to be sent with the request

osc compute server rescue

Puts a server in rescue mode and changes its status to RESCUE.

Specify the rescue action in the request body.

If you specify the rescue_image_ref extended attribute, the image is used to rescue the instance. If you omit an image reference, the base image reference is used by default.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you successfully rescue a server and make a GET /servers/​{server_id}​ request, its status changes to RESCUE.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server rescue [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --admin-pass <ADMIN_PASS>
  • --rescue-image-ref <RESCUE_IMAGE_REF>

osc compute server reset-network

Resets networking on a server.

Specify the resetNetwork action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), gone(410)

Usage: osc compute server reset-network <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API

osc compute server resize

Resizes a server.

Specify the resize action in the request body.


You can only resize a server when its status is ACTIVE or SHUTOFF.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to resize the server.

Asynchronous Postconditions

A successfully resized server shows a VERIFY_RESIZE status and finished migration status. If the cloud has configured the resize_confirm_window option of the Compute service to a positive value, the Compute service automatically confirms the resize operation after the configured interval.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server resize [OPTIONS] --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --flavor-ref <FLAVOR_REF> — The flavor ID for resizing the server. The size of the disk in the flavor being resized to must be greater than or equal to the size of the disk in the current flavor.

    If a specified flavor ID is the same as the current one of the server, the request returns a Bad Request (400) response code.

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

osc compute server restore

Restores a previously soft-deleted server instance. You cannot use this method to restore deleted instances.

Specify the restore action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server restore --restore <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --restore <JSON>

osc compute server resume

Resumes a suspended server and changes its status to ACTIVE.

Specify the resume action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server resume --resume <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --resume <JSON>

osc compute server revert-resize

Cancels and reverts a pending resize action for a server.

Specify the revertResize action in the request body.


You can only revert the resized server where the status is VERIFY_RESIZE and the OS-EXT-STS:vm_state is resized.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to revert the resizing.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you make this request, you typically must keep polling the server status to determine whether the request succeeded. A reverting resize operation shows a status of REVERT_RESIZE and a task_state of resize_reverting. If successful, the status will return to ACTIVE or SHUTOFF. You can also see the reverted server in the compute node that OpenStack Compute manages.


If the server status remains VERIFY_RESIZE, the request failed. Ensure you meet the preconditions and run the request again. If the request fails again, investigate the compute back end.

The server is not reverted in the compute node that OpenStack Compute manages.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server revert-resize --revert-resize <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --revert-resize <JSON>

osc compute server security-groups

Lists security groups for a server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server security-groups <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-security-groups API

osc compute server set21

Updates the editable attributes of an existing server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server set21 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id} API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

osc compute server set219

Updates the editable attributes of an existing server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server set219 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id} API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

osc compute server set290

Updates the editable attributes of an existing server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server set290 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id} API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --hostname <HOSTNAME> — The hostname to configure for the instance in the metadata service.

    Starting with microversion 2.94, this can be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of up to 255 characters in length.


    This information is published via the metadata service and requires application such as cloud-init to propagate it through to the instance.

    New in version 2.90

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

osc compute server set294

Updates the editable attributes of an existing server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server set294 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id} API


  • --access-ipv4 <ACCESS_IPV4> — IPv4 address that should be used to access this server

  • --access-ipv6 <ACCESS_IPV6> — IPv6 address that should be used to access this server

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A free form description of the server. Limited to 255 characters in length. Before microversion 2.19 this was set to the server name.

    New in version 2.19

  • --hostname <HOSTNAME> — The hostname to configure for the instance in the metadata service.

    Starting with microversion 2.94, this can be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of up to 255 characters in length.


    This information is published via the metadata service and requires application such as cloud-init to propagate it through to the instance.

    New in version 2.90

  • --name <NAME> — The server name

  • --os-dcf-disk-config <OS_DCF_DISK_CONFIG> — Controls how the API partitions the disk when you create, rebuild, or resize servers. A server inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the image from which it was created, and an image inherits the OS-DCF:diskConfig value from the server from which it was created. To override the inherited setting, you can include this attribute in the request body of a server create, rebuild, or resize request. If the OS-DCF:diskConfig value for an image is MANUAL, you cannot create a server from that image and set its OS-DCF:diskConfig value to AUTO. A valid value is:

    • AUTO. The API builds the server with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk. The API automatically adjusts the file system to fit the entire partition. - MANUAL. The API builds the server by using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image. If the target flavor disk is larger, the API does not partition the remaining disk space.

    Possible values: auto, manual

osc compute server shelve

Shelves a server.

Specify the shelve action in the request body.

All associated data and resources are kept but anything still in memory is not retained. To restore a shelved instance, use the unshelve action. To remove a shelved instance, use the shelveOffload action.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.


The server status must be ACTIVE, SHUTOFF, PAUSED, or SUSPENDED.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to shelve the server.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you successfully shelve a server, its status changes to SHELVED and the image status is ACTIVE. The server instance data appears on the compute node that the Compute service manages.

If you boot the server from volumes or set the shelved_offload_time option to 0, the Compute service automatically deletes the instance on compute nodes and changes the server status to SHELVED_OFFLOADED.


If the server status does not change to SHELVED or SHELVED_OFFLOADED, the shelve operation failed. Ensure that you meet the preconditions and run the request again. If the request fails again, investigate whether another operation is running that causes a race condition.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server shelve --shelve <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --shelve <JSON>

osc compute server shelve-offload

Shelf-offloads, or removes, a shelved server.

Specify the shelveOffload action in the request body.

Data and resource associations are deleted. If an instance is no longer needed, you can remove that instance from the hypervisor to minimize resource usage.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.


The server status must be SHELVED.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to shelve-offload the server.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you successfully shelve-offload a server, its status changes to SHELVED_OFFLOADED. The server instance data appears on the compute node.


If the server status does not change to SHELVED_OFFLOADED, the shelve-offload operation failed. Ensure that you meet the preconditions and run the request again. If the request fails again, investigate whether another operation is running that causes a race condition.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server shelve-offload --shelve-offload <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --shelve-offload <JSON>

osc compute server show

Shows details for a server.

Includes server details including configuration drive, extended status, and server usage information.

The extended status information appears in the OS-EXT-STS:vm_state, OS-EXT-STS:power_state, and OS-EXT-STS:task_state attributes.

The server usage information appears in the OS-SRV-USG:launched_at and OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at attributes.

HostId is unique per account and is not globally unique.


The server must exist.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id} API

osc compute server start

Starts a stopped server and changes its status to ACTIVE.

Specify the os-start action in the request body.


The server status must be SHUTOFF.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to start the server.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you successfully start a server, its status changes to ACTIVE.


If the server status does not change to ACTIVE, the start operation failed. Ensure that you meet the preconditions and run the request again. If the request fails again, investigate whether another operation is running that causes a race condition.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server start --os-start <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --os-start <JSON>

osc compute server stop

Stops a running server and changes its status to SHUTOFF.

Specify the os-stop action in the request body.


The server status must be ACTIVE or ERROR.

If the server is locked, you must have administrator privileges to stop the server.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you successfully stop a server, its status changes to SHUTOFF. This API operation does not delete the server instance data and the data will be available again after os-start action.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server stop --os-stop <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --os-stop <JSON>

osc compute server suspend

Suspends a server and changes its status to SUSPENDED.

Specify the suspend action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server suspend --suspend <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --suspend <JSON>

osc compute server tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a server, checks the existence of a tag for a server.

Available since version 2.26

Tags have the following restrictions:

  • Tag is a Unicode bytestring no longer than 60 characters.

  • Tag is a non-empty string.

  • ‘/’ is not allowed to be in a tag name

  • Comma is not allowed to be in a tag name in order to simplify requests that specify lists of tags

  • All other characters are allowed to be in a tag name

  • Each server can have up to 50 tags.

Usage: osc compute server tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server tag add

Adds a single tag to the server if server has no specified tag. Response code in this case is 201.

If the server has specified tag just returns 204.

Normal response codes: 201, 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server tag add <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API

osc compute server tag check

Checks tag existence on the server. If tag exists response with 204 status code will be returned. Otherwise returns 404.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server tag check <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API

osc compute server tag delete

Deletes a single tag from the specified server.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server tag delete <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API

osc compute server tag list

Lists all tags for a server.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server tag list <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API

osc compute server tag purge

Deletes all tags from the specified server.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server tag purge <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API

osc compute server tag replace226

Replaces all tags on specified server with the new set of tags.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server tag replace226 [OPTIONS] <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of tags. The maximum count of tags in this list is 50

osc compute server topology

Shows NUMA topology information for a server.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owners of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), notfound(404), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server topology <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/topology API

osc compute server trigger-crash-dump217

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc compute server trigger-crash-dump217 <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API

osc compute server unlock21

Unlocks a locked server.

Specify the unlock action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server unlock21 --unlock <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --unlock <JSON>

osc compute server unpause

Unpauses a paused server and changes its status to ACTIVE.

Specify the unpause action in the request body.

Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server unpause --unpause <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --unpause <JSON>

osc compute server unrescue

Unrescues a server. Changes status to ACTIVE.

Specify the unrescue action in the request body.


The server must exist.

You can only unrescue a server when its status is RESCUE.

Asynchronous Postconditions

After you successfully unrescue a server and make a GET /servers/​{server_id}​ request, its status changes to ACTIVE.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server unrescue --unrescue <JSON> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --unrescue <JSON>

osc compute server unshelve277

Unshelve (Restore) Shelved Server (unshelve Action) (microversion = 2.77)

Usage: osc compute server unshelve277 --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE>

osc compute server unshelve291

Unshelve (Restore) Shelved Server (unshelve Action) (microversion = 2.91)

Usage: osc compute server unshelve291 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{id}/action API


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE>
  • --host <HOST>

osc compute server volume-attachment

Servers with volume attachments

Attaches volumes that are created through the volume API to server instances. Also, lists volume attachments for a server, shows details for a volume attachment, and detaches a volume.

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server volume-attachment create20

Attach a volume to an instance.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment create20 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API


  • --device <DEVICE> — Name of the device such as, /dev/vdb. Omit or set this parameter to null for auto-assignment, if supported. If you specify this parameter, the device must not exist in the guest operating system. Note that as of the 12.0.0 Liberty release, the Nova libvirt driver no longer honors a user-supplied device name. This is the same behavior as if the device name parameter is not supplied on the request
  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume to attach

osc compute server volume-attachment create249

Attach a volume to an instance.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment create249 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API


  • --device <DEVICE> — Name of the device such as, /dev/vdb. Omit or set this parameter to null for auto-assignment, if supported. If you specify this parameter, the device must not exist in the guest operating system. Note that as of the 12.0.0 Liberty release, the Nova libvirt driver no longer honors a user-supplied device name. This is the same behavior as if the device name parameter is not supplied on the request

  • --tag <TAG> — A device role tag that can be applied to a volume when attaching it to the VM. The guest OS of a server that has devices tagged in this manner can access hardware metadata about the tagged devices from the metadata API and on the config drive, if enabled.


    Tagged volume attachment is not supported for shelved-offloaded instances.

    New in version 2.49

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume to attach

osc compute server volume-attachment create279

Attach a volume to an instance.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment create279 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API


  • --delete-on-termination <DELETE_ON_TERMINATION> — To delete the attached volume when the server is destroyed, specify true. Otherwise, specify false. Default: false

    New in version 2.79

    Possible values: true, false

  • --device <DEVICE> — Name of the device such as, /dev/vdb. Omit or set this parameter to null for auto-assignment, if supported. If you specify this parameter, the device must not exist in the guest operating system. Note that as of the 12.0.0 Liberty release, the Nova libvirt driver no longer honors a user-supplied device name. This is the same behavior as if the device name parameter is not supplied on the request

  • --tag <TAG> — A device role tag that can be applied to a volume when attaching it to the VM. The guest OS of a server that has devices tagged in this manner can access hardware metadata about the tagged devices from the metadata API and on the config drive, if enabled.


    Tagged volume attachment is not supported for shelved-offloaded instances.

    New in version 2.49

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume to attach

osc compute server volume-attachment delete

Detach a volume from an instance.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment delete <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API

osc compute server volume-attachment list

List volume attachments for an instance.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment list [OPTIONS] <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --offset <OFFSET>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute server volume-attachment set20

Update a volume attachment.

Policy default role is ‘rule:system_admin_or_owner’, its scope is [system, project], which allow project members or system admins to change the fields of an attached volume of a server. Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to change volumeId via this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Updating, or what is commonly referred to as “swapping”, volume attachments with volumes that have more than one read/write attachment, is not supported.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment set20 --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API


  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume to attach instead of the attached volume

osc compute server volume-attachment set285

Update a volume attachment.

Policy default role is ‘rule:system_admin_or_owner’, its scope is [system, project], which allow project members or system admins to change the fields of an attached volume of a server. Policy defaults enable only users with the administrative role to change volumeId via this operation. Cloud providers can change these permissions through the policy.json file.

Updating, or what is commonly referred to as “swapping”, volume attachments with volumes that have more than one read/write attachment, is not supported.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment set285 [OPTIONS] --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API


  • --delete-on-termination <DELETE_ON_TERMINATION> — A flag indicating if the attached volume will be deleted when the server is deleted.

    New in version 2.85

    Possible values: true, false

  • --device <DEVICE> — Name of the device in the attachment object, such as, /dev/vdb.

    New in version 2.85

  • --id <ID> — The UUID of the attachment.

    New in version 2.85

  • --server-id <SERVER_ID> — The UUID of the server.

    New in version 2.85

  • --tag <TAG> — The device tag applied to the volume block device or null.

    New in version 2.85

  • --volume-id <VOLUME_ID> — The UUID of the volume to attach instead of the attached volume

osc compute server volume-attachment show

Show a detail of a volume attachment.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server volume-attachment show <SERVER_ID> <ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{id} API

osc compute server-external-event

Create external events (os-server-external-events)

Creates one or more external events. The API dispatches each event to a server instance.


This is an admin level service API only designed to be used by other OpenStack services. The point of this API is to coordinate between Nova and Neutron, Nova and Cinder, Nova and Ironic (and potentially future services) on activities they both need to be involved in, such as network hotplugging.

Unless you are writing Neutron, Cinder or Ironic code you should not be using this API.

Usage: osc compute server-external-event <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server-external-event create20

Creates one or more external events, which the API dispatches to the host a server is assigned to. If the server is not currently assigned to a host the event will not be delivered.

You will receive back the list of events that you submitted, with an updated code and status indicating their level of success.

Normal response codes: 200, 207

A 200 will be returned if all events succeeded, 207 will be returned if any events could not be processed. The code attribute for the event will explain further what went wrong.

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server-external-event create20 [OPTIONS]


  • --events <JSON> — List of external events to process

osc compute server-external-event create251

Creates one or more external events, which the API dispatches to the host a server is assigned to. If the server is not currently assigned to a host the event will not be delivered.

You will receive back the list of events that you submitted, with an updated code and status indicating their level of success.

Normal response codes: 200, 207

A 200 will be returned if all events succeeded, 207 will be returned if any events could not be processed. The code attribute for the event will explain further what went wrong.

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server-external-event create251 [OPTIONS]


  • --events <JSON> — List of external events to process

osc compute server-external-event create276

Creates one or more external events, which the API dispatches to the host a server is assigned to. If the server is not currently assigned to a host the event will not be delivered.

You will receive back the list of events that you submitted, with an updated code and status indicating their level of success.

Normal response codes: 200, 207

A 200 will be returned if all events succeeded, 207 will be returned if any events could not be processed. The code attribute for the event will explain further what went wrong.

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server-external-event create276 [OPTIONS]


  • --events <JSON> — List of external events to process

osc compute server-external-event create282

Creates one or more external events, which the API dispatches to the host a server is assigned to. If the server is not currently assigned to a host the event will not be delivered.

You will receive back the list of events that you submitted, with an updated code and status indicating their level of success.

Normal response codes: 200, 207

A 200 will be returned if all events succeeded, 207 will be returned if any events could not be processed. The code attribute for the event will explain further what went wrong.

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server-external-event create282 [OPTIONS]


  • --events <JSON> — List of external events to process

osc compute server-external-event create293

Creates one or more external events, which the API dispatches to the host a server is assigned to. If the server is not currently assigned to a host the event will not be delivered.

You will receive back the list of events that you submitted, with an updated code and status indicating their level of success.

Normal response codes: 200, 207

A 200 will be returned if all events succeeded, 207 will be returned if any events could not be processed. The code attribute for the event will explain further what went wrong.

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server-external-event create293 [OPTIONS]


  • --events <JSON> — List of external events to process

osc compute server-group

Server groups (os-server-groups)

Lists, shows information for, creates, and deletes server groups.

Usage: osc compute server-group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute server-group create264

Creates a server group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server-group create264 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> --policy <POLICY>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the server group

  • --policy <POLICY> — The policy field represents the name of the policy. The current valid policy names are:

    • anti-affinity - servers in this group must be scheduled to different hosts. - affinity - servers in this group must be scheduled to the same host. - soft-anti-affinity - servers in this group should be scheduled to different hosts if possible, but if not possible then they should still be scheduled instead of resulting in a build failure. - soft-affinity - servers in this group should be scheduled to the same host if possible, but if not possible then they should still be scheduled instead of resulting in a build failure.

    New in version 2.64

    Possible values: affinity, anti-affinity, soft-affinity, soft-anti-affinity

  • --max-server-per-host <MAX_SERVER_PER_HOST>

osc compute server-group create215

Creates a server group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server-group create215 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the server group

  • --policies <POLICIES> — A list of exactly one policy name to associate with the server group. The current valid policy names are:

    • anti-affinity - servers in this group must be scheduled to different hosts. - affinity - servers in this group must be scheduled to the same host. - soft-anti-affinity - servers in this group should be scheduled to different hosts if possible, but if not possible then they should still be scheduled instead of resulting in a build failure. This policy was added in microversion 2.15. - soft-affinity - servers in this group should be scheduled to the same host if possible, but if not possible then they should still be scheduled instead of resulting in a build failure. This policy was added in microversion 2.15.

    Available until version 2.63

osc compute server-group create20

Creates a server group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute server-group create20 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the server group

  • --policies <POLICIES> — A list of exactly one policy name to associate with the server group. The current valid policy names are:

    • anti-affinity - servers in this group must be scheduled to different hosts. - affinity - servers in this group must be scheduled to the same host. - soft-anti-affinity - servers in this group should be scheduled to different hosts if possible, but if not possible then they should still be scheduled instead of resulting in a build failure. This policy was added in microversion 2.15. - soft-affinity - servers in this group should be scheduled to the same host if possible, but if not possible then they should still be scheduled instead of resulting in a build failure. This policy was added in microversion 2.15.

    Available until version 2.63

osc compute server-group delete

Deletes a server group.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server-group delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-server-groups/{id} API

osc compute server-group list

Lists all server groups for the tenant.

Administrative users can use the all_projects query parameter to list all server groups for all projects.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute server-group list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-projects <ALL_PROJECTS>

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --offset <OFFSET>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute server-group show

Shows details for a server group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute server-group show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-server-groups/{id} API

osc compute service

Server groups (os-server-groups)

Lists, shows information for, creates, and deletes server groups.

Usage: osc compute service <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute service delete

Deletes a service. If it’s a nova-compute service, then the corresponding host will be removed from all the host aggregates as well.

Attempts to delete a nova-compute service which is still hosting instances will result in a 409 HTTPConflict response. The instances will need to be migrated or deleted before a compute service can be deleted.

Similarly, attempts to delete a nova-compute service which is involved in in-progress migrations will result in a 409 HTTPConflict response. The migrations will need to be completed, for example confirming or reverting a resize, or the instances will need to be deleted before the compute service can be deleted.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc compute service delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-services/{id} API

osc compute service list

Lists all running Compute services.

Provides details why any services were disabled.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute service list [OPTIONS]


  • --binary <BINARY>
  • --host <HOST>

osc compute service set253

Update a compute service to enable or disable scheduling, including recording a reason why a compute service was disabled from scheduling. Set or unset the forced_down flag for the service. This operation is only allowed on services whose binary is nova-compute.

This API is available starting with microversion 2.53.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute service set253 [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-services/{id} API


  • --disabled-reason <DISABLED_REASON> — The reason for disabling a service. The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 255. This may only be requested with status=disabled

  • --forced-down <FORCED_DOWN>forced_down is a manual override to tell nova that the service in question has been fenced manually by the operations team (either hard powered off, or network unplugged). That signals that it is safe to proceed with evacuate or other operations that nova has safety checks to prevent for hosts that are up.


    Setting a service forced down without completely fencing it will likely result in the corruption of VMs on that host.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --status <STATUS> — The status of the service. One of enabled or disabled

    Possible values: disabled, enabled

osc compute service set211

Update a compute service to enable or disable scheduling, including recording a reason why a compute service was disabled from scheduling. Set or unset the forced_down flag for the service. This operation is only allowed on services whose binary is nova-compute.

This API is available starting with microversion 2.53.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute service set211 [OPTIONS] --binary <BINARY> --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-services/{id} API


  • --binary <BINARY>

  • --disabled-reason <DISABLED_REASON> — The reason for disabling a service. The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 255. This may only be requested with status=disabled

  • --forced-down <FORCED_DOWN>forced_down is a manual override to tell nova that the service in question has been fenced manually by the operations team (either hard powered off, or network unplugged). That signals that it is safe to proceed with evacuate or other operations that nova has safety checks to prevent for hosts that are up.


    Setting a service forced down without completely fencing it will likely result in the corruption of VMs on that host.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --host <HOST>

osc compute service set20

Update a compute service to enable or disable scheduling, including recording a reason why a compute service was disabled from scheduling. Set or unset the forced_down flag for the service. This operation is only allowed on services whose binary is nova-compute.

This API is available starting with microversion 2.53.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute service set20 [OPTIONS] --binary <BINARY> --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-services/{id} API


  • --binary <BINARY>
  • --disabled-reason <DISABLED_REASON> — The reason for disabling a service. The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 255. This may only be requested with status=disabled
  • --host <HOST>

osc compute simple-tenant-usage

Usage reports (os-simple-tenant-usage)

Reports usage statistics of compute and storage resources periodically for an individual tenant or all tenants. The usage statistics will include all instances’ CPU, memory and local disk during a specific period.


The os-simple-tenant-usage will report usage statistics based on the latest flavor that is configured in the virtual machine (VM), and ignoring stop, pause, and other events that might have happened with the VM. Therefore, it uses the time the VM existed in the cloud environment to execute the usage accounting.

More information can be found at, and

Microversion 2.40 added pagination (and next links) to the usage statistics via optional limit and marker query parameters. If limit isn’t provided, the configurable max_limit will be used which currently defaults to 1000. Older microversions will not accept these new paging query parameters, but they will start to silently limit by max_limit.

text /os-simple-tenant-usage?limit={limit}&marker={instance_uuid} /os-simple-tenant-usage/{tenant_id}?limit={limit}&marker={instance_uuid}


A tenant’s usage statistics may span multiple pages when the number of instances exceeds limit, and API consumers will need to stitch together the aggregate results if they still want totals for all instances in a specific time window, grouped by tenant.

Usage: osc compute simple-tenant-usage <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc compute simple-tenant-usage list

Lists usage statistics for all tenants.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute simple-tenant-usage list [OPTIONS]


  • --detailed <DETAILED>

  • --end <END>

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER>

  • --start <START>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc compute simple-tenant-usage show

Shows usage statistics for a tenant.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403)

Usage: osc compute simple-tenant-usage show [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-simple-tenant-usage/{id} API


  • --end <END>
  • --limit <LIMIT>
  • --marker <MARKER>
  • --start <START>

osc dns

DNS service (Designate) operations

Usage: osc dns <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns limit

DNS Project limits operations

Usage: osc dns limit <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns limit get

Get Project Limits

Usage: osc dns limit get

osc dns quota

DNS Quota operations

Usage: osc dns quota <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns quota delete

Reset Quotas

Usage: osc dns quota delete <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc dns quota show

View a projects quotas

This returns a key:value set of quotas on the system.

Usage: osc dns quota show <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc dns quota set

Set a projects quotas

The request should be a key:value set of quotas to be set

This returns a key:value set of quotas on the system.

Usage: osc dns quota set [OPTIONS] <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --api-export-size <API_EXPORT_SIZE>
  • --recordset-records <RECORDSET_RECORDS>
  • --zone-records <ZONE_RECORDS>
  • --zone-recorsets <ZONE_RECORSETS>
  • --zones <ZONES>

osc dns recordset

DNS Project recordsets operations

This command manages all Recordsets owned by a project.

Usage: osc dns recordset <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns recordset list

List all Recordsets owned by project

Usage: osc dns recordset list [OPTIONS]


  • --type <TYPE> — Filter results to only show zones that have a type matching the filter

    Possible values: CATALOG, PRIMARY, SECONDARY

  • --data <DATA> — Filter results to only show recordsets that have a record with data matching the filter

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Filter results to only show zones that have a description matching the filter

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --market <MARKET> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — Filter results to only show zones that have a name matching the filter

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts the response by the requested sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). Default is asc. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts the response by the this attribute value. Default is id. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key

    Possible values: created_at, id, name, serial, status, tenant_id, ttl, updated_at

  • --status <STATUS> — Filter results to only show zones that have a status matching the filter


  • --ttl <TTL> — Filter results to only show zones that have a ttl matching the filter

  • --zone-id <ZONE_ID> — ID for the zone

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc dns reverse

DNS Reverse recordsets (PTR) operations

Usage: osc dns reverse <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns reverse floatingip

DNS PTR records operations

Usage: osc dns reverse floatingip <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns reverse floatingip list

List FloatingIP’s PTR record

Usage: osc dns reverse floatingip list

osc dns reverse floatingip show

Show FloatingIP’s PTR record

Usage: osc dns reverse floatingip show <FIP_KEY>


  • <FIP_KEY> — fip_key parameter for /v2/reverse/floatingips/{fip_key} API

osc dns reverse floatingip set

Set FloatingIP’s PTR record

Usage: osc dns reverse floatingip set [OPTIONS] <FIP_KEY>


  • <FIP_KEY> — fip_key parameter for /v2/reverse/floatingips/{fip_key} API


  • --address <ADDRESS> — The floatingip address for this PTR record
  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description for this PTR record
  • --ptrdname <PTRDNAME> — Domain name for this PTR record
  • --ttl <TTL> — Time to live for this PTR record

osc dns zone

DNS Zone operations

Usage: osc dns zone <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns zone create

Create Zone

Usage: osc dns zone create [OPTIONS]


  • --attributes <key=value> — Key:Value pairs of information about this zone, and the pool the user would like to place the zone in. This information can be used by the scheduler to place zones on the correct pool

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description for this zone

  • --email <EMAIL> — e-mail for the zone. Used in SOA records for the zone

  • --masters <MASTERS> — Mandatory for secondary zones. The servers to slave from to get DNS information

  • --name <NAME> — DNS Name for the zone

  • --ttl <TTL> — TTL (Time to Live) for the zone

  • --type <TYPE> — Type of zone. PRIMARY is controlled by Designate, SECONDARY zones are slaved from another DNS Server. Defaults to PRIMARY

    Possible values: catalog, primary, secondary

osc dns zone delete

Delete a Zone

Usage: osc dns zone delete <ID>


  • <ID> — zone_id parameter for /v2/zones/{zone_id} API

osc dns zone list

List Zones

Usage: osc dns zone list [OPTIONS]


  • --type <TYPE> — Filter results to only show zones that have a type matching the filter

    Possible values: CATALOG, PRIMARY, SECONDARY

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Filter results to only show zones that have a description matching the filter

  • --email <EMAIL> — Filter results to only show zones that have an email matching the filter

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --market <MARKET> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — Filter results to only show zones that have a name matching the filter

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts the response by the requested sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). Default is asc. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts the response by the this attribute value. Default is id. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key

    Possible values: created_at, id, name, serial, status, tenant_id, ttl, updated_at

  • --status <STATUS> — Filter results to only show zones that have a status matching the filter


  • --ttl <TTL> — Filter results to only show zones that have a ttl matching the filter

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc dns zone nameserver

DNS recordsets operations

Usage: osc dns zone nameserver <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns zone nameserver list

Get the Name Servers for a Zone

Usage: osc dns zone nameserver list <--zone-name <ZONE_NAME>|--zone-id <ZONE_ID>>


  • --zone-name <ZONE_NAME> — Zone Name
  • --zone-id <ZONE_ID> — Zone ID

osc dns zone recordset

DNS recordsets operations

Usage: osc dns zone recordset <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc dns zone recordset create

Create Recordset

Usage: osc dns zone recordset create [OPTIONS] <--zone-name <ZONE_NAME>|--zone-id <ZONE_ID>>


  • --zone-name <ZONE_NAME> — Zone Name

  • --zone-id <ZONE_ID> — Zone ID

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description for this recordset

  • --name <NAME> — DNS Name for the recordset

  • --records <RECORDS> — A list of data for this recordset. Each item will be a separate record in Designate These items should conform to the DNS spec for the record type - e.g. A records must be IPv4 addresses, CNAME records must be a hostname

  • --ttl <TTL> — TTL (Time to Live) for the recordset

  • --type <TYPE> — They RRTYPE of the recordset

    Possible values: a, aaaa, caa, cert, cname, mx, naptr, ns, ptr, soa, spf, srv, sshfp, txt

osc dns zone recordset delete

Delete a Recordset

Usage: osc dns zone recordset delete <--zone-name <ZONE_NAME>|--zone-id <ZONE_ID>> <ID>


  • <ID> — recordset_id parameter for /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets/{recordset_id} API


  • --zone-name <ZONE_NAME> — Zone Name
  • --zone-id <ZONE_ID> — Zone ID

osc dns zone recordset list

List Recordsets in a Zone

Usage: osc dns zone recordset list [OPTIONS] <--zone-name <ZONE_NAME>|--zone-id <ZONE_ID>>


  • --type <TYPE> — Filter results to only show zones that have a type matching the filter

    Possible values: CATALOG, PRIMARY, SECONDARY

  • --data <DATA> — Filter results to only show recordsets that have a record with data matching the filter

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Filter results to only show zones that have a description matching the filter

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --market <MARKET> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — Filter results to only show zones that have a name matching the filter

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts the response by the requested sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). Default is asc. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts the response by the this attribute value. Default is id. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key

    Possible values: created_at, id, name, serial, status, tenant_id, ttl, updated_at

  • --status <STATUS> — Filter results to only show zones that have a status matching the filter


  • --ttl <TTL> — Filter results to only show zones that have a ttl matching the filter

  • --zone-name <ZONE_NAME> — Zone Name

  • --zone-id <ZONE_ID> — Zone ID

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc dns zone recordset show

Show a Recordset

Usage: osc dns zone recordset show <--zone-name <ZONE_NAME>|--zone-id <ZONE_ID>> <ID>


  • <ID> — recordset_id parameter for /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets/{recordset_id} API


  • --zone-name <ZONE_NAME> — Zone Name
  • --zone-id <ZONE_ID> — Zone ID

osc dns zone recordset set

Update a Recordset

Usage: osc dns zone recordset set [OPTIONS] <--zone-name <ZONE_NAME>|--zone-id <ZONE_ID>> <ID>


  • <ID> — recordset_id parameter for /v2/zones/{zone_id}/recordsets/{recordset_id} API


  • --zone-name <ZONE_NAME> — Zone Name
  • --zone-id <ZONE_ID> — Zone ID
  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description for this recordset
  • --records <RECORDS> — A list of data for this recordset. Each item will be a separate record in Designate These items should conform to the DNS spec for the record type - e.g. A records must be IPv4 addresses, CNAME records must be a hostname
  • --ttl <TTL> — TTL (Time to Live) for the recordset

osc dns zone show

Show a Zone

Usage: osc dns zone show <ID>


  • <ID> — zone_id parameter for /v2/zones/{zone_id} API

osc dns zone set

Update a Zone

Usage: osc dns zone set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — zone_id parameter for /v2/zones/{zone_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Description for this zone
  • --email <EMAIL> — e-mail for the zone. Used in SOA records for the zone
  • --ttl <TTL> — TTL (Time to Live) for the zone

osc identity

Identity (Keystone) commands

The Identity service generates authentication tokens that permit access to the OpenStack services REST APIs. Clients obtain this token and the URL endpoints for other service APIs by supplying their valid credentials to the authentication service.

Each time you make a REST API request to an OpenStack service, you supply your authentication token in the X-Auth-Token request header.

Like most OpenStack projects, OpenStack Identity protects its APIs by defining policy rules based on a role-based access control (RBAC) approach.

The Identity service configuration file sets the name and location of a JSON policy file that stores these rules.

Usage: osc identity <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth

Identity Auth commands

The Identity service generates tokens in exchange for authentication credentials. A token represents the authenticated identity of a user and, optionally, grants authorization on a specific project, domain, or the deployment system.

The body of an authentication request must include a payload that specifies the authentication methods, which are normally just password or token, the credentials, and, optionally, the authorization scope. You can scope a token to a project, domain, the deployment system, or the token can be unscoped. You cannot scope a token to multiple scope targets.

Tokens have IDs, which the Identity API returns in the X-Subject-Token response header.

In the case of multi-factor authentication (MFA) more than one authentication method needs to be supplied to authenticate. As of v3.12 a failure due to MFA rules only partially being met will result in an auth receipt ID being returned in the response header Openstack-Auth-Receipt, and a response body that details the receipt itself and the missing authentication methods. Supplying the auth receipt ID in the Openstack-Auth-Receipt header in a follow-up authentication request, with the missing authentication methods, will result in a valid token by reusing the successful methods from the first request. This allows MFA authentication to be a multi-step process.

After you obtain an authentication token, you can:

  • Make REST API requests to other OpenStack services. You supply the ID of your authentication token in the X-Auth-Token request header.

  • Validate your authentication token and list the domains, projects, roles, and endpoints that your token gives you access to.

  • Use your token to request another token scoped for a different domain and project.

  • Force the immediate revocation of a token.

  • List revoked public key infrastructure (PKI) tokens.

Usage: osc identity auth <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth catalog

Identity Catalog commands

A service is an OpenStack web service that you can access through a URL, i.e. an endpoint.

A service catalog lists the services that are available to the caller based upon the current authorization.

Usage: osc identity auth catalog <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth catalog list

New in version 3.3

This call returns a service catalog for the X-Auth-Token provided in the request, even if the token does not contain a catalog itself (for example, if it was generated using ?nocatalog).

The structure of the catalog object is identical to that contained in a token.


Usage: osc identity auth catalog list

osc identity auth domain

Identity Domain scope commands


Usage: osc identity auth domain <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth domain list

New in version 3.3

This call returns the list of domains that are available to be scoped to based on the X-Auth-Token provided in the request.

The structure is the same as listing domains.


Usage: osc identity auth domain list

osc identity auth federation

Identity Federated auch commands


Usage: osc identity auth federation <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth federation identity-provider

Identity WebSSO auth commands

Usage: osc identity auth federation identity-provider <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol

Identity WebSSO auth commands

Usage: osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol websso

Identity WebSSO auth commands

Usage: osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol websso <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol websso create

POST operation on /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}/websso

Usage: osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol websso create <IDP_ID> <PROTOCOL_ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}/websso API
  • <PROTOCOL_ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}/websso API

osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol websso get

GET operation on /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}/websso

Usage: osc identity auth federation identity-provider protocol websso get <IDP_ID> <PROTOCOL_ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}/websso API
  • <PROTOCOL_ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}/websso API

osc identity auth federation websso

Identity WebSSO auth commands

Usage: osc identity auth federation websso <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth federation websso create

POST operation on /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/websso/{protocol_id}

Usage: osc identity auth federation websso create <PROTOCOL_ID>


  • <PROTOCOL_ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/websso/{protocol_id} API

osc identity auth federation websso show

GET operation on /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/websso/{protocol_id}

Usage: osc identity auth federation websso show <PROTOCOL_ID>


  • <PROTOCOL_ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/websso/{protocol_id} API

osc identity auth project

Identity project scope commands


Usage: osc identity auth project <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth project list

New in version 3.3

This call returns the list of projects that are available to be scoped to based on the X-Auth-Token provided in the request.

The structure of the response is exactly the same as listing projects for a user.


Usage: osc identity auth project list

osc identity auth system

Identity system scope commands


Usage: osc identity auth system <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth system list

New in version 3.10

This call returns the list of systems that are available to be scoped to based on the X-Auth-Token provided in the request.


Usage: osc identity auth system list

osc identity auth token

Identity token commands


Usage: osc identity auth token <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity auth token delete

Revokes a token.

This call is similar to the HEAD /auth/tokens call except that the X-Subject-Token token is immediately not valid, regardless of the expires_at attribute value. An additional X-Auth-Token is not required.


Usage: osc identity auth token delete

osc identity auth token get

Validates and shows information for a token, including its expiration date and authorization scope.

Pass your own token in the X-Auth-Token request header.

Pass the token that you want to validate in the X-Subject-Token request header.


Usage: osc identity auth token get

osc identity access-rule

Application Credentials - Access Rules

Users have the option of delegating more fine-grained access control to their application credentials by using access rules. For example, to create an application credential that is constricted to creating servers in nova, the user can add the following access rules:

{ "access_rules": [{ "path": "/v2.1/servers", "method": "POST", "service": "compute" }] }

The "path" attribute of application credential access rules uses a wildcard syntax to make it more flexible. For example, to create an application credential that is constricted to listing server IP addresses, you could use either of the following access rules:

{ "access_rules": [ { "path": "/v2.1/servers/*/ips", "method": "GET", "service": "compute" } ] }

or equivalently:

{ "access_rules": [ { "path": "/v2.1/servers/{server_id}/ips", "method": "GET", "service": "compute" } ] }

In both cases, a request path containing any server ID will match the access rule. For even more flexibility, the recursive wildcard ** indicates that request paths containing any number of / will be matched. For example:

{ "access_rules": [ { "path": "/v2.1/**", "method": "GET", "service": "compute" } ] }

will match any nova API for version 2.1.

