osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group create
Create new endpoint groups.
POST /v3/OS-EP-FILTER/endpoint_groups
Usage: osc identity endpoint-filter endpoint-group create [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> <--enabled <ENABLED>|--interface <INTERFACE>|--region-id <REGION_ID>|--service-id <SERVICE_ID>>
--description <DESCRIPTION>
— The endpoint group description -
--enabled <ENABLED>
— Indicates whether the endpoint appears in the service catalog -false. The endpoint does not appear in the service catalog. -true. The endpoint appears in the service catalogPossible values:
--interface <INTERFACE>
— The interface type, which describes the visibility of the endpoint. Value is: -public. Visible by end users on a publicly available network interface. -internal. Visible by end users on an unmetered internal network interface. -admin. Visible by administrative users on a secure network interfacePossible values:
--region-id <REGION_ID>
— (Since v3.2) The ID of the region that contains the service endpoint -
--service-id <SERVICE_ID>
— The UUID of the service to which the endpoint belongs -
--name <NAME>
— The name of the endpoint group