osc compute server remote-console create28

The API provides a unified request for creating a remote console. The user can get a URL to connect the console from this API. The URL includes the token which is used to get permission to access the console. Servers may support different console protocols. To return a remote console using a specific protocol, such as VNC, set the protocol parameter to vnc.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409), notImplemented(501)

Usage: osc compute server remote-console create28 --protocol <PROTOCOL> --type <TYPE> <SERVER_ID>


  • <SERVER_ID> — server_id parameter for /v2.1/servers/{server_id}/remote-consoles API


  • --protocol <PROTOCOL> — The protocol of remote console. The valid values are vnc, spice, serial and mks. The protocol mks is added since Microversion 2.8

    Possible values: mks, serial, spice, vnc

  • --type <TYPE> — The type of remote console. The valid values are novnc, spice-html5, spice-direct, serial, and webmks. The type webmks was added in Microversion 2.8, and the type spice-direct was added in Microversion 2.99

    Possible values: novnc, serial, spice-html5, webmks, xvpvnc