An access rule created for one application credential can be re-used by providing its ID to another application credential, for example:

{ "access_rules": [ { "id": "abcdef" } ] }

Usage: osc identity access-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity access-rule delete

Delete an access rule. An access rule that is still in use by an application credential cannot be deleted.


Usage: osc identity access-rule delete <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — access_rule_id parameter for /v3/users/{user_id}/access_rules/{access_rule_id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity access-rule list

List all access rules for a user.


Usage: osc identity access-rule list <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity access-rule show

Show details of an access rule.


Usage: osc identity access-rule show <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — access_rule_id parameter for /v3/users/{user_id}/access_rules/{access_rule_id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity application-credential

Application Credentials

Application credentials provide a way to delegate a user’s authorization to an application without sharing the user’s password authentication. This is a useful security measure, especially for situations where the user’s identification is provided by an external source, such as LDAP or a single-sign-on service. Instead of storing user passwords in config files, a user creates an application credential for a specific project, with all or a subset of the role assignments they have on that project, and then stores the application credential identifier and secret in the config file.

Multiple application credentials may be active at once, so you can easily rotate application credentials by creating a second one, converting your applications to use it one by one, and finally deleting the first one.

Application credentials are limited by the lifespan of the user that created them. If the user is deleted, disabled, or loses a role assignment on a project, the application credential is deleted.

Application credentials can have their privileges limited in two ways. First, the owner may specify a subset of their own roles that the application credential may assume when getting a token for a project. For example, if a user has the member role on a project, they also have the implied role reader and can grant the application credential only the reader role for the project:

"roles": [ {"name": "reader"} ]

Users also have the option of delegating more fine-grained access control to their application credentials by using access rules. For example, to create an application credential that is constricted to creating servers in nova, the user can add the following access rules:

"access_rules": [ { "path": "/v2.1/servers", "method": "POST", "service": "compute" } ]

The "path" attribute of application credential access rules uses a wildcard syntax to make it more flexible. For example, to create an application credential that is constricted to listing server IP addresses, you could use either of the following access rules:

"access_rules": [ { "path": "/v2.1/servers/*/ips", "method": "GET", "service": "compute" } ]

or equivalently:

"access_rules": [ { "path": "/v2.1/servers/{server_id}/ips", "method": "GET", "service": "compute" } ]

In both cases, a request path containing any server ID will match the access rule. For even more flexibility, the recursive wildcard ** indicates that request paths containing any number of / will be matched. For example:

"access_rules": [ { "path": "/v2.1/**", "method": "GET", "service": "compute" } ]

will match any nova API for version 2.1.

An access rule created for one application credential can be re-used by providing its ID to another application credential, for example:

"access_rules": [ { "id": "abcdef" } ]

Usage: osc identity application-credential <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity application-credential create

Creates an application credential for a user on the project to which the current token is scoped.


Usage: osc identity application-credential create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name

  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID

  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

  • --access-rules <JSON> — A list of access_rules objects

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A description of the application credential’s purpose

  • --expires-at <EXPIRES_AT> — An optional expiry time for the application credential. If unset, the application credential does not expire

  • --id <ID> — The UUID for the credential

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the application credential. Must be unique to a user

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project the application credential was created for and that authentication requests using this application credential will be scoped to

  • --roles <JSON> — An optional list of role objects, identified by ID or name. The list may only contain roles that the user has assigned on the project. If not provided, the roles assigned to the application credential will be the same as the roles in the current token

  • --secret <SECRET> — The secret that the application credential will be created with. If not provided, one will be generated

  • --system <SYSTEM>

  • --unrestricted <UNRESTRICTED> — An optional flag to restrict whether the application credential may be used for the creation or destruction of other application credentials or trusts. Defaults to false

    Possible values: true, false

osc identity application-credential delete

Delete an application credential.


Usage: osc identity application-credential delete <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — application_credential_id parameter for /v3/users/{user_id}/application_credentials/{application_credential_id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity application-credential list

List all application credentials for a user.


Usage: osc identity application-credential list [OPTIONS] <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the application credential. Must be unique to a user
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity application-credential show

Show details of an application credential.


Usage: osc identity application-credential show <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — application_credential_id parameter for /v3/users/{user_id}/application_credentials/{application_credential_id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity credential

Identity Credential commands

In exchange for a set of authentication credentials that the user submits, the Identity service generates and returns a token. A token represents the authenticated identity of a user and, optionally, grants authorization on a specific project or domain.

You can list all credentials, and create, show details for, update, and delete a credential.

Usage: osc identity credential <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity credential create

Creates a credential.

The following example shows how to create an EC2-style credential. The credential blob is a string that contains a JSON-serialized dictionary with the access and secret keys. This format is required when you specify the ec2 type. To specify other credentials, such as access_key, change the type and contents of the data blob.


Usage: osc identity credential create [OPTIONS] --blob <BLOB> --type <TYPE> --user-id <USER_ID>


  • --blob <BLOB> — The credential itself, as a serialized blob
  • --id <ID> — The UUID for the credential
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID for the project
  • --type <TYPE> — The credential type, such as ec2 or cert. The implementation determines the list of supported types
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — The ID of the user who owns the credential

osc identity credential delete

Deletes a credential.


Usage: osc identity credential delete <ID>


  • <ID> — credential_id parameter for /v3/credentials/{credential_id} API

osc identity credential list

Lists all credentials.

Optionally, you can include the user_id or type query parameter in the URI to filter the response by a user or credential type.


Usage: osc identity credential list [OPTIONS]


  • --type <TYPE> — The credential type, such as ec2 or cert. The implementation determines the list of supported types
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity credential set

Updates a credential.


Usage: osc identity credential set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — credential_id parameter for /v3/credentials/{credential_id} API


  • --blob <BLOB> — The credential itself, as a serialized blob
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID for the project
  • --type <TYPE> — The credential type, such as ec2 or cert. The implementation determines the list of supported types
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — The ID of the user who owns the credential

osc identity credential show

Shows details for a credential.


Usage: osc identity credential show <ID>


  • <ID> — credential_id parameter for /v3/credentials/{credential_id} API

osc identity domain

Identity Domain commands

A domain is a collection of users, groups, and projects. Each group and project is owned by exactly one domain.

Each domain defines a namespace where certain API-visible name attributes exist, which affects whether those names must be globally unique or unique within that domain. In the Identity API, the uniqueness of these attributes is as follows:

  • Domain name. Globally unique across all domains.

  • Role name. Unique within the owning domain.

  • User name. Unique within the owning domain.

  • Project name. Unique within the owning domain.

  • Group name. Unique within the owning domain.

Usage: osc identity domain <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain create

Creates a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The description of the domain

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — If set to true, domain is created enabled. If set to false, domain is created disabled. The default is true.

    Users can only authorize against an enabled domain (and any of its projects). In addition, users can only authenticate if the domain that owns them is also enabled. Disabling a domain prevents both of these things.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --explicit-domain-id <EXPLICIT_DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain. A domain created this way will not use an auto-generated ID, but will use the ID passed in instead. Identifiers passed in this way must conform to the existing ID generation scheme: UUID4 without dashes

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the domain

  • --immutable <IMMUTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tags <TAGS>

osc identity domain config

Config configuration

You can manage domain-specific configuration options.

Config-specific configuration options are structured within their group objects. The API supports only the identity and ldap groups. These groups override the default configuration settings for the storage of users and groups by the Identity server.

You can create, update, and delete domain-specific configuration options by using the HTTP PUT , PATCH , and DELETE methods. When updating, it is only necessary to include those options that are being updated.

To create an option, use the PUT method. The Identity API does not return options that are considered sensitive, although you can create and update these options. The only option currently considered sensitive is the password option within the ldap group.

The API enables you to include sensitive options as part of non- sensitive options. For example, you can include the password as part of the url option.

If you try to create or update configuration options for groups other than whitelisted on the server side, the Forbidden (403) response code is returned.

For information about how to integrate the Identity service with LDAP, see Integrate Identity with LDAP.

A domain is a collection of users, groups, and projects. Each group and project is owned by exactly one domain.

Usage: osc identity domain config <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain config default

The default configuration settings for the options that can be overridden can be retrieved.


Usage: osc identity domain config default

osc identity domain config group

Domain Group group

Group group is a driver specific configuration for the domain. It contains individual configuration options.

Usage: osc identity domain config group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain config group default

Reads the default configuration settings for a specific group.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups.


Usage: osc identity domain config group default <GROUP>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/config/{group}/{option}/default API

osc identity domain config group delete

Deletes a domain group configuration.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups.


Usage: osc identity domain config group delete <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain config group option

Domain Group Option

A domain group option is a configuration option of the domain specific driver.

Usage: osc identity domain config group option <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain config group option default

Reads the default configuration setting for an option within a group.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups. For the ldap group, a valid value is url or user_tree_dn. For the identity group, a valid value is driver.


Usage: osc identity domain config group option default <GROUP> <OPTION>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/config/{group}/{option}/default API
  • <OPTION> — option parameter for /v3/domains/config/{group}/{option}/default API

osc identity domain config group option delete

Deletes a domain group option configuration.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups. For the ldap group, a valid value is url or user_tree_dn. For the identity group, a valid value is driver.


Usage: osc identity domain config group option delete <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP> <OPTION>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API
  • <OPTION> — option parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain config group option set

Updates a domain group option configuration.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups. For the ldap group, a valid value is url or user_tree_dn. For the identity group, a valid value is driver.


Usage: osc identity domain config group option set [OPTIONS] <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP> <OPTION>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API
  • <OPTION> — option parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --config <key=value> — A config object

osc identity domain config group option show

Shows details for a domain group option configuration.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups. For the ldap group, a valid value is url or user_tree_dn. For the identity group, a valid value is driver.


Usage: osc identity domain config group option show <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP> <OPTION>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API
  • <OPTION> — option parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain config group set

Updates a domain group configuration.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups. If you try to set configuration options for other groups, this call fails with the Forbidden (403) response code.


Usage: osc identity domain config group set --config <JSON> <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --config <JSON> — A config object

osc identity domain config group show

Shows details for a domain group configuration.

The API supports only the identity and ldap groups.


Usage: osc identity domain config group show <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP>


  • <GROUP> — group parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/config/{group}/{option} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain config purge

Deletes a domain configuration.


Usage: osc identity domain config purge <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain>


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain config list

Shows details for a domain configuration.


Usage: osc identity domain config list <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain>


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain config replace

Creates a domain configuration.


Usage: osc identity domain config replace --config <JSON> <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain>


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --config <JSON> — A config object

osc identity domain config set

Updates a domain configuration.


Usage: osc identity domain config set --config <JSON> <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain>


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --config <JSON> — A config object

osc identity domain delete

Deletes a domain. To minimize the risk of accidentally deleting a domain, you must first disable the domain by using the update domain method.

When you delete a domain, this call also deletes all entities owned by it, such as users, groups, and projects, and any credentials and granted roles that relate to those entities.

If you try to delete an enabled domain, this call returns the Forbidden (403) response code.


Usage: osc identity domain delete <ID>


  • <ID> — domain_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id} API

osc identity domain group

Domain groups

Usage: osc identity domain group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain group role

Domain group roles

OpenStack services typically determine whether a user’s API request should be allowed using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). For OpenStack this means the service compares the roles that user has on the project (as indicated by the roles in the token), against the roles required for the API in question (as defined in the service’s policy file). A user obtains roles on a project by having these assigned to them via the Identity service API.

Roles must initially be created as entities via the Identity services API and, once created, can then be assigned. You can assign roles to a user or group on a project, including projects owned by other domains. You can also assign roles to a user or group on a domain, although this is only currently relevant for using a domain scoped token to execute domain-level Identity service API requests.

Usage: osc identity domain group role <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain group role delete

Unassigns a role from a group on a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain group role delete <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API
  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain group role list

Lists role assignments for a group on a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain group role list <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP_ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain group role set

Assigns a role to a group on a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain group role set <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API
  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain group role show

Check if a group has a specific role on a domain.

GET/HEAD /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id}

Usage: osc identity domain group role show <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API
  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain

osc identity domain list

Lists all domains.


Usage: osc identity domain list [OPTIONS]


  • --enabled <ENABLED> — If set to true, then only domains that are enabled will be returned, if set to false only that are disabled will be returned. Any value other than 0, including no value, will be interpreted as true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last fetched entry

  • --name <NAME> — The resource name

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc identity domain set

Updates a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — domain_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The new description of the domain

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — If set to true, domain is enabled. If set to false, domain is disabled. The default is true.

    Users can only authorize against an enabled domain (and any of its projects). In addition, users can only authenticate if the domain that owns them is also enabled. Disabling a domain prevents both of these things. When you disable a domain, all tokens that are authorized for that domain become invalid. However, if you reenable the domain, these tokens become valid again, providing that they haven’t expired.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The new name of the domain

  • --immutable <IMMUTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tags <TAGS>

osc identity domain show

Shows details for a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain show <ID>


  • <ID> — domain_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id} API

osc identity domain user

Domain groups

Usage: osc identity domain user <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain user role

Domain user roles

OpenStack services typically determine whether a user’s API request should be allowed using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). For OpenStack this means the service compares the roles that user has on the project (as indicated by the roles in the token), against the roles required for the API in question (as defined in the service’s policy file). A user obtains roles on a project by having these assigned to them via the Identity service API.

Roles must initially be created as entities via the Identity services API and, once created, can then be assigned. You can assign roles to a user or group on a project, including projects owned by other domains. You can also assign roles to a user or group on a domain, although this is only currently relevant for using a domain scoped token to execute domain-level Identity service API requests.

Usage: osc identity domain user role <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity domain user role delete

Unassigns a role from a user on a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain user role delete <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity domain user role list

Lists role assignments for a user on a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain user role list <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity domain user role set

Assigns a role to a user on a domain.


Usage: osc identity domain user role set <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity domain user role show

Check if a user has a specific role on the domain.

GET/HEAD /v3/domains/{domain_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id}

Usage: osc identity domain user role show <--domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>|--domain-id <DOMAIN_ID>|--current-domain> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/domains/{domain_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity endpoint

Endpoint commands

Usage: osc identity endpoint <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint create

Creates an endpoint.


Usage: osc identity endpoint create [OPTIONS] --interface <INTERFACE> --service-id <SERVICE_ID> --url <URL>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A description of the endpoint

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Defines whether the endpoint appears in the service catalog: - false. The endpoint does not appear in the service catalog. - true. The endpoint appears in the service catalog. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --id <ID> — The endpoint ID

  • --interface <INTERFACE> — The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint. Value is: - public. Visible by end users on a publicly available network interface. - internal. Visible by end users on an unmetered internal network interface. - admin. Visible by administrative users on a secure network interface

    Possible values: admin, internal, public

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the endpoint

  • --region <REGION> — (Deprecated in v3.2) The geographic location of the service endpoint

  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — (Since v3.2) The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint

  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — The UUID of the service to which the endpoint belongs

  • --url <URL> — The endpoint URL

osc identity endpoint delete

Deletes an endpoint.


Usage: osc identity endpoint delete <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_id parameter for /v3/endpoints/{endpoint_id} API

osc identity endpoint list

Lists all available endpoints.


Usage: osc identity endpoint list [OPTIONS]


  • --interface <INTERFACE> — The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint. Value is: -public. Visible by end users on a publicly available network interface. -internal. Visible by end users on an unmetered internal network interface.-admin. Visible by administrative users on a secure network interface

    Possible values: admin, internal, public

  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — (Since v3.2) The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint

  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — The UUID of the service to which the endpoint belongs

osc identity endpoint set

Updates an endpoint.


Usage: osc identity endpoint set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_id parameter for /v3/endpoints/{endpoint_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A description of the endpoint

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Indicates whether the endpoint appears in the service catalog -false. The endpoint does not appear in the service catalog. -true. The endpoint appears in the service catalog

    Possible values: true, false

  • --interface <INTERFACE> — The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint. Value is: - public. Visible by end users on a publicly available network interface. - internal. Visible by end users on an unmetered internal network interface. - admin. Visible by administrative users on a secure network interface

    Possible values: admin, internal, public

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the endpoint

  • --region <REGION> — (Deprecated in v3.2) The geographic location of the service endpoint

  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — (Since v3.2) The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint

  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — The UUID of the service to which the endpoint belongs

  • --url <URL> — The endpoint URL

osc identity endpoint show

Shows details for an endpoint.


Usage: osc identity endpoint show <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_id parameter for /v3/endpoints/{endpoint_id} API

osc identity endpoint-filter


This API enables the creation of custom catalogs using project scope. The result is the ability to advertise specific endpoints based on the project in use. The association can be done two different ways. The first is by building a direct association between the project and the endpoint, which implies that all tokens scoped to that particular project will receive a specific endpoint, or set of endpoints, in the service catalog. The second is by creating an endpoint group. An endpoint group is a filter that consists of at least one endpoint attribute. By associating a project to an endpoint group, all service catalogs scoped to that project will contain endpoints that match the attributes defined in the endpoint group. Using endpoint groups is a way to dynamically associate an endpoint, or a group of endpoints, to a specific project.

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint

Endpoint project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint project

Endpoint project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint project <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint project list

Return a list of projects associated with the endpoint

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint project list <ENDPOINT_ID>


  • <ENDPOINT_ID> — endpoint_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoints/{endpoint_id}/projects API

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group

EndpointGroup project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group create

Create new endpoint groups.

POST /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <--enabled <ENABLED>|--interface <INTERFACE>|--region-id <REGION_ID>|--service-id <SERVICE_ID>>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The endpoint group description

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Indicates whether the endpoint appears in the service catalog -false. The endpoint does not appear in the service catalog. -true. The endpoint appears in the service catalog

    Possible values: true, false

  • --interface <INTERFACE> — The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint. Value is: -public. Visible by end users on a publicly available network interface. -internal. Visible by end users on an unmetered internal network interface. -admin. Visible by administrative users on a secure network interface

    Possible values: admin, internal, public

  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — (Since v3.2) The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint

  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — The UUID of the service to which the endpoint belongs

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the endpoint group

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group delete

DELETE operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group delete <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id} API

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group endpoint

Endpoint project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group endpoint <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group endpoint list

GET operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/endpoints

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group endpoint list <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID>


  • <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/endpoints API

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group list

List all endpoint groups.

GET /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group list [OPTIONS]


  • --name <NAME> — The name of the endpoint group

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project

Project project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project delete

DELETE operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects/{project_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project delete <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID>


  • <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects/{project_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project list

GET operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project list <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID>


  • <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects/{project_id} API

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project set

PUT operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects/{project_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project set [OPTIONS] <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID>


  • <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects/{project_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --property <key=value>

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project show

GET operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects/{project_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group project show <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID>


  • <ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}/projects/{project_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group set

Update existing endpoint groups

PATCH /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The endpoint group description

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Indicates whether the endpoint appears in the service catalog -false. The endpoint does not appear in the service catalog. -true. The endpoint appears in the service catalog

    Possible values: true, false

  • --interface <INTERFACE> — The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint. Value is: -public. Visible by end users on a publicly available network interface. -internal. Visible by end users on an unmetered internal network interface. -admin. Visible by administrative users on a secure network interface

    Possible values: admin, internal, public

  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — (Since v3.2) The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint

  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — The UUID of the service to which the endpoint belongs

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the endpoint group

osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group show

Get Endpoint Group

GET /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group show <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_group_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups/{endpoint_group_id} API

osc identity endpoint-filter project

Endpoint project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint

Endpoint project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint delete

DELETE operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoints/{endpoint_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint delete <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoints/{endpoint_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint list

GET operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoints

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint list <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint set

PUT operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoints/{endpoint_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint set [OPTIONS] <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoints/{endpoint_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --property <key=value>

osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint show

GET operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoints/{endpoint_id}

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint show <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <ID>


  • <ID> — endpoint_id parameter for /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoints/{endpoint_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint-group

EndpointGroup project API

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint-group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint-group list

GET operation on /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/projects/{project_id}/endpoint_groups

Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter project endpoint-group list <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity federation


Provide the ability for users to manage Identity Providers (IdPs) and establish a set of rules to map federation protocol attributes to Identity API attributes.

Usage: osc identity federation <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity federation identity-provider

Identity Providers

An Identity Provider (IdP) is a third party service that is trusted by the Identity API to authenticate identities.

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity federation identity-provider create

Create an idp resource for federated authentication.

PUT /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider create [OPTIONS] <IDP_ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id} API


  • --authorization-ttl <AUTHORIZATION_TTL> — The length of validity in minutes for group memberships carried over through mapping and persisted in the database. If left unset, the default value configured in keystone will be used, if enabled

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The identity provider description

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of a domain that is associated with the identity provider. Federated users that authenticate with the identity provider will be created under the domain specified

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whether the identity provider is enabled or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --remote-ids <REMOTE_IDS> — List of the unique identity provider's remote IDs

osc identity federation identity-provider delete

DELETE operation on /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider delete <IDP_ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id} API

osc identity federation identity-provider list

List all identity providers.

GET/HEAD /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider list [OPTIONS]


  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whether the identity provider is enabled or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --id <ID> — The identity provider ID

osc identity federation identity-provider protocol

Identity provider protocols

A protocol entry contains information that dictates which mapping rules to use for a given incoming request. An IdP may have multiple supported protocols.

Required attributes:

  • mapping_id (string): Indicates which mapping should be used to process federated authentication requests.

Optional attributes:

  • remote_id_attribute (string): Key to obtain the entity ID of the Identity Provider from the HTTPD environment. For mod_shib, this would be Shib-Identity-Provider. For mod_auth_openidc, this could be HTTP_OIDC_ISS. For mod_auth_mellon, this could be MELLON_IDP. This overrides the default value provided in keystone.conf.

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider protocol <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity federation identity-provider protocol create

Create protocol for an IDP.

PUT /OS-Federation/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider protocol create [OPTIONS] --mapping-id <MAPPING_ID> <IDP_ID> <ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols API
  • <ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id} API


  • --mapping-id <MAPPING_ID>
  • --remote-id-attribute <REMOTE_ID_ATTRIBUTE>

osc identity federation identity-provider protocol delete

Delete a protocol from an IDP.

DELETE /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/ {idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider protocol delete <IDP_ID> <ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols API
  • <ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id} API

osc identity federation identity-provider protocol list

List protocols for an IDP.

HEAD/GET /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider protocol list <IDP_ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols API

osc identity federation identity-provider protocol set

Update protocol for an IDP.

PATCH /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/ {idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider protocol set [OPTIONS] <IDP_ID> <ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols API
  • <ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id} API


  • --mapping-id <MAPPING_ID>
  • --remote-id-attribute <REMOTE_ID_ATTRIBUTE>

osc identity federation identity-provider protocol show

Get protocols for an IDP.

HEAD/GET /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/ {idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider protocol show <IDP_ID> <ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols API
  • <ID> — protocol_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}/protocols/{protocol_id} API

osc identity federation identity-provider set

PATCH operation on /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider set [OPTIONS] <IDP_ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id} API


  • --authorization-ttl <AUTHORIZATION_TTL> — The length of validity in minutes for group memberships carried over through mapping and persisted in the database. If left unset, the default value configured in keystone will be used, if enabled

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The identity provider description

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whether the identity provider is enabled or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --remote-ids <REMOTE_IDS> — List of the unique identity provider's remote IDs

osc identity federation identity-provider show

Get an IDP resource.

GET/HEAD /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id}

Usage: osc identity federation identity-provider show <IDP_ID>


  • <IDP_ID> — idp_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/{idp_id} API

osc identity federation mapping


A mapping is a set of rules to map federation protocol attributes to Identity API objects. An Identity Provider can have a single mapping specified per protocol. A mapping is simply a list of rules.

Usage: osc identity federation mapping <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity federation mapping create

Create a mapping.

PUT /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id}

Usage: osc identity federation mapping create [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — mapping_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id} API


  • --rules <JSON>
  • --schema-version <SCHEMA_VERSION> — Mapping schema version

osc identity federation mapping delete

Delete a mapping.

DELETE /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id}

Usage: osc identity federation mapping delete <ID>


  • <ID> — mapping_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id} API

osc identity federation mapping list

GET operation on /v3/OS-FEDERATION/mappings

Usage: osc identity federation mapping list

osc identity federation mapping set

Update an attribute mapping for identity federation.

PATCH /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id}

Usage: osc identity federation mapping set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — mapping_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id} API


  • --rules <JSON>
  • --schema-version <SCHEMA_VERSION> — Mapping schema version

osc identity federation mapping show

GET operation on /v3/OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id}

Usage: osc identity federation mapping show <ID>


  • <ID> — mapping_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/mappings/{mapping_id} API

osc identity federation service-provider

Service Providers

A service provider is a third party service that is trusted by the Identity Service.

Usage: osc identity federation service-provider <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity federation service-provider create

Create a service provider.

PUT /OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id}

Usage: osc identity federation service-provider create [OPTIONS] --auth-url <AUTH_URL> --sp-url <SP_URL> <ID>


  • <ID> — service_provider_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id} API


  • --auth-url <AUTH_URL> — The URL to authenticate against

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The description of the service provider

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whether the service provider is enabled or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --relay-state-prefix <RELAY_STATE_PREFIX> — The prefix of the RelayState SAML attribute

  • --sp-url <SP_URL> — The service provider's URL

osc identity federation service-provider delete

Delete a service provider.

DELETE /OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id}

Usage: osc identity federation service-provider delete <ID>


  • <ID> — service_provider_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id} API

osc identity federation service-provider list

List service providers.

GET/HEAD /OS-FEDERATION/service_providers

Usage: osc identity federation service-provider list [OPTIONS]


  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whether the service provider is enabled or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --id <ID> — The service provider ID

osc identity federation service-provider set

Update a service provider.

PATCH /OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id}

Usage: osc identity federation service-provider set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — service_provider_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id} API


  • --auth-url <AUTH_URL> — The URL to authenticate against

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The description of the service provider

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whether the service provider is enabled or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --relay-state-prefix <RELAY_STATE_PREFIX> — The prefix of the RelayState SAML attribute

  • --sp-url <SP_URL> — The service provider's URL

osc identity federation service-provider show

Get a service provider.

GET/HEAD /OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id}

Usage: osc identity federation service-provider show <ID>


  • <ID> — service_provider_id parameter for /v3/OS-FEDERATION/service_providers/{service_provider_id} API

osc identity federation saml2-metadata

A user may retrieve Metadata about an Identity Service acting as an Identity Provider.

The response will be a full document with Metadata properties. Note that for readability, this example certificate has been truncated.

Usage: osc identity federation saml2-metadata <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity federation saml2-metadata show

Get SAML2 metadata.

GET/HEAD /OS-FEDERATION/saml2/metadata

Usage: osc identity federation saml2-metadata show

osc identity group

Identity Group commands

A group is a collection of users. Each group is owned by a domain.

You can use groups to ease the task of managing role assignments for users. Assigning a role to a group on a project or domain is equivalent to assigning the role to each group member on that project or domain.

When you unassign a role from a group, that role is automatically unassigned from any user that is a member of the group. Any tokens that authenticates those users to the relevant project or domain are revoked.

As with users, a group without any role assignments is useless from the perspective of an OpenStack service and has no access to resources. However, a group without role assignments is permitted as a way of acquiring or loading users and groups from external sources before mapping them to projects and domains.

Usage: osc identity group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity group create

Creates a group.


Usage: osc identity group create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The description of the group
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain of the group. If the domain ID is not provided in the request, the Identity service will attempt to pull the domain ID from the token used in the request. Note that this requires the use of a domain-scoped token
  • --name <NAME> — The name of the group

osc identity group delete

Deletes a group.


Usage: osc identity group delete <ID>


  • <ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/groups/{group_id} API

osc identity group list

Lists groups.


Usage: osc identity group list [OPTIONS]


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID

  • --current-domain — Current domain

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last fetched entry

  • --name <NAME> — The resource name

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts resources by attribute

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc identity group set

Updates a group.

If the back-end driver does not support this functionality, the call returns the Not Implemented (501) response code.


Usage: osc identity group set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/groups/{group_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The new description of the group
  • --name <NAME> — The new name of the group

osc identity group show

Shows details for a group.


Usage: osc identity group show <ID>


  • <ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/groups/{group_id} API

osc identity group user

Identity User User membership commands

Usage: osc identity group user <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity group user delete

Removes a user from a group.


Usage: osc identity group user delete <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <GROUP_ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity group user list

Lists the users that belong to a group.


Usage: osc identity group user list [OPTIONS] <GROUP_ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} API


  • --password-expires-at <PASSWORD_EXPIRES_AT> — Filter results based on which user passwords have expired. The query should include an operator and a timestamp with a colon (:) separating the two, for example: password_expires_at={operator}:{timestamp}. Valid operators are: lt, lte, gt, gte, eq, and neq. Valid timestamps are of the form: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ

osc identity group user set

Adds a user to a group.


Usage: osc identity group user set <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <GROUP_ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity group user show

Check if a user is in a group.

GET/HEAD /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id}

Usage: osc identity group user show <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <GROUP_ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} API


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity limit

Unified Limits

In OpenStack, a quota system mainly contains two parts: limit and usage. The Unified limits in Keystone is a replacement of the limit part. It contains two kinds of resources: Registered Limit and Limit. A registered limit is a default limit. It is usually created by the services which are registered in Keystone. A limit is the limit that override the registered limit for each project.

Usage: osc identity limit <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity limit create

Creates limits. It supports to create more than one limit in one request.


Usage: osc identity limit create [OPTIONS]


  • --limits <JSON> — A list of limits objects

osc identity limit delete

Deletes a limit.


Usage: osc identity limit delete <ID>


  • <ID> — limit_id parameter for /v3/limits/{limit_id} API

osc identity limit list

Lists Limits.


Usage: osc identity limit list [OPTIONS]


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — The ID of the region
  • --resource-name <RESOURCE_NAME> — The resource name
  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — Filters the response by a service ID

osc identity limit model

Return the configured limit enforcement model.


Usage: osc identity limit model

osc identity limit set

Updates the specified limit. It only supports to update resource_limit or description for the limit.


Usage: osc identity limit set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — limit_id parameter for /v3/limits/{limit_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The limit description
  • --resource-limit <RESOURCE_LIMIT> — The override limit

osc identity limit show

Shows details for a limit.


Usage: osc identity limit show <ID>


  • <ID> — limit_id parameter for /v3/limits/{limit_id} API

osc identity project


A project is the base unit of resource ownership. Resources are owned by a specific project. A project is owned by a specific domain.

(Since Identity API v3.4) You can create a hierarchy of projects by setting a parent_id when you create a project. All projects in a hierarchy must be owned by the same domain.

(Since Identity API v3.6) Projects may, in addition to acting as containers for OpenStack resources, act as a domain (by setting the attribute is_domain to true), in which case it provides a namespace in which users, groups and other projects can be created. In fact, a domain created using the POST /domains API will actually be represented as a project with is_domain set to true with no parent (parent_id is null).

Given this, all projects are considered part of a project hierarchy. Projects created in a domain prior to v3.6 are represented as a two-level hierarchy, with a project that has is_domain set to true as the root and all other projects referencing the root as their parent.

A project acting as a domain can potentially also act as a container for OpenStack resources, although this depends on whether the policy rule for the relevant resource creation allows this.


A project’s name must be unique within a domain and no more than 64 characters. A project’s name must be able to be sent within valid JSON, which could be any UTF-8 character. However, this is constrained to the given backend where project names are stored. For instance, MySQL’s restrictions states that UTF-8 support is constrained to the characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Supplementary characters are not permitted. Note that this last restriction is generally true for all names within resources of the Identity API. Creating a project without using a domain scoped token, i.e. using a project scoped token or a system scoped token, and also without specifying a domain or domain_id, the project will automatically be created on the default domain.

Usage: osc identity project <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity project create

Creates a project, where the project may act as a domain.


Usage: osc identity project create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The description of the project

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain for the project.

    For projects acting as a domain, the domain_id must not be specified, it will be generated by the Identity service implementation.

    For regular projects (i.e. those not acing as a domain), if domain_id is not specified, but parent_id is specified, then the domain ID of the parent will be used. If neither domain_id or parent_id is specified, the Identity service implementation will default to the domain to which the client’s token is scoped. If both domain_id and parent_id are specified, and they do not indicate the same domain, an Bad Request (400) will be returned.

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — If set to true, project is enabled. If set to false, project is disabled. The default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --is-domain <IS_DOMAIN> — If set to true, project is enabled. If set to false, project is disabled. The default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the project, which must be unique within the owning domain. A project can have the same name as its domain

  • --immutable <IMMUTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --parent-id <PARENT_ID> — The ID of the parent of the project.

    If specified on project creation, this places the project within a hierarchy and implicitly defines the owning domain, which will be the same domain as the parent specified. If parent_id is not specified and is_domain is false, then the project will use its owning domain as its parent. If is_domain is true (i.e. the project is acting as a domain), then parent_id must not specified (or if it is, it must be null) since domains have no parents.

    parent_id is immutable, and can’t be updated after the project is created - hence a project cannot be moved within the hierarchy.

    New in version 3.4

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to a project. Tags can be used to classify projects into groups

osc identity project delete

Deletes a project.


Usage: osc identity project delete <ID>


  • <ID> — project_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id} API

osc identity project group

Project Group commands

This command allows managing of the user group roles on the project

Usage: osc identity project group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity project group role

Identity Project User Group Role commands

This command allows managing of the user roles on the project

Usage: osc identity project group role <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity project group role delete

Unassigns a role from a group on a project.


Usage: osc identity project group role delete <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles API
  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity project group role list

Lists role assignments for a group on a project.


Usage: osc identity project group role list <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <GROUP_ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity project group role set

Assigns a role to a group on a project.


Usage: osc identity project group role set <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles API
  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity project group role show

Check grant for project, group, role.

GET/HEAD /v3/projects/{project_id/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id}

Usage: osc identity project group role show <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <GROUP_ID> — group_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles API
  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/groups/{group_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc identity project list

Lists projects.


Usage: osc identity project list [OPTIONS]


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID

  • --current-domain — Current domain

  • --enabled <ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --is-domain <IS_DOMAIN>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last fetched entry

  • --name <NAME> — The resource name

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS>

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY>

  • --parent-id <PARENT_ID>

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc identity project set

Updates a project.


Usage: osc identity project set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — project_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The description of the project

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — If set to true, project is enabled. If set to false, project is disabled

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the project, which must be unique within the owning domain. A project can have the same name as its domain

  • --immutable <IMMUTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to a project. Tags can be used to classify projects into groups

osc identity project show

Shows details for a project.


Usage: osc identity project show <ID>


  • <ID> — project_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id} API

osc identity project user

Project User commands

This command allows managing of the user roles on the project

Usage: osc identity project user <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity project user role

Identity Project User Role commands

This command allows managing of the user roles on the project

Usage: osc identity project user role <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity project user role delete

Unassigns a role from a user on a project.


Usage: osc identity project user role delete <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity project user role list

Lists role assignments for a user on a project.


Usage: osc identity project user role list <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity project user role set

Assigns a role to a user on a project.


Usage: osc identity project user role set <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity project user role show

Check grant for project, user, role.

GET/HEAD /v3/projects/{project_id/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id}

Usage: osc identity project user role show <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project> <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user> <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/projects/{project_id}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} API


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity region

Region commands

A region is a general division of an OpenStack deployment. You can associate zero or more sub-regions with a region to create a tree- like structured hierarchy.

Although a region does not have a geographical connotation, a deployment can use a geographical name for a region ID, such as us- east.

You can list, create, update, show details for, and delete regions.

Usage: osc identity region <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity region create

Creates a region.

When you create the region, you can optionally specify a region ID. If you include characters in the region ID that are not allowed in a URI, you must URL-encode the ID. If you omit an ID, the API assigns an ID to the region.

The following errors might occur:


Usage: osc identity region create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The region description
  • --parent-id <PARENT_ID> — To make this region a child of another region, set this parameter to the ID of the parent region

osc identity region delete

Deletes a region.

The following error might occur:


Usage: osc identity region delete <ID>


  • <ID> — region_id parameter for /v3/regions/{region_id} API

osc identity region list

Lists regions.


Usage: osc identity region list [OPTIONS]


  • --parent-region-id <PARENT_REGION_ID> — Filters the response by a parent region, by ID

osc identity region set

Updates a region.

You can update the description or parent region ID for a region. You cannot update the region ID.

The following error might occur:


Usage: osc identity region set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — region_id parameter for /v3/regions/{region_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The region description
  • --parent-id <PARENT_ID> — To make this region a child of another region, set this parameter to the ID of the parent region

osc identity region show

Shows details for a region, by ID.


Usage: osc identity region show <ID>


  • <ID> — region_id parameter for /v3/regions/{region_id} API

osc identity registered-limit

Unified Limits - Registered limits

In OpenStack, a quota system mainly contains two parts: limit and usage. The Unified limits in Keystone is a replacement of the limit part. It contains two kinds of resources: Registered RegisteredLimit and RegisteredLimit. A registered limit is a default limit. It is usually created by the services which are registered in Keystone. A limit is the limit that override the registered limit for each project.

Usage: osc identity registered-limit <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity registered-limit create

Creates registered limits. It supports to create more than one registered limit in one request.


Usage: osc identity registered-limit create [OPTIONS]


  • --registered-limits <JSON> — A list of registered_limits objects

osc identity registered-limit delete

Deletes a registered limit.


Usage: osc identity registered-limit delete <ID>


  • <ID> — registered_limit_id parameter for /v3/registered_limits/{registered_limit_id} API

osc identity registered-limit list

Lists Registered Limits.


Usage: osc identity registered-limit list [OPTIONS]


  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — The ID of the region
  • --resource-name <RESOURCE_NAME> — The resource name
  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — Filters the response by a service ID

osc identity registered-limit set

Updates the specified registered limit.


