osc network floating-ip port-forwarding
Floating IPs port forwarding
Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes floating IPs port forwardings.
Port forwarding with port ranges
The floating-ip-port-forwarding-port-ranges extension adds the new attributes internal_port_range and external_port_range to the floating IP port forwardings. The value of these new attributes should be a string that represents a colon separated port range. You can not use the attributes internal_port_range and external_port_range with the attributes internal_port and external_port in the same request.
Port forwarding rule description
The floating-ip-port-forwarding-description extension adds the description attribute to the floating IP port forwardings. The value of the description attribute contains a text describing the rule, which helps users to manage/find easily theirs rules.
Usage: osc network floating-ip port-forwarding <COMMAND>
Available subcommands:
osc network floating-ip port-forwarding create
— Create port forwardingosc network floating-ip port-forwarding delete
— Delete a floating IP port forwardingosc network floating-ip port-forwarding list
— List floating IP port forwardingsosc network floating-ip port-forwarding set
— Update a port forwardingosc network floating-ip port-forwarding show
— Show port forwarding