osc compute service set211

Update a compute service to enable or disable scheduling, including recording a reason why a compute service was disabled from scheduling. Set or unset the forced_down flag for the service. This operation is only allowed on services whose binary is nova-compute.

This API is available starting with microversion 2.53.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: badRequest(400), unauthorized(401), forbidden(403), itemNotFound(404)

Usage: osc compute service set211 [OPTIONS] --binary <BINARY> --host <HOST> <ID>


  • <ID> — id parameter for /v2.1/os-services/{id} API


  • --binary <BINARY>

  • --disabled-reason <DISABLED_REASON> — The reason for disabling a service. The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 255. This may only be requested with status=disabled

  • --forced-down <FORCED_DOWN>forced_down is a manual override to tell nova that the service in question has been fenced manually by the operations team (either hard powered off, or network unplugged). That signals that it is safe to proceed with evacuate or other operations that nova has safety checks to prevent for hosts that are up.


    Setting a service forced down without completely fencing it will likely result in the corruption of VMs on that host.

    Possible values: true, false

  • --host <HOST>