Usage: osc identity registered-limit set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — registered_limit_id parameter for /v3/registered_limits/{registered_limit_id} API


  • --default-limit <DEFAULT_LIMIT> — The default limit for the registered limit
  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The registered limit description
  • --region-id <REGION_ID> — The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint. Either service_id, resource_name, or region_id must be different than existing value otherwise it will raise 409
  • --resource-name <RESOURCE_NAME> — The resource name. Either service_id, resource_name or region_id must be different than existing value otherwise it will raise 409
  • --service-id <SERVICE_ID> — The UUID of the service to update to which the registered limit belongs. Either service_id, resource_name, or region_id must be different than existing value otherwise it will raise 409

osc identity registered-limit show

Shows details for a registered limit.


Usage: osc identity registered-limit show <ID>


  • <ID> — registered_limit_id parameter for /v3/registered_limits/{registered_limit_id} API

osc identity role

Identity Role commands

OpenStack services typically determine whether a user’s API request should be allowed using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). For OpenStack this means the service compares the roles that user has on the project (as indicated by the roles in the token), against the roles required for the API in question (as defined in the service’s policy file). A user obtains roles on a project by having these assigned to them via the Identity service API.

Roles must initially be created as entities via the Identity services API and, once created, can then be assigned. You can assign roles to a user or group on a project, including projects owned by other domains. You can also assign roles to a user or group on a domain, although this is only currently relevant for using a domain scoped token to execute domain-level Identity service API requests.

Usage: osc identity role <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity role assignment

Role Assignments commands

Usage: osc identity role assignment <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity role assignment list

Get a list of role assignments.

If no query parameters are specified, then this API will return a list of all role assignments.

Since this list is likely to be very long, this API would typically always be used with one of more of the filter queries. Some typical examples are:

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id} would list all role assignments involving the specified user.

GET /v3/role_assignments?{project_id} would list all role assignments involving the specified project.

It is also possible to list all role assignments within a tree of projects: GET /v3/role_assignments?{project_id}&include_subtree=true would list all role assignments involving the specified project and all sub-projects. include_subtree=true can only be specified in conjunction with, specifying it without this will result in an HTTP 400 Bad Request being returned.

Each role assignment entity in the collection contains a link to the assignment that gave rise to this entity.

The scope section in the list response is extended to allow the representation of role assignments that are inherited to projects.

The query filter scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to can be used to filter based on role assignments that are inherited. The only value of scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to that is currently supported is projects, indicating that this role is inherited to all projects of the owning domain or parent project.

If the query parameter effective is specified, rather than simply returning a list of role assignments that have been made, the API returns a list of effective assignments at the user, project and domain level, having allowed for the effects of group membership, role inference rules as well as inheritance from the parent domain or project. Since the effects of group membership have already been allowed for, the group role assignment entities themselves will not be returned in the collection. Likewise, since the effects of inheritance have already been allowed for, the role assignment entities themselves that specify the inheritance will also not be returned in the collection. This represents the effective role assignments that would be included in a scoped token. The same set of query parameters can also be used in combination with the effective parameter.

For example:

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id}&effective would, in other words, answer the question “what can this user actually do?”.

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id}&{project_id}&effective would return the equivalent set of role assignments that would be included in the token response of a project scoped token.

An example response for an API call with the query parameter effective specified is given below:

The entity links section of a response using the effective query parameter also contains, for entities that are included by virtue of group membership, a url that can be used to access the membership of the group.

If the query parameter include_names is specified, rather than simply returning the entity IDs in the role assignments, the collection will additionally include the names of the entities. For example:

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id}&effective&include_names=true would return:


Usage: osc identity role assignment list [OPTIONS]


  • --effective <EFFECTIVE>
  • --group-id <GROUP_ID>
  • --include-names <INCLUDE_NAMES>
  • --include-subtree <INCLUDE_SUBTREE>
  • --role-id <ROLE_ID>
  • --scope-domain-id <SCOPE_DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain
  • --scope-os-inherit-inherited-to <SCOPE_OS_INHERIT_INHERITED_TO>
  • --scope-project-id <SCOPE_PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project
  • --scope-system <SCOPE_SYSTEM>
  • --user-id <USER_ID>

osc identity role create

Creates a role.


Usage: osc identity role create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Add description about the role

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain of the role

  • --name <NAME> — The role name

  • --immutable <IMMUTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

osc identity role delete

Deletes a role.


Usage: osc identity role delete <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{role_id} API

osc identity role imply

Identity Implied Imply commands

Usage: osc identity role imply <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity role imply delete

Deletes a role inference rule.


Usage: osc identity role imply delete <PRIOR_ROLE_ID> <IMPLIED_ROLE_ID>


  • <PRIOR_ROLE_ID> — prior_role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{prior_role_id}/implies/{implied_role_id} API
  • <IMPLIED_ROLE_ID> — implied_role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{prior_role_id}/implies/{implied_role_id} API

osc identity role imply list

Lists implied (inference) roles for a role.


Usage: osc identity role imply list <PRIOR_ROLE_ID>


  • <PRIOR_ROLE_ID> — prior_role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{prior_role_id}/implies/{implied_role_id} API

osc identity role imply set

Creates a role inference rule.


Usage: osc identity role imply set <PRIOR_ROLE_ID> <IMPLIED_ROLE_ID>


  • <PRIOR_ROLE_ID> — prior_role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{prior_role_id}/implies/{implied_role_id} API
  • <IMPLIED_ROLE_ID> — implied_role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{prior_role_id}/implies/{implied_role_id} API

osc identity role imply show

Gets a role inference rule.


Usage: osc identity role imply show <PRIOR_ROLE_ID> <IMPLIED_ROLE_ID>


  • <PRIOR_ROLE_ID> — prior_role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{prior_role_id}/implies/{implied_role_id} API
  • <IMPLIED_ROLE_ID> — implied_role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{prior_role_id}/implies/{implied_role_id} API

osc identity role inference

Role Inferences commands

Operating the role inferences (implied roles)

Usage: osc identity role inference <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity role inference list

Lists all role inference rules.


Usage: osc identity role inference list

osc identity role list

Lists roles.


Usage: osc identity role list [OPTIONS]


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name
  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID
  • --current-domain — Current domain
  • --name <NAME> — The resource name

osc identity role set

Updates a role.


Usage: osc identity role set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{role_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The new role description

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain

  • --name <NAME> — The new role name

  • --immutable <IMMUTABLE>

    Possible values: true, false

osc identity role show

Shows details for a role.


Usage: osc identity role show <ID>


  • <ID> — role_id parameter for /v3/roles/{role_id} API

osc identity role-assignment

Role Assignments commands

Usage: osc identity role-assignment <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity role-assignment list

Get a list of role assignments.

If no query parameters are specified, then this API will return a list of all role assignments.

Since this list is likely to be very long, this API would typically always be used with one of more of the filter queries. Some typical examples are:

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id} would list all role assignments involving the specified user.

GET /v3/role_assignments?{project_id} would list all role assignments involving the specified project.

It is also possible to list all role assignments within a tree of projects: GET /v3/role_assignments?{project_id}&include_subtree=true would list all role assignments involving the specified project and all sub-projects. include_subtree=true can only be specified in conjunction with, specifying it without this will result in an HTTP 400 Bad Request being returned.

Each role assignment entity in the collection contains a link to the assignment that gave rise to this entity.

The scope section in the list response is extended to allow the representation of role assignments that are inherited to projects.

The query filter scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to can be used to filter based on role assignments that are inherited. The only value of scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to that is currently supported is projects, indicating that this role is inherited to all projects of the owning domain or parent project.

If the query parameter effective is specified, rather than simply returning a list of role assignments that have been made, the API returns a list of effective assignments at the user, project and domain level, having allowed for the effects of group membership, role inference rules as well as inheritance from the parent domain or project. Since the effects of group membership have already been allowed for, the group role assignment entities themselves will not be returned in the collection. Likewise, since the effects of inheritance have already been allowed for, the role assignment entities themselves that specify the inheritance will also not be returned in the collection. This represents the effective role assignments that would be included in a scoped token. The same set of query parameters can also be used in combination with the effective parameter.

For example:

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id}&effective would, in other words, answer the question “what can this user actually do?”.

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id}&{project_id}&effective would return the equivalent set of role assignments that would be included in the token response of a project scoped token.

An example response for an API call with the query parameter effective specified is given below:

The entity links section of a response using the effective query parameter also contains, for entities that are included by virtue of group membership, a url that can be used to access the membership of the group.

If the query parameter include_names is specified, rather than simply returning the entity IDs in the role assignments, the collection will additionally include the names of the entities. For example:

GET /v3/role_assignments?{user_id}&effective&include_names=true would return:


Usage: osc identity role-assignment list [OPTIONS]


  • --effective <EFFECTIVE>
  • --group-id <GROUP_ID>
  • --include-names <INCLUDE_NAMES>
  • --include-subtree <INCLUDE_SUBTREE>
  • --role-id <ROLE_ID>
  • --scope-domain-id <SCOPE_DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain
  • --scope-os-inherit-inherited-to <SCOPE_OS_INHERIT_INHERITED_TO>
  • --scope-project-id <SCOPE_PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project
  • --scope-system <SCOPE_SYSTEM>
  • --user-id <USER_ID>

osc identity role-inference

Role Inferences commands

Operating the role inferences (implied roles)

Usage: osc identity role-inference <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity role-inference list

Lists all role inference rules.


Usage: osc identity role-inference list

osc identity service

Service commands

A service is an OpenStack web service that you can access through a URL, i.e. an endpoint.

You can create, list, show details for, update, and delete services. When you create or update a service, you can enable the service, which causes it and its endpoints to appear in the service catalog.

Usage: osc identity service <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity service create

Creates a service.


Usage: osc identity service create [OPTIONS] --type <TYPE>


  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Defines whether the service and its endpoints appear in the service catalog: - false. The service and its endpoints do not appear in the service catalog. - true. The service and its endpoints appear in the service catalog

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The service name

  • --type <TYPE> — The service type, which describes the API implemented by the service. Value is compute, ec2, identity, image, network, or volume

osc identity service delete

Deletes a service.

If you try to delete a service that still has associated endpoints, this call either deletes all associated endpoints or fails until all endpoints are deleted.


Usage: osc identity service delete <ID>


  • <ID> — service_id parameter for /v3/services/{service_id} API

osc identity service list

Lists all services.


Usage: osc identity service list [OPTIONS]


  • --service <SERVICE> — Filters the response by a domain ID

osc identity service set

Updates a service.

The request body is the same as the create service request body, except that you include only those attributes that you want to update.


Usage: osc identity service set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — service_id parameter for /v3/services/{service_id} API


  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Defines whether the service and its endpoints appear in the service catalog: - false. The service and its endpoints do not appear in the service catalog. - true. The service and its endpoints appear in the service catalog. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — The service name

  • --type <TYPE> — The service type, which describes the API implemented by the service. Value is compute, ec2, identity, image, network, or volume

osc identity service show

Shows details for a service.


Usage: osc identity service show <ID>


  • <ID> — service_id parameter for /v3/services/{service_id} API

osc identity user

User commands

A user is an individual API consumer that is owned by a domain. A role explicitly associates a user with projects or domains. A user with no assigned roles has no access to OpenStack resources.

You can list, create, show details for, update, delete, and change the password for users.

You can also list groups, projects, and role assignments for a specified user.

Usage: osc identity user <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity user create

Creates a user.


Usage: osc identity user create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --default-project-id <DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the default project for the user. A user’s default project must not be a domain. Setting this attribute does not grant any actual authorization on the project, and is merely provided for convenience. Therefore, the referenced project does not need to exist within the user domain. (Since v3.1) If the user does not have authorization to their default project, the default project is ignored at token creation. (Since v3.1) Additionally, if your default project is not valid, a token is issued without an explicit scope of authorization

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The resource description

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — The ID of the domain of the user. If the domain ID is not provided in the request, the Identity service will attempt to pull the domain ID from the token used in the request. Note that this requires the use of a domain-scoped token

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — If the user is enabled, this value is true. If the user is disabled, this value is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --federated <JSON> — List of federated objects associated with a user. Each object in the list contains the idp_id and protocols. protocols is a list of objects, each of which contains protocol_id and unique_id of the protocol and user respectively. For example:

  • --name <NAME> — The user name. Must be unique within the owning domain

  • --ignore-change-password-upon-first-use <IGNORE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_UPON_FIRST_USE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --ignore-lockout-failure-attempts <IGNORE_LOCKOUT_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --ignore-password-expiry <IGNORE_PASSWORD_EXPIRY>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --ignore-user-inactivity <IGNORE_USER_INACTIVITY>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --lock-password <LOCK_PASSWORD>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --multi-factor-auth-enabled <MULTI_FACTOR_AUTH_ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --multi-factor-auth-rules <MULTI_FACTOR_AUTH_RULES>

  • --password <PASSWORD> — The password for the user

osc identity user delete

Deletes a user.


Usage: osc identity user delete <ID>


  • <ID> — user_id parameter for /v3/users/{user_id} API

osc identity user groups

Lists groups to which a user belongs.


Usage: osc identity user groups <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity user list

Lists users.


Usage: osc identity user list [OPTIONS]


  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — Domain Name

  • --domain-id <DOMAIN_ID> — Domain ID

  • --current-domain — Current domain

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Whether the identity provider is enabled or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --idp-id <IDP_ID> — Filters the response by an identity provider ID

  • --limit <LIMIT>

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last fetched entry

  • --name <NAME> — The resource name

  • --password-expires-at <PASSWORD_EXPIRES_AT> — Filter results based on which user passwords have expired. The query should include an operator and a timestamp with a colon (:) separating the two, for example: password_expires_at={operator}:{timestamp} Valid operators are: lt, lte, gt, gte, eq, and neq

    • lt: expiration time lower than the timestamp - lte: expiration time lower than or equal to the timestamp - gt: expiration time higher than the timestamp - gte: expiration time higher than or equal to the timestamp - eq: expiration time equal to the timestamp - neq: expiration time not equal to the timestamp

    Valid timestamps are of the form: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ.For example:/v3/users?password_expires_at=lt:2016-12-08T22:02:00Z The example would return a list of users whose password expired before the timestamp (2016-12-08T22:02:00Z).

  • --protocol-id <PROTOCOL_ID> — Filters the response by a protocol ID

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending)

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts resources by attribute

  • --unique-id <UNIQUE_ID> — Filters the response by a unique ID

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc identity user password

User password commands

This subcommand allows user to change the password

Usage: osc identity user password <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc identity user password set

Changes the password for a user.


Usage: osc identity user password set [OPTIONS] <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user
  • --original-password <ORIGINAL_PASSWORD> — The original password for the user
  • --password <PASSWORD> — The new password for the user

osc identity user projects

List projects to which the user has authorization to access.


Usage: osc identity user projects <--user-name <USER_NAME>|--user-id <USER_ID>|--current-user>


  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc identity user set

Updates a user.

If the back-end driver does not support this functionality, this call might return the HTTP Not Implemented (501) response code.


Usage: osc identity user set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — user_id parameter for /v3/users/{user_id} API


  • --default-project-id <DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID> — The new ID of the default project for the user

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The resource description

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Enables or disables the user. An enabled user can authenticate and receive authorization. A disabled user cannot authenticate or receive authorization. Additionally, all tokens that the user holds become no longer valid. If you reenable this user, pre-existing tokens do not become valid. To enable the user, set to true. To disable the user, set to false. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --federated <JSON> — List of federated objects associated with a user. Each object in the list contains the idp_id and protocols. protocols is a list of objects, each of which contains protocol_id and unique_id of the protocol and user respectively. For example:

  • --name <NAME> — The new name for the user. Must be unique within the owning domain

  • --ignore-change-password-upon-first-use <IGNORE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_UPON_FIRST_USE>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --ignore-lockout-failure-attempts <IGNORE_LOCKOUT_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --ignore-password-expiry <IGNORE_PASSWORD_EXPIRY>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --ignore-user-inactivity <IGNORE_USER_INACTIVITY>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --lock-password <LOCK_PASSWORD>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --multi-factor-auth-enabled <MULTI_FACTOR_AUTH_ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --multi-factor-auth-rules <MULTI_FACTOR_AUTH_RULES>

  • --password <PASSWORD> — The new password for the user

osc identity user show

Shows details for a user.


Usage: osc identity user show <ID>


  • <ID> — user_id parameter for /v3/users/{user_id} API

osc image

Image service operations

Usage: osc image <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image image

Image commands

Usage: osc image image <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image image create

Creates a catalog record for an operating system disk image. (Since Image API v2.0)

The Location response header contains the URI for the image.

A multiple store backend support is introduced in the Rocky release as a part of the EXPERIMENTAL Image API v2.8. Since Image API v2.8 a new header OpenStack-image-store-ids which contains the list of available stores will be included in response. This header is only included if multiple backend stores are supported.

The response body contains the new image entity.

Synchronous Postconditions

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 409, 413, 415

Usage: osc image image create [OPTIONS]


  • --container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT> — Format of the image container.

    Values may vary based on the configuration available in a particular OpenStack cloud. See the Image Schema response from the cloud itself for the valid values available. See Container Format in the Glance documentation for more information.

    Example formats are: ami, ari, aki, bare, ovf, ova, docker, or compressed.

    The value might be null (JSON null data type).

    Train changes: The compressed container format is a supported value.

    Possible values: aki, ami, ari, bare, compressed, docker, ova, ovf

  • --disk-format <DISK_FORMAT> — The format of the disk.

    Values may vary based on the configuration available in a particular OpenStack cloud. See the Image Schema response from the cloud itself for the valid values available. See Disk Format in the Glance documentation for more information.

    Example formats are: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vhdx, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, ploop or iso.

    The value might be null (JSON null data type).

    Newton changes: The vhdx disk format is a supported value.\ Ocata changes: The ploop disk format is a supported value.

    Possible values: aki, ami, ari, iso, ploop, qcow2, raw, vdi, vhd, vhdx, vmdk

  • --id <ID> — A unique, user-defined image UUID, in the format:


    Where n is a hexadecimal digit from 0 to f, or F.

    For example:


    If you omit this value, the API generates a UUID for the image. If you specify a value that has already been assigned, the request fails with a 409 response code.

  • --locations <JSON> — A set of URLs to access the image file kept in external store

  • --min-disk <MIN_DISK> — Amount of disk space in GB that is required to boot the image

  • --min-ram <MIN_RAM> — Amount of RAM in MB that is required to boot the image

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the image

  • --os-hidden <OS_HIDDEN> — If true, image will not appear in default image list response

    Possible values: true, false

  • --owner <OWNER> — Owner of the image

  • --protected <PROTECTED> — Image protection for deletion. Valid value is true or false. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tags <TAGS> — List of tags for this image. Each tag is a string of at most 255 chars. The maximum number of tags allowed on an image is set by the operator

  • --visibility <VISIBILITY> — Visibility for this image. Valid value is one of: public, private, shared, or community. At most sites, only an administrator can make an image public. Some sites may restrict what users can make an image community. Some sites may restrict what users can perform member operations on a shared image. Since the Image API v2.5, the default value is shared.

    Possible values: community, private, public, shared

  • --property <key=value> — Additional properties to be sent with the request

osc image image deactivate

Deactivates an image. (Since Image API v2.3)

By default, this operation is restricted to administrators only.

Usage: osc image image deactivate [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — image_id parameter for /v2/images/{image_id}/actions/deactivate API


  • --property <key=value>

osc image image delete

(Since Image API v2.0) Deletes an image.

You cannot delete images with the protected attribute set to true (boolean).


Synchronous Postconditions

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409

Usage: osc image image delete <ID>


  • <ID> — image_id parameter for /v2/images/{image_id} API

osc image image download

Downloads binary image data. (Since Image API v2.0)

Example call: curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $image_url/v2/images/{image_id}/file

The response body contains the raw binary data that represents the actual virtual disk. The Content-Type header contains the application/octet-stream value. The Content-MD5 header contains an MD5 checksum of the image data. Use this checksum to verify the integrity of the image data.


Synchronous Postconditions

Normal response codes: 200, 204, 206

Error response codes: 400, 403, 404, 416

Usage: osc image image download [OPTIONS] <IMAGE_ID>


  • <IMAGE_ID> — image_id parameter for /v2/images/{image_id}/file API


  • --file <FILE> — Destination filename (using "-" will print object to stdout)

osc image image list

Lists public virtual machine (VM) images. (Since Image API v2.0)


Returns a subset of the larger collection of images and a link that you can use to get the next set of images. You should always check for the presence of a next link and use it as the URI in a subsequent HTTP GET request. You should follow this pattern until a next link is no longer provided.

The next link preserves any query parameters that you send in your initial request. You can use the first link to jump back to the first page of the collection. If you prefer to paginate through images manually, use the limit and marker parameters.

Query Filters

The list operation accepts query parameters to filter the response.

A client can provide direct comparison filters by using most image attributes, such as name=Ubuntu, visibility=public, and so on.

To filter using image tags, use the filter tag (note the singular). To filter on multiple tags, include each tag separately in the query. For example, to find images with the tag ready, include tag=ready in your query string. To find images tagged with ready and approved, include tag=ready&tag=approved in your query string. (Note that only images containing both tags will be included in the response.)

A client cannot use any link in the json-schema, such as self, file, or schema, to filter the response.

You can list VM images that have a status of active, queued, or saving.

The in Operator

As a convenience, you may specify several values for any of the following fields by using the in operator:

For most of these, usage is straight forward. For example, to list images in queued or saving status, use:

GET /v2/images?status=in:saving,queued

To find images in a particular list of image IDs, use:

GET /v2/images?id=in:3afb79c1-131a-4c38-a87c-bc4b801d14e6,2e011209-660f-44b5-baf2-2eb4babae53d

Using the in operator with the name property of images can be a bit trickier, depending upon how creatively you have named your images. The general rule is that if an image name contains a comma (,), you must enclose the entire name in quotation marks ("). As usual, you must URL encode any characters that require it.

For example, to find images named glass, darkly or share me, you would use the following filter specification:

GET v2/images?name=in:"glass,%20darkly",share%20me

As with regular filtering by name, you must specify the complete name you are looking for. Thus, for example, the query string name=in:glass,share will only match images with the exact name glass or the exact name share. It will not find an image named glass, darkly or an image named share me.

Size Comparison Filters

You can use the size_min and size_max query parameters to filter images that are greater than or less than the image size. The size, in bytes, is the size of an image on disk.

For example, to filter the container to include only images that are from 1 to 4 MB, set the size_min query parameter to 1048576 and the size_max query parameter to 4194304.

Time Comparison Filters

You can use a comparison operator along with the created_at or updated_at fields to filter your results. Specify the operator first, a colon (:) as a separator, and then the time in ISO 8601 Format. Available comparison operators are:

For example:


You can use query parameters to sort the results of this operation.

To sort the response, use the sort_key and sort_dir query parameters:

Alternatively, specify the sort query parameter:

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403

Usage: osc image image list [OPTIONS]


  • --created-at <CREATED_AT> — Specify a comparison filter based on the date and time when the resource was created

  • --id <ID> — id filter parameter

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --member-status <MEMBER_STATUS> — Filters the response by a member status. A valid value is accepted, pending, rejected, or all. Default is accepted

    Possible values: accepted, all, pending, rejected

  • --name <NAME> — Filters the response by a name, as a string. A valid value is the name of an image

  • --os-hidden <OS_HIDDEN> — When true, filters the response to display only "hidden" images. By default, "hidden" images are not included in the image-list response. (Since Image API v2.7)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --owner <OWNER> — Filters the response by a project (also called a “tenant”) ID. Shows only images that are shared with you by the specified owner

  • --protected <PROTECTED> — Filters the response by the ‘protected’ image property. A valid value is one of ‘true’, ‘false’ (must be all lowercase). Any other value will result in a 400 response

    Possible values: true, false

  • --size-max <SIZE_MAX> — Filters the response by a maximum image size, in bytes

  • --size-min <SIZE_MIN> — Filters the response by a minimum image size, in bytes

  • --sort <SORT> — Sorts the response by one or more attribute and sort direction combinations. You can also set multiple sort keys and directions. Default direction is desc. Use the comma (,) character to separate multiple values. For example: sort=name:asc,status:desc

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sorts the response by a set of one or more sort direction and attribute (sort_key) combinations. A valid value for the sort direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). If you omit the sort direction in a set, the default is desc

    Possible values: asc, desc

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sorts the response by an attribute, such as name, id, or updated_at. Default is created_at. The API uses the natural sorting direction of the sort_key image attribute

  • --status <STATUS> — Filters the response by an image status

  • --tag <TAG> — Filters the response by the specified tag value. May be repeated, but keep in mind that you're making a conjunctive query, so only images containing all the tags specified will appear in the response

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT> — Specify a comparison filter based on the date and time when the resource was most recently modified

  • --visibility <VISIBILITY> — Filters the response by an image visibility value. A valid value is public, private, community, shared, or all. (Note that if you filter on shared, the images included in the response will only be those where your member status is accepted unless you explicitly include a member_status filter in the request.) If you omit this parameter, the response shows public, private, and those shared images with a member status of accepted

    Possible values: all, community, private, public, shared

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc image image reactivate

Reactivates an image. (Since Image API v2.3)

By default, this operation is restricted to administrators only

Usage: osc image image reactivate [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — image_id parameter for /v2/images/{image_id}/actions/reactivate API


  • --property <key=value>

osc image image set

Updates an image. (Since Image API v2.0)

Conceptually, you update an image record by patching the JSON representation of the image, passing a request body conforming to one of the following media types:

Attempting to make a PATCH call using some other media type will provoke a response code of 415 (Unsupported media type).

The application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch media type provides a useful and compatible subset of the functionality defined in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch RFC6902, which defines the application/json-patch+json media type.

For information about the PATCH method and the available media types, see Image API v2 HTTP PATCH media types.

Attempting to modify some image properties will cause the entire request to fail with a 403 (Forbidden) response code:

Attempting to add a location path to an image that is not in queued or active state will result in a 409 (Conflict) response code (since Image API v2.4).

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409, 413, 415

Usage: osc image image set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — image_id parameter for /v2/images/{image_id} API


  • --container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT> — Format of the image container.

    Values may vary based on the configuration available in a particular OpenStack cloud. See the Image Schema response from the cloud itself for the valid values available. See Container Format in the Glance documentation for more information.

    Example formats are: ami, ari, aki, bare, ovf, ova, docker, or compressed.

    The value might be null (JSON null data type).

    Train changes: The compressed container format is a supported value.

    Possible values: aki, ami, ari, bare, compressed, docker, ova, ovf

  • --disk-format <DISK_FORMAT> — The format of the disk.

    Values may vary based on the configuration available in a particular OpenStack cloud. See the Image Schema response from the cloud itself for the valid values available. See Disk Format in the Glance documentation for more information.

    Example formats are: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vhdx, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, ploop or iso.

    The value might be null (JSON null data type).

    Newton changes: The vhdx disk format is a supported value.\ Ocata changes: The ploop disk format is a supported value.

    Possible values: aki, ami, ari, iso, ploop, qcow2, raw, vdi, vhd, vhdx, vmdk

  • --locations <JSON> — A list of objects, each of which describes an image location. Each object contains a url key, whose value is a URL specifying a location, and a metadata key, whose value is a dict of key:value pairs containing information appropriate to the use of whatever external store is indicated by the URL. This list appears only if the show_multiple_locations option is set to true in the Image service’s configuration file. Because it presents a security risk, this option is disabled by default.

  • --min-disk <MIN_DISK> — Amount of disk space in GB that is required to boot the image. The value might be null (JSON null data type)

  • --min-ram <MIN_RAM> — Amount of RAM in MB that is required to boot the image. The value might be null (JSON null data type)

  • --name <NAME> — The name of the image. Value might be null (JSON null data type)

  • --os-hidden <OS_HIDDEN> — This field controls whether an image is displayed in the default image-list response. A “hidden” image is out of date somehow (for example, it may not have the latest updates applied) and hence should not be a user’s first choice, but it’s not deleted because it may be needed for server rebuilds. By hiding it from the default image list, it’s easier for end users to find and use a more up-to-date version of this image. (Since Image API v2.7)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --owner <OWNER> — An identifier for the owner of the image, usually the project (also called the “tenant”) ID. The value might be null (JSON null data type)

  • --protected <PROTECTED> — A boolean value that must be false or the image cannot be deleted

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tags <TAGS> — List of tags for this image, possibly an empty list

  • --visibility <VISIBILITY> — Image visibility, that is, the access permission for the image

    Possible values: community, private, public, shared

  • --property <key=value> — Additional properties to be sent with the request

osc image image show

Shows details for an image. (Since Image API v2.0)

The response body contains a single image entity.


Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc image image show <ID>


  • <ID> — image_id parameter for /v2/images/{image_id} API

osc image image upload

Uploads binary image data. (Since Image API v2.0)

Set the Content-Type request header to application/octet-stream.

A multiple store backend support is introduced in the Rocky release as a part of the EXPERIMENTAL Image API v2.8.

Beginning with API version 2.8, an optional X-Image-Meta-Store header may be added to the request. When present, the image data will be placed into the backing store whose identifier is the value of this header. If the store identifier specified is not recognized, a 400 (Bad Request) response is returned. When the header is not present, the image data is placed into the default backing store.

Example call:


Before you can store binary image data, you must meet the following preconditions:

Synchronous Postconditions


Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409, 410, 413, 415, 503

Usage: osc image image upload [OPTIONS] <IMAGE_ID>


  • <IMAGE_ID> — image_id parameter for /v2/images/{image_id}/file API


  • --file <FILE> — Source filename (using "-" will read object from stdout)

osc image metadef

Metadef commands

Usage: osc image metadef <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image metadef namespace

Metadata definition namespaces

Creates, lists, shows details for, updates, and deletes metadata definition namespaces. Defines namespaces that can contain property definitions, object definitions, and resource type associations.

Usage: osc image metadef namespace <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image metadef namespace create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace create [OPTIONS] --namespace <NAMESPACE>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Provides a user friendly description of the namespace

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME> — The user friendly name for the namespace. Used by UI if available

  • --namespace <NAMESPACE> — The unique namespace text

  • --objects <JSON>

  • --owner <OWNER> — Owner of the namespace

  • --properties <key=value>

  • --protected <PROTECTED> — If true, namespace will not be deletable

    Possible values: true, false

  • --resource-type-associations <JSON>

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --visibility <VISIBILITY> — Scope of namespace accessibility

    Possible values: private, public

osc image metadef namespace delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace delete <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name} API

osc image metadef namespace list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace list

osc image metadef namespace object

Metadata definition objects

Creates, lists, shows details for, updates, and deletes metadata definition objects.

Usage: osc image metadef namespace object <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image metadef namespace object create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace object create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --properties <key=value>
  • --required <REQUIRED>

osc image metadef namespace object delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace object delete <NAMESPACE_NAME> <OBJECT_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API
  • <OBJECT_NAME> — object_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API

osc image metadef namespace object list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace object list <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API

osc image metadef namespace object purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace object purge <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API

osc image metadef namespace object set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace object set [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <NAMESPACE_NAME> <OBJECT_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API
  • <OBJECT_NAME> — object_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --properties <key=value>
  • --required <REQUIRED>

osc image metadef namespace object show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace object show <NAMESPACE_NAME> <OBJECT_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API
  • <OBJECT_NAME> — object_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/objects/{object_name} API

osc image metadef namespace property

Metadata definition properties

Creates, lists, shows details for, updates, and deletes metadata definition properties.

Usage: osc image metadef namespace property <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image metadef namespace property create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace property create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> --title <TITLE> --type <TYPE> <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API


  • --additional-items <ADDITIONAL_ITEMS>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --default <JSON>

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --enum <ENUM>

  • --items <JSON>

  • --maximum <MAXIMUM>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS>

  • --max-length <MAX_LENGTH>

  • --minimum <MINIMUM>

  • --min-items <MIN_ITEMS>

  • --min-length <MIN_LENGTH>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --operators <OPERATORS>

  • --pattern <PATTERN>

  • --readonly <READONLY>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --required <REQUIRED>

  • --title <TITLE>

  • --type <TYPE>

    Possible values: array, boolean, integer, number, object, string

  • --unique-items <UNIQUE_ITEMS>

    Possible values: true, false

osc image metadef namespace property delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace property delete <NAMESPACE_NAME> <PROPERTY_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API
  • <PROPERTY_NAME> — property_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API

osc image metadef namespace property list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace property list <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API

osc image metadef namespace property purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace property purge <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API

osc image metadef namespace property set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace property set [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> --title <TITLE> --type <TYPE> <NAMESPACE_NAME> <PROPERTY_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API
  • <PROPERTY_NAME> — property_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API


  • --additional-items <ADDITIONAL_ITEMS>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --default <JSON>

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --enum <ENUM>

  • --items <JSON>

  • --maximum <MAXIMUM>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS>

  • --max-length <MAX_LENGTH>

  • --minimum <MINIMUM>

  • --min-items <MIN_ITEMS>

  • --min-length <MIN_LENGTH>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --operators <OPERATORS>

  • --pattern <PATTERN>

  • --readonly <READONLY>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --required <REQUIRED>

  • --title <TITLE>

  • --type <TYPE>

    Possible values: array, boolean, integer, number, object, string

  • --unique-items <UNIQUE_ITEMS>

    Possible values: true, false

osc image metadef namespace property show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace property show <NAMESPACE_NAME> <PROPERTY_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API
  • <PROPERTY_NAME> — property_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/properties/{property_name} API

osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association

Metadata definition resource types

Lists resource types. Also, creates, lists, and removes resource type associations in a namespace.

Usage: osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/resource_types/{resource_type} API


  • --name <NAME> — Resource type names should be aligned with Heat resource types whenever possible:
  • --prefix <PREFIX> — Specifies the prefix to use for the given resource type. Any properties in the namespace should be prefixed with this prefix when being applied to the specified resource type. Must include prefix separator (e.g. a colon :)
  • --properties-target <PROPERTIES_TARGET> — Some resource types allow more than one key / value pair per instance. For example, Cinder allows user and image metadata on volumes. Only the image properties metadata is evaluated by Nova (scheduling or drivers). This property allows a namespace target to remove the ambiguity

osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association delete <NAMESPACE_NAME> <RESOURCE_TYPE>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/resource_types/{resource_type} API
  • <RESOURCE_TYPE> — resource_type parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/resource_types/{resource_type} API

osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace resource-type-association list <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/resource_types/{resource_type} API

osc image metadef namespace set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace set [OPTIONS] --namespace <NAMESPACE> <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — Provides a user friendly description of the namespace

  • --display-name <DISPLAY_NAME> — The user friendly name for the namespace. Used by UI if available

  • --namespace <NAMESPACE> — The unique namespace text

  • --objects <JSON>

  • --owner <OWNER> — Owner of the namespace

  • --properties <key=value>

  • --protected <PROTECTED> — If true, namespace will not be deletable

    Possible values: true, false

  • --resource-type-associations <JSON>

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --visibility <VISIBILITY> — Scope of namespace accessibility

    Possible values: private, public

osc image metadef namespace show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace show <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name} API

osc image metadef namespace tag

Metadata definition tags

Creates, lists, shows details for, updates, and deletes metadata definition tags.

Usage: osc image metadef namespace tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image metadef namespace tag create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace tag create --name <NAME> <NAMESPACE_NAME> <TAG_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API
  • <TAG_NAME> — tag_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API


  • --name <NAME>

osc image metadef namespace tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace tag delete <NAMESPACE_NAME> <TAG_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API
  • <TAG_NAME> — tag_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API

osc image metadef namespace tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace tag list <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API

osc image metadef namespace tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace tag purge <NAMESPACE_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API

osc image metadef namespace tag set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace tag set --name <NAME> <NAMESPACE_NAME> <TAG_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API
  • <TAG_NAME> — tag_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API


  • --name <NAME>

osc image metadef namespace tag show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef namespace tag show <NAMESPACE_NAME> <TAG_NAME>


  • <NAMESPACE_NAME> — namespace_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API
  • <TAG_NAME> — tag_name parameter for /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name} API

osc image metadef resource-type

Metadata definition namespaces

Creates, lists, shows details for, updates, and deletes metadata definition namespaces. Defines namespaces that can contain property definitions, object definitions, and resource type associations.

Usage: osc image metadef resource-type <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image metadef resource-type list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image metadef resource-type list

osc image schema

Schema commands

Usage: osc image schema <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema image

Show Image Schema

Usage: osc image schema image <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema image show

Show Image Schema

Usage: osc image schema image show

osc image schema images

Show Images Schema

Usage: osc image schema images <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema images show

Show Images Schema

Usage: osc image schema images show

osc image schema member

Show Member Schema

Usage: osc image schema member <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema member show

Show Member Schema

Usage: osc image schema member show

osc image schema members

Show Members Schema

Usage: osc image schema members <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema members show

Show Members Schema

Usage: osc image schema members show

osc image schema metadef

Metadata definition schemas

Gets a JSON-schema document that represents a metadata definition entity.

Usage: osc image schema metadef <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef namespace

Metadef Namespace Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef namespace <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef namespace show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef namespace show

osc image schema metadef namespaces

Metadef Namespaces Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef namespaces <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef namespaces show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef namespaces show

osc image schema metadef object

Metadef Object Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef object <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef object show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef object show

osc image schema metadef objects

Metadef Objects Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef objects <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef objects show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef objects show

osc image schema metadef properties

Metadef Properties Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef properties <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef properties show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef properties show

osc image schema metadef property

Metadef Property Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef property <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef property show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef property show

osc image schema metadef resource-type

Metadef ResourceType Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef resource-type <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef resource-type show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef resource-type show

osc image schema metadef resource-types

Metadef ResourceTypes Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef resource-types <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef resource-types show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef resource-types show

osc image schema metadef tag

Metadef Tag Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef tag show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef tag show

osc image schema metadef tags

Metadef Tags Schema operations

Usage: osc image schema metadef tags <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc image schema metadef tags show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc image schema metadef tags show

osc load-balancer

Load Balancer service operations

Usage: osc load-balancer <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer amphorae

Amphorae (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer amphorae <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer amphorae config

Configure Amphora

Usage: osc load-balancer amphorae config [OPTIONS] <AMPHORA_ID>


  • <AMPHORA_ID> — amphora_id parameter for /v2/octavia/amphorae/{amphora_id}/config API


  • --property <key=value>

osc load-balancer amphorae delete

Removes an amphora and its associated configuration.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

New in version 2.20

Usage: osc load-balancer amphorae delete <AMPHORA_ID>


  • <AMPHORA_ID> — amphora_id parameter for /v2/octavia/amphorae/{amphora_id} API

osc load-balancer amphorae failover

Force an amphora to failover.

If you are not an administrative user, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer amphorae failover <AMPHORA_ID>


  • <AMPHORA_ID> — amphora_id parameter for /v2/octavia/amphorae/{amphora_id}/failover API

osc load-balancer amphorae list

Lists all amphora for the project.

If you are not an administrative user, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer amphorae list [OPTIONS]


  • --cached-zone <CACHED_ZONE>

  • --cert-busy <CERT_BUSY>

  • --cert-expiration <CERT_EXPIRATION>

  • --compute-flavor <COMPUTE_FLAVOR>

  • --compute-id <COMPUTE_ID>

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT>

  • --ha-ip <HA_IP>

  • --ha-port-id <HA_PORT_ID>

  • --id <ID>

  • --image-id <IMAGE_ID>

  • --lb-network-ip <LB_NETWORK_IP>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --loadbalancer-id <LOADBALANCER_ID>

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --role <ROLE>

  • --status <STATUS>

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT>

  • --vrrp-id <VRRP_ID>

  • --vrrp-interface <VRRP_INTERFACE>

  • --vrrp-ip <VRRP_IP>

  • --vrrp-port-id <VRRP_PORT_ID>

  • --vrrp-priority <VRRP_PRIORITY>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer amphorae show

Shows the details of an amphora.

If you are not an administrative user, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer amphorae show <AMPHORA_ID>


  • <AMPHORA_ID> — amphora_id parameter for /v2/octavia/amphorae/{amphora_id} API

osc load-balancer amphorae stats

Show the statistics for an amphora.

If you are not an administrative user, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body.

New in version 2.3

Usage: osc load-balancer amphorae stats <AMPHORA_ID>


  • <AMPHORA_ID> — amphora_id parameter for /v2/octavia/amphorae/{amphora_id}/stats API

osc load-balancer availability-zone

AvailabilityZone (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer availability-zone create

Creates an Availability Zone

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone create [OPTIONS] --availability-zone-profile-id <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_PROFILE_ID> --name <NAME>


  • --availability-zone-profile-id <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_PROFILE_ID>

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --enabled <ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME>

osc load-balancer availability-zone delete

Deletes an Availability Zone

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone delete <ID>


  • <ID> — availabilityzone_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/availabilityzones/{availabilityzone_id} API

osc load-balancer availability-zone list

Lists all Availability Zones

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone list [OPTIONS]


  • --availability-zone-profile-id <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_PROFILE_ID>

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME>

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --status <STATUS>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer availability-zone set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — availabilityzone_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/availabilityzones/{availabilityzone_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --enabled <ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

osc load-balancer availability-zone show

Gets an Availability Zone's detail

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone show <ID>


  • <ID> — availabilityzone_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/availabilityzones/{availabilityzone_id} API

osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile

AvailabilityZoneProfile (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile create

Creates an Availability Zone Profile

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile create --availability-zone-data <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_DATA> --name <NAME> --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>


  • --availability-zone-data <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_DATA>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>

osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile delete

Deletes an Availability Zone Profile

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile delete <ID>


  • <ID> — availabilityzoneprofile_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/availabilityzoneprofiles/{availabilityzoneprofile_id} API

osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile list

Lists all Availability Zone Profiles

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile list [OPTIONS]


  • --availability-zone-data <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_DATA>

  • --id <ID>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME>

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile set

Updates an Availability Zone Profile

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — availabilityzoneprofile_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/availabilityzoneprofiles/{availabilityzoneprofile_id} API


  • --availability-zone-data <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_DATA>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>

osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile show

Gets an Availability Zone Profile's detail

Usage: osc load-balancer availability-zone-profile show <ID>


  • <ID> — availabilityzoneprofile_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/availabilityzoneprofiles/{availabilityzoneprofile_id} API

osc load-balancer flavor

Flavor (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer flavor create

Creates a flavor

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor create [OPTIONS] --flavor-profile-id <FLAVOR_PROFILE_ID> --name <NAME>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --enabled <ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --flavor-profile-id <FLAVOR_PROFILE_ID>

  • --name <NAME>

osc load-balancer flavor delete

Deletes a Flavor

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor delete <ID>


  • <ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/flavors/{flavor_id} API

osc load-balancer flavor list

Lists all flavors

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --enabled <ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --flavor-profile-id <FLAVOR_PROFILE_ID>

  • --id <ID>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME>

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer flavor set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/flavors/{flavor_id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --enabled <ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME>

osc load-balancer flavor show

Gets a flavor's detail

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor show <ID>


  • <ID> — flavor_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/flavors/{flavor_id} API

osc load-balancer flavor-profile

FlavorProfile (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor-profile <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer flavor-profile create

Creates a flavor Profile

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor-profile create --flavor-data <FLAVOR_DATA> --name <NAME> --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>


  • --flavor-data <FLAVOR_DATA>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>

osc load-balancer flavor-profile delete

Deletes a Flavor Profile

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor-profile delete <ID>


  • <ID> — flavorprofile_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/flavorprofiles/{flavorprofile_id} API

osc load-balancer flavor-profile list

Lists all flavor profiles

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor-profile list [OPTIONS]


  • --flavor-data <FLAVOR_DATA>

  • --id <ID>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME>

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer flavor-profile set

Updates a flavor Profile

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor-profile set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — flavorprofile_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/flavorprofiles/{flavorprofile_id} API


  • --flavor-data <FLAVOR_DATA>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --provider-name <PROVIDER_NAME>

osc load-balancer flavor-profile show

Gets a flavor profile's detail

Usage: osc load-balancer flavor-profile show <ID>


  • <ID> — flavorprofile_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/flavorprofiles/{flavorprofile_id} API

osc load-balancer healthmonitor

Healthmonitor (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer healthmonitor <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer healthmonitor create

Creates a health monitor on a pool.

Health monitors define how the load balancer monitors backend servers to determine if they are available to service requests.

This operation provisions a new health monitor by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object that contains a unique ID and the status of provisioning the health monitor.

In the response, the health monitor provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /v2/lbaas/healthmonitors/{healthmonitor_id} to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the health monitor status changes to ACTIVE, the health monitor is successfully provisioned and is ready for further configuration.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Specifying a project_id is deprecated. The health monitor will inherit the project_id of the parent load balancer.

At a minimum, you must specify these health monitor attributes:

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request:

To create a health monitor, the parent load balancer must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer healthmonitor create [OPTIONS] --delay <DELAY> --max-retries <MAX_RETRIES> --pool-id <POOL_ID> --timeout <TIMEOUT> --type <TYPE>


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --delay <DELAY> — The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members

  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — The domain name, which be injected into the HTTP Host Header to the backend server for HTTP health check.

    New in version 2.10

  • --expected-codes <EXPECTED_CODES> — The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

    • A single value, such as 200 - A list, such as 200, 202 - A range, such as 200-204

    The default is 200.

  • --http-method <HTTP_METHOD> — The HTTP method that the health monitor uses for requests. One of CONNECT, DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT, or TRACE. The default is GET

    Possible values: connect, delete, get, head, options, patch, post, put, trace

  • --http-version <HTTP_VERSION> — The HTTP version. One of 1.0 or 1.1. The default is 1.0.

    New in version 2.10

  • --max-retries <MAX_RETRIES> — The number of successful checks before changing the operating status of the member to ONLINE. A valid value is from 1 to 10

  • --max-retries-down <MAX_RETRIES_DOWN> — The number of allowed check failures before changing the operating status of the member to ERROR. A valid value is from 1 to 10. The default is 3

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --pool-id <POOL_ID> — The ID of the pool

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project owning this resource. (deprecated)

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

  • --timeout <TIMEOUT> — The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of health monitor. One of HTTP, HTTPS, PING, SCTP, TCP, TLS-HELLO, or UDP-CONNECT

    Possible values: http, https, ping, sctp, tcp, tls-hello, udp-connect

  • --url-path <URL_PATH> — The HTTP URL path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a backend member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default URL path is /

osc load-balancer healthmonitor delete

Removes a health monitor and its associated configuration from the project.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

Usage: osc load-balancer healthmonitor delete <ID>


  • <ID> — healthmonitor_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/healthmonitors/{healthmonitor_id} API

osc load-balancer healthmonitor list

Lists all health monitors for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list health monitors for other projects.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer healthmonitor list [OPTIONS]


  • --type <TYPE> — The type of health monitor


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource

    Possible values: true, false

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was created

  • --delay <DELAY> — The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --expected-codes <EXPECTED_CODES> — The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy

  • --http-method <HTTP_METHOD> — The HTTP method that the health monitor uses for requests


  • --id <ID> — The ID of the resource

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --max-retries <MAX_RETRIES> — The number of successful checks before changing the operating status of the member to ONLINE. A valid value is from 1 to 10

  • --max-retries-down <MAX_RETRIES_DOWN> — The number of allowed check failures before changing the operating status of the member to ERROR. A valid value is from 1 to 10

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — Return the list of entities that do not have one or more of the given tags

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that do not have at least one of the given tags

  • --operating-status <OPERATING_STATUS> — The operating status of the resource


  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --pool-id <POOL_ID> — The ID of the pool

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --provisioning-status <PROVISIONING_STATUS> — The provisioning status of the resource


  • --tags <TAGS> — Return the list of entities that have this tag or tags

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that have one or more of the given tags

  • --timeout <TIMEOUT> — The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was last updated

  • --url-path <URL_PATH> — The HTTP URL path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a backend member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/)

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer healthmonitor set

Update an existing health monitor.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the health monitor provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the health monitor object for changes.

This operation returns the updated health monitor object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer healthmonitor set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — healthmonitor_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/healthmonitors/{healthmonitor_id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --delay <DELAY> — The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members

  • --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> — The domain name, which be injected into the HTTP Host Header to the backend server for HTTP health check.

    New in version 2.10

  • --expected-codes <EXPECTED_CODES> — The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

    • A single value, such as 200 - A list, such as 200, 202 - A range, such as 200-204

    The default is 200.

  • --http-method <HTTP_METHOD> — The HTTP method that the health monitor uses for requests. One of CONNECT, DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT, or TRACE. The default is GET

    Possible values: connect, delete, get, head, options, patch, post, put, trace

  • --http-version <HTTP_VERSION> — The HTTP version. One of 1.0 or 1.1. The default is 1.0.

    New in version 2.10

  • --max-retries <MAX_RETRIES> — The number of successful checks before changing the operating status of the member to ONLINE. A valid value is from 1 to 10

  • --max-retries-down <MAX_RETRIES_DOWN> — The number of allowed check failures before changing the operating status of the member to ERROR. A valid value is from 1 to 10. The default is 3

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --timeout <TIMEOUT> — The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value

  • --url-path <URL_PATH> — The HTTP URL path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a backend member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default URL path is /

osc load-balancer healthmonitor show

Shows the details of a health monitor.

If you are not an administrative user and the parent load balancer does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer healthmonitor show <ID>


  • <ID> — healthmonitor_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/healthmonitors/{healthmonitor_id} API

osc load-balancer l7policy

L7Policy (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer l7policy create

Creates a L7 policy.

This operation provisions a new L7 policy by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object that contains a unique ID and the status of provisioning the L7 policy.

In the response, the L7 policy provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id} to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the L7 policy status changes to ACTIVE, the L7 policy is successfully provisioned and is ready for further configuration.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

All the rules associated with a given policy are logically ANDead together. A request must match all the policy’s rules to match the policy.

If you need to express a logical OR operation between rules, then do this by creating multiple policies with the same action.

If a new policy is created with a position that matches that of an existing policy, then the new policy is inserted at the given position.

L7 policies with action of REDIRECT_TO_URL will return the default HTTP Found (302) response code with the redirect_url. Also, specify redirect_http_code to configure the needed HTTP response code, such as, 301, 302, 303, 307 and 308.

L7 policies with action of REJECT will return a Forbidden (403) response code to the requester.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy create [OPTIONS] --action <ACTION> --listener-id <LISTENER_ID>


  • --action <ACTION> — The L7 policy action. One of REDIRECT_PREFIX, REDIRECT_TO_POOL, REDIRECT_TO_URL, or REJECT

    Possible values: redirect-prefix, redirect-to-pool, redirect-to-url, reject

  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --listener-id <LISTENER_ID> — The ID of the listener

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --position <POSITION> — The position of this policy on the listener. Positions start at 1

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project owning this resource

  • --redirect-http-code <REDIRECT_HTTP_CODE> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to the specified URL or Prefix URL with the HTTP response code. Valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_URL or REDIRECT_PREFIX. Valid options are: 301, 302, 303, 307, or 308. Default is 302.

    New in version 2.9

  • --redirect-pool-id <REDIRECT_POOL_ID> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to the pool with this ID. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_POOL. The pool has some restrictions, See Protocol Combinations (Listener/Pool)

  • --redirect-prefix <REDIRECT_PREFIX> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to this Prefix URL. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_PREFIX

  • --redirect-url <REDIRECT_URL> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to this URL. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_URL

  • --rules <JSON>

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

osc load-balancer l7policy delete

Removes a L7 policy and its associated configuration from the project.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy delete <ID>


  • <ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id} API

osc load-balancer l7policy list

Lists all L7 policies for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list L7 policies for other projects.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy list [OPTIONS]


  • --action <ACTION>

  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --listener-id <LISTENER_ID>

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME>

  • --operating-status <OPERATING_STATUS>

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --position <POSITION>

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --provisioning-status <PROVISIONING_STATUS>

  • --redirect-pool-id <REDIRECT_POOL_ID>

  • --redirect-prefix <REDIRECT_PREFIX>

  • --redirect-url <REDIRECT_URL>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer l7policy rule

L7Policy Rule commands

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer l7policy rule create

Creates a L7 rule.

This operation provisions a new L7 rule by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object that contains a unique ID and the status of provisioning the L7 rule.

In the response, the L7 rule provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{l7rule_id} to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the L7 rule status changes to ACTIVE, the L7 rule is successfully provisioned and is ready for further configuration.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

All the rules associated with a given policy are logically ANDead together. A request must match all the policy’s rules to match the policy.

If you need to express a logical OR operation between rules, then do this by creating multiple policies with the same action.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy rule create [OPTIONS] --compare-type <COMPARE_TYPE> --type <TYPE> --value <VALUE> <L7POLICY_ID>


  • <L7POLICY_ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --compare-type <COMPARE_TYPE> — The comparison type for the L7 rule. One of CONTAINS, ENDS_WITH, EQUAL_TO, REGEX, or STARTS_WITH

    Possible values: contains, ends-with, equal-to, regex, starts-with

  • --invert <INVERT> — When true the logic of the rule is inverted. For example, with invert true, equal to would become not equal to. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --key <KEY> — The key to use for the comparison. For example, the name of the cookie to evaluate

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project owning this resource

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>


    Possible values: cookie, file-type, header, host-name, path, ssl-conn-has-cert, ssl-dn-field, ssl-verify-result

  • --value <VALUE> — The value to use for the comparison. For example, the file type to compare

osc load-balancer l7policy rule delete

Removes a L7 rule and its associated configuration from the project.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy rule delete <L7POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <L7POLICY_ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API
  • <ID> — rule_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API

osc load-balancer l7policy rule list

Lists all L7 rules for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list L7 policies for other projects.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy rule list [OPTIONS] <L7POLICY_ID>


  • <L7POLICY_ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API


  • --type <TYPE>

  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --compare-type <COMPARE_TYPE>

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT>

  • --invert <INVERT>

  • --key <KEY>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --operating-status <OPERATING_STATUS>

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --provisioning-status <PROVISIONING_STATUS>

  • --rule-value <RULE_VALUE>

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT>

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer l7policy rule set

Updates a L7 rule.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the L7 rule provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the L7 rule object for changes.

This operation returns the updated L7 rule object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy rule set [OPTIONS] <L7POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <L7POLICY_ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API
  • <ID> — rule_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --compare-type <COMPARE_TYPE> — The comparison type for the L7 rule. One of CONTAINS, ENDS_WITH, EQUAL_TO, REGEX, or STARTS_WITH

    Possible values: contains, ends-with, equal-to, regex, starts-with

  • --invert <INVERT> — When true the logic of the rule is inverted. For example, with invert true, equal to would become not equal to. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --key <KEY> — The key to use for the comparison. For example, the name of the cookie to evaluate

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5


    Possible values: cookie, file-type, header, host-name, path, ssl-conn-has-cert, ssl-dn-field, ssl-verify-result

  • --value <VALUE> — The value to use for the comparison. For example, the file type to compare

osc load-balancer l7policy rule show

Shows the details of a L7 rule.

If you are not an administrative user and the L7 rule object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy rule show <L7POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <L7POLICY_ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API
  • <ID> — rule_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules/{rule_id} API

osc load-balancer l7policy set

Updates a L7 policy.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the L7 policy provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the L7 policy object for changes.

This operation returns the updated L7 policy object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

If a policy is updated with a position that matches that of an existing policy, then the updated policy is inserted at the given position.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id} API


  • --action <ACTION> — The L7 policy action. One of REDIRECT_PREFIX, REDIRECT_TO_POOL, REDIRECT_TO_URL, or REJECT

    Possible values: redirect-prefix, redirect-to-pool, redirect-to-url, reject

  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --position <POSITION> — The position of this policy on the listener. Positions start at 1

  • --redirect-http-code <REDIRECT_HTTP_CODE> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to the specified URL or Prefix URL with the HTTP response code. Valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_URL or REDIRECT_PREFIX. Valid options are: 301, 302, 303, 307, or 308. Default is 302.

    New in version 2.9

  • --redirect-pool-id <REDIRECT_POOL_ID> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to the pool with this ID. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_POOL. The pool has some restrictions, See Protocol Combinations (Listener/Pool)

  • --redirect-prefix <REDIRECT_PREFIX> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to this Prefix URL. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_PREFIX

  • --redirect-url <REDIRECT_URL> — Requests matching this policy will be redirected to this URL. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_URL

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

osc load-balancer l7policy show

Shows the details of a L7 policy.

If you are not an administrative user and the L7 policy object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer l7policy show <ID>


  • <ID> — l7policy_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/l7policies/{l7policy_id} API

osc load-balancer listener

Listener (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer listener <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer listener create

Creates a listener for a load balancer.

The listener configures a port and protocol for the load balancer to listen on for incoming requests. A load balancer may have zero or more listeners configured.

This operation provisions a new listener by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object that contains a unique ID and the status of provisioning the listener.

In the response, the listener provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /v2/lbaas/listeners/{listener_id} to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the listener status changes to ACTIVE, the listener is successfully provisioned and is ready for further configuration.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Specifying a project_id is deprecated. The listener will inherit the project_id of the parent load balancer.

You can configure all documented features of the listener at creation time by specifying the additional elements or attributes in the request.

To create a listener, the parent load balancer must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer listener create [OPTIONS] --loadbalancer-id <LOADBALANCER_ID> --protocol <PROTOCOL> --protocol-port <PROTOCOL_PORT>


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --allowed-cidrs <ALLOWED_CIDRS> — A list of IPv4, IPv6 or mix of both CIDRs. The default is all allowed. When a list of CIDRs is provided, the default switches to deny all.

    New in version 2.12

  • --alpn-protocols <ALPN_PROTOCOLS>

  • --client-authentication <CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION> — The TLS client authentication mode. One of the options NONE, OPTIONAL or MANDATORY.

    New in version 2.8

    Possible values: mandatory, none, optional

  • --client-ca-tls-container-ref <CLIENT_CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The ref of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format client CA certificate bundle for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners.

    New in version 2.8

  • --client-crl-container-ref <CLIENT_CRL_CONTAINER_REF> — The URI of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format CA revocation list file for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners.

    New in version 2.8

  • --connection-limit <CONNECTION_LIMIT> — The maximum number of connections permitted for this listener. Default value is -1 which represents infinite connections or a default value defined by the provider driver

  • --default-pool <JSON> — A pool object

  • --default-pool-id <DEFAULT_POOL_ID> — The ID of the pool used by the listener if no L7 policies match. The pool has some restrictions. See Protocol Combinations (Listener/Pool)

  • --default-tls-container-ref <DEFAULT_TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The URI of the key manager service secret containing a PKCS12 format certificate/key bundle for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners. DEPRECATED: A secret container of type “certificate” containing the certificate and key for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --hsts-include-subdomains <HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS> — Defines whether the includeSubDomains directive should be added to the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header. This requires setting the hsts_max_age option as well in order to become effective.

    New in version 2.27

    Possible values: true, false

  • --hsts-max-age <HSTS_MAX_AGE> — The value of the max_age directive for the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header. Setting this enables HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for the TLS-terminated listener.

    New in version 2.27

  • --hsts-preload <HSTS_PRELOAD> — Defines whether the preload directive should be added to the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header. This requires setting the hsts_max_age option as well in order to become effective.

    New in version 2.27

    Possible values: true, false

  • --insert-headers <key=value> — A dictionary of optional headers to insert into the request before it is sent to the backend member. See Supported HTTP Header Insertions. Both keys and values are always specified as strings

  • --l7policies <JSON> — A list of L7 policy objects

  • --loadbalancer-id <LOADBALANCER_ID> — The ID of the load balancer

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project owning this resource. (deprecated)

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The protocol for the resource. One of HTTP, HTTPS, SCTP, PROMETHEUS, TCP, TERMINATED_HTTPS, or UDP

    Possible values: http, https, prometheus, sctp, tcp, terminated-https, udp

  • --protocol-port <PROTOCOL_PORT> — The protocol port number for the resource

  • --sni-container-refs <SNI_CONTAINER_REFS> — A list of URIs to the key manager service secrets containing PKCS12 format certificate/key bundles for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners. (DEPRECATED) Secret containers of type “certificate” containing the certificates and keys for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

  • --timeout-client-data <TIMEOUT_CLIENT_DATA> — Frontend client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. Default: 50000.

    New in version 2.1

  • --timeout-member-connect <TIMEOUT_MEMBER_CONNECT> — Backend member connection timeout in milliseconds. Default: 5000.

    New in version 2.1

  • --timeout-member-data <TIMEOUT_MEMBER_DATA> — Backend member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. Default: 50000.

    New in version 2.1

  • --timeout-tcp-inspect <TIMEOUT_TCP_INSPECT> — Time, in milliseconds, to wait for additional TCP packets for content inspection. Default: 0.

    New in version 2.1

  • --tls-ciphers <TLS_CIPHERS>

  • --tls-versions <TLS_VERSIONS>

osc load-balancer listener delete

Removes a listener and its associated configuration from the project.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

Usage: osc load-balancer listener delete <ID>


  • <ID> — listener_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/listeners/{listener_id} API

osc load-balancer listener list

Lists all listeners for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list listeners for other projects.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer listener list [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource

    Possible values: true, false

  • --alpn-protocols <ALPN_PROTOCOLS> — A list of ALPN protocols. Available protocols: http/1.0, http/1.1, h2

  • --connection-limit <CONNECTION_LIMIT> — The maximum number of connections permitted for this listener. Default value is -1 which represents infinite connections or a default value defined by the provider driver

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was created

  • --default-pool-id <DEFAULT_POOL_ID> — The ID of the pool used by the listener if no L7 policies match

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --hsts-include-subdomains <HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS> — Defines whether the includeSubDomains directive should be added to the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header

    Possible values: true, false

  • --hsts-max-age <HSTS_MAX_AGE> — The value of the max_age directive for the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header

  • --hsts-preload <HSTS_PRELOAD> — Defines whether the preload directive should be added to the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header

    Possible values: true, false

  • --id <ID> — The ID of the resource

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --load-balancer-id <LOAD_BALANCER_ID> — Load balancer ID

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — Return the list of entities that do not have one or more of the given tags

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that do not have at least one of the given tags

  • --operating-status <OPERATING_STATUS> — The operating status of the resource


  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The protocol for the resource


  • --protocol-port <PROTOCOL_PORT> — The protocol port number for the resource

  • --provisioning-status <PROVISIONING_STATUS> — The provisioning status of the resource


  • --tags <TAGS> — Return the list of entities that have this tag or tags

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that have one or more of the given tags

  • --timeout-client-data <TIMEOUT_CLIENT_DATA> — Frontend client inactivity timeout in milliseconds

  • --timeout-member-connect <TIMEOUT_MEMBER_CONNECT> — Backend member connection timeout in milliseconds

  • --timeout-member-data <TIMEOUT_MEMBER_DATA> — Backend member inactivity timeout in milliseconds

  • --timeout-tcp-inspect <TIMEOUT_TCP_INSPECT> — Time, in milliseconds, to wait for additional TCP packets for content inspection

  • --tls-ciphers <TLS_CIPHERS> — List of ciphers in OpenSSL format

  • --tls-versions <TLS_VERSIONS> — A list of TLS protocol versions

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was last updated

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer listener set

Update an existing listener.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the listener provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the listener object for changes.

This operation returns the updated listener object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer listener set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — listener_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/listeners/{listener_id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --allowed-cidrs <ALLOWED_CIDRS> — A list of IPv4, IPv6 or mix of both CIDRs. The default is all allowed. When a list of CIDRs is provided, the default switches to deny all.

    New in version 2.12

  • --alpn-protocols <ALPN_PROTOCOLS> — A list of ALPN protocols. Available protocols: http/1.0, http/1.1, h2

    New in version 2.20

  • --client-authentication <CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION> — The TLS client authentication mode. One of the options NONE, OPTIONAL or MANDATORY.

    New in version 2.8

    Possible values: mandatory, none, optional

  • --client-ca-tls-container-ref <CLIENT_CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The ref of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format client CA certificate bundle for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners.

    New in version 2.8

  • --client-crl-container-ref <CLIENT_CRL_CONTAINER_REF> — The URI of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format CA revocation list file for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners.

    New in version 2.8

  • --connection-limit <CONNECTION_LIMIT> — The maximum number of connections permitted for this listener. Default value is -1 which represents infinite connections or a default value defined by the provider driver

  • --default-pool-id <DEFAULT_POOL_ID> — The ID of the pool used by the listener if no L7 policies match. The pool has some restrictions. See Protocol Combinations (Listener/Pool)

  • --default-tls-container-ref <DEFAULT_TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The URI of the key manager service secret containing a PKCS12 format certificate/key bundle for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners. DEPRECATED: A secret container of type “certificate” containing the certificate and key for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --hsts-include-subdomains <HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS> — Defines whether the includeSubDomains directive should be added to the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header. This requires setting the hsts_max_age option as well in order to become effective.

    New in version 2.27

    Possible values: true, false

  • --hsts-max-age <HSTS_MAX_AGE> — The value of the max_age directive for the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header. Setting this enables HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) for the TLS-terminated listener.

    New in version 2.27

  • --hsts-preload <HSTS_PRELOAD> — Defines whether the preload directive should be added to the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header. This requires setting the hsts_max_age option as well in order to become effective.

    New in version 2.27

    Possible values: true, false

  • --insert-headers <key=value> — A dictionary of optional headers to insert into the request before it is sent to the backend member. See Supported HTTP Header Insertions. Both keys and values are always specified as strings

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --sni-container-refs <SNI_CONTAINER_REFS> — A list of URIs to the key manager service secrets containing PKCS12 format certificate/key bundles for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners. (DEPRECATED) Secret containers of type “certificate” containing the certificates and keys for TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --timeout-client-data <TIMEOUT_CLIENT_DATA> — Frontend client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. Default: 50000.

    New in version 2.1

  • --timeout-member-connect <TIMEOUT_MEMBER_CONNECT> — Backend member connection timeout in milliseconds. Default: 5000.

    New in version 2.1

  • --timeout-member-data <TIMEOUT_MEMBER_DATA> — Backend member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. Default: 50000.

    New in version 2.1

  • --timeout-tcp-inspect <TIMEOUT_TCP_INSPECT> — Time, in milliseconds, to wait for additional TCP packets for content inspection. Default: 0.

    New in version 2.1

  • --tls-ciphers <TLS_CIPHERS> — List of ciphers in OpenSSL format (colon-separated). See

    New in version 2.15

  • --tls-versions <TLS_VERSIONS> — A list of TLS protocol versions. Available versions: SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3

    New in version 2.17

osc load-balancer listener show

Shows the details of a listener.

If you are not an administrative user and the parent load balancer does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer listener show <ID>


  • <ID> — listener_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/listeners/{listener_id} API

osc load-balancer listener stats

Shows the current statistics for a listener.

This operation returns the statistics of a listener object identified by listener_id.

If you are not an administrative user and the parent load balancer does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer listener stats <ID>


  • <ID> — listener_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/listeners/{listener_id}/stats API

osc load-balancer loadbalancer

Loadbalancer (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer loadbalancer create

Creates a load balancer.

This operation provisions a new load balancer by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object that contains a unique ID and the status of provisioning the load balancer.

In the response, the load balancer provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /v2/lbaas/loadbalancers/{loadbalancer_id} to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the load balancer status changes to ACTIVE, the load balancer is successfully provisioned and is ready for further configuration.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to create load balancers for other projects.

An optional flavor_id attribute can be used to create the load balancer using a pre-configured octavia flavor. Flavors are created by the operator to allow custom load balancer configurations, such as allocating more memory for the load balancer.

An optional vip_qos_policy_id attribute from Neutron can be used to apply QoS policies on a loadbalancer VIP, also could pass a ‘null’ value to remove QoS policies.

You can also specify the provider attribute when you create a load balancer. The provider attribute specifies which backend should be used to create the load balancer. This could be the default provider (octavia) or a vendor supplied provider if one has been installed. Setting both a flavor_id and a provider will result in a conflict error if the provider does not match the provider of the configured flavor profiles.

Specifying a Virtual IP (VIP) is mandatory. There are three ways to specify a VIP network for the load balancer:

Additional VIPs may also be specified in the additional_vips field, by providing a list of JSON objects containing a subnet_id and optionally an ip_address. All additional subnets must be part of the same network as the primary VIP.

An optional vip_sg_ids attribute can be used to set custom Neutron Security Groups that are applied on the VIP port of the Load Balancer. When this option is used, Octavia does not manage the security of the Listeners, the user must set Security Group Rules to allow the network traffic on the VIP port. vip_sg_ids are incompatible with SR-IOV load balancer and cannot be set if the load balancer has a listener that uses allowed_cidrs.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer create [OPTIONS]


  • --additional-vips <JSON> — A list of JSON objects defining “additional VIPs”. The format for these is {"subnet_id": <subnet_id>, "ip_address": <ip_address>}, where the subnet_id field is mandatory and the ip_address field is optional. Additional VIP subnets must all belong to the same network as the primary VIP.

    New in version 2.26

  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — An availability zone name

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --flavor-id <FLAVOR_ID> — The ID of the flavor

  • --listeners <JSON> — The associated listener IDs, if any

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --pools <JSON>

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project owning this resource

  • --provider <PROVIDER> — Provider name for the load balancer. Default is octavia

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

  • --vip-address <VIP_ADDRESS> — The IP address of the Virtual IP (VIP)

  • --vip-network-id <VIP_NETWORK_ID> — The ID of the network for the Virtual IP (VIP). One of vip_network_id, vip_port_id, or vip_subnet_id must be specified

  • --vip-port-id <VIP_PORT_ID> — The ID of the Virtual IP (VIP) port. One of vip_network_id, vip_port_id, or vip_subnet_id must be specified

  • --vip-qos-policy-id <VIP_QOS_POLICY_ID> — The ID of the QoS Policy which will apply to the Virtual IP (VIP)

  • --vip-sg-ids <VIP_SG_IDS> — The list of Security Group IDs of the Virtual IP (VIP) port of the Load Balancer.

    New in version 2.29

  • --vip-subnet-id <VIP_SUBNET_ID> — The ID of the subnet for the Virtual IP (VIP). One of vip_network_id, vip_port_id, or vip_subnet_id must be specified

osc load-balancer loadbalancer delete

Removes a load balancer and its associated configuration from the project.

The optional parameter cascade when defined as true will delete all child objects of the load balancer.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer delete <ID>


  • <ID> — loadbalancer_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/loadbalancers/{loadbalancer_id} API

osc load-balancer loadbalancer failover

Performs a failover of a load balancer.

This operation is only available to users with load balancer administrative rights.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer failover <ID>


  • <ID> — loadbalancer_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/loadbalancers/{loadbalancer_id}/failover API

osc load-balancer loadbalancer list

Lists all load balancers for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list load balancers for other projects.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer list [OPTIONS]


  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — An availability zone name

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was created

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --flavor-id <FLAVOR_ID> — The ID of the flavor

  • --id <ID> — The ID of the resource

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — Return the list of entities that do not have one or more of the given tags

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that do not have at least one of the given tags

  • --operating-status <OPERATING_STATUS> — The operating status of the resource


  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --provider <PROVIDER> — Provider name for the load balancer

  • --provisioning-status <PROVISIONING_STATUS> — The provisioning status of the resource


  • --tags <TAGS> — Return the list of entities that have this tag or tags

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that have one or more of the given tags

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was last updated

  • --vip-address <VIP_ADDRESS> — The IP address of the Virtual IP (VIP)

  • --vip-network-id <VIP_NETWORK_ID> — The ID of the network for the Virtual IP (VIP)

  • --vip-port-id <VIP_PORT_ID> — The ID of the Virtual IP (VIP) port

  • --vip-qos-policy-id <VIP_QOS_POLICY_ID> — The ID of the QoS Policy which will apply to the Virtual IP (VIP)

  • --vip-subnet-id <VIP_SUBNET_ID> — The ID of the subnet for the Virtual IP (VIP)

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer loadbalancer set

Updates a load balancer.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the load balancer provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the load balancer object for changes.

This operation returns the updated load balancer object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — loadbalancer_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/loadbalancers/{loadbalancer_id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --vip-qos-policy-id <VIP_QOS_POLICY_ID> — The ID of the QoS Policy which will apply to the Virtual IP (VIP)

  • --vip-sg-ids <VIP_SG_IDS>

osc load-balancer loadbalancer show

Shows the details of a load balancer.

If you are not an administrative user and the load balancer object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer show <ID>


  • <ID> — loadbalancer_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/loadbalancers/{loadbalancer_id} API

osc load-balancer loadbalancer stats

Shows the current statistics for a load balancer.

This operation returns the statistics of a load balancer object identified by loadbalancer_id.

If you are not an administrative user and the load balancer object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer stats <ID>


  • <ID> — loadbalancer_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/loadbalancers/{loadbalancer_id}/stats API

osc load-balancer loadbalancer status

Shows the status tree for a load balancer.

This operation returns a status tree for a load balancer object, by load balancer ID.

provisioning_status is the status associated with lifecycle of the resource. See Provisioning Status Codes for descriptions of the status codes.

operating_status is the observed status of the resource. See Operating Status Codes for descriptions of the status codes.

If you are not an administrative user and the load balancer object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

If the operation succeeds, the returned element is a status tree that contains the load balancer and all provisioning and operating statuses for its children.

Usage: osc load-balancer loadbalancer status <ID>


  • <ID> — loadbalancer_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/loadbalancers/{loadbalancer_id}/status API

osc load-balancer pool

Pool (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer pool <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer pool create

Creates a pool for a load balancer.

The pool defines how requests should be balanced across the backend member servers.

This operation provisions a pool by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object, which contains a unique ID.

In the response, the pool provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id} to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the pool status changes to ACTIVE, the pool is successfully provisioned and is ready for further configuration.

At a minimum, you must specify these pool attributes:

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request:

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Specifying a project_id is deprecated. The pool will inherit the project_id of the parent load balancer.

You can configure all documented features of the pool at creation time by specifying the additional elements or attributes in the request.

To create a pool, the parent load balancer must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

SOURCE_IP_PORT algorithm is available from version 2.13.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool create [OPTIONS] --lb-algorithm <LB_ALGORITHM> --protocol <PROTOCOL>


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --alpn-protocols <ALPN_PROTOCOLS> — A list of ALPN protocols. Available protocols: http/1.0, http/1.1, h2

    New in version 2.24

  • --ca-tls-container-ref <CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The reference of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format CA certificate bundle for tls_enabled pools.

    New in version 2.8

  • --crl-container-ref <CRL_CONTAINER_REF> — The reference of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format CA revocation list file for tls_enabled pools

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --healthmonitor <JSON> — Defines mandatory and optional attributes of a POST request

  • --lb-algorithm <LB_ALGORITHM> — The load balancing algorithm for the pool. One of LEAST_CONNECTIONS, ROUND_ROBIN, SOURCE_IP, or SOURCE_IP_PORT

    Possible values: least-connections, round-robin, source-ip, source-ip-port

  • --listener-id <LISTENER_ID> — The ID of the listener for the pool. Either listener_id or loadbalancer_id must be specified. The listener has some restrictions, See Protocol Combinations (Listener/Pool)

  • --loadbalancer-id <LOADBALANCER_ID> — The ID of the load balancer for the pool. Either listener_id or loadbalancer_id must be specified

  • --members <JSON>

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project owning this resource. (deprecated)

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The protocol for the resource. One of HTTP, HTTPS, PROXY, PROXYV2, SCTP, TCP, or UDP

    Possible values: http, https, proxy, proxyv2, sctp, tcp, udp

  • --cookie-name <COOKIE_NAME>

  • --persistence-granularity <PERSISTENCE_GRANULARITY>

  • --persistence-timeout <PERSISTENCE_TIMEOUT>

  • --type <TYPE>

    Possible values: app-cookie, http-cookie, source-ip

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

  • --tls-ciphers <TLS_CIPHERS> — List of ciphers in OpenSSL format (colon-separated). See

    New in version 2.15

  • --tls-container-ref <TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The reference to the key manager service secret containing a PKCS12 format certificate/key bundle for tls_enabled pools for TLS client authentication to the member servers.

    New in version 2.8

  • --tls-enabled <TLS_ENABLED> — When true connections to backend member servers will use TLS encryption. Default is false.

    New in version 2.8

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tls-versions <TLS_VERSIONS> — A list of TLS protocol versions. Available versions: SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3

    New in version 2.17

osc load-balancer pool delete

Removes a pool and its associated configuration from the load balancer.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool delete <ID>


  • <ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id} API

osc load-balancer pool list

Lists all pools for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list pools for other projects.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool list [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource

    Possible values: true, false

  • --alpn-protocols <ALPN_PROTOCOLS> — A list of ALPN protocols. Available protocols: http/1.0, http/1.1, h2

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was created

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --id <ID> — The ID of the resource

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --loadbalancer-id <LOADBALANCER_ID> — The ID of the load balancer for the pool

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — Return the list of entities that do not have one or more of the given tags

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that do not have at least one of the given tags

  • --operating-status <OPERATING_STATUS> — The operating status of the resource


  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --provisioning-status <PROVISIONING_STATUS> — The provisioning status of the resource


  • --tags <TAGS> — Return the list of entities that have this tag or tags

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that have one or more of the given tags

  • --tls-ciphers <TLS_CIPHERS> — List of ciphers in OpenSSL format

  • --tls-enabled <TLS_ENABLED>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tls-versions <TLS_VERSIONS> — A list of TLS protocol versions

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was last updated

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer pool member

Pool Member commands

Usage: osc load-balancer pool member <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer pool member create

This operation provisions a member and adds it to a pool by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, it returns a response object, which contains a unique ID.

In the response, the member provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the member status changes to ACTIVE, the member is successfully provisioned and is ready for further configuration.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

At a minimum, you must specify these member attributes:

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request:

If you omit the subnet_id parameter, the vip_subnet_id for the parent load balancer will be used for the member subnet UUID.

The member address does not necessarily need to be a member of the subnet_id subnet. Members can be routable from the subnet specified either via the default route or by using host_routes defined on the subnet.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to create members for other projects.

monitor_address and/or monitor_port can be used to have the health monitor, if one is configured for the pool, connect to an alternate IP address and port when executing a health check on the member.

To create a member, the load balancer must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool member create [OPTIONS] --address <ADDRESS> --protocol-port <PROTOCOL_PORT> <POOL_ID>


  • <POOL_ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API


  • --address <ADDRESS> — The IP address of the resource

  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --backup <BACKUP> — Is the member a backup? Backup members only receive traffic when all non-backup members are down.

    New in version 2.1

    Possible values: true, false

  • --monitor-address <MONITOR_ADDRESS> — An alternate IP address used for health monitoring a backend member. Default is null which monitors the member address

  • --monitor-port <MONITOR_PORT> — An alternate protocol port used for health monitoring a backend member. Default is null which monitors the member protocol_port

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project owning this resource. (deprecated)

  • --protocol-port <PROTOCOL_PORT> — The protocol port number for the resource

  • --request-sriov <REQUEST_SRIOV> — Request that an SR-IOV VF be used for the member network port. Defaults to false.

    New in version 2.29

    Possible values: true, false

  • --subnet-id <SUBNET_ID> — The subnet ID the member service is accessible from

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

  • --weight <WEIGHT> — The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as many requests as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not receive new connections but continues to service existing connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256. Default is 1

osc load-balancer pool member delete

Removes a member and its associated configuration from the pool.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data, depending on the configuration settings. You cannot recover it.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool member delete <POOL_ID> <ID>


  • <POOL_ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API
  • <ID> — member_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API

osc load-balancer pool member list

Lists all members for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list members for other projects.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool member list [OPTIONS] <POOL_ID>


  • <POOL_ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API


  • --address <ADDRESS> — The IP address of the backend member server

  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource

    Possible values: true, false

  • --backup <BACKUP> — Is the member a backup?

    Possible values: true, false

  • --created-at <CREATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was created

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --id <ID> — The ID of the resource

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --monitor-address <MONITOR_ADDRESS> — An alternate IP address used for health monitoring a backend member

  • --monitor-port <MONITOR_PORT> — An alternate protocol port used for health monitoring a backend member

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — Return the list of entities that do not have one or more of the given tags

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that do not have at least one of the given tags

  • --operating-status <OPERATING_STATUS> — The operating status of the resource


  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID

  • --current-project — Current project

  • --protocol-port <PROTOCOL_PORT> — The protocol port number the backend member server is listening on

  • --provisioning-status <PROVISIONING_STATUS> — The provisioning status of the resource


  • --subnet-id <SUBNET_ID> — The subnet ID the member service is accessible from

  • --tags <TAGS> — Return the list of entities that have this tag or tags

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — Return the list of entities that have one or more of the given tags

  • --updated-at <UPDATED_AT> — The UTC date and timestamp when the resource was last updated

  • --weight <WEIGHT> — The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer pool member set

Update an existing member.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the member provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the member object for changes.

Setting the member weight to 0 means that the member will not receive new requests but will finish any existing connections. This “drains” the backend member of active connections.

This operation returns the updated member object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool member set [OPTIONS] <POOL_ID> <ID>


  • <POOL_ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API
  • <ID> — member_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --backup <BACKUP> — Is the member a backup? Backup members only receive traffic when all non-backup members are down.

    New in version 2.1

    Possible values: true, false

  • --monitor-address <MONITOR_ADDRESS> — An alternate IP address used for health monitoring a backend member. Default is null which monitors the member address

  • --monitor-port <MONITOR_PORT> — An alternate protocol port used for health monitoring a backend member. Default is null which monitors the member protocol_port

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --weight <WEIGHT> — The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as many requests as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not receive new connections but continues to service existing connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256. Default is 1

osc load-balancer pool member show

Shows the details of a pool member.

If you are not an administrative user and the parent load balancer does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool member show <POOL_ID> <ID>


  • <POOL_ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API
  • <ID> — member_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id}/members/{member_id} API

osc load-balancer pool set

Update an existing pool.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the pool provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the pool object for changes.

This operation returns the updated pool object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --alpn-protocols <ALPN_PROTOCOLS> — A list of ALPN protocols. Available protocols: http/1.0, http/1.1, h2

    New in version 2.24

  • --ca-tls-container-ref <CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The reference of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format CA certificate bundle for tls_enabled pools.

    New in version 2.8

  • --crl-container-ref <CRL_CONTAINER_REF> — The reference of the key manager service secret containing a PEM format CA revocation list file for tls_enabled pools

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource

  • --lb-algorithm <LB_ALGORITHM> — The load balancing algorithm for the pool. One of LEAST_CONNECTIONS, ROUND_ROBIN, or SOURCE_IP

    Possible values: least-connections, round-robin, source-ip, source-ip-port

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --cookie-name <COOKIE_NAME>

  • --persistence-granularity <PERSISTENCE_GRANULARITY>

  • --persistence-timeout <PERSISTENCE_TIMEOUT>

  • --type <TYPE>

    Possible values: app-cookie, http-cookie, source-ip

  • --tags <TAGS> — A list of simple strings assigned to the resource.

    New in version 2.5

  • --tls-ciphers <TLS_CIPHERS> — List of ciphers in OpenSSL format (colon-separated). See

    New in version 2.15

  • --tls-container-ref <TLS_CONTAINER_REF> — The reference to the key manager service secret containing a PKCS12 format certificate/key bundle for tls_enabled pools for TLS client authentication to the member servers.

    New in version 2.8

  • --tls-enabled <TLS_ENABLED> — When true connections to backend member servers will use TLS encryption. Default is false.

    New in version 2.8

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tls-versions <TLS_VERSIONS> — A list of TLS protocol versions. Available versions: SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3

    New in version 2.17

osc load-balancer pool show

Shows the details of a pool.

If you are not an administrative user and the parent load balancer does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

This operation does not require a request body.

Usage: osc load-balancer pool show <ID>


  • <ID> — pool_id parameter for /v2/lbaas/pools/{pool_id} API

osc load-balancer provider

Provider (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer provider <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer provider availability-zone-capability

AvailabilityZoneCapability (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer provider availability-zone-capability <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer provider availability-zone-capability list

Shows the provider driver availability zone capabilities. These are the features of the provider driver that can be configured in an Octavia availability zone. This API returns a list of dictionaries with the name and description of each availability zone capability of the provider.

The list might be empty and a provider driver may not implement this feature.

New in version 2.14

Usage: osc load-balancer provider availability-zone-capability list <PROVIDER>


  • <PROVIDER> — provider parameter for /v2/lbaas/providers/{provider}/availability_zone_capabilities API

osc load-balancer provider flavor-capability

FlavorCapability (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer provider flavor-capability <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer provider flavor-capability list

Shows the provider driver flavor capabilities. These are the features of the provider driver that can be configured in an Octavia flavor. This API returns a list of dictionaries with the name and description of each flavor capability of the provider.

The list might be empty and a provider driver may not implement this feature.

New in version 2.6

Usage: osc load-balancer provider flavor-capability list <PROVIDER>


  • <PROVIDER> — provider parameter for /v2/lbaas/providers/{provider}/flavor_capabilities API

osc load-balancer provider list

Lists all enabled provider drivers.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer provider list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Page size

  • --marker <MARKER> — ID of the last item in the previous list

  • --name <NAME>

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — The page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc load-balancer quota

Quota commands

Usage: osc load-balancer quota <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer quota delete

Reset a Quota

Usage: osc load-balancer quota delete <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc load-balancer quota list

Lists all quotas for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to list quotas for other projects.

If the quota is listed as null the quota is using the deployment default quota settings.

A quota of -1 means the quota is unlimited.

The list might be empty.

Usage: osc load-balancer quota list

osc load-balancer quota set

Updates a quota for a project.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code.

This operation returns the updated quota object.

If the quota is specified as null the quota will use the deployment default quota settings.

Specifying a quota of -1 means the quota is unlimited.

Specifying a quota of 0 means the project cannot create any of the resource.

Usage: osc load-balancer quota set [OPTIONS] <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --health-monitor <HEALTH_MONITOR>
  • --healthmonitor <HEALTHMONITOR> — The configured health monitor quota limit. A setting of null means it is using the deployment default quota. A setting of -1 means unlimited
  • --l7policy <L7POLICY> — The configured l7policy quota limit. A setting of null means it is using the deployment default quota. A setting of -1 means unlimited
  • --l7rule <L7RULE> — The configured l7rule quota limit. A setting of null means it is using the deployment default quota. A setting of -1 means unlimited
  • --listener <LISTENER> — The configured listener quota limit. A setting of null means it is using the deployment default quota. A setting of -1 means unlimited
  • --load-balancer <LOAD_BALANCER>
  • --loadbalancer <LOADBALANCER> — The configured load balancer quota limit. A setting of null means it is using the deployment default quota. A setting of -1 means unlimited
  • --member <MEMBER> — The configured member quota limit. A setting of null means it is using the deployment default quota. A setting of -1 means unlimited
  • --pool <POOL> — The configured pool quota limit. A setting of null means it is using the deployment default quota. A setting of -1 means unlimited

osc load-balancer quota show

Show the quota for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to show quota for other projects.

A quota of -1 means the quota is unlimited.

Usage: osc load-balancer quota show <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project

osc load-balancer version

Version (Octavia) commands

Usage: osc load-balancer version <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc load-balancer version get

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc load-balancer version get

osc network

Network (Neutron) commands

Usage: osc network <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network address-group

Address groups

Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes address groups.

Usage: osc network address-group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network address-group add-address

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network address-group add-address [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-groups/{id} API


  • --addresses <ADDRESSES> — A list of IP addresses

osc network address-group create

Creates an address group.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network address-group create [OPTIONS]


  • --addresses <ADDRESSES> — A list of IP addresses
  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource
  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>

osc network address-group delete

Deletes an address group.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network address-group delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-groups/{id} API

osc network address-group list

Lists address groups that the project has access to.

Default policy settings return only the address groups owned by the project of the user submitting the request, unless the user has administrative role.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network address-group list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/address-groups API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/address-groups API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/address-groups API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — project_id query parameter for /v2.0/address-groups API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/address-groups API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network address-group remove-address

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network address-group remove-address [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-groups/{id} API


  • --addresses <ADDRESSES> — A list of IP addresses

osc network address-group set

Updates an address group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 412

Usage: osc network address-group set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-groups/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource
  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

osc network address-group show

Shows information for an address group.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network address-group show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-groups/{id} API

osc network address-scope

Address scopes

Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes address scopes.

Usage: osc network address-scope <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network address-scope create

Creates an address scope.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network address-scope create [OPTIONS]


  • --ip-version <IP_VERSION> — The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --shared <SHARED> — Indicates whether this resource is shared across all projects. By default, only administrative users can change this value

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

osc network address-scope delete

Deletes an address scope.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network address-scope delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes/{id} API

osc network address-scope list

Lists address scopes that the project has access to.

Default policy settings return only the address scopes owned by the project of the user submitting the request, unless the user has administrative role.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network address-scope list [OPTIONS]


  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes API

  • --ip-version <IP_VERSION> — ip_version query parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --shared <SHARED> — shared query parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network address-scope set

Updates an address scope.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 412

Usage: osc network address-scope set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes/{id} API


  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --shared <SHARED> — Indicates whether this resource is shared across all projects. By default, only administrative users can change this value

    Possible values: true, false

osc network address-scope show

Shows information for an address scope.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network address-scope show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/address-scopes/{id} API

osc network agent

Address scopes

Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes address scopes.

Usage: osc network agent <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network agent create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network agent create [OPTIONS]


  • --agent <key=value>

osc network agent delete

Agents that won’t be used anymore can be removed. Before deleting agents via API, the agent should be stopped/disabled.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network agent delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{id} API

osc network agent dhcp-network

DHCP agent scheduler

The DHCP agent scheduler extension (dhcp_agent_scheduler) enables administrators to assign DHCP servers for Neutron networks to given Neutron DHCP agents, and retrieve mappings between Neutron networks and DHCP agents.

Usage: osc network agent dhcp-network <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network agent dhcp-network create

Add a network to a DHCP agent

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 403, 409, 404

Usage: osc network agent dhcp-network create [OPTIONS] <AGENT_ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API


  • --property <key=value>

osc network agent dhcp-network delete

Removes a network from a dhcp agent.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404, 409

Usage: osc network agent dhcp-network delete <AGENT_ID> <ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API

osc network agent dhcp-network list

Lists networks that a DHCP agent hosts.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network agent dhcp-network list [OPTIONS] <AGENT_ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network agent dhcp-network set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network agent dhcp-network set [OPTIONS] <AGENT_ID> <ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API


  • --property <key=value>

osc network agent dhcp-network show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network agent dhcp-network show <AGENT_ID> <ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/dhcp-networks/{id} API

osc network agent l3-router

L3 agent scheduler

The L3 agent scheduler extension (l3_agent_scheduler) allows administrators to assign Neutron routers to Neutron L3 agents, and retrieve mappings between Neutron routers and L3 agents.

Usage: osc network agent l3-router <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network agent l3-router create

Add a router to an l3 agent.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network agent l3-router create --router-id <ROUTER_ID> <AGENT_ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API


  • --router-id <ROUTER_ID> — The ID of the router

osc network agent l3-router delete

Removes a router from an l3 agent.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network agent l3-router delete <AGENT_ID> <ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API

osc network agent l3-router list

Lists routers that an l3 agent hosts.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network agent l3-router list [OPTIONS] <AGENT_ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network agent l3-router set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network agent l3-router set <AGENT_ID> <ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API

osc network agent l3-router show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network agent l3-router show <AGENT_ID> <ID>


  • <AGENT_ID> — agent_id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{agent_id}/l3-routers/{id} API

osc network agent list

Lists all agents.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network agent list [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — admin_state_up query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --agent-type <AGENT_TYPE> — agent_type query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --alive <ALIVE> — alive query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY_ZONE> — availability_zone query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --binary <BINARY> — binary query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --host <HOST> — host query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --topic <TOPIC> — topic query parameter for /v2.0/agents API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network agent set

Updates an agent.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network agent set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

osc network agent show

Shows details for an agent.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network agent show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/agents/{id} API

osc network auto-allocated-topology

Auto Allocated Topologies

Show details and delete the auto allocated topology for a given project. This API is only available when the auto-allocated-topology extension is enabled.

Usage: osc network auto-allocated-topology <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network auto-allocated-topology create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network auto-allocated-topology create [OPTIONS]


  • --auto-allocated-topology <key=value>

osc network auto-allocated-topology delete

Deletes the auto allocated topology.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network auto-allocated-topology delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/auto-allocated-topology/{id} API

osc network auto-allocated-topology list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network auto-allocated-topology list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network auto-allocated-topology set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network auto-allocated-topology set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/auto-allocated-topology/{id} API


  • --auto-allocated-topology <key=value>

osc network auto-allocated-topology show

Shows details for an auto allocated topology.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network auto-allocated-topology show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/auto-allocated-topology/{id} API

osc network availability-zone

Availability Zones commands

Usage: osc network availability-zone <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network availability-zone list

Lists all availability zones.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network availability-zone list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/availability_zones API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --resource <RESOURCE> — resource query parameter for /v2.0/availability_zones API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --state <STATE> — state query parameter for /v2.0/availability_zones API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network default-security-group-rule

Security group default rules (security-group-default-rules)

Lists, creates, shows information for, and deletes security group default rules.

Usage: osc network default-security-group-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network default-security-group-rule create

Creates an Openstack Networking security group rule template.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network default-security-group-rule create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --direction <DIRECTION> — Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the security group rule is applied

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --ethertype <ETHERTYPE> — Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules

    Possible values: ipv4, ipv6

  • --port-range-max <PORT_RANGE_MAX> — The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP or UDP-Lite this value must be greater than or equal to the port_range_min attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP code

  • --port-range-min <PORT_RANGE_MIN> — The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP or UDP-Lite this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The IP protocol can be represented by a string, an integer, or null. Valid string or integer values are any or 0, ah or 51, dccp or 33, egp or 8, esp or 50, gre or 47, icmp or 1, icmpv6 or 58, igmp or 2, ipip or 4, ipv6-encap or 41, ipv6-frag or 44, ipv6-icmp or 58, ipv6-nonxt or 59, ipv6-opts or 60, ipv6-route or 43, ospf or 89, pgm or 113, rsvp or 46, sctp or 132, tcp or 6, udp or 17, udplite or 136, vrrp or 112. Additionally, any integer value between [0-255] is also valid. The string any (or integer 0) means all IP protocols. See the constants in neutron_lib.constants for the most up-to-date list of supported strings

  • --remote-address-group-id <REMOTE_ADDRESS_GROUP_ID>

  • --remote-group-id <REMOTE_GROUP_ID> — The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. You can specify either the remote_group_id or remote_ip_prefix attribute in the request body

  • --remote-ip-prefix <REMOTE_IP_PREFIX> — The remote IP prefix that is matched by this security group rule

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

  • --used-in-default-sg <USED_IN_DEFAULT_SG> — Whether this security group rule template should be used in default security group created automatically for each new project. Default value is False

    Possible values: true, false

  • --used-in-non-default-sg <USED_IN_NON_DEFAULT_SG> — Whether this security group rule template should be used in custom security groups created by project user. Default value is True

    Possible values: true, false

osc network default-security-group-rule delete

Deletes an OpenStack Networking security group rule template.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network default-security-group-rule delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules/{id} API

osc network default-security-group-rule list

Lists a summary of all OpenStack Networking security group rules that are used for every newly created Security Group.

The list provides the ID for each security group default rule.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network default-security-group-rule list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --ethertype <ETHERTYPE> — ethertype query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

    Possible values: IPv4, IPv6

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --port-range-max <PORT_RANGE_MAX> — port_range_max query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

  • --port-range-min <PORT_RANGE_MIN> — port_range_min query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — protocol query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

  • --remote-address-group-id <REMOTE_ADDRESS_GROUP_ID> — remote_address_group_id query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

  • --remote-group-id <REMOTE_GROUP_ID> — Filter the security group rule list result by the ID of the remote group that associates with this security group rule. This field can contains uuid of the security group or special word PARENT which means that in the real rule created from this template, uuid of the owner Security Group will be put as remote_group_id

  • --remote-ip-prefix <REMOTE_IP_PREFIX> — remote_ip_prefix query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --used-in-default-sg <USED_IN_DEFAULT_SG> — used_in_default_sg query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --used-in-non-default-sg <USED_IN_NON_DEFAULT_SG> — used_in_non_default_sg query parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network default-security-group-rule set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network default-security-group-rule set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules/{id} API


  • --default-security-group-rule <key=value>

osc network default-security-group-rule show

Shows detailed information for a security group default rule.

The response body contains the following information about the security group rule:

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network default-security-group-rule show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/default-security-group-rules/{id} API

osc network extension

Extensions commands

Usage: osc network extension <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network extension list

Lists available extensions.

Lists available Networking API v2.0 extensions.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network extension list

osc network extension show

Shows details for an extension, by alias. The response shows the extension name and its alias. To show details for an extension, you specify the alias.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network extension show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/extensions/{id} API

osc network flavor

Networking Flavors Framework

Extension that allows user selection of operator-curated flavors during resource creation.

Users can check if flavor available by performing a GET on the /v2.0/extensions/flavors. If it is unavailable,there is an 404 error response (itemNotFound). Refer Show extension details for more details.

Usage: osc network flavor <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network flavor create

Creates a flavor.

This operation establishes a new flavor.

The service_type to which the flavor applies is a required parameter. The corresponding service plugin must have been activated as part of the configuration. Check Service providers for how to see currently loaded service types. Additionally the service plugin needs to support the use of flavors.

Creation currently limited to administrators. Other users will receive a Forbidden 403 response code with a response body NeutronError message expressing that creation is disallowed by policy.

Until one or more service profiles are associated with the flavor by the operator, attempts to use the flavor during resource creations will currently return a Not Found 404 with a response body that indicates no service profile could be found.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network flavor create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The human-readable description for the flavor

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — Name of the flavor

  • --service-profiles <SERVICE_PROFILES>

  • --service-type <SERVICE_TYPE> — Service type for the flavor. Example: FIREWALL

osc network flavor delete

Deletes a flavor.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network flavor delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/flavors/{id} API

osc network flavor list

Lists all flavors visible to the project.

The list can be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network flavor list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/flavors API

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — enabled query parameter for /v2.0/flavors API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/flavors API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/flavors API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --service-type <SERVICE_TYPE> — service_type query parameter for /v2.0/flavors API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network flavor set

Updates a flavor.

The service_type cannot be updated as there may be associated service profiles and consumers depending on the value.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network flavor set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/flavors/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — The human-readable description for the flavor

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — Name of the flavor

  • --service-profiles <SERVICE_PROFILES>

osc network flavor show

Shows details for a flavor.

This operation returns a flavor object by ID. If you are not an administrative user and the flavor object is not visible to your project account, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network flavor show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/flavors/{id} API

osc network floating-ip

Floating IP commands

Usage: osc network floating-ip <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network floating-ip create

Creates a floating IP, and, if you specify port information, associates the floating IP with an internal port.

To associate the floating IP with an internal port, specify the port ID attribute in the request body. If you do not specify a port ID in the request, you can issue a PUT request instead of a POST request.

Default policy settings enable only administrative users to set floating IP addresses and some non-administrative users might require a floating IP address. If you do not specify a floating IP address in the request, the operation automatically allocates one.

By default, this operation associates the floating IP address with a single fixed IP address that is configured on an OpenStack Networking port. If a port has multiple IP addresses, you must specify the fixed_ip_address attribute in the request body to associate a fixed IP address with the floating IP address.

You can create floating IPs on only external networks. When you create a floating IP, you must specify the ID of the network on which you want to create the floating IP. Alternatively, you can create a floating IP on a subnet in the external network, based on the costs and quality of that subnet.

You must configure an IP address with the internal OpenStack Networking port that is associated with the floating IP address.

The operation returns the Bad Request (400) response code for one of reasons:

If the port ID is not valid, this operation returns 404 response code.

The operation returns the Conflict (409) response code for one of reasons:

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network floating-ip create [OPTIONS] --floating-network-id <FLOATING_NETWORK_ID>


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string
  • --dns-domain <DNS_DOMAIN> — A valid DNS domain
  • --dns-name <DNS_NAME> — A valid DNS name
  • --fixed-ip-address <FIXED_IP_ADDRESS> — The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP. If an internal port has multiple associated IP addresses, the service chooses the first IP address unless you explicitly define a fixed IP address in the fixed_ip_address parameter
  • --floating-ip-address <FLOATING_IP_ADDRESS> — The floating IP address
  • --floating-network-id <FLOATING_NETWORK_ID> — The ID of the network associated with the floating IP
  • --port-id <PORT_ID> — The ID of a port associated with the floating IP. To associate the floating IP with a fixed IP at creation time, you must specify the identifier of the internal port
  • --qos-policy-id <QOS_POLICY_ID> — The ID of the QoS policy associated with the floating IP
  • --subnet-id <SUBNET_ID> — The subnet ID on which you want to create the floating IP
  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

osc network floating-ip delete

Deletes a floating IP and, if present, its associated port.

This example deletes a floating IP:

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network floating-ip delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{id} API

osc network floating-ip list

Lists floating IPs visible to the user.

Default policy settings return only the floating IPs owned by the user’s project, unless the user has admin role.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

This example request lists floating IPs in JSON format:

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network floating-ip list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --fixed-ip-address <FIXED_IP_ADDRESS> — fixed_ip_address query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --floating-ip-address <FLOATING_IP_ADDRESS> — floating_ip_address query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --floating-network-id <FLOATING_NETWORK_ID> — floating_network_id query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --port-id <PORT_ID> — port_id query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --router-id <ROUTER_ID> — router_id query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --status <STATUS> — status query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network floating-ip port-forwarding

Floating IPs port forwarding

Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes floating IPs port forwardings.

Port forwarding with port ranges

The floating-ip-port-forwarding-port-ranges extension adds the new attributes internal_port_range and external_port_range to the floating IP port forwardings. The value of these new attributes should be a string that represents a colon separated port range. You can not use the attributes internal_port_range and external_port_range with the attributes internal_port and external_port in the same request.

Port forwarding rule description

The floating-ip-port-forwarding-description extension adds the description attribute to the floating IP port forwardings. The value of the description attribute contains a text describing the rule, which helps users to manage/find easily theirs rules.

Usage: osc network floating-ip port-forwarding <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network floating-ip port-forwarding create

Creates a floating IP port forwarding.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network floating-ip port-forwarding create [OPTIONS] <FLOATINGIP_ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A text describing the rule, which helps users to manage/find easily theirs rules

  • --external-port <EXTERNAL_PORT> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port number of the port forwarding’s floating IP address

  • --external-port-range <EXTERNAL_PORT_RANGE> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port range of the port forwarding’s floating IP address

  • --internal-ip-address <INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS> — The fixed IPv4 address of the Neutron port associated to the floating IP port forwarding

  • --internal-port <INTERNAL_PORT> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port number of the Neutron port fixed IP address associated to the floating ip port forwarding

  • --internal-port-id <INTERNAL_PORT_ID> — The ID of the Neutron port associated to the floating IP port forwarding

  • --internal-port-range <INTERNAL_PORT_RANGE> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port range of the Neutron port fixed IP address associated to the floating ip port forwarding

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The IP protocol used in the floating IP port forwarding

    Possible values: dccp, icmp, ipv6-icmp, sctp, tcp, udp

osc network floating-ip port-forwarding delete

Deletes a floating IP port forwarding.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 404

Usage: osc network floating-ip port-forwarding delete <FLOATINGIP_ID> <ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API

osc network floating-ip port-forwarding list

Lists floating IP port forwardings that the project has access to.

Default policy settings return only the port forwardings associated to floating IPs owned by the project of the user submitting the request, unless the user has administrative role.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network floating-ip port-forwarding list [OPTIONS] <FLOATINGIP_ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings API

  • --external-port <EXTERNAL_PORT> — external_port query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings API

  • --external-port-range <EXTERNAL_PORT_RANGE> — external_port_range query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings API

  • --internal-port-id <INTERNAL_PORT_ID> — internal_port_id query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — protocol query parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings API

    Possible values: dccp, icmp, ipv6-icmp, sctp, tcp, udp

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network floating-ip port-forwarding set

Updates a floating IP port forwarding.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network floating-ip port-forwarding set [OPTIONS] <FLOATINGIP_ID> <ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --external-port <EXTERNAL_PORT> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port number of the port forwarding’s floating IP address

  • --external-port-range <EXTERNAL_PORT_RANGE> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port range of the port forwarding’s floating IP address

  • --internal-ip-address <INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS> — The fixed IPv4 address of the Neutron port associated to the floating IP port forwarding

  • --internal-port <INTERNAL_PORT> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port number of the Neutron port fixed IP address associated to the floating ip port forwarding

  • --internal-port-id <INTERNAL_PORT_ID> — The ID of the Neutron port associated to the floating IP port forwarding

  • --internal-port-range <INTERNAL_PORT_RANGE> — The TCP/UDP/other protocol port range of the Neutron port fixed IP address associated to the floating ip port forwarding

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The IP protocol used in the floating IP port forwarding

    Possible values: dccp, icmp, ipv6-icmp, sctp, tcp, udp

osc network floating-ip port-forwarding show

Shows information for a floating IP port forwarding.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network floating-ip port-forwarding show <FLOATINGIP_ID> <ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/port_forwardings/{id} API

osc network floating-ip set

Updates a floating IP and its association with an internal port.

The association process is the same as the process for the create floating IP operation.

To disassociate a floating IP from a port, set the port_id attribute to null or omit it from the request body.

This example updates a floating IP:

Depending on the request body that you submit, this request associates a port with or disassociates a port from a floating IP.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409, 412

Usage: osc network floating-ip set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string
  • --fixed-ip-address <FIXED_IP_ADDRESS> — The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP. If an internal port has multiple associated IP addresses, the service chooses the first IP address unless you explicitly define a fixed IP address in the fixed_ip_address parameter
  • --port-id <PORT_ID> — The ID of a port associated with the floating IP. To associate the floating IP with a fixed IP, you must specify the ID of the internal port. To disassociate the floating IP, null should be specified
  • --qos-policy-id <QOS_POLICY_ID>

osc network floating-ip show

Shows details for a floating IP.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

This example request shows details for a floating IP in JSON format. This example also filters the result by the fixed_ip_address and floating_ip_address fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network floating-ip show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{id} API

osc network floating-ip tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network floating-ip tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network floating-ip tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network floating-ip tag add <FLOATINGIP_ID> <ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network floating-ip tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network floating-ip tag check <FLOATINGIP_ID> <ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network floating-ip tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network floating-ip tag delete <FLOATINGIP_ID> <ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network floating-ip tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network floating-ip tag list [OPTIONS] <FLOATINGIP_ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network floating-ip tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network floating-ip tag purge <FLOATINGIP_ID>


  • <FLOATINGIP_ID> — floatingip_id parameter for /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network floating-ip-pool

Floating IP pools

Usage: osc network floating-ip-pool <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network floating-ip-pool list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network floating-ip-pool list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network local-ip

Local IPs (local_ips)

Extension that allows users to create a virtual IP that can later be assigned to multiple ports/VMs (similar to anycast IP) and is guaranteed to only be reachable within the same physical server/node boundaries.

Usage: osc network local-ip <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network local-ip create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network local-ip create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --ip-mode <IP_MODE>

    Possible values: passthrough, translate

  • --local-ip-address <LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS>

  • --local-port-id <LOCAL_PORT_ID>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID>

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>

osc network local-ip delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network local-ip delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/local-ips/{id} API

osc network local-ip list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network local-ip list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --ip-mode <IP_MODE> — ip_mode query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

    Possible values: passthrough, translate

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --local-ip-address <LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS> — local_ip_address query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --local-port-id <LOCAL_PORT_ID> — local_port_id query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — network_id query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — project_id query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/local-ips API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network local-ip port-association

Local IP Associations (port_associations)

The resource lets users assign Local IPs to user Ports. This is a sub-resource of the Local IP resource.

Usage: osc network local-ip port-association <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network local-ip port-association create

Creates a Local IP association with a given Port. If a Port has multiple fixed IPs user must specify which IP to use for association.

The operation returns the Conflict (409) response code for one of reasons:

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network local-ip port-association create [OPTIONS] <LOCAL_IP_ID>


  • <LOCAL_IP_ID> — local_ip_id parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations/{id} API


  • --fixed-ip <FIXED_IP> — The requested IP of the port associated with the Local IP
  • --fixed-port-id <FIXED_PORT_ID> — The requested ID of the port associated with the Local IP
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>

osc network local-ip port-association delete

Deletes a Local IP association.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network local-ip port-association delete <LOCAL_IP_ID> <ID>


  • <LOCAL_IP_ID> — local_ip_id parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations/{id} API

osc network local-ip port-association list

Lists Associations for the given Local IP.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network local-ip port-association list [OPTIONS] <LOCAL_IP_ID>


  • <LOCAL_IP_ID> — local_ip_id parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations/{id} API


  • --fixed-ip <FIXED_IP> — fixed_ip query parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations API

  • --fixed-port-id <FIXED_PORT_ID> — fixed_port_id query parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations API

  • --host <HOST> — host query parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --local-ip-address <LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS> — local_ip_address query parameter for /v2.0/local_ips/{local_ip_id}/port_associations API

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network local-ip set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network local-ip set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/local-ips/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --name <NAME>

osc network local-ip show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network local-ip show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/local-ips/{id} API

osc network log


Log resource

The logging extension lists, creates, shows information for, and updates log resource.

Usage: osc network log <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network log log

Log resource

The logging extension lists, creates, shows information for, and updates log resource.

Usage: osc network log log <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network log log create

Creates a log resource.

Creates a log resource by using the configuration that you define in the request object. A response object is returned. The object contains a unique ID.

If the caller is not an administrative user, this call returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Users with an administrative role can create policies on behalf of other projects by specifying a project ID that is different than their own.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 409

Usage: osc network log log create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Indicates whether this log object is enabled or disabled. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --event <EVENT> — Type of security events to log. ACCEPT, DROP, or ALL. Default is ALL

    Possible values: accept, all, drop

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

  • --resource-id <RESOURCE_ID> — The ID of resource log (e.g security group ID)

  • --resource-type <RESOURCE_TYPE> — The resource log type such as ‘security_group’

  • --target-id <TARGET_ID> — The ID of resource target log such as port ID

osc network log log delete

Deletes a log resource.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network log log delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/log/logs/{id} API

osc network log log list

Lists all log resources associated with your project.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

The list might be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network log log list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — enabled query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --event <EVENT> — event query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

    Possible values: ACCEPT, ALL, DROP

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — project_id query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --resource-id <RESOURCE_ID> — resource_id query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --resource-type <RESOURCE_TYPE> — resource_type query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --target-id <TARGET_ID> — target_id query parameter for /v2.0/log/logs API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network log log set

Updates a log resource.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network log log set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/log/logs/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --enabled <ENABLED> — Indicates whether this log object is enabled or disabled

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

osc network log log show

Shows details log resource.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network log log show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/log/logs/{id} API

osc network log loggable-resource

Loggable resources

Usage: osc network log loggable-resource <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network log loggable-resource list

Lists all resource log types are supporting.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network log loggable-resource list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network metering

Metering labels and rules (metering-labels, metering-label-rules)

Creates, modifies, and deletes OpenStack Layer3 metering labels and rules.

Usage: osc network metering <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network metering metering-label

Metering Label commands

Usage: osc network metering metering-label <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network metering metering-label create

Creates an L3 metering label.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403

Usage: osc network metering metering-label create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --shared <SHARED> — Indicates whether this metering label is shared across all projects

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

osc network metering metering-label delete

Deletes an L3 metering label.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network metering metering-label delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-labels/{id} API

osc network metering metering-label list

Lists all L3 metering labels that belong to the project.

The list shows the ID for each metering label.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network metering metering-label list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-labels API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-labels API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-labels API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --shared <SHARED> — shared query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-labels API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-labels API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network metering metering-label show

Shows details for a metering label.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network metering metering-label show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-labels/{id} API

osc network metering metering-label-rule

Metering Label Rule commands

Usage: osc network metering metering-label-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network metering metering-label-rule create

Creates an L3 metering label rule.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409

Usage: osc network metering metering-label-rule create [OPTIONS]


  • --destination-ip-prefix <DESTINATION_IP_PREFIX>

  • --direction <DIRECTION> — Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --excluded <EXCLUDED> — Indicates whether to count the traffic of a specific IP address with the remote_ip_prefix, source_ip_prefix, or destination_ip_prefix values. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --metering-label-id <METERING_LABEL_ID> — The metering label ID associated with this metering rule

  • --remote-ip-prefix <REMOTE_IP_PREFIX> — (deprecated) The source IP prefix that is matched by this metering rule. By source IP prefix, one should read the internal/private IPs used in OpenStack

  • --source-ip-prefix <SOURCE_IP_PREFIX>

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

osc network metering metering-label-rule delete

Deletes an L3 metering label rule.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network metering metering-label-rule delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules/{id} API

osc network metering metering-label-rule list

Lists a summary of all L3 metering label rules that belong to the project.

The list shows the ID for each metering label rule.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network metering metering-label-rule list [OPTIONS]


  • --destination-ip-prefix <DESTINATION_IP_PREFIX> — The destination IP prefix that the metering rule is associated with; in this context, destination IP prefix represents the destination IP of the network packet. Therefore, for an ingress rule, the destination IP is the internal IP associated with some OpenStack VM. On the other hand, for an egress rule, the destination IP prefix is the IP of some external system that an application running inside some OpenStack virtual machine is trying to access. Moreover, instead of an IP, one can also use a CIDR as the destination IP prefix

  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules API

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --excluded <EXCLUDED> — excluded query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --metering-label-id <METERING_LABEL_ID> — metering_label_id query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --remote-ip-prefix <REMOTE_IP_PREFIX> — remote_ip_prefix query parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --source-ip-prefix <SOURCE_IP_PREFIX> — The source IP prefix that the metering rule is associated with; in this context, source IP prefix represents the source IP of the network packet. Therefore, for an ingress rule, the source IP is the IP of the system accessing something inside OpenStack. On the other hand, for an egress rule, the source IP is the internal IP associated with some OpenStack VM. Moreover, instead of an IP, one can also use a CIDR as the source IP prefix

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network metering metering-label-rule show

Shows details for a metering label rule.

The response body shows this information for each metering label rule:

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network metering metering-label-rule show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules/{id} API

osc network ndp-proxy

Router NDP proxy (ndp_proxies)

A ndp_proxy is a logical entity for annunciate a unique IPv6 address to external network. It depends on a router entity on which external gateway is enabled.

Usage: osc network ndp-proxy <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network ndp-proxy create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network ndp-proxy create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --ip-address <IP_ADDRESS>
  • --name <NAME>
  • --port-id <PORT_ID>
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>
  • --router-id <ROUTER_ID>

osc network ndp-proxy delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network ndp-proxy delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/ndp-proxies/{id} API

osc network ndp-proxy list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network ndp-proxy list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/ndp-proxies API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/ndp-proxies API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/ndp-proxies API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network ndp-proxy set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network ndp-proxy set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/ndp-proxies/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --name <NAME>

osc network ndp-proxy show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network ndp-proxy show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/ndp-proxies/{id} API

osc network network

Network commands

Usage: osc network network <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network network create

Creates a network.

A request body is optional. An administrative user can specify another project ID, which is the project that owns the network, in the request body.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network network create [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --availability-zone-hints <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_HINTS> — The availability zone candidate for the network

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --dns-domain <DNS_DOMAIN> — A valid DNS domain

  • --ha <HA>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — The network is default or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --mtu <MTU> — The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the network

  • --port-security-enabled <PORT_SECURITY_ENABLED> — The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port

    Possible values: true, false

  • --provider-network-type <PROVIDER_NETWORK_TYPE>

  • --provider-physical-network <PROVIDER_PHYSICAL_NETWORK>

  • --provider-segmentation-id <PROVIDER_SEGMENTATION_ID>

  • --qos-policy-id <QOS_POLICY_ID> — The ID of the QoS policy associated with the network

  • --router-external <ROUTER_EXTERNAL> — Indicates whether the network has an external routing facility that’s not managed by the networking service

    Possible values: true, false

  • --segments <JSON> — A list of provider segment objects

  • --shared <SHARED> — Indicates whether this resource is shared across all projects. By default, only administrative users can change this value

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

osc network network delete

Deletes a network and its associated resources.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409, 412

Usage: osc network network delete <ID>


  • <ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id} API

osc network network dhcp-agent

DHCP agent scheduler

The DHCP agent scheduler extension (dhcp_agent_scheduler) enables administrators to assign DHCP servers for Neutron networks to given Neutron DHCP agents, and retrieve mappings between Neutron networks and DHCP agents.

Usage: osc network network dhcp-agent <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network network dhcp-agent list

Lists DHCP agents hosting a network.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network network dhcp-agent list [OPTIONS] <NETWORK_ID>


  • <NETWORK_ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/dhcp-agents/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network network list

Lists networks to which the project has access.

Default policy settings return only networks that the project who submits the request owns, unless an administrative user submits the request. In addition, networks shared with the project who submits the request are also returned.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

You can also use the tags, tags-any, not-tags, not-tags-any query parameter to filter the response with tags. For information, see REST API Impact.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network network list [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — admin_state_up query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — is_default query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --mtu <MTU> — mtu query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --provider-network-type <PROVIDER_NETWORK_TYPE> — provider:network_type query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --provider-physical-network <PROVIDER_PHYSICAL_NETWORK> — provider:physical_network query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --provider-segmentation-id <PROVIDER_SEGMENTATION_ID> — provider:segmentation_id query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --router-external <ROUTER_EXTERNAL> — router:external query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --shared <SHARED> — shared query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --status <STATUS> — status query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/networks API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network network show

Shows details for a network.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network network show <ID>


  • <ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id} API

osc network network tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network network tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network network tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network tag add <NETWORK_ID> <ID>


  • <NETWORK_ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network network tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network tag check <NETWORK_ID> <ID>


  • <NETWORK_ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network network tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network tag delete <NETWORK_ID> <ID>


  • <NETWORK_ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network network tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network tag list [OPTIONS] <NETWORK_ID>


  • <NETWORK_ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network network tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network tag purge <NETWORK_ID>


  • <NETWORK_ID> — network_id parameter for /v2.0/networks/{network_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network network-ip-availability

Network IP availability and usage stats

The extension network-ip-availability allows users to list and show the network IP usage stats of all networks or of a specified network. By default policy configuration, only administrative users can use this API.

Usage: osc network network-ip-availability <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network network-ip-availability list

Lists network IP availability of all networks.

By default policy configuration, only administrative users can retrieve IP availabilities. Otherwise, an empty list will be returned.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network network-ip-availability list [OPTIONS]


  • --ip-version <IP_VERSION> — ip_version query parameter for /v2.0/network-ip-availabilities API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — network_id query parameter for /v2.0/network-ip-availabilities API

  • --network-name <NETWORK_NAME> — network_name query parameter for /v2.0/network-ip-availabilities API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/network-ip-availabilities API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network network-ip-availability show

Shows network IP availability details for a network.

By default policy configuration, only administrative users can retrieve IP availability. Otherwise, Not Found (404) will be returned.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network network-ip-availability show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/network-ip-availabilities/{id} API

osc network network-segment-range

Network Segment Ranges

The network segment range extension exposes the segment range management to be administered via the Neutron API. It introduces the network-segment-range resource for tenant network segment allocation. In addition, it introduces the ability for the administrator to control the segment ranges globally or on a per-tenant basis.

Lists, shows details for, creates, updates, and deletes network segment ranges. The network segment ranges API is admin-only.

Usage: osc network network-segment-range <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network network-segment-range create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

  • --maximum <MAXIMUM>

  • --minimum <MINIMUM>

  • --name <NAME>

  • --network-type <NETWORK_TYPE>

    Possible values: geneve, gre, vlan, vxlan

  • --physical-network <PHYSICAL_NETWORK>

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>

  • --shared <SHARED>

    Possible values: true, false

osc network network-segment-range delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges/{id} API

osc network network-segment-range list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --network-type <NETWORK_TYPE> — network_type query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

    Possible values: geneve, gre, vlan, vxlan

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --physical-network <PHYSICAL_NETWORK> — physical_network query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — project_id query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network network-segment-range set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>
  • --maximum <MAXIMUM>
  • --minimum <MINIMUM>
  • --name <NAME>

osc network network-segment-range show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/network-segment-ranges/{id} API

osc network network-segment-range tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network network-segment-range tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network network-segment-range tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range tag add <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> <ID>


  • <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> — network_segment_range_id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network network-segment-range tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range tag check <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> <ID>


  • <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> — network_segment_range_id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network network-segment-range tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range tag delete <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> <ID>


  • <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> — network_segment_range_id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network network-segment-range tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range tag list [OPTIONS] <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID>


  • <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> — network_segment_range_id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network network-segment-range tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network network-segment-range tag purge <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID>


  • <NETWORK_SEGMENT_RANGE_ID> — network_segment_range_id parameter for /v2.0/network_segment_ranges/{network_segment_range_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network port

Port commands

Usage: osc network port <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network port create

Creates a port on a network.

To define the network in which to create the port, specify the network_id attribute in the request body.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network port create [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --allowed-address-pairs <JSON> — A set of zero or more allowed address pair objects each where address pair object contains an ip_address and mac_address. While the ip_address is required, the mac_address will be taken from the port if not specified. The value of ip_address can be an IP Address or a CIDR (if supported by the underlying extension plugin). A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs

  • --binding-host-id <BINDING_HOST_ID> — The ID of the host where the port resides. The default is an empty string

  • --binding-profile <key=value> — A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. This field is only meant for machine-machine communication for compute services like Nova, Ironic or Zun to pass information to a Neutron back-end. It should not be used by multiple services concurrently or by cloud end users. The existing counterexamples (capabilities: [switchdev] for Open vSwitch hardware offload and trusted=true for Trusted Virtual Functions) are due to be cleaned up. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field. The default is an empty dictionary. If you update it with null then it is treated like {} in the response. Since the port-mac-address-override extension the device_mac_address field of the binding:profile can be used to provide the MAC address of the physical device a direct-physical port is being bound to. If provided, then the mac_address field of the port resource will be updated to the MAC from the active binding

  • --binding-vnic-type <BINDING_VNIC_TYPE> — The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, direct-physical, virtio-forwarder, smart-nic and remote-managed. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments. The default is normal

    Possible values: accelerator-direct, accelerator-direct-physical, baremetal, direct, direct-physical, macvtap, normal, remote-managed, smart-nic, vdpa, virtio-forwarder

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --device-id <DEVICE_ID> — The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router

  • --device-owner <DEVICE_OWNER> — The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface)

  • --device-profile <DEVICE_PROFILE>

  • --dns-domain <DNS_DOMAIN> — A valid DNS domain

  • --dns-name <DNS_NAME> — A valid DNS name

  • --extra-dhcp-opts <JSON> — A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name

  • --fixed-ips <JSON> — The IP addresses for the port. If you would like to assign multiple IP addresses for the port, specify multiple entries in this field. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).

    • If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address on that subnet to the port. - If you specify only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. - If you specify only an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address if the address is a valid IP for any of the subnets on the specified network.
  • --hints <key=value> — Admin-only. A dict, at the top level keyed by mechanism driver aliases (as defined in setup.cfg). To following values can be used to control Open vSwitch’s Userspace Tx packet steering feature:

    • {"openvswitch": {"other_config": {"tx-steering": "hash"}}} - {"openvswitch": {"other_config": {"tx-steering": "thread"}}}

    If omitted the default is defined by Open vSwitch. The field cannot be longer than 4095 characters.

  • --mac-address <MAC_ADDRESS> — The MAC address of the port. If unspecified, a MAC address is automatically generated

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — The ID of the attached network

  • --numa-affinity-policy <NUMA_AFFINITY_POLICY> — The port NUMA affinity policy requested during the virtual machine scheduling. Values: None, required, preferred or legacy

    Possible values: legacy, preferred, required, socket

  • --port-security-enabled <PORT_SECURITY_ENABLED> — The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied

    Possible values: true, false

  • --propagate-uplink-status <PROPAGATE_UPLINK_STATUS> — The uplink status propagation of the port. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --qos-policy-id <QOS_POLICY_ID> — QoS policy associated with the port

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — The IDs of security groups applied to the port

  • --tags <TAGS>

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

osc network port delete

Deletes a port.

Any IP addresses that are associated with the port are returned to the respective subnets allocation pools.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404, 412

Usage: osc network port delete <ID>


  • <ID> — port_id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/add_allowed_address_pairs API

osc network port list

Lists ports to which the user has access.

Default policy settings return only those ports that are owned by the project of the user who submits the request, unless the request is submitted by a user with administrative rights.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

If the ip-substring-filtering extension is enabled, the Neutron API supports IP address substring filtering on the fixed_ips attribute. If you specify an IP address substring (ip_address_substr) in an entry of the fixed_ips attribute, the Neutron API will list all ports that have an IP address matching the substring.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network port list [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — admin_state_up query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --binding-host-id <BINDING_HOST_ID> — binding:host_id query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --device-id <DEVICE_ID> — device_id query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --device-owner <DEVICE_OWNER> — device_owner query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --fixed-ips <FIXED_IPS> — fixed_ips query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --ip-allocation <IP_ALLOCATION> — ip_allocation query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --mac-address <MAC_ADDRESS> — mac_address query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — network_id query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --security-groups <SECURITY_GROUPS> — security_groups query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --status <STATUS> — status query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/ports API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network port show

Shows details for a port.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network port show <ID>


  • <ID> — port_id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/add_allowed_address_pairs API

osc network port tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network port tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network port tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network port tag add <PORT_ID> <ID>


  • <PORT_ID> — port_id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network port tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network port tag check <PORT_ID> <ID>


  • <PORT_ID> — port_id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network port tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network port tag delete <PORT_ID> <ID>


  • <PORT_ID> — port_id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network port tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network port tag list [OPTIONS] <PORT_ID>


  • <PORT_ID> — port_id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network port tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network port tag purge <PORT_ID>


  • <PORT_ID> — port_id parameter for /v2.0/ports/{port_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network qos

Quality of Service

Usage: osc network qos <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule

Quality of Service rules alias API

The purpose of this API extension is to enable callers to execute the requests to delete, show and update QoS rules without specifying the corresponding policy ID. Otherwise, these requests have the exact same behavior as their counterparts described in other parts of this documentation. The requests available in this API extension are:

Usage: osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule create [OPTIONS]


  • --alias-bandwidth-limit-rule <key=value>

osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-bandwidth-limit-rules/{id} API

osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule list [OPTIONS]


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-bandwidth-limit-rules API

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-bandwidth-limit-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --max-burst-kbps <MAX_BURST_KBPS> — max_burst_kbps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-bandwidth-limit-rules API

  • --max-kbps <MAX_KBPS> — max_kbps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-bandwidth-limit-rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-bandwidth-limit-rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION>

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --max-burst-kbps <MAX_BURST_KBPS>

  • --max-kbps <MAX_KBPS>

osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-bandwidth-limit-rule show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-bandwidth-limit-rules/{id} API

osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule

QoS DSCP marking rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS DSCP marking rules.

Usage: osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule create [OPTIONS]


  • --alias-dscp-marking-rule <key=value>

osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-dscp-marking-rules/{id} API

osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule list [OPTIONS]


  • --dscp-mark <DSCP_MARK> — dscp_mark query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-dscp-marking-rules API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-dscp-marking-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-dscp-marking-rules/{id} API


  • --dscp-mark <DSCP_MARK>

osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-dscp-marking-rule show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-dscp-marking-rules/{id} API

osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule

QoS minimum bandwidth rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS minimum bandwidth rules.

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule create [OPTIONS]


  • --alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule <key=value>

osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-bandwidth-rules/{id} API

osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule list [OPTIONS]


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-bandwidth-rules API

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-bandwidth-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --min-kbps <MIN_KBPS> — min_kbps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-bandwidth-rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-bandwidth-rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION>

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --min-kbps <MIN_KBPS>

osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-bandwidth-rule show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-bandwidth-rules/{id} API

osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule

QoS minimum packet rate rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS minimum packet rate rules.

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule create [OPTIONS]


  • --alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule <key=value>

osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API

osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule list [OPTIONS]


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-packet-rate-rules API

    Possible values: any, egress, ingress

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-packet-rate-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --min-kpps <MIN_KPPS> — min_kpps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-packet-rate-rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION>

    Possible values: any, egress, ingress

  • --min-kpps <MIN_KPPS>

osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos alias-minimum-packet-rate-rule show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/alias-minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy

QoS minimum packet rate rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS minimum packet rate rules.

Usage: osc network qos policy <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule

QoS bandwidth limit rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS bandwidth limit rules.

Bandwidth limit direction

The qos-bw-limit-direction extension adds the direction attribute to QoS rule types. The direction attribute allows to configure QoS bandwidth limit rule with specific direction: ingress or egress. Default is egress.

Usage: osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule create

Creates a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule create [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — The direction of the traffic to which the QoS rule is applied, as seen from the point of view of the port. Valid values are egress and ingress. Default value is egress

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --max-burst-kbps <MAX_BURST_KBPS> — The maximum burst size (in kilobits). Default is 0

  • --max-kbps <MAX_KBPS> — The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value

osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule delete

Deletes a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule delete <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule list

Lists all bandwidth limit rules for a QoS policy.

The list might be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule list [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API


  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --max-burst-kbps <MAX_BURST_KBPS> — max_burst_kbps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules API

  • --max-kbps <MAX_KBPS> — max_kbps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule set

Updates a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule set [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — The direction of the traffic to which the QoS rule is applied, as seen from the point of view of the port. Valid values are egress and ingress

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --max-burst-kbps <MAX_BURST_KBPS> — The maximum burst size (in kilobits). Default is 0

  • --max-kbps <MAX_KBPS> — The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value

osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule show

Shows details for a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy bandwidth-limit-rule show <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/bandwidth_limit_rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy create

Creates a QoS policy.

Creates a QoS policy by using the configuration that you define in the request object. A response object is returned. The object contains a unique ID.

By the default policy configuration, if the caller is not an administrative user, this call returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Users with an administrative role can create policies on behalf of other projects by specifying a project ID that is different than their own.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404, 409

Usage: osc network qos policy create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — If true, the QoS policy is the default policy

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --shared <SHARED> — Set to true to share this policy with other projects. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

osc network qos policy delete

Deletes a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network qos policy delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{id} API

osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule

QoS DSCP marking rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS DSCP marking rules.

Usage: osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule create

Creates a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule create [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API


  • --dscp-mark <DSCP_MARK> — The DSCP mark value

osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule delete

Deletes a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule delete <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule list

Lists all DSCP marking rules for a QoS policy.

The list may be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule list [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API


  • --dscp-mark <DSCP_MARK> — dscp_mark query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule set

Updates a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule set [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API


  • --dscp-mark <DSCP_MARK> — The DSCP mark value

osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule show

Shows details for a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy dscp-marking-rule show <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/dscp_marking_rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy list

Lists all QoS policies associated with your project. One policy can contain more than one rule type.

The list might be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network qos policy list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — is_default query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --shared <SHARED> — shared query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule

QoS minimum bandwidth rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS minimum bandwidth rules.

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule create

Creates a minimum bandwidth rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule create [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — The direction of the traffic to which the QoS rule is applied, as seen from the point of view of the port. Valid values are egress and ingress. Default value is egress

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --min-kbps <MIN_KBPS> — The minimum KBPS (kilobits per second) value which should be available for port

osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule delete

Deletes a minimum bandwidth rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule delete <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule list

Lists all minimum bandwidth rules for a QoS policy.

The list might be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule list [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules API

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --min-kbps <MIN_KBPS> — min_kbps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule set

Updates a minimum bandwidth rule for a QoS policy.

Note that the rule cannot be updated, and the update is rejected with error code 501, if there is any bound port referring to the rule via the qos policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 501

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule set [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — The direction of the traffic to which the QoS rule is applied, as seen from the point of view of the port. Valid values are egress and ingress

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --min-kbps <MIN_KBPS> — The minimum KBPS (kilobits per second) value which should be available for port

osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule show

Shows details for a minimum bandwidth rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-bandwidth-rule show <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum_bandwidth_rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule

QoS minimum packet rate rules

Lists, creates, deletes, shows information for, and updates QoS minimum packet rate rules.

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule create

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule create [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION>

    Possible values: any, egress, ingress

  • --min-kpps <MIN_KPPS>

osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule delete <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule list [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules API

    Possible values: any, egress, ingress

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --min-kpps <MIN_KPPS> — min_kpps query parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule set [OPTIONS] <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API


  • --direction <DIRECTION>

    Possible values: any, egress, ingress

  • --min-kpps <MIN_KPPS>

osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule show

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network qos policy minimum-packet-rate-rule show <POLICY_ID> <ID>


  • <POLICY_ID> — policy_id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}/minimum-packet-rate-rules/{id} API

osc network qos policy set

Updates a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network qos policy set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — If true, the QoS policy is the default policy

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --shared <SHARED> — Set to true to share this policy with other projects. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

osc network qos policy show

Shows details for a QoS policy. One policy can contain more than one rule type.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos policy show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/policies/{id} API

osc network qos rule-type

QoS rule types

Lists and shows information for QoS rule types available in current deployment.

Rule type details

The qos-rule-type-details extension adds the drivers attribute to QoS rule types. The drivers attribute’s value is a list of driver objects. Each driver object represents a loaded backend QoS driver and includes the driver’s name as well as a list of its supported_parameters and acceptable values.

Usage: osc network qos rule-type <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network qos rule-type list

Lists available qos rule types.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network qos rule-type list [OPTIONS]


  • --all-rules <ALL_RULES> — all_rules query parameter for /v2.0/qos/rule-types API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --all-supported <ALL_SUPPORTED> — all_supported query parameter for /v2.0/qos/rule-types API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network qos rule-type show

Shows details for an available QoS rule type.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network qos rule-type show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/qos/rule-types/{id} API

osc network quota

Quotas extension (quotas)

Lists default quotas, current quotas for projects with non-default quota values, and shows, updates, and resets quotas for a project.

A quota value of -1 means that quota has no limit.

Usage: osc network quota <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network quota defaults

Lists default quotas for a project.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network quota defaults <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/quotas/{id}/default API

osc network quota delete

Resets quotas to default values for a project.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network quota delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/quotas/{id} API

osc network quota details

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network quota details <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/quotas/{id}/details API

osc network quota list

Lists quotas for projects with non-default quota values.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network quota list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network quota set

Updates quotas for a project. Use when non-default quotas are desired.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network quota set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/quotas/{id} API


  • --floatingip <FLOATINGIP> — The number of floating IP addresses allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --network <NETWORK> — The number of networks allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --port <PORT> — The number of ports allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — The ID of the project
  • --rbac-policy <RBAC_POLICY> — The number of role-based access control (RBAC) policies for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --router <ROUTER> — The number of routers allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --security-group <SECURITY_GROUP> — The number of security groups allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --security-group-rule <SECURITY_GROUP_RULE> — The number of security group rules allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --subnet <SUBNET> — The number of subnets allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit
  • --subnetpool <SUBNETPOOL> — The number of subnet pools allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit

osc network quota show

Lists quotas for a project.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network quota show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/quotas/{id} API

osc network rbac-policy

RbacPolicy commands

Usage: osc network rbac-policy <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network rbac-policy create

Create RBAC policy for given tenant.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network rbac-policy create [OPTIONS]


  • --action <ACTION> — Action for the RBAC policy which is access_as_external or access_as_shared
  • --object-id <OBJECT_ID> — The ID of the object_type resource. An object_type of network returns a network ID, an object_type of qos-policy returns a QoS policy ID, an object_type of security-group returns a security group ID, an object_type of address-scope returns a address scope ID, an object_type of subnetpool returns a subnetpool ID and an object_type of address-group returns an address group ID
  • --object-type <OBJECT_TYPE> — The type of the object that the RBAC policy affects. Types include qos-policy, network, security-group, address-scope, subnetpool or address-group
  • --target-tenant <TARGET_TENANT> — The ID of the tenant to which the RBAC policy will be enforced. Please note that Neutron does not perform any type of validation that the value provided is actually the ID of the existing project. If, for example, the name of the project is provided here, it will be accepted by the Neutron API, but the RBAC rule created will not work as expected
  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

osc network rbac-policy delete

Delete an RBAC policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network rbac-policy delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies/{id} API

osc network rbac-policy list

List RBAC policies that belong to a given tenant.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network rbac-policy list [OPTIONS]


  • --action <ACTION> — action query parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --object-id <OBJECT_ID> — object_id query parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies API

  • --object-type <OBJECT_TYPE> — object_type query parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --target-tenant <TARGET_TENANT> — target_tenant query parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network rbac-policy set

Update RBAC policy for given tenant.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network rbac-policy set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies/{id} API


  • --target-tenant <TARGET_TENANT> — The ID of the tenant to which the RBAC policy will be enforced. Please note that Neutron does not perform any type of validation that the value provided is actually the ID of the existing project. If, for example, the name of the project is provided here, it will be accepted by the Neutron API, but the RBAC rule created will not work as expected

osc network rbac-policy show

Show details for a given RBAC policy.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network rbac-policy show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/rbac-policies/{id} API

osc network router

Router commands

Usage: osc network router <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network router add-external-gateway

Add external gateways to router

Usage: osc network router add-external-gateway [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API


  • --external-gateways <JSON> — The list of external gateways of the router

osc network router add-extraroute

Add extra routes to router

Usage: osc network router add-extraroute [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API


  • --routes <JSON> — The extra routes configuration for L3 router. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. It is available when extraroute extension is enabled

osc network router add-router-interface

Add interface to router

Usage: osc network router add-router-interface [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API


  • --port-id <PORT_ID> — The ID of the port. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified
  • --subnet-id <SUBNET_ID> — The ID of the subnet. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified

osc network router conntrack-helper

Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes router conntrack helper (CT) target rules

Usage: osc network router conntrack-helper <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network router conntrack-helper create

Creates a router conntrack helper.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network router conntrack-helper create [OPTIONS] <ROUTER_ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API


  • --helper <HELPER> — The netfilter conntrack helper module

  • --port <PORT> — The network port for the netfilter conntrack target rule

  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The network protocol for the netfilter conntrack target rule

    Possible values: dccp, icmp, ipv6-icmp, sctp, tcp, udp

osc network router conntrack-helper delete

Deletes a router conntrack helper.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 404

Usage: osc network router conntrack-helper delete <ROUTER_ID> <ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API

osc network router conntrack-helper list

Lists router conntrack helpers associated with a router.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network router conntrack-helper list [OPTIONS] <ROUTER_ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API


  • --helper <HELPER> — helper query parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --port <PORT> — port query parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers API

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — protocol query parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers API

    Possible values: dccp, icmp, ipv6-icmp, sctp, tcp, udp

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network router conntrack-helper set

Updates a router conntrack helper.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network router conntrack-helper set [OPTIONS] <ROUTER_ID> <ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API


  • --helper <HELPER> — The netfilter conntrack helper module

  • --port <PORT> — The network port for the netfilter conntrack target rule

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The network protocol for the netfilter conntrack target rule

    Possible values: dccp, icmp, ipv6-icmp, sctp, tcp, udp

osc network router conntrack-helper show

Shows information for a router conntrack helper.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 404

Usage: osc network router conntrack-helper show <ROUTER_ID> <ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/conntrack_helpers/{id} API

osc network router create

Creates a logical router.

This operation creates a logical router. The logical router does not have any internal interface and it is not associated with any subnet. You can optionally specify an external gateway for a router at create time. The external gateway for the router must be plugged into an external network. An external network has its router:external extended field set to true. To specify an external gateway, the ID of the external network must be passed in the network_id parameter of the external_gateway_info attribute in the request body.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network router create [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --availability-zone-hints <AVAILABILITY_ZONE_HINTS> — The availability zone candidates for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --distributed <DISTRIBUTED>true indicates a distributed router. It is available when dvr extension is enabled

    Possible values: true, false

  • --enable-ndp-proxy <ENABLE_NDP_PROXY> — Enable NDP proxy attribute. Default is false, To persist this attribute value, set the enable_ndp_proxy_by_default option in the neutron.conf file. It is available when router-extend-ndp-proxy extension is enabled

    Possible values: true, false

  • --enable-snat <ENABLE_SNAT>

    Possible values: true, false

  • --external-fixed-ips <JSON>

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID>

  • --flavor-id <FLAVOR_ID> — The ID of the flavor associated with the router

  • --ha <HA>true indicates a highly-available router. It is available when l3-ha extension is enabled

    Possible values: true, false

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

osc network router delete

Deletes a logical router and, if present, its external gateway interface.

This operation fails if the router has attached interfaces. Use the remove router interface operation to remove all router interfaces before you delete the router.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409, 412

Usage: osc network router delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API

osc network router l3-agent

L3 agent scheduler

The L3 agent scheduler extension (l3_agent_scheduler) allows administrators to assign Neutron routers to Neutron L3 agents, and retrieve mappings between Neutron routers and L3 agents.

Usage: osc network router l3-agent <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network router l3-agent list

Lists l3 agents hosting a specific router.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network router l3-agent list [OPTIONS] <ROUTER_ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/l3-agents/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network router list

Lists logical routers that the project who submits the request can access.

Default policy settings return only those routers that the project who submits the request owns, unless an administrative user submits the request.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network router list [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — admin_state_up query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --enable-ndp-proxy <ENABLE_NDP_PROXY> — enable_ndp_proxy query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/routers API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network router remove-external-gateway

Remove external gateways from router

Usage: osc network router remove-external-gateway [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API


  • --external-gateways <JSON> — The list of external gateways of the router

osc network router remove-extraroute

Remove extra routes from router

Usage: osc network router remove-extraroute [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API


  • --routes <JSON> — The extra routes configuration for L3 router. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. It is available when extraroute extension is enabled

osc network router remove-router-interface

Remove interface from router

Usage: osc network router remove-router-interface [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API


  • --port-id <PORT_ID> — The ID of the port. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified
  • --subnet-id <SUBNET_ID> — The ID of the subnet. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified

osc network router show

Shows details for a router.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network router show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{id} API

osc network router tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network router tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network router tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network router tag add <ROUTER_ID> <ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network router tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network router tag check <ROUTER_ID> <ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network router tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network router tag delete <ROUTER_ID> <ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network router tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network router tag list [OPTIONS] <ROUTER_ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network router tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network router tag purge <ROUTER_ID>


  • <ROUTER_ID> — router_id parameter for /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network security-group

SecurityGroup commands

Usage: osc network security-group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network security-group create

Creates an OpenStack Networking security group.

This operation creates a security group with default security group rules for the IPv4 and IPv6 ether types.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 409

Usage: osc network security-group create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --stateful <STATEFUL> — Indicates if the security group is stateful or stateless

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

osc network security-group delete

Deletes an OpenStack Networking security group.

This operation deletes an OpenStack Networking security group and its associated security group rules, provided that a port is not associated with the security group. If a port is associated with the security group 409 (Conflict) is returned.

This operation does not require a request body. This operation does not return a response body.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409, 412

Usage: osc network security-group delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{id} API

osc network security-group list

Lists OpenStack Networking security groups to which the project has access.

The response is an array of security_group objects which contains a list of security_group_rules objects.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network security-group list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --shared <SHARED> — shared query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/security-groups API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network security-group set

Updates a security group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 412

Usage: osc network security-group set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --stateful <STATEFUL>

    Possible values: true, false

osc network security-group show

Shows details for a security group.

The associated security group rules are contained in the response.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network security-group show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{id} API

osc network security-group tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network security-group tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network security-group tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network security-group tag add <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> — security_group_id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network security-group tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network security-group tag check <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> — security_group_id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network security-group tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network security-group tag delete <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> <ID>


  • <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> — security_group_id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network security-group tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network security-group tag list [OPTIONS] <SECURITY_GROUP_ID>


  • <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> — security_group_id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network security-group tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network security-group tag purge <SECURITY_GROUP_ID>


  • <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> — security_group_id parameter for /v2.0/security-groups/{security_group_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network security-group-rule

SecurityGroupRule commands

Usage: osc network security-group-rule <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network security-group-rule create

Creates an OpenStack Networking security group rule.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network security-group-rule create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --direction <DIRECTION> — Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the security group rule is applied

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --ethertype <ETHERTYPE> — Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules

    Possible values: ipv4, ipv6

  • --port-range-max <PORT_RANGE_MAX> — The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP or UDP-Lite this value must be greater than or equal to the port_range_min attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP code

  • --port-range-min <PORT_RANGE_MIN> — The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP or UDP-Lite this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The IP protocol can be represented by a string, an integer, or null. Valid string or integer values are any or 0, ah or 51, dccp or 33, egp or 8, esp or 50, gre or 47, icmp or 1, icmpv6 or 58, igmp or 2, ipip or 4, ipv6-encap or 41, ipv6-frag or 44, ipv6-icmp or 58, ipv6-nonxt or 59, ipv6-opts or 60, ipv6-route or 43, ospf or 89, pgm or 113, rsvp or 46, sctp or 132, tcp or 6, udp or 17, udplite or 136, vrrp or 112. Additionally, any integer value between [0-255] is also valid. The string any (or integer 0) means all IP protocols. See the constants in neutron_lib.constants for the most up-to-date list of supported strings

  • --remote-address-group-id <REMOTE_ADDRESS_GROUP_ID>

  • --remote-group-id <REMOTE_GROUP_ID> — The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. You can specify either the remote_group_id or remote_ip_prefix attribute in the request body

  • --remote-ip-prefix <REMOTE_IP_PREFIX> — The remote IP prefix that is matched by this security group rule

  • --security-group-id <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> — The security group ID to associate with this security group rule

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

osc network security-group-rule delete

Deletes a rule from an OpenStack Networking security group.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network security-group-rule delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules/{id} API

osc network security-group-rule list

Lists a summary of all OpenStack Networking security group rules that the project can access.

The list provides the ID for each security group rule.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network security-group-rule list [OPTIONS]


  • --belongs-to-default-sg <BELONGS_TO_DEFAULT_SG> — belongs_to_default_sg query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --direction <DIRECTION> — direction query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

    Possible values: egress, ingress

  • --ethertype <ETHERTYPE> — ethertype query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

    Possible values: IPv4, IPv6

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --normalized-cidr <NORMALIZED_CIDR> — normalized_cidr query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --port-range-max <PORT_RANGE_MAX> — port_range_max query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --port-range-min <PORT_RANGE_MIN> — port_range_min query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — protocol query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --remote-address-group-id <REMOTE_ADDRESS_GROUP_ID> — remote_address_group_id query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --remote-group-id <REMOTE_GROUP_ID> — remote_group_id query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --remote-ip-prefix <REMOTE_IP_PREFIX> — remote_ip_prefix query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --security-group-id <SECURITY_GROUP_ID> — security_group_id query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network security-group-rule set

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network security-group-rule set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION>

osc network security-group-rule show

Shows detailed information for a security group rule.

The response body contains the following information about the security group rule:

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network security-group-rule show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/security-group-rules/{id} API

osc network segment


Lists, shows details for, creates, updates, and deletes segments. The segments API is admin-only.

Usage: osc network segment <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network segment create

Creates a segment.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network segment create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string
  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the segment
  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — The ID of the attached network
  • --network-type <NETWORK_TYPE> — The type of physical network that maps to this network resource. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre
  • --physical-network <PHYSICAL_NETWORK> — The physical network where this network/segment is implemented
  • --segmentation-id <SEGMENTATION_ID> — The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key. Note that only the segmentation-id of VLAN type networks can be changed!
  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

osc network segment delete

Deletes a segment and its associated resources.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409, 412

Usage: osc network segment delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/segments/{id} API

osc network segment list

Lists segments to which the project has access.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network segment list [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/segments API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/segments API

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/segments API

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — network_id query parameter for /v2.0/segments API

  • --network-type <NETWORK_TYPE> — network_type query parameter for /v2.0/segments API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --physical-network <PHYSICAL_NETWORK> — physical_network query parameter for /v2.0/segments API

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/segments API

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network segment set

Updates a segment.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 412

Usage: osc network segment set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/segments/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string
  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the segment

osc network segment show

Shows details for a segment.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network segment show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/segments/{id} API

osc network subnet

Subnet commands

Usage: osc network subnet <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network subnet create

Creates a subnet on a network.

OpenStack Networking does not try to derive the correct IP version from the CIDR. If you do not specify the gateway_ip attribute, OpenStack Networking allocates an address from the CIDR for the gateway for the subnet.

To specify a subnet without a gateway, set the gateway_ip attribute to null in the request body. If you do not specify the allocation_pools attribute, OpenStack Networking automatically allocates pools for covering all IP addresses in the CIDR, excluding the address reserved for the subnet gateway. Otherwise, you can explicitly specify allocation pools as shown in the following example.

When you specify both the allocation_pools and gateway_ip attributes, you must ensure that the gateway IP does not overlap with the allocation pools; otherwise, the call returns the Conflict (409) response code.

A subnet can have one or more name servers and host routes. Hosts in this subnet use the name servers. Devices with IP addresses from this subnet, not including the local subnet route, use the host routes.

Specify the ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode attributes to create subnets that support IPv6 configurations, such as stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC), DHCPv6 stateful, and DHCPv6 stateless configurations.

A subnet can optionally be associated with a network segment when it is created by specifying the segment_id of a valid segment on the specified network. A network with subnets associated in this way is called a routed network. On any given network, all of the subnets must be associated with segments or none of them can be. Neutron enforces this invariant. Currently, routed networks are only supported for provider networks.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409

Usage: osc network subnet create [OPTIONS] --ip-version <IP_VERSION> --network-id <NETWORK_ID>


  • --allocation-pools <JSON> — Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet. If allocation_pools are not specified, OpenStack Networking automatically allocates pools for covering all IP addresses in the CIDR, excluding the address reserved for the subnet gateway by default

  • --cidr <CIDR> — The CIDR of the subnet

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --dns-nameservers <DNS_NAMESERVERS> — List of dns name servers associated with the subnet. Default is an empty list

  • --dns-publish-fixed-ip <DNS_PUBLISH_FIXED_IP> — Whether to publish DNS records for IPs from this subnet. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --enable-dhcp <ENABLE_DHCP> — Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --gateway-ip <GATEWAY_IP> — Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet. If the gateway_ip is not specified, OpenStack Networking allocates an address from the CIDR for the gateway for the subnet by default

  • --host-routes <JSON> — Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. Default value is an empty list

  • --ip-version <IP_VERSION> — The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6

  • --ipv6-address-mode <IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE> — The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless

    Possible values: dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac

  • --ipv6-ra-mode <IPV6_RA_MODE> — The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless

    Possible values: dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs

  • --prefixlen <PREFIXLEN> — The prefix length to use for subnet allocation from a subnet pool. If not specified, the default_prefixlen value of the subnet pool will be used

  • --segment-id <SEGMENT_ID> — The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled

  • --service-types <SERVICE_TYPES> — The service types associated with the subnet

  • --subnetpool-id <SUBNETPOOL_ID> — The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative and users with advsvc role can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies

  • --use-default-subnetpool <USE_DEFAULT_SUBNETPOOL> — Whether to allocate this subnet from the default subnet pool

    Possible values: true, false

osc network subnet delete

Deletes a subnet.

The operation fails if subnet IP addresses are still allocated.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network subnet delete <ID>


  • <ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id} API

osc network subnet list

Lists subnets that the project has access to.

Default policy settings return only subnets owned by the project of the user submitting the request, unless the user has administrative role. You can control which attributes are returned by using the fields query parameter. You can filter results by using query string parameters.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network subnet list [OPTIONS]


  • --cidr <CIDR> — cidr query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --enable-dhcp <ENABLE_DHCP> — enable_dhcp query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --gateway-ip <GATEWAY_IP> — gateway_ip query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --ip-version <IP_VERSION> — ip_version query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --ipv6-address-mode <IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE> — ipv6_address_mode query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

    Possible values: dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac

  • --ipv6-ra-mode <IPV6_RA_MODE> — ipv6_ra_mode query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

    Possible values: dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, slaac

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --network-id <NETWORK_ID> — network_id query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --router-external <ROUTER_EXTERNAL> — The membership of a subnet to an external network

    Possible values: true, false

  • --segment-id <SEGMENT_ID> — segment_id query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --shared <SHARED> — shared query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --subnetpool-id <SUBNETPOOL_ID> — subnetpool_id query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/subnets API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network subnet set

Updates a subnet.

Some attributes, such as IP version (ip_version), CIDR (cidr), and segment (segment_id) cannot be updated. Attempting to update these attributes results in a 400 Bad Request error.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 412

Usage: osc network subnet set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id} API


  • --allocation-pools <JSON> — Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet. If allocation_pools are not specified, OpenStack Networking automatically allocates pools for covering all IP addresses in the CIDR, excluding the address reserved for the subnet gateway by default

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --dns-nameservers <DNS_NAMESERVERS> — List of dns name servers associated with the subnet. Default is an empty list

  • --dns-publish-fixed-ip <DNS_PUBLISH_FIXED_IP> — Whether to publish DNS records for IPs from this subnet. Default is false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --enable-dhcp <ENABLE_DHCP> — Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet. Default is true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --gateway-ip <GATEWAY_IP> — Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet. If the gateway_ip is not specified, OpenStack Networking allocates an address from the CIDR for the gateway for the subnet by default

  • --host-routes <JSON> — Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. Default value is an empty list

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --segment-id <SEGMENT_ID> — The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled

  • --service-types <SERVICE_TYPES> — The service types associated with the subnet

osc network subnet show

Shows details for a subnet.

Use the fields query parameter to filter the results.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network subnet show <ID>


  • <ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id} API

osc network subnet tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network subnet tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network subnet tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnet tag add <SUBNET_ID> <ID>


  • <SUBNET_ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network subnet tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnet tag check <SUBNET_ID> <ID>


  • <SUBNET_ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network subnet tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnet tag delete <SUBNET_ID> <ID>


  • <SUBNET_ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network subnet tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnet tag list [OPTIONS] <SUBNET_ID>


  • <SUBNET_ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network subnet tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnet tag purge <SUBNET_ID>


  • <SUBNET_ID> — subnet_id parameter for /v2.0/subnets/{subnet_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network subnetpool

SubnetPool commands

Usage: osc network subnetpool <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network subnetpool add-prefixes

Add prefixes

Usage: osc network subnetpool add-prefixes [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{id}/remove_prefixes API


  • --property <key=value>

osc network subnetpool create

Creates a subnet pool.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network subnetpool create [OPTIONS]


  • --address-scope-id <ADDRESS_SCOPE_ID> — An address scope to assign to the subnet pool

  • --default-prefixlen <DEFAULT_PREFIXLEN> — The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen

  • --default-quota <DEFAULT_QUOTA> — A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — The subnetpool is default pool or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-prefixlen <MAX_PREFIXLEN> — The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128

  • --min-prefixlen <MIN_PREFIXLEN> — The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --prefixes <PREFIXES> — A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope

  • --shared <SHARED> — Indicates whether this resource is shared across all projects. By default, only administrative users can change this value

    Possible values: true, false

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

osc network subnetpool delete

Deletes a subnet pool.

The operation fails if any subnets allocated from the subnet pool are still in use.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 412

Usage: osc network subnetpool delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{id}/remove_prefixes API

osc network subnetpool list

Lists subnet pools that the project has access to.

Default policy settings return only the subnet pools owned by the project of the user submitting the request, unless the user has administrative role.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Usage: osc network subnetpool list [OPTIONS]


  • --address-scope-id <ADDRESS_SCOPE_ID> — address_scope_id query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --default-prefixlen <DEFAULT_PREFIXLEN> — default_prefixlen query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --default-quota <DEFAULT_QUOTA> — default_quota query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — description query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --id <ID> — id query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --ip-version <IP_VERSION> — ip_version query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — is_default query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --max-prefixlen <MAX_PREFIXLEN> — max_prefixlen query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --min-prefixlen <MIN_PREFIXLEN> — min_prefixlen query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --name <NAME> — name query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --not-tags <NOT_TAGS> — not-tags query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --not-tags-any <NOT_TAGS_ANY> — not-tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --revision-number <REVISION_NUMBER> — revision_number query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --shared <SHARED> — shared query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --tags <TAGS> — tags query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --tags-any <TAGS_ANY> — tags-any query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — tenant_id query parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools API

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network subnetpool remove-prefixes

Remove prefixes

Usage: osc network subnetpool remove-prefixes [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{id}/remove_prefixes API


  • --property <key=value>

osc network subnetpool set

Updates a subnet pool.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 412

Usage: osc network subnetpool set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{id}/remove_prefixes API


  • --address-scope-id <ADDRESS_SCOPE_ID> — An address scope to assign to the subnet pool

  • --default-prefixlen <DEFAULT_PREFIXLEN> — The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen

  • --default-quota <DEFAULT_QUOTA> — A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --is-default <IS_DEFAULT> — The subnetpool is default pool or not

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-prefixlen <MAX_PREFIXLEN> — The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128

  • --min-prefixlen <MIN_PREFIXLEN> — The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource

  • --prefixes <PREFIXES> — A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope

osc network subnetpool show

Shows information for a subnet pool.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Usage: osc network subnetpool show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{id}/remove_prefixes API

osc network subnetpool tag

Lists tags, creates, replaces or deletes one or more tags for a resource, checks the existence of a tag for a resource

Usage: osc network subnetpool tag <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network subnetpool tag add

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnetpool tag add <SUBNETPOOL_ID> <ID>


  • <SUBNETPOOL_ID> — subnetpool_id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network subnetpool tag check

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnetpool tag check <SUBNETPOOL_ID> <ID>


  • <SUBNETPOOL_ID> — subnetpool_id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network subnetpool tag delete

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnetpool tag delete <SUBNETPOOL_ID> <ID>


  • <SUBNETPOOL_ID> — subnetpool_id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API
  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network subnetpool tag list

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnetpool tag list [OPTIONS] <SUBNETPOOL_ID>


  • <SUBNETPOOL_ID> — subnetpool_id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network subnetpool tag purge

Command without description in OpenAPI

Usage: osc network subnetpool tag purge <SUBNETPOOL_ID>


  • <SUBNETPOOL_ID> — subnetpool_id parameter for /v2.0/subnetpools/{subnetpool_id}/tags/{id} API

osc network vpn

VPNaaS 2.0 (vpn, vpnservices, ikepolicies, ipsecpolicies, endpoint-groups, ipsec-site-connections)

The Virtual-Private-Network-as-a-Service (VPNaaS) extension enables OpenStack projects to extend private networks across the public telecommunication infrastructure.

This initial implementation of the VPNaaS extension provides:

  • Site-to-site VPN that connects two private networks.

  • Multiple VPN connections per project.

  • IKEv1 policy support with 3des, aes-128, aes-256, or aes-192 encryption.

  • IPsec policy support with 3des, aes-128, aes-192, or aes-256 encryption, sha1 authentication, ESP, AH, or AH-ESP transform protocol, and tunnel or transport mode encapsulation.

  • Dead Peer Detection (DPD) with hold, clear, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer actions.

This extension introduces these resources:

  • service. A parent object that associates VPN with a specific subnet and router.

  • ikepolicy. The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy that identifies the authentication and encryption algorithm to use during phase one and two negotiation of a VPN connection.

  • ipsecpolicy. The IP security policy that specifies the authentication and encryption algorithm and encapsulation mode to use for the established VPN connection.

  • ipsec-site-connection. Details for the site-to-site IPsec connection, including the peer CIDRs, MTU, authentication mode, peer address, DPD settings, and status.

VPN Endpoint Groups

The endpoint-groups extension adds support for defining one or more endpoints of a specific type, and can be used to specify both local and peer endpoints for IPsec connections.

VPN Flavors

The vpn-flavors extension adds the flavor_id attribute to vpnservices resources. During vpnservice creation, if a flavor_id is passed, it is used to find the provider for the driver which would handle the newly created vpnservice.

Usage: osc network vpn <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network vpn endpoint-group

VPN Endpoint Groups

The endpoint-groups extension adds support for defining one or more endpoints of a specific type, and can be used to specify both local and peer endpoints for IPsec connections.

Usage: osc network vpn endpoint-group <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network vpn endpoint-group create

Creates a VPN endpoint group.

The endpoint group contains one or more endpoints of a specific type that you can use to create a VPN connections.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network vpn endpoint-group create [OPTIONS]


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --endpoints <ENDPOINTS> — List of endpoints of the same type, for the endpoint group. The values will depend on type

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of the endpoints in the group. A valid value is subnet, cidr, network, router, or vlan. Only subnet and cidr are supported at this moment

    Possible values: cidr, network, router, subnet, vlan

osc network vpn endpoint-group delete

Removes a VPN endpoint group.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network vpn endpoint-group delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/endpoint-groups/{id} API

osc network vpn endpoint-group list

Lists VPN endpoint groups.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network vpn endpoint-group list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network vpn endpoint-group set

Updates settings for a VPN endpoint group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network vpn endpoint-group set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/endpoint-groups/{id} API


  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string
  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

osc network vpn endpoint-group show

Shows details for a VPN endpoint group.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network vpn endpoint-group show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/endpoint-groups/{id} API

osc network vpn ikepolicy

The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy that identifies the authentication and encryption algorithm to use during phase one and two negotiation of a VPN connection

Usage: osc network vpn ikepolicy <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network vpn ikepolicy create

Creates an IKE policy.

The IKE policy is used for phases one and two negotiation of the VPN connection. You can specify both the authentication and encryption algorithms for connections.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network vpn ikepolicy create [OPTIONS]


  • --auth-algorithm <AUTH_ALGORITHM> — The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, aes-xcbc, aes-cmac. The default is sha1

    Possible values: aes-cmac, aes-xcbc, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --encryption-algorithm <ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM> — The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, aes-128-ctr, aes-192-ctr, aes-256-ctr. Additional values for AES CCM and GCM modes are defined (e.g. aes-256-ccm-16, aes-256-gcm-16) for all combinations of key length 128, 192, 256 bits and ICV length 8, 12, 16 octets. Default is aes-128

    Possible values: 3des, aes128, aes128-ccm12, aes128-ccm16, aes128-ccm8, aes128-ctr, aes128-gcm12, aes128-gcm16, aes128-gcm8, aes192, aes192-ccm12, aes192-ccm16, aes192-ccm8, aes192-ctr, aes192-gcm12, aes192-gcm16, aes192-gcm8, aes256, aes256-ccm12, aes256-ccm16, aes256-ccm8, aes256-ctr, aes256-gcm12, aes256-gcm16, aes256-gcm8

  • --ike-version <IKE_VERSION> — The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1

    Possible values: v1, v2

  • --lifetime <LIFETIME> — The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --pfs <PFS> — Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14 to Group31. Default is Group5

    Possible values: group14, group15, group16, group17, group18, group19, group2, group20, group21, group22, group23, group24, group25, group26, group27, group28, group29, group30, group31, group5

  • --phase1-negotiation-mode <PHASE1_NEGOTIATION_MODE> — The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default

    Possible values: aggressive, main

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

osc network vpn ikepolicy delete

Removes an IKE policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network vpn ikepolicy delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ikepolicies/{id} API

osc network vpn ikepolicy list

Lists IKE policies.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network vpn ikepolicy list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network vpn ikepolicy set

Updates policy settings in an IKE policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network vpn ikepolicy set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ikepolicies/{id} API


  • --auth-algorithm <AUTH_ALGORITHM> — The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, aes-xcbc, aes-cmac. The default is sha1

    Possible values: aes-cmac, aes-xcbc, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --encryption-algorithm <ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM> — The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, aes-128-ctr, aes-192-ctr, aes-256-ctr. Additional values for AES CCM and GCM modes are defined (e.g. aes-256-ccm-16, aes-256-gcm-16) for all combinations of key length 128, 192, 256 bits and ICV length 8, 12, 16 octets. Default is aes-128

    Possible values: 3des, aes128, aes128-ccm12, aes128-ccm16, aes128-ccm8, aes128-ctr, aes128-gcm12, aes128-gcm16, aes128-gcm8, aes192, aes192-ccm12, aes192-ccm16, aes192-ccm8, aes192-ctr, aes192-gcm12, aes192-gcm16, aes192-gcm8, aes256, aes256-ccm12, aes256-ccm16, aes256-ccm8, aes256-ctr, aes256-gcm12, aes256-gcm16, aes256-gcm8

  • --ike-version <IKE_VERSION> — The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1

    Possible values: v1, v2

  • --lifetime <LIFETIME> — The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --pfs <PFS> — Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14 to Group31. Default is Group5

    Possible values: group14, group15, group16, group17, group18, group19, group2, group20, group21, group22, group23, group24, group25, group26, group27, group28, group29, group30, group31, group5

  • --phase1-negotiation-mode <PHASE1_NEGOTIATION_MODE> — The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default

    Possible values: aggressive, main

osc network vpn ikepolicy show

Shows details for an IKE policy.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network vpn ikepolicy show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ikepolicies/{id} API

osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection

Details for the site-to-site IPsec connection, including the peer CIDRs, MTU, authentication mode, peer address, DPD settings, and status

Usage: osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection create

Creates a site-to-site IPsec connection for a service.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection create [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --dpd <DPD> — A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls

  • --ikepolicy-id <IKEPOLICY_ID> — The ID of the IKE policy

  • --initiator <INITIATOR> — Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional

    Possible values: bi-directional, response-only

  • --ipsecpolicy-id <IPSECPOLICY_ID> — The ID of the IPsec policy

  • --local-ep-group-id <LOCAL_EP_GROUP_ID> — The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service

  • --local-id <LOCAL_ID> — An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID

  • --mtu <MTU> — The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --peer-address <PEER_ADDRESS> — The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN

  • --peer-cidrs <PEER_CIDRS> — (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix >

  • --peer-ep-group-id <PEER_EP_GROUP_ID> — The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service

  • --peer-id <PEER_ID> — The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value

  • --psk <PSK> — The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

  • --vpnservice-id <VPNSERVICE_ID> — The ID of the VPN service

osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection delete

Removes an IPsec connection.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ipsec-site-connections/{id} API

osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection list

Lists all IPsec connections.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection set

Updates connection settings for an IPsec connection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ipsec-site-connections/{id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --dpd <DPD> — A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls

  • --initiator <INITIATOR> — Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional

    Possible values: bi-directional, response-only

  • --local-ep-group-id <LOCAL_EP_GROUP_ID> — The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service

  • --local-id <LOCAL_ID> — An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID

  • --mtu <MTU> — The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --peer-address <PEER_ADDRESS> — The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN

  • --peer-cidrs <PEER_CIDRS> — (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix >

  • --peer-ep-group-id <PEER_EP_GROUP_ID> — The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service

  • --peer-id <PEER_ID> — The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value

  • --psk <PSK> — The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string

osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection show

Shows details for an IPsec connection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network vpn ipsec-site-connection show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ipsec-site-connections/{id} API

osc network vpn ipsecpolicy

The IP security policy that specifies the authentication and encryption algorithm and encapsulation mode to use for the established VPN connection

Usage: osc network vpn ipsecpolicy <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network vpn ipsecpolicy create

Creates an IP security (IPsec) policy.

The IPsec policy specifies the authentication and encryption algorithms and encapsulation mode to use for the established VPN connection.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network vpn ipsecpolicy create [OPTIONS]


  • --auth-algorithm <AUTH_ALGORITHM> — The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, aes-xcbc, aes-cmac. The default is sha1

    Possible values: aes-cmac, aes-xcbc, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --encapsulation-mode <ENCAPSULATION_MODE> — The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel

    Possible values: transport, tunnel

  • --encryption-algorithm <ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM> — The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, aes-128-ctr, aes-192-ctr, aes-256-ctr. Additional values for AES CCM and GCM modes are defined (e.g. aes-256-ccm-16, aes-256-gcm-16) for all combinations of key length 128, 192, 256 bits and ICV length 8, 12, 16 octets. Default is aes-128

    Possible values: 3des, aes128, aes128-ccm12, aes128-ccm16, aes128-ccm8, aes128-ctr, aes128-gcm12, aes128-gcm16, aes128-gcm8, aes192, aes192-ccm12, aes192-ccm16, aes192-ccm8, aes192-ctr, aes192-gcm12, aes192-gcm16, aes192-gcm8, aes256, aes256-ccm12, aes256-ccm16, aes256-ccm8, aes256-ctr, aes256-gcm12, aes256-gcm16, aes256-gcm8

  • --lifetime <LIFETIME> — The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --pfs <PFS> — Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14 to Group31. Default is Group5

    Possible values: group14, group15, group16, group17, group18, group19, group2, group20, group21, group22, group23, group24, group25, group26, group27, group28, group29, group30, group31, group5

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

  • --transform-protocol <TRANSFORM_PROTOCOL> — The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP

    Possible values: ah, ah-esp, esp

osc network vpn ipsecpolicy delete

Removes an IPsec policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network vpn ipsecpolicy delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ipsecpolicies/{id} API

osc network vpn ipsecpolicy list

Lists all IPsec policies.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network vpn ipsecpolicy list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network vpn ipsecpolicy set

Updates policy settings in an IPsec policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network vpn ipsecpolicy set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ipsecpolicies/{id} API


  • --auth-algorithm <AUTH_ALGORITHM> — The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, aes-xcbc, aes-cmac. The default is sha1

    Possible values: aes-cmac, aes-xcbc, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --encapsulation-mode <ENCAPSULATION_MODE> — The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel

    Possible values: transport, tunnel

  • --encryption-algorithm <ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM> — The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, aes-128-ctr, aes-192-ctr, aes-256-ctr. Additional values for AES CCM and GCM modes are defined (e.g. aes-256-ccm-16, aes-256-gcm-16) for all combinations of key length 128, 192, 256 bits and ICV length 8, 12, 16 octets. Default is aes-128

    Possible values: 3des, aes128, aes128-ccm12, aes128-ccm16, aes128-ccm8, aes128-ctr, aes128-gcm12, aes128-gcm16, aes128-gcm8, aes192, aes192-ccm12, aes192-ccm16, aes192-ccm8, aes192-ctr, aes192-gcm12, aes192-gcm16, aes192-gcm8, aes256, aes256-ccm12, aes256-ccm16, aes256-ccm8, aes256-ctr, aes256-gcm12, aes256-gcm16, aes256-gcm8

  • --lifetime <LIFETIME> — The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --pfs <PFS> — Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14 to Group31. Default is Group5

    Possible values: group14, group15, group16, group17, group18, group19, group2, group20, group21, group22, group23, group24, group25, group26, group27, group28, group29, group30, group31, group5

  • --transform-protocol <TRANSFORM_PROTOCOL> — The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP

    Possible values: ah, ah-esp, esp

osc network vpn ipsecpolicy show

Shows details for an IPsec policy.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network vpn ipsecpolicy show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/ipsecpolicies/{id} API

osc network vpn vpnservice

VPN Service - A parent object that associates VPN with a specific subnet and router

Usage: osc network vpn vpnservice <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc network vpn vpnservice create

Creates a VPN service.

The service is associated with a router. After you create the service, it can contain multiple VPN connections.

An optional flavor_id attribute can be passed to enable dynamic selection of an appropriate provider if configured by the operator. It is only available when vpn-flavors extension is enabled. The basic selection algorithm chooses the provider in the first service profile currently associated with flavor. This option can only be set in POST operation.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401

Usage: osc network vpn vpnservice create [OPTIONS]


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --flavor-id <FLAVOR_ID> — The ID of the flavor

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --router-id <ROUTER_ID>

  • --subnet-id <SUBNET_ID> — If you specify only a subnet UUID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet UUID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the address to the port

  • --tenant-id <TENANT_ID> — The ID of the project

osc network vpn vpnservice delete

Removes a VPN service.

If the service has connections, the request is rejected.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

Usage: osc network vpn vpnservice delete <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/vpnservices/{id} API

osc network vpn vpnservice list

Lists all VPN services.

The list might be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. For more information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Pagination query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it by overriding allow_pagination=false. For more information, see Pagination.

Sorting query parameters are supported if Neutron configuration supports it with allow_sorting=true. For more information, see Sorting.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403

Usage: osc network vpn vpnservice list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --marker <MARKER> — The ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent limited request

  • --page-reverse <PAGE_REVERSE> — Reverse the page direction

    Possible values: true, false

  • --sort-dir <SORT_DIR> — Sort direction. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --sort-key <SORT_KEY> — Sort results by the attribute. This is an optional feature and may be silently ignored by the server

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc network vpn vpnservice set

Updates a VPN service.

Updates the attributes of a VPN service. You cannot update a service with a PENDING_* status.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404

Usage: osc network vpn vpnservice set [OPTIONS] <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/vpnservices/{id} API


  • --admin-state-up <ADMIN_STATE_UP> — The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --description <DESCRIPTION> — A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string

  • --name <NAME> — Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string

osc network vpn vpnservice show

Shows details for a VPN service.

If the user is not an administrative user and the VPN service object does not belong to the tenant account for the user, the operation returns the Forbidden (403) response code.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For more information, see Fields.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404

Usage: osc network vpn vpnservice show <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.0/vpn/vpnservices/{id} API

osc object-store

Object Store service (Swift) commands

Usage: osc object-store <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc object-store account

Account commands

Usage: osc object-store account <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

  • osc object-store account show — Shows metadata for an account. Because the storage system can store large amounts of data, take care when you represent the total bytes response as an integer; when possible, convert it to a 64-bit unsigned integer if your platform supports that primitive type. Do not include metadata headers in this request
  • osc object-store account set — Creates, updates, or deletes account metadata. To create, update, or delete custom metadata, use the X-Account-Meta-{name} request header, where {name} is the name of the metadata item. Account metadata operations work differently than how object metadata operations work. Depending on the contents of your POST account metadata request, the Object Storage API updates the metadata as shown in the following table: TODO: fill the rest To delete a metadata header, send an empty value for that header, such as for the X-Account-Meta-Book header. If the tool you use to communicate with Object Storage, such as an older version of cURL, does not support empty headers, send the X-Remove-Account- Meta-{name} header with an arbitrary value. For example, X-Remove-Account-Meta-Book: x. The operation ignores the arbitrary value

osc object-store account show

Shows metadata for an account. Because the storage system can store large amounts of data, take care when you represent the total bytes response as an integer; when possible, convert it to a 64-bit unsigned integer if your platform supports that primitive type. Do not include metadata headers in this request

Usage: osc object-store account show

osc object-store account set

Creates, updates, or deletes account metadata. To create, update, or delete custom metadata, use the X-Account-Meta-{name} request header, where {name} is the name of the metadata item. Account metadata operations work differently than how object metadata operations work. Depending on the contents of your POST account metadata request, the Object Storage API updates the metadata as shown in the following table: TODO: fill the rest To delete a metadata header, send an empty value for that header, such as for the X-Account-Meta-Book header. If the tool you use to communicate with Object Storage, such as an older version of cURL, does not support empty headers, send the X-Remove-Account- Meta-{name} header with an arbitrary value. For example, X-Remove-Account-Meta-Book: x. The operation ignores the arbitrary value

Usage: osc object-store account set [OPTIONS]


  • --property <key=value> — Property to be set

osc object-store container

Container commands

Usage: osc object-store container <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc object-store container create

Creates a container. You do not need to check whether a container already exists before issuing a PUT operation because the operation is idempotent: It creates a container or updates an existing container, as appropriate

Usage: osc object-store container create <CONTAINER>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique (within an account) name for the container. The container name must be from 1 to 256 characters long and can start with any character and contain any pattern. Character set must be UTF-8. The container name cannot contain a slash (/) character because this character delimits the container and object name. For example, the path /v1/account/www/pages specifies the www container, not the www/pages container

osc object-store container delete

Deletes an empty container. This operation fails unless the container is empty. An empty container has no objects

Usage: osc object-store container delete <CONTAINER>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique (within an account) name for the container. The container name must be from 1 to 256 characters long and can start with any character and contain any pattern. Character set must be UTF-8. The container name cannot contain a slash (/) character because this character delimits the container and object name. For example, the path /v1/account/www/pages specifies the www container, not the www/pages container

osc object-store container list

Shows details for an account and lists containers, sorted by name, in the account

Usage: osc object-store container list [OPTIONS]


  • --limit <LIMIT> — For an integer value n, limits the number of results to n

  • --marker <MARKER> — For a string value, x, constrains the list to items whose names are greater than x

  • --end-marker <END_MARKER> — For a string value, x, constrains the list to items whose names are less than x

  • --format <FORMAT> — The response format. Valid values are json, xml, or plain. The default is plain. If you append the format=xml or format=json query parameter to the storage account URL, the response shows extended container information serialized in that format. If you append the format=plain query parameter, the response lists the container names separated by newlines

  • --prefix <PREFIX> — Only objects with this prefix will be returned. When combined with a delimiter query, this enables API users to simulate and traverse the objects in a container as if they were in a directory tree

  • --delimiter <DELIMITER> — The delimiter is a single character used to split object names to present a pseudo-directory hierarchy of objects. When combined with a prefix query, this enables API users to simulate and traverse the objects in a container as if they were in a directory tree

  • --reverse <REVERSE> — By default, listings are returned sorted by name, ascending. If you include the reverse=true query parameter, the listing will be returned sorted by name, descending

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc object-store container prune

Prune objects in a container

Usage: osc object-store container prune [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique (within an account) name for the container. The container name must be from 1 to 256 characters long and can start with any character and contain any pattern. Character set must be UTF-8. The container name cannot contain a slash (/) character because this character delimits the container and object name


  • --prefix <PREFIX> — Only objects with this prefix will be deleted

osc object-store container set

Creates, updates, or deletes custom metadata for a container

Usage: osc object-store container set [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique (within an account) name for the container. The container name must be from 1 to 256 characters long and can start with any character and contain any pattern. Character set must be UTF-8. The container name cannot contain a slash (/) character because this character delimits the container and object name. For example, the path /v1/account/www/pages specifies the www container, not the www/pages container


  • --property <key=value> — Property to be set

osc object-store container show

Shows container metadata, including the number of objects and the total bytes of all objects stored in the container

Usage: osc object-store container show <CONTAINER>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique (within an account) name for the container. The container name must be from 1 to 256 characters long and can start with any character and contain any pattern. Character set must be UTF-8. The container name cannot contain a slash (/) character because this character delimits the container and object name. For example, the path /v1/account/www/pages specifies the www container, not the www/pages container

osc object-store object

Object commands

Usage: osc object-store object <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

  • osc object-store object delete — Permanently deletes an object from the object store. Object deletion occurs immediately at request time. Any subsequent GET, HEAD, POST, or DELETE operations will return a 404 Not Found error code. For static large object manifests, you can add the ?multipart- manifest=delete query parameter. This operation deletes the segment objects and, if all deletions succeed, this operation deletes the manifest object. A DELETE request made to a symlink path will delete the symlink rather than the target object. An alternative to using the DELETE operation is to use the POST operation with the bulk-delete query parameter
  • osc object-store object download — Downloads the object content and gets the object metadata. This operation returns the object metadata in the response headers and the object content in the response body
  • osc object-store object list — Shows details for a container and lists objects, sorted by name, in the container. Specify query parameters in the request to filter the list and return a subset of objects. Omit query parameters to return a list of objects that are stored in the container, up to 10,000 names. The 10,000 maximum value is configurable. To view the value for the cluster, issue a GET /info request
  • osc object-store object show — Shows object metadata
  • osc object-store object upload — Creates an object with data content and metadata, or replaces an existing object with data content and metadata. The PUT operation always creates an object. If you use this operation on an existing object, you replace the existing object and metadata rather than modifying the object. Consequently, this operation returns the Created (201) response code. If you use this operation to copy a manifest object, the new object is a normal object and not a copy of the manifest. Instead it is a concatenation of all the segment objects. This means that you cannot copy objects larger than 5 GB. Note that the provider may have limited the characters which are allowed in an object name. Any name limits are exposed under the name_check key in the /info discoverability response. Regardless of name_check limitations, names must be URL quoted UTF-8. To create custom metadata, use the X-Object-Meta-name header, where name is the name of the metadata item

osc object-store object delete

Permanently deletes an object from the object store. Object deletion occurs immediately at request time. Any subsequent GET, HEAD, POST, or DELETE operations will return a 404 Not Found error code. For static large object manifests, you can add the ?multipart- manifest=delete query parameter. This operation deletes the segment objects and, if all deletions succeed, this operation deletes the manifest object. A DELETE request made to a symlink path will delete the symlink rather than the target object. An alternative to using the DELETE operation is to use the POST operation with the bulk-delete query parameter

Usage: osc object-store object delete [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER> <OBJECT>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique name for the account. An account is also known as the project or tenant
  • <OBJECT> — The unique name for the object


  • --multipart-manifest <MULTIPART_MANIFEST> — If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and the object is a large object, the object contents are not returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects or in the response body for static large objects

osc object-store object download

Downloads the object content and gets the object metadata. This operation returns the object metadata in the response headers and the object content in the response body

Usage: osc object-store object download [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER> <OBJECT>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique name for the account. An account is also known as the project or tenant
  • <OBJECT> — The unique name for the object


  • --multipart-manifest <MULTIPART_MANIFEST> — If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and the object is a large object, the object contents are not returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects or in the response body for static large objects
  • --temp-url-sig <TEMP_URL_SIG> — Used with temporary URLs to sign the request with an HMAC-SHA1 cryptographic signature that defines the allowed HTTP method, expiration date, full path to the object, and the secret key for the temporary URL. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --temp-url-expires <TEMP_URL_EXPIRES> — The date and time in UNIX Epoch time stamp format or ISO 8601 UTC timestamp when the signature for temporary URLs expires. For example, 1440619048 or 2015-08-26T19:57:28Z is equivalent to Mon, Wed, 26 Aug 2015 19:57:28 GMT. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --filename <FILENAME> — Overrides the default file name. Object Storage generates a default file name for GET temporary URLs that is based on the object name. Object Storage returns this value in the Content-Disposition response header. Browsers can interpret this file name value as a file attachment to save. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --symlink <SYMLINK> — If you include the symlink=get query parameter and the object is a symlink, then the response will include data and metadata from the symlink itself rather than from the target
  • --file <FILE> — Destination filename (using "-" will print object to stdout)

osc object-store object list

Shows details for a container and lists objects, sorted by name, in the container. Specify query parameters in the request to filter the list and return a subset of objects. Omit query parameters to return a list of objects that are stored in the container, up to 10,000 names. The 10,000 maximum value is configurable. To view the value for the cluster, issue a GET /info request

Usage: osc object-store object list [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique (within an account) name for the container. The container name must be from 1 to 256 characters long and can start with any character and contain any pattern. Character set must be UTF-8. The container name cannot contain a slash (/) character because this character delimits the container and object name. For example, the path /v1/account/www/pages specifies the www container, not the www/pages container


  • --limit <LIMIT> — For an integer value n, limits the number of results to n

  • --marker <MARKER> — For a string value, x, constrains the list to items whose names are greater than x

  • --end-marker <END_MARKER> — For a string value, x, constrains the list to items whose names are less than x

  • --format <FORMAT> — The response format. Valid values are json, xml, or plain. The default is plain. If you append the format=xml or format=json query parameter to the storage account URL, the response shows extended container information serialized in that format. If you append the format=plain query parameter, the response lists the container names separated by newlines

  • --prefix <PREFIX> — Only objects with this prefix will be returned. When combined with a delimiter query, this enables API users to simulate and traverse the objects in a container as if they were in a directory tree

  • --delimiter <DELIMITER> — The delimiter is a single character used to split object names to present a pseudo-directory hierarchy of objects. When combined with a prefix query, this enables API users to simulate and traverse the objects in a container as if they were in a directory tree

  • --reverse <REVERSE> — By default, listings are returned sorted by name, ascending. If you include the reverse=true query parameter, the listing will be returned sorted by name, descending

    Possible values: true, false

  • --max-items <MAX_ITEMS> — Total limit of entities count to return. Use this when there are too many entries

    Default value: 10000

osc object-store object show

Shows object metadata

Usage: osc object-store object show [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER> <OBJECT>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique name for the account. An account is also known as the project or tenant
  • <OBJECT> — The unique name for the object


  • --multipart-manifest <MULTIPART_MANIFEST> — If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and the object is a large object, the object contents are not returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects or in the response body for static large objects
  • --temp-url-sig <TEMP_URL_SIG> — Used with temporary URLs to sign the request with an HMAC-SHA1 cryptographic signature that defines the allowed HTTP method, expiration date, full path to the object, and the secret key for the temporary URL. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --temp-url-expires <TEMP_URL_EXPIRES> — The date and time in UNIX Epoch time stamp format or ISO 8601 UTC timestamp when the signature for temporary URLs expires. For example, 1440619048 or 2015-08-26T19:57:28Z is equivalent to Mon, Wed, 26 Aug 2015 19:57:28 GMT. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --filename <FILENAME> — Overrides the default file name. Object Storage generates a default file name for GET temporary URLs that is based on the object name. Object Storage returns this value in the Content-Disposition response header. Browsers can interpret this file name value as a file attachment to save. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --symlink <SYMLINK> — If you include the symlink=get query parameter and the object is a symlink, then the response will include data and metadata from the symlink itself rather than from the target

osc object-store object upload

Creates an object with data content and metadata, or replaces an existing object with data content and metadata. The PUT operation always creates an object. If you use this operation on an existing object, you replace the existing object and metadata rather than modifying the object. Consequently, this operation returns the Created (201) response code. If you use this operation to copy a manifest object, the new object is a normal object and not a copy of the manifest. Instead it is a concatenation of all the segment objects. This means that you cannot copy objects larger than 5 GB. Note that the provider may have limited the characters which are allowed in an object name. Any name limits are exposed under the name_check key in the /info discoverability response. Regardless of name_check limitations, names must be URL quoted UTF-8. To create custom metadata, use the X-Object-Meta-name header, where name is the name of the metadata item

Usage: osc object-store object upload [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER> <OBJECT>


  • <CONTAINER> — The unique name for the account. An account is also known as the project or tenant
  • <OBJECT> — The unique name for the object


  • --multipart-manifest <MULTIPART_MANIFEST> — If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and the object is a large object, the object contents are not returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects or in the response body for static large objects
  • --temp-url-sig <TEMP_URL_SIG> — Used with temporary URLs to sign the request with an HMAC-SHA1 cryptographic signature that defines the allowed HTTP method, expiration date, full path to the object, and the secret key for the temporary URL. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --temp-url-expires <TEMP_URL_EXPIRES> — The date and time in UNIX Epoch time stamp format or ISO 8601 UTC timestamp when the signature for temporary URLs expires. For example, 1440619048 or 2015-08-26T19:57:28Z is equivalent to Mon, Wed, 26 Aug 2015 19:57:28 GMT. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --filename <FILENAME> — Overrides the default file name. Object Storage generates a default file name for GET temporary URLs that is based on the object name. Object Storage returns this value in the Content-Disposition response header. Browsers can interpret this file name value as a file attachment to save. For more information about temporary URLs, see Temporary URL middleware
  • --symlink <SYMLINK> — If you include the symlink=get query parameter and the object is a symlink, then the response will include data and metadata from the symlink itself rather than from the target
  • --file <FILE> — Source filename (using "-" will read object from stdout)

osc placement

The placement API service was introduced in the 14.0.0 Newton release within the nova repository and extracted to the placement repository in the 19.0.0 Stein release. This is a REST API stack and data model used to track resource provider inventories and usages, along with different classes of resources. For example, a resource provider can be a compute node, a shared storage pool, or an IP allocation pool. The placement service tracks the inventory and usage of each provider. For example, an instance created on a compute node may be a consumer of resources such as RAM and CPU from a compute node resource provider, disk from an external shared storage pool resource provider and IP addresses from an external IP pool resource provider.

The types of resources consumed are tracked as classes. The service provides a set of standard resource classes (for example DISK_GB, MEMORY_MB, and VCPU) and provides the ability to define custom resource classes as needed.

Each resource provider may also have a set of traits which describe qualitative aspects of the resource provider. Traits describe an aspect of a resource provider that cannot itself be consumed but a workload may wish to specify. For example, available disk may be solid state drives (SSD).

Usage: osc placement <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement allocation


Allocations are records representing resources that have been assigned and used by some consumer of that resource. They indicate the amount of a particular resource that has been allocated to a given consumer of that resource from a particular resource provider.

Usage: osc placement allocation <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement allocation create138

Create, update or delete allocations for multiple consumers in a single request. This allows a client to atomically set or swap allocations for multiple consumers as may be required during a migration or move type operation.

The allocations for an individual consumer uuid mentioned in the request can be removed by setting the allocations to an empty object (see the example below).

Available as of microversion 1.13.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation create138 [OPTIONS]


  • --property <key=value>

osc placement allocation create134

Create, update or delete allocations for multiple consumers in a single request. This allows a client to atomically set or swap allocations for multiple consumers as may be required during a migration or move type operation.

The allocations for an individual consumer uuid mentioned in the request can be removed by setting the allocations to an empty object (see the example below).

Available as of microversion 1.13.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation create134 [OPTIONS]


  • --property <key=value>

osc placement allocation create128

Create, update or delete allocations for multiple consumers in a single request. This allows a client to atomically set or swap allocations for multiple consumers as may be required during a migration or move type operation.

The allocations for an individual consumer uuid mentioned in the request can be removed by setting the allocations to an empty object (see the example below).

Available as of microversion 1.13.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation create128 [OPTIONS]


  • --property <key=value>

osc placement allocation create113

Create, update or delete allocations for multiple consumers in a single request. This allows a client to atomically set or swap allocations for multiple consumers as may be required during a migration or move type operation.

The allocations for an individual consumer uuid mentioned in the request can be removed by setting the allocations to an empty object (see the example below).

Available as of microversion 1.13.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation create113 [OPTIONS]


  • --property <key=value>

osc placement allocation delete

Delete all allocation records for the consumer identified by {consumer_uuid} on all resource providers it is consuming.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement allocation delete <CONSUMER_UUID>


  • <CONSUMER_UUID> — consumer_uuid parameter for /allocations/{consumer_uuid} API

osc placement allocation set138

Create or update one or more allocation records representing the consumption of one or more classes of resources from one or more resource providers by the consumer identified by {consumer_uuid}. If allocations already exist for this consumer, they are replaced.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation set138 [OPTIONS] --consumer-type <CONSUMER_TYPE> --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --user-id <USER_ID> <CONSUMER_UUID>


  • <CONSUMER_UUID> — consumer_uuid parameter for /allocations/{consumer_uuid} API


  • --allocations <key=value>
  • --consumer-generation <CONSUMER_GENERATION>
  • --consumer-type <CONSUMER_TYPE>
  • --mappings <key=value>
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>
  • --user-id <USER_ID>

osc placement allocation set128

Create or update one or more allocation records representing the consumption of one or more classes of resources from one or more resource providers by the consumer identified by {consumer_uuid}. If allocations already exist for this consumer, they are replaced.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation set128 [OPTIONS] --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --user-id <USER_ID> <CONSUMER_UUID>


  • <CONSUMER_UUID> — consumer_uuid parameter for /allocations/{consumer_uuid} API


  • --allocations <key=value>
  • --consumer-generation <CONSUMER_GENERATION>
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>
  • --user-id <USER_ID>

osc placement allocation set112

Create or update one or more allocation records representing the consumption of one or more classes of resources from one or more resource providers by the consumer identified by {consumer_uuid}. If allocations already exist for this consumer, they are replaced.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation set112 [OPTIONS] --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --user-id <USER_ID> <CONSUMER_UUID>


  • <CONSUMER_UUID> — consumer_uuid parameter for /allocations/{consumer_uuid} API


  • --allocations <key=value>
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>
  • --user-id <USER_ID>

osc placement allocation set18

Create or update one or more allocation records representing the consumption of one or more classes of resources from one or more resource providers by the consumer identified by {consumer_uuid}. If allocations already exist for this consumer, they are replaced.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation set18 [OPTIONS] --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --user-id <USER_ID> <CONSUMER_UUID>


  • <CONSUMER_UUID> — consumer_uuid parameter for /allocations/{consumer_uuid} API


  • --allocations <JSON>
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID>
  • --user-id <USER_ID>

osc placement allocation set10

Create or update one or more allocation records representing the consumption of one or more classes of resources from one or more resource providers by the consumer identified by {consumer_uuid}. If allocations already exist for this consumer, they are replaced.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement allocation set10 [OPTIONS] <CONSUMER_UUID>


  • <CONSUMER_UUID> — consumer_uuid parameter for /allocations/{consumer_uuid} API


  • --allocations <JSON>

osc placement allocation show

List all allocation records for the consumer identified by {consumer_uuid} on all the resource providers it is consuming.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Usage: osc placement allocation show <CONSUMER_UUID>


  • <CONSUMER_UUID> — consumer_uuid parameter for /allocations/{consumer_uuid} API

osc placement allocation-candidate

Allocation candidates

Usage: osc placement allocation-candidate <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement allocation-candidate list

Returns a dictionary representing a collection of allocation requests and resource provider summaries. Each allocation request has information to form a PUT /allocations/{consumer_uuid} request to claim resources against a related set of resource providers. Additional parameters might be required, see Update allocations. As several allocation requests are available it’s necessary to select one. To make a decision, resource provider summaries are provided with the inventory/capacity information. For example, this information is used by nova-scheduler’s FilterScheduler to make decisions about on which compute host to build a server.

You can also find additional case studies of the request parameters in the Modeling with Provider Trees document.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400)

Usage: osc placement allocation-candidate list [OPTIONS]


  • --group-policy <GROUP_POLICY> — When more than one resourcesN query parameter is supplied, group_policy is required to indicate how the groups should interact. With group_policy=none, separate groupings - with or without a suffix - may or may not be satisfied by the same provider. With group_policy=isolate, suffixed groups are guaranteed to be satisfied by different providers - though there may still be overlap with the suffixless group
  • --in-tree <IN_TREE> — A string representing a resource provider uuid. When supplied, it will filter the returned allocation candidates to only those resource providers that are in the same tree with the given resource provider
  • --limit <LIMIT> — A positive integer used to limit the maximum number of allocation candidates returned in the response
  • --member-of <MEMBER_OF> — A string representing an aggregate uuid; or the prefix in: followed by a comma-separated list of strings representing aggregate uuids. The resource providers in the allocation request in the response must directly or via the root provider be associated with the aggregate or aggregates identified by uuid: member_of=5e08ea53-c4c6-448e-9334-ac4953de3cfa, member_of=in:42896e0d-205d-4fe3-bd1e-100924931787,5e08ea53-c4c6-448e-9334-ac4953de3cfa Starting from microversion 1.24 specifying multiple member_of query string parameters is possible. Multiple member_of parameters will result in filtering providers that are directly or via root provider associated with aggregates listed in all of the member_of query string values. For example, to get the providers that are associated with aggregate A as well as associated with any of aggregates B or C, the user could issue the following query: member_of=AGGA_UUID&member_of=in:AGGB_UUID,AGGC_UUID Starting from microversion 1.32 specifying forbidden aggregates is supported in the member_of query string parameter. Forbidden aggregates are prefixed with a !. This negative expression can also be used in multiple member_of parameters: member_of=AGGA_UUID&member_of=!AGGB_UUID would translate logically to “Candidate resource providers must be in AGGA and not in AGGB.” We do NOT support ! on the values within in:, but we support !in:. Both of the following two example queries return candidate resource providers that are NOT in AGGA, AGGB, or AGGC: member_of=!in:AGGA_UUID,AGGB_UUID,AGGC_UUID, member_of=!AGGA_UUID&member_of=!AGGB_UUID&member_of=!AGGC_UUID We do not check if the same aggregate uuid is in both positive and negative expression to return 400 BadRequest. We still return 200 for such cases. For example: member_of=AGGA_UUID&member_of=!AGGA_UUID would return empty allocation_requests and provider_summaries, while: member_of=in:AGGA_UUID,AGGB_UUID&member_of=!AGGA_UUID would return resource providers that are NOT in AGGA but in AGGB
  • --required <REQUIRED> — A comma-separated list of traits that a provider must have: required=HW_CPU_X86_AVX,HW_CPU_X86_SSE Allocation requests in the response will be for resource providers that have capacity for all requested resources and the set of those resource providers will collectively contain all of the required traits. These traits may be satisfied by any provider in the same non-sharing tree or associated via aggregate as far as that provider also contributes resource to the request. Starting from microversion 1.22 traits which are forbidden from any resource provider contributing resources to the request may be expressed by prefixing a trait with a !. Starting from microversion 1.39 the required query parameter can be repeated. The trait lists from the repeated parameters are AND-ed together. So: required=T1,!T2&required=T3 means T1 and not T2 and T3. Also starting from microversion 1.39 the required parameter supports the syntax: required=in:T1,T2,T3 which means T1 or T2 or T3. Mixing forbidden traits into an in: prefixed value is not supported and rejected. But mixing a normal trait list and an in: prefixed trait list in two query params within the same request is supported. So: required=in:T3,T4&required=T1,!T2 is supported and it means T1 and not T2 and (T3 or T4)
  • --resources <RESOURCES> — A comma-separated list of strings indicating an amount of resource of a specified class that providers in each allocation request must collectively have the capacity and availability to serve: resources=VCPU:4,DISK_GB:64,MEMORY_MB:2048 These resources may be satisfied by any provider in the same non-sharing tree or associated via aggregate
  • --root-required <ROOT_REQUIRED> — A comma-separated list of trait requirements that the root provider of the (non-sharing) tree must satisfy: root_required=COMPUTE_SUPPORTS_MULTI_ATTACH,!CUSTOM_WINDOWS_LICENSED Allocation requests in the response will be limited to those whose (non-sharing) tree’s root provider satisfies the specified trait requirements. Traits which are forbidden (must not be present on the root provider) are expressed by prefixing the trait with a !
  • --same-subtree <SAME_SUBTREE> — A comma-separated list of request group suffix strings ($S). Each must exactly match a suffix on a granular group somewhere else in the request. Importantly, the identified request groups need not have a resources[$S]. If this is provided, at least one of the resource providers satisfying a specified request group must be an ancestor of the rest. The same_subtree query parameter can be repeated and each repeat group is treated independently

osc placement reshaper


Usage: osc placement reshaper <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement reshaper create138

Atomically migrate resource provider inventories and associated allocations. This is used when some of the inventory needs to move from one resource provider to another, such as when a class of inventory moves from a parent provider to a new child provider.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error Response Codes: badRequest(400), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement reshaper create138 [OPTIONS]


  • --allocations <key=value> — A dictionary of multiple allocations, keyed by consumer uuid. Each collection of allocations describes the full set of allocations for each consumer. Each consumer allocations dict is itself a dictionary of resource allocations keyed by resource provider uuid. An empty dictionary indicates no change in existing allocations, whereas an empty allocations dictionary within a consumer dictionary indicates that all allocations for that consumer should be deleted
  • --inventories <key=value> — A dictionary of multiple inventories, keyed by resource provider uuid. Each inventory describes the desired full inventory for each resource provider. An empty dictionary causes the inventory for that provider to be deleted

osc placement reshaper create134

Atomically migrate resource provider inventories and associated allocations. This is used when some of the inventory needs to move from one resource provider to another, such as when a class of inventory moves from a parent provider to a new child provider.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error Response Codes: badRequest(400), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement reshaper create134 [OPTIONS]


  • --allocations <key=value> — A dictionary of multiple allocations, keyed by consumer uuid. Each collection of allocations describes the full set of allocations for each consumer. Each consumer allocations dict is itself a dictionary of resource allocations keyed by resource provider uuid. An empty dictionary indicates no change in existing allocations, whereas an empty allocations dictionary within a consumer dictionary indicates that all allocations for that consumer should be deleted
  • --inventories <key=value> — A dictionary of multiple inventories, keyed by resource provider uuid. Each inventory describes the desired full inventory for each resource provider. An empty dictionary causes the inventory for that provider to be deleted

osc placement resource-class

Resource Class

Resource classes are entities that indicate standard or deployer-specific resources that can be provided by a resource provider. This group of API calls works with a single resource class identified by name. One resource class can be listed, updated and deleted.

Usage: osc placement resource-class <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement resource-class create

Create a new resource class. The new class must be a custom resource class, prefixed with CUSTOM_ and distinct from the standard resource classes.

Normal Response Codes: 201

Error response codes: badRequest(400), conflict(409)

A 400 BadRequest response code will be returned if the resource class does not have prefix CUSTOM_.

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if another resource class exists with the provided name.

Usage: osc placement resource-class create --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of one resource class

osc placement resource-class delete

Delete the resource class identified by {name}.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

A 400 BadRequest response code will be returned if trying to delete a standard resource class.

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if there exist inventories for the resource class.

Usage: osc placement resource-class delete <NAME>


  • <NAME> — name parameter for /resource_classes/{name} API

osc placement resource-class list

Return a list of all resource classes.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Usage: osc placement resource-class list

osc placement resource-class set17

Create or validate the existence of single resource class identified by {name}.

Normal Response Codes: 201, 204

A 201 Created response code will be returned if the new resource class is successfully created. A 204 No Content response code will be returned if the resource class already exists.

Error response codes: badRequest(400)

Usage: osc placement resource-class set17 <NAME>


  • <NAME> — name parameter for /resource_classes/{name} API

osc placement resource-class show

Return a representation of the resource class identified by {name}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement resource-class show <NAME>


  • <NAME> — name parameter for /resource_classes/{name} API

osc placement resource-provider

Resource Providers

Resource providers are entities which provide consumable inventory of one or more classes of resource (such as disk or memory). They can be listed (with filters), created, updated and deleted.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement resource-provider aggregate

Resource provider aggregates

Each resource provider can be associated with one or more other resource providers in groups called aggregates. API calls in this section are used to list and update the aggregates that are associated with one resource provider.

Provider aggregates are used for modeling relationships among providers. Examples may include:

  • A shared storage pool providing DISK_GB resources to compute node providers that provide VCPU and MEMORY_MB resources.

  • Affinity/anti-affinity relationships such as physical location, power failure domains, or other reliability/availability constructs.

  • Groupings of compute host providers corresponding to Nova host aggregates or availability zones.

Note: Placement aggregates are not the same as Nova host aggregates and should not be considered equivalent.

The primary differences between Nova’s host aggregates and placement aggregates are the following:

  • In Nova, a host aggregate associates a nova-compute service with other nova-compute services. Placement aggregates are not specific to a nova-compute service and are, in fact, not compute-specific at all. A resource provider in the Placement API is generic, and placement aggregates are simply groups of generic resource providers. This is an important difference especially for Ironic, which when used with Nova, has many Ironic baremetal nodes attached to a single nova-compute service. In the Placement API, each Ironic baremetal node is its own resource provider and can therefore be associated to other Ironic baremetal nodes via a placement aggregate association.

  • In Nova, a host aggregate may have metadata key/value pairs attached to it. All nova-compute services associated with a Nova host aggregate share the same metadata. Placement aggregates have no such metadata because placement aggregates only represent the grouping of resource providers. In the Placement API, resource providers are individually decorated with traits that provide qualitative information about the resource provider.

  • In Nova, a host aggregate dictates the availability zone within which one or more nova-compute services reside. While placement aggregates may be used to model availability zones, they have no inherent concept thereof.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider aggregate <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement resource-provider aggregate list

Return a list of aggregates associated with the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404) if the provider does not exist. (If the provider has no aggregates, the result is 200 with an empty aggregate list.)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider aggregate list <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates API

osc placement resource-provider aggregate set119

Associate a list of aggregates with the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider aggregate set119 [OPTIONS] --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION> <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates API


  • --aggregates <AGGREGATES>
  • --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION>

osc placement resource-provider aggregate set11

Associate a list of aggregates with the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider aggregate set11 <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates API

osc placement resource-provider allocation

Resource provider allocations

Usage: osc placement resource-provider allocation <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement resource-provider allocation list

Return a representation of all allocations made against this resource provider, keyed by consumer uuid. Each allocation includes one or more classes of resource and the amount consumed.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider allocation list <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/allocations API

osc placement resource-provider create114

Create a new resource provider.

Normal Response Codes: 201 (microversions 1.0 - 1.19), 200 (microversions 1.20 - )

Error response codes: conflict(409)

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if another resource provider exists with the provided name or uuid.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider create114 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of one resource provider

  • --parent-provider-uuid <PARENT_PROVIDER_UUID> — The UUID of the immediate parent of the resource provider.

    • Before version 1.37, once set, the parent of a resource provider cannot be changed. - Since version 1.37, it can be set to any existing provider UUID excepts to providers that would cause a loop. Also it can be set to null to transform the provider to a new root provider. This operation needs to be used carefully. Moving providers can mean that the original rules used to create the existing resource allocations may be invalidated by that move.

    New in version 1.14

  • --uuid <UUID> — The uuid of a resource provider

osc placement resource-provider create10

Create a new resource provider.

Normal Response Codes: 201 (microversions 1.0 - 1.19), 200 (microversions 1.20 - )

Error response codes: conflict(409)

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if another resource provider exists with the provided name or uuid.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider create10 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME>


  • --name <NAME> — The name of one resource provider
  • --uuid <UUID> — The uuid of a resource provider

osc placement resource-provider delete

Delete the resource provider identified by {uuid}. This will also disassociate aggregates and delete inventories.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if there exist allocations records for any of the inventories that would be deleted as a result of removing the resource provider.

This error code will be also returned if there are existing child resource providers under the parent resource provider being deleted.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider delete <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid} API

osc placement resource-provider inventory

Resource provider inventories

Each resource provider has inventory records for one or more classes of resources. An inventory record contains information about the total and reserved amounts of the resource and any consumption constraints for that resource against the provider.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement resource-provider inventory create

POST to create one inventory.

On success return a 201 response, a location header pointing to the newly created inventory and an application/json representation of the inventory.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory create [OPTIONS] --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION> <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API


  • --inventories <key=value> — A dictionary of inventories keyed by resource classes
  • --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION> — A consistent view marker that assists with the management of concurrent resource provider updates

osc placement resource-provider inventory delete

Delete the inventory record of the {resource_class} for the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

See Troubleshooting section in Delete resource provider inventories for a description. In addition, the request returns HTTP 409 when there are allocations for the specified resource provider and resource class.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory delete <UUID> <RESOURCE_CLASS>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API
  • <RESOURCE_CLASS> — resource_class parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API

osc placement resource-provider inventory purge

Deletes all inventory records for the resource provider identified by {uuid}.


The request returns an HTTP 409 when there are allocations against the provider or if the provider’s inventory is updated by another thread while attempting the operation.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory purge <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API

osc placement resource-provider inventory list

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory list <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API

osc placement resource-provider inventory replace

Replaces the set of inventory records for the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory replace [OPTIONS] --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION> <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API


  • --inventories <key=value> — A dictionary of inventories keyed by resource classes
  • --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION> — A consistent view marker that assists with the management of concurrent resource provider updates

osc placement resource-provider inventory set

Replace the inventory record of the {resource_class} for the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory set [OPTIONS] --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION> --total <TOTAL> <UUID> <RESOURCE_CLASS>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API
  • <RESOURCE_CLASS> — resource_class parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API


  • --allocation-ratio <ALLOCATION_RATIO> — It is used in determining whether consumption of the resource of the provider can exceed physical constraints.

    For example, for a vCPU resource with:


    Overall capacity is equal to 128 vCPUs.

  • --max-unit <MAX_UNIT> — A maximum amount any single allocation against an inventory can have

  • --min-unit <MIN_UNIT> — A minimum amount any single allocation against an inventory can have

  • --reserved <RESERVED> — The amount of the resource a provider has reserved for its own use

  • --resource-provider-generation <RESOURCE_PROVIDER_GENERATION> — A consistent view marker that assists with the management of concurrent resource provider updates

  • --step-size <STEP_SIZE> — A representation of the divisible amount of the resource that may be requested. For example, step_size = 5 means that only values divisible by 5 (5, 10, 15, etc.) can be requested

  • --total <TOTAL> — The actual amount of the resource that the provider can accommodate

osc placement resource-provider inventory show

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider inventory show <UUID> <RESOURCE_CLASS>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API
  • <RESOURCE_CLASS> — resource_class parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} API

osc placement resource-provider list

List an optionally filtered collection of resource providers.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400)

A 400 BadRequest response code will be returned if a resource class specified in resources request parameter does not exist.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider list [OPTIONS]


  • --in-tree <IN_TREE> — A string representing a resource provider uuid. When supplied, it will filter the returned allocation candidates to only those resource providers that are in the same tree with the given resource provider
  • --member-of <MEMBER_OF> — A string representing an aggregate uuid; or the prefix in: followed by a comma-separated list of strings representing aggregate uuids. The resource providers in the allocation request in the response must directly or via the root provider be associated with the aggregate or aggregates identified by uuid: member_of=5e08ea53-c4c6-448e-9334-ac4953de3cfa, member_of=in:42896e0d-205d-4fe3-bd1e-100924931787,5e08ea53-c4c6-448e-9334-ac4953de3cfa Starting from microversion 1.24 specifying multiple member_of query string parameters is possible. Multiple member_of parameters will result in filtering providers that are directly or via root provider associated with aggregates listed in all of the member_of query string values. For example, to get the providers that are associated with aggregate A as well as associated with any of aggregates B or C, the user could issue the following query: member_of=AGGA_UUID&member_of=in:AGGB_UUID,AGGC_UUID Starting from microversion 1.32 specifying forbidden aggregates is supported in the member_of query string parameter. Forbidden aggregates are prefixed with a !. This negative expression can also be used in multiple member_of parameters: member_of=AGGA_UUID&member_of=!AGGB_UUID would translate logically to “Candidate resource providers must be in AGGA and not in AGGB.” We do NOT support ! on the values within in:, but we support !in:. Both of the following two example queries return candidate resource providers that are NOT in AGGA, AGGB, or AGGC: member_of=!in:AGGA_UUID,AGGB_UUID,AGGC_UUID, member_of=!AGGA_UUID&member_of=!AGGB_UUID&member_of=!AGGC_UUID We do not check if the same aggregate uuid is in both positive and negative expression to return 400 BadRequest. We still return 200 for such cases. For example: member_of=AGGA_UUID&member_of=!AGGA_UUID would return empty allocation_requests and provider_summaries, while: member_of=in:AGGA_UUID,AGGB_UUID&member_of=!AGGA_UUID would return resource providers that are NOT in AGGA but in AGGB
  • --name <NAME> — The name of a resource provider to filter the list
  • --required <REQUIRED> — A comma-separated list of traits that a provider must have: required=HW_CPU_X86_AVX,HW_CPU_X86_SSE Allocation requests in the response will be for resource providers that have capacity for all requested resources and the set of those resource providers will collectively contain all of the required traits. These traits may be satisfied by any provider in the same non-sharing tree or associated via aggregate as far as that provider also contributes resource to the request. Starting from microversion 1.22 traits which are forbidden from any resource provider contributing resources to the request may be expressed by prefixing a trait with a !. Starting from microversion 1.39 the required query parameter can be repeated. The trait lists from the repeated parameters are AND-ed together. So: required=T1,!T2&required=T3 means T1 and not T2 and T3. Also starting from microversion 1.39 the required parameter supports the syntax: required=in:T1,T2,T3 which means T1 or T2 or T3. Mixing forbidden traits into an in: prefixed value is not supported and rejected. But mixing a normal trait list and an in: prefixed trait list in two query params within the same request is supported. So: required=in:T3,T4&required=T1,!T2 is supported and it means T1 and not T2 and (T3 or T4)
  • --resources <RESOURCES> — A comma-separated list of strings indicating an amount of resource of a specified class that providers in each allocation request must collectively have the capacity and availability to serve: resources=VCPU:4,DISK_GB:64,MEMORY_MB:2048 These resources may be satisfied by any provider in the same non-sharing tree or associated via aggregate
  • --uuid <UUID> — The uuid of a resource provider

osc placement resource-provider set114

Update the name of the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if another resource provider exists with the provided name.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider set114 [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid} API


  • --name <NAME> — The name of one resource provider

  • --parent-provider-uuid <PARENT_PROVIDER_UUID> — The UUID of the immediate parent of the resource provider.

    • Before version 1.37, once set, the parent of a resource provider cannot be changed. - Since version 1.37, it can be set to any existing provider UUID excepts to providers that would cause a loop. Also it can be set to null to transform the provider to a new root provider. This operation needs to be used carefully. Moving providers can mean that the original rules used to create the existing resource allocations may be invalidated by that move.

    New in version 1.14

osc placement resource-provider set10

Update the name of the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if another resource provider exists with the provided name.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider set10 --name <NAME> <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid} API


  • --name <NAME> — The name of one resource provider

osc placement resource-provider show

Return a representation of the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider show <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid} API

osc placement resource-provider trait

Resource provider traits

This group of API requests queries/edits the association between traits and resource providers.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider trait <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement resource-provider trait delete

Dissociate all the traits from the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider trait delete <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits API

osc placement resource-provider trait list

Return a list of traits for the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider trait list <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits API

osc placement resource-provider trait set

Associate traits with the resource provider identified by {uuid}. All the associated traits will be replaced by the traits specified in the request body.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider trait set [OPTIONS] <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits API


  • --traits <TRAITS> — A list of traits

osc placement resource-provider usage

Resource provider usages

Show the consumption of resources for a resource provider in an aggregated form, i.e. without information for a particular consumer.

Usage: osc placement resource-provider usage <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement resource-provider usage get

Return a report of usage information for resources associated with the resource provider identified by {uuid}. The value is a dictionary of resource classes paired with the sum of the allocations of that resource class for this resource provider.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement resource-provider usage get <UUID>


  • <UUID> — uuid parameter for /resource_providers/{uuid}/usages API

osc placement trait


Traits are qualitative characteristics of resource providers. The classic example for traits can be requesting disk from different providers: a user may request 80GiB of disk space for an instance (quantitative), but may also expect that the disk be SSD instead of spinning disk (qualitative). Traits provide a way to mark that a storage provider is SSD or spinning.

Usage: osc placement trait <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement trait create

Insert a new custom trait. If traits already exists 204 will be returned.

There are two kinds of traits: the standard traits and the custom traits. The standard traits are interoperable across different OpenStack cloud deployments. The definition of standard traits comes from the os-traits library. The standard traits are read-only in the placement API which means that the user can’t modify any standard traits through API. The custom traits are used by admin users to manage the non-standard qualitative information of resource providers.

Normal Response Codes: 201, 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400)

Usage: osc placement trait create <NAME>


  • <NAME> — name parameter for /traits/{name} API

osc placement trait delete

Delete the trait specified be {name}. Note that only custom traits can be deleted.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409)

Usage: osc placement trait delete <NAME>


  • <NAME> — name parameter for /traits/{name} API

osc placement trait list

Return a list of valid trait strings according to parameters specified.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Usage: osc placement trait list [OPTIONS]


  • --associated — If this parameter has a true value, the returned traits will be those that are associated with at least one resource provider. Available values for the parameter are true and false
  • --name <NAME> — The name of a resource provider to filter the list

osc placement trait show

Check if a trait name exists in this cloud.

Normal Response Codes: 204

Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc placement trait show <NAME>


  • <NAME> — name parameter for /traits/{name} API

osc placement usage


Represent the consumption of resources for a project and user.

Usage: osc placement usage <COMMAND>

Available subcommands:

osc placement usage list

Return a report of usage information for resources associated with the project identified by project_id and user identified by user_id. The value is a dictionary of resource classes paired with the sum of the allocations of that resource class for provided parameters.

Normal Response Codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400)

Usage: osc placement usage list [OPTIONS] <--project-name <PROJECT_NAME>|--project-id <PROJECT_ID>|--current-project>


  • --consumer-type <CONSUMER_TYPE> — A string that consists of numbers, A-Z, and _ describing the consumer type by which to filter usage results. For example, to retrieve only usage information for ‘INSTANCE’ type consumers a parameter of consumer_type=INSTANCE should be provided. The all query parameter may be specified to group all results under one key, all. The unknown query parameter may be specified to group all results under one key, unknown
  • --project-name <PROJECT_NAME> — Project Name
  • --project-id <PROJECT_ID> — Project ID
  • --current-project — Current project
  • --user-name <USER_NAME> — User Name
  • --user-id <USER_ID> — User ID
  • --current-user — Current authenticated user

osc completion

Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash, zsh, fish, or powershell). The shell code must be evaluated to provide interactive completion of osc commands. This can be done by sourcing it from the .bash_profile.


Enable completion at a shell start:

echo 'source <(osc completion bash)' >>~/.bashrc

Usage: osc completion [SHELL]


  • <SHELL> — If provided, outputs the completion file for given shell

    Default value: bash

    Possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh

Text (Terminal) User Interface

Live navigating through OpenStack resources using CLI can be very cumbersome. This is where ostui (a terminal user interface for OpenStack) rushes to help. At the moment it is in a very early prototyping state but already saved my day multiple times.

It is not trivial to implement UX with modification capabilities for OpenStack, especially in the terminal this is even harder. Therefore primary goal of ostui is to provide a fast navigation through existing resources eventually with some operations on those.

Support for new resources is being permanently worked on (feel free to open issue asking for the desired resource/action or contribute with the implementation). For the moment documentation and implementation are not directly in sync therefore much more resources may be implemented than included in documentation.


  • switching clouds within tui session
  • switching project scope without exploding clouds.yaml
  • resource filtering
  • navigation through dependent resources
  • k9s similar interface with (hopefully) intuitive navigation


Compiled binaries are always uploaded as release artifacts for every openstack_tui_vX.Y.Z tag. Binary for the desired platform can be downloaded from GitHub directly or alternatively compiled locally when rust toolchain is present.

Cloud connection

ostui reads your clouds.yaml file. When started with --os-cloud devstack argument connection to the specified cloud is being immediately established. Otherwise a popup is opened offering connection to clouds configured in the regular clouds.yaml file.

While staying in the TUI it is always possible to always switch the cloud by pressing <F2>

Resource selection

Picking up a desired resource is done triggering the ResourceSelect popup which is by default invoked by pressing <:> (like in vim or k9s). The popup displays a list with fuzzy search where user is able to select the necessary resource using one of the pre-configured aliases.


In every mode TUI header show the context specific information. It is represented in few columns using different colors.

First column shows information about current connection

Second column shows selected global keybindings that are not context specific (a sort of magenta color).

Following columns are context specific and may be present or not.

Keybindings in blue color are used to filter results of the current view.

Red color is used by the keybindings as an action on the selected entry.

Note: colors are subjective and may be changed by the configuration file as well as altered by the terminal or display device.


A Home view serves an entry point for the cloud. It shows some service quotas to have a better overview of currently available and provisioned resources.


A Volumes view lists all block storage volume accessible in the current project. Few additional filters are available to further fine-tune results list.

Volume Snapshots

A VolumeSnapshots view lists all image snapshots in the current project. Few additional filters are available to further fine-tune results list.

Volume Backups

A VolumeBackups view lists all block storage volume backups in the current project. Few additional filters are available to further fine-tune results list.

Compute Servers

A Servers view lists all servers in the current project. Few additional filters are available (i.e. all_domains).

Currently it is possible also to list all instance actions performed on the selected entry (by pressing <a> on the selected entry) as well as for the selected instance actions list related events (by pressing <e>).


A Flavors view lists all flavors accessible in the current project. Few additional filters are available to further fine-tune results list.

It may be useful to list all VMs started with the selected flavor what is shown after the user presses <s>.

Compute Aggregates

A ComputeAggregates view lists all aggregates configured in the cloud. Typically this is only accessible for administrators.

Compute Hypervisors

A Hypervisors view lists all hypervisors configured in the cloud. Typically this is only accessible for administrators.

DNS Zones

This view lists all DNS zones.

Pressing <r> on the zone will switch to listing recorsets of the selected zone.

DNS Recordsets

This view lists all DNS recordsets.

Identity Application Credentials

As a regular user ApplicationCredentials view shows application credentials of the current user. As an admin or a user with privilege it is also possible to show application credentials of a specific user from the Users view.

Identity Groups

By default all groups in the current domain are shown. When using admin connection this may differ, but in general results are equal to invocation of the CLI for the current connection.

Pressing <u> on the group will switch to listing users member of the selected group.

Identity Users

By default all users in the current domain are shown. When using admin connection this may differ, but in general results are equal to invocation of the CLI for the current connection.

The view gives possibility to enable/disable current selected user as well as list user application credentials. More possibilities are going to be added in the future (i.e. changing user password, deletion, e-mail update, etc)


A Images view lists all images accessible in the current project. Few additional filters are available to further fine-tune results list.

Load Balancer

Load Balancer views allow traversing through the load-balancer (Octavia) resources.


A Network view lists all networks in the current project. Pressing Enter of a selected entry by default switches to the Subnet view with filter being set to the currently selected network.


A Subnet view lists all subnets in the current project.

Network Security Groups

A SecurityGroups view lists all security groups in the current project. Pressing Enter of a selected entry by default switches to the SecurityGroupRules view with filter being set to the currently selected security group.

Network Security Group Rules

A SecurityGroupRules view lists all security group rules in the current project.


Certain aspects of the TUI can be configured using configuration file.

Config file can be in the yaml or json format and placed under XDG_CONFIG_HOME/openstack_tui named as config.yaml or views.yaml. It is possible to split configuration parts into dediated files (i.e. views.yaml for configuring views). Files are merged in no particular order (in difference to the clouds.yaml/secure.yaml) so it is not possible to predict the behavior when configuration option is being set in different files with different value.

Default config

# Mode keybindings in the following form
#  <Mode>:
#    <shortcut>:
#       action: <ACTION TO PERFORM>
#       description: <DESCRIPTION USED IN TUI>
  Home: {}
  # Block Storage views
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DeleteBlockStorageVolume
      description: Delete
  # Compute views
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
        SetComputeServerListFilters: {}
      description: Default filters
      type: Filter
        SetComputeServerListFilters: {"all_tenants": "true"}
      description: All tenants (admin)
      type: Filter
      action: DeleteComputeServer
      description: Delete
      action: ShowServerConsoleOutput
      description: Console output
      action: ShowComputeServerInstanceActions
      description: Instance actions
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowComputeServerInstanceActionEvents
      description: Events
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowComputeServersWithFlavor
      description: Servers
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
  # DNS views
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
        SetDnsRecordsetListFilters: {}
      description: Default filters
      type: Filter
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowDnsZoneRecordsets
      description: Recordsets
      action: DeleteDnsZone
      description: Delete
  # Identity views
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowIdentityGroupUsers
      description: Group users
      action: IdentityGroupDelete
      description: Delete (todo!)
      action: IdentityGroupCreate
      description: Create new group (todo!)
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: IdentityGroupUserAdd
      description: Add new user into group (todo!)
      action: IdentityGroupUserRemove
      description: Remove user from group (todo!)
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: SwitchToProject
      description: Switch to project
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: IdentityUserDelete
      description: Delete
      action: IdentityUserFlipEnable
      description: Enable/Disable user
      action: IdentityUserCreate
      description: Create new user (todo!)
      action: IdentityUserSetPassword
      description: Set user password (todo!)
      action: ShowIdentityUserApplicationCredentials
      description: Application credentials
  # Image views
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
        SetImageListFilters: {}
      description: Default filters
      type: Filter
        SetImageListFilters: {"visibility": "public"}
      description: public
      type: Filter
        SetImageListFilters: {"visibility": "shared"}
      description: shared
      type: Filter
        SetImageListFilters: {"visibility": "private"}
      description: private
      type: Filter
      action: DeleteImage
      description: Delete
  # LoadBalancer views
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowLoadBalancerListeners
      description: Listeners
      action: ShowLoadBalancerPools
      description: Pools
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowLoadBalancerPoolMembers
      description: Members
      action: ShowLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitors
      description: HealthMonitors
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
  # Network views
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowNetworkSubnets
      description: Subnets
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
        SetNetworkSubnetListFilters: {}
      description: All
      type: Filter
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
      action: ShowNetworkSecurityGroupRules
      description: Rules
      action: DescribeApiResponse
      description: YAML
        SetNetworkSecurityGroupRuleListFilters: {}
      description: All
      type: Filter
# Global keybindings
#   action: <ACTION>
#   description: <TEXT>
    action: Quit
    description: Quit
    action: Quit
    description: Quit
    action: Suspend
    description: Suspend
        mode: Home
        stack: false
    description: Home
    action: CloudSelect
    description: Select cloud
    action: ApiRequestSelect
    description: Select resource
    action: SelectProject
    description: Select project
    action: Refresh
    description: Reload data
# Mode aliases
  "aggregates (compute)": "ComputeAggregates"
  "application credentials (identity)": "IdentityApplicationCredentials"
  "backups": "BlockStorageBackups"
  "flavors": "ComputeFlavors"
  "groups (identity)": "IdentityGroups"
  "host-aggregates (compute)": "ComputeAggregates"
  "hypervisors (compute)": "ComputeHypervisors"
  "images": "ImageImages"
  "loadbalancers": "LoadBalancers"
  "lb (loadbalancers)": "LoadBalancers"
  "listeners (loadbalancer)": "LoadBalancerListeners"
  "lbl (loadbalancer listeners)": "LoadBalancerListeners"
  "pool (loadbalancer)": "LoadBalancerPools"
  "lbp (loadbalancer pools)": "LoadBalancerPools"
  "healthmonitors (loadbalancer)": "LoadBalancerHealthMonitors"
  "lbhm (loadbalancer health monitors)": "LoadBalancerHealthMonitors"
  "nets": "NetworkNetworks"
  "networks": "NetworkNetworks"
  "projects": "IdentityProjects"
  "recordsets (dns)": "DnsRecordsets"
  "routers": "NetworkRouters"
  "security groups (network)": "NetworkSecurityGroups"
  "security group rules (network)": "NetworkSecurityGroupRules"
  "servers": "ComputeServers"
  "sg": "NetworkSecurityGroups"
  "sgr": "NetworkSecurityGroupRules"
  "snapshots": "BlockStorageSnapshots"
  "subnets (network)": "NetworkSubnets"
  "volumes": "BlockStorageVolumes"
  "users": "IdentityUsers"
  "zones (dns)": "DnsZones"
# View output
#   wide: true
  # Block Storage
    fields: [Id, Name, AZ, Size, Status, Created]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Created]
    fields: [Id, Name, AZ, Size, Status, Updated]
  # Compute
    fields: [Name, UUID, AZ, Updated]
    fields: [Id, Name, vCPU, ram, disk, disabled]
    fields: [IP, Hostname,Status, State]
    fields: [Event, Result, Started, Finished, Host]
    fields: [Id, Action, Message, Started, User, "Server ID"]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Created, Updated]
  # DNS
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Created, Updated]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Created, Updated]
  # Identity
    fields: [Id, Name, Domain, Description]
    fields: [Id, Name, "Parent ID", Enabled, "Domain ID"]
    fields: [Id, Name, "Expires at", "Unrestricted"]
    fields: [Name, Domain, Enabled, Email, "Pwd expiry"]
  # Image
    fields: [Id, Name, Distro, Version, Arch, Visibility]
  # Load Balancer
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Type]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Protocol, Port]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Address]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Port]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Protocol]
  # Network
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Created, Updated]
    fields: [Id, Name, Status, Created, Updated]
    fields: [Id, Name, Cidr, Description, Created]
    fields: [Id, Ethertype, Direction, Protocol, "Range Min", "Range Max"]
    fields: [Id, Name, Created, Updated]

Views configuration

Every resource view can be configured in a separate section of the config. Resource key in a form .[/] as used by the codegenerator is a name of a view. fields is an array of field names to be populated.

NOTE: This a work in progress to pre-generate resource structures and column